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A Pack For Christmas (Kansas City Vampires Book 7)

Page 6

by George, G. R.

  Hopefully before hunger took over his ability to think and reason, Alex mentally added. She smelled so good, so alive, and his gut withered painfully with every second he denied himself a drink. Inadvertently, he stepped toward her. With her back against the cage, she couldn’t put any more distance between them.

  “Alex, don’t,” she said, putting her hands up.

  “I don’t want to… I won’t…” He dropped down to his hands and knees, crawling across the cement floor. “Don’t be scared, Julia. Please.”

  “I’m trying not to be, Alex, but your fangs and glowy eyes are making it kind of hard to keep my shit together.”

  “Your fear makes it hard for me to keep control.”

  “I know.” She forced a deep breath and closed her eyes. “I’m trying.”

  “I won’t hurt you,” Alex said. “I’d let you kill me first.”

  “With what? My bare hands?”

  Her sarcasm made him less anxious. He could hear her heartbeat slowing. But his hunger would soon be unbearable, and they had to escape if he wanted to keep Julia safe. There were bars above him and all around. Unbreakable and unbendable. He rose up off his hands and slammed his fist against the concrete. Chips of debris flew as he created a small crater in the floor. Julia cried out when a chunk hit her above the eye.

  Alex stopped and scrambled to her. He held her face between his hands and ignored the drying blood. The new blood flowing from the small gash mesmerized him. He licked his thumb and wiped at the wound, using his saliva to stop the bleeding and heal her. He licked his thumb again, this time to taste the slightly sweet, metallic liquid.

  Julia inhaled sharply, and he stopped. He would not freak her out more. Not if he could help it. It was the only way for both of them to survive the cage.

  Her eyes softened as she gazed up at his face. She really was lovely. Her short auburn hair framed the pale perfection in her face. Her lips were narrow, but full, almost cherubic. She had a pert nose and large round eyes the color of luminescent moss. He tilted her chin. The vampires had left her face alone. It was the only part of her voluptuous body they hadn’t tortured or scarred. They’d been so vicious in their abuse. Alex understood the cruelty of vampires better than most, and even he couldn’t fathom what she must have gone through during her decade as a slave.

  “I know it’s hard to be around me.” Alex dropped his gaze. “I’m sorry. I was planning on leaving Kansas City tonight, if that helps.”

  Julia’s body went rigid. “You can’t.”

  “I won’t stay if it means you won’t.”

  She shook her head and glanced away. “I had to go. After everything you’ve been through, Alex, for him to do what he did.” The tears flooding her eyes leaked out and down her cheeks making small channels in the dried blood. “He raped you. I never thought…”

  Alex put a finger to her lips. “No, Julia. He didn’t.” He sat down next to her on the ground and slipped his hand into hers. Their fingers intertwined. “I am a vampire.”

  “So!” She squeezed his fingers. “It doesn’t give anyone the right to use you like that.”

  Her concern actually touched him, but she still didn’t fully understand. “I made a choice. I’m vampire. I’m stronger than any human, than any werewolf. I could have stopped Rafir, but I made a choice. I know he seems human most of the time, but he’s not. And I threatened our relationship by” -- Alex flexed his fingers -- “kind of hooking up with my ex.”

  “What?” Julia’s brows narrowed.

  “Nothing happened… much.” Alex tried to look abashed. “I let Rafir take me because his wolf needed to establish dominance. He needed to know I was his and not some other man’s. So I gave over completely. I consented. That’s not rape. And you know I know the difference.”

  Julia chewed on her lower lip for a moment before she responded. “Do you think he would do it to me if he thought he was losing me? I’m not a vampire. I wouldn’t have a choice, and his big ass wolfy form would probably kill me.”

  “No. He’s not been himself the last couple of days, but he would never hurt you. I think his wolf is aware of the limits. Besides, I wouldn’t allow it even if the wolf in him went nuts.”

  “Why would you do that? Why would you go against Rafir for me?”

  The question agitated Alex. For the last four months she’d put their relationship in a neat and tidy box. They’d both shared Rafir, but it wasn’t what Alex wanted. He wanted Julia, also, but she wouldn’t accept him. “I love Rafir.”

  “Yes, I know.”

  “But I love you too.”

  Julia loosened her grip on his hand as if to pull away.

  Alex kept his hold. “I’m sorry. I’m not trying to freak you out, but I do love you.”

  “But not like Rafir.”

  “I’m not sure what you’re getting at.”

  “I’m like the long lost sister, right? You love me, but you’re in love with Rafir.”

  Alex let his gaze roam over her luscious curves. Even without the blood, she turned him on. He remembered what it was like to be with her. To have her in his arms. Her warmth. Her kisses. “Definitely not like a sister.”


  Alex bared his soul for Julia, laying his heart at her feet for her to stomp all over. “I am Raf’s, but I’m also yours. I’m more sorry than you’ll ever know that you can’t return my feelings, but I’ve been in love with you for almost as long as I’ve been in love with Rafir.”

  “But I thought --”

  “What did you think?”

  “You’re gay.”

  Alex chuckled. “As a human, yes. But vampires are more about sex than any specific sexuality.”

  “You’re not attracted to me.”

  Alex stared into her eyes and put all the heat of his yearning desire into his expression. “Oh, but I am.”

  “I --” She closed her mouth before finishing whatever she was going to say. Instead, she craned her head toward him and kissed him with a tenderness Alex hadn’t felt in a long time.

  Alex’s passion flared bright and hot. He wanted Julia. Sex and blood. Blood and Sex. She was both and so much more. His resolve weakened as he tasted her lips. He pulled back. “This is dangerous.”

  Julia smiled, frightened, yet persistent. “I trust you, Alex. I… I want this. I want you.”

  Alex’s eyes watered. He’d never believed Julia would accept him, accept his love. But here, in this godawful place, she’d finally opened herself to him. She couldn’t have given him a better gift.

  Chapter Ten

  It was impossible to sneak into the three-story Victorian style home. Bernard had wolves posted front, sides, and back along with closed circuit cameras on all the windows and doors. The place had tighter security than a bank. He decided to take the direct route. He would tell Bernard he would leave Kansas City, or submit to him, or whatever it took to get Alex and Julia out safely. He would give them up to keep them alive.

  He was shown directly to a large foyer where two large bruisers of men babysat him until a guy in a black leather jacket joined them.

  “Bernard will see you.” He gestured toward the stairway, and followed behind Rafir as they headed up the steps.

  He showed Rafir into a spacious room filled with mounted screens on the far wall, desks with computers on top and rolling chairs occupied with a couple of men and women -- all wolves. Bernard, still looking like a pharmacist, stood with his arms crossed against his chest.

  “You missed the deadline, Caras.”

  “Yes, I’m sorry.” And he was. Very sorry. His delay in action had caused his pack to be snatched from him. Kidnapped by this lowlife motherfucker who stared at him so confidently. If it wasn’t for Alex and Julia, he’d rip the man’s beating heart from his chest and make him eat it before his last gasping breath. “Where are my people?”

  “This is the problem, son. Your people. You’re a lone wolf. You shouldn’t have people. Like I said before, I was okay with the human, bu
t you’ve gone too far taking on a vamp.”

  “You didn’t need to do this. I would have left you in peace.”

  “For how long? You’ve got the taste for it now. You won’t be satisfied with just two pack members and before long it will be three, then four. You see where I’m going with this. It won’t take long for you to be a real threat.”

  “Are Julia and Alex safe?”

  “For now.”

  The way Bernard said, “for now,” sent alarm bells off in Rafir’s head. “What do you mean?”

  Bernard gestured to the monitor behind him. “Well, just see for yourself.”

  Horror rose in Rafir like warm air in a cool room. Julia was on the ground in some dingy cage covered in a dark substance. He knew by the look on Alex’s face, it had to be blood. The vampire’s hunger showed plain in his glowing eyes. Alex would feed from Julia -- both of them living their worst nightmare. There would be no picking up the pieces if it happened. Alex wouldn’t be able to forgive himself, and Julia would never forgive Rafir -- if she survived.

  He couldn’t take his eyes off the monitor, drawn to his two lovers as they struggled against their natures. They were talking. Even though they were both obviously afraid, they were talking to each other. Alex hadn’t pounced. Julia wasn’t scrambling and fighting for her life -- and Rafir had taught her to fight, so she wasn’t completely helpless. But she couldn’t defeat a vampire. Not while locked in a cage without a weapon and the element of surprise.

  “Let them go,” he pleaded with Bernard. “I’ll do whatever you want.”

  “How about I don’t let them go.” Bernard shook his head. “You should have joined me while you could. Now you’re going to have to watch your vampire drain your human, and then after, I’m going to kill you.”

  Rafir stepped toward Bernard, but the men who’d escorted him up had anticipated a move and grabbed him by the arms before he could get one claw on the pack master.

  “Don’t be hasty, Caras. You’ll get your chance. But for me, I like a good show with my dinner.” He turned to the monitor, and the two men holding Raf forced him to face the screen as well.

  He watched, aghast at the scene unfolding. Alex crawled on hands and knees toward Julia in predator mode. Julia held up her hand, but didn’t try to get away. They were still talking. What in the world could they be talking about? Alex stopped suddenly. He began to punch at the floor. Hope filled Rafir. Alex hadn’t given up on himself or given in to instinct. He was trying to break free.

  “He’s trying to dig his way out!” the guy in the jacket said.

  Bernard shook his head. “I laid the cage out myself. The titanium bars go for four feet down under the concrete. He’s not going anywhere.”

  Titanium? The cage would hold just about any supe. Werewolf or vampire. Bernard had to have spent a small fortune on it. Alex wouldn’t be able to get Julia and himself out, not in time. His hunger would drive him to madness, and his madness would lead to Julia’s death.

  A chunk of concrete flew across the cage and hit Julia in the face. Alex stopped punching the ground and scrambled to her.

  Oh shit, Rafir thought. Fresh blood. Alex wet his thumb and swiped at her cut.

  “Your vamp has more self-control than I thought he would,” Bernard said. “The boys and I had a bet going about how long it would take him to feed on your girl. Looks like I’m out of the pool already, but the way he licked the blood off his finger, I don’t think it’ll be too much longer.” He chuckled. “Young vamps. Gotta love ’em. They are so unpredictable.”

  Rafir looked away from the screen. He would die with them if he could. Why couldn’t it be him in the cage with Alex? He’d have already fed him and fucked him and helped him to gain control, but Julia wouldn’t, and it would be their undoing.

  “Huh,” Bernard grunted. “I didn’t see that coming.”

  Rafir’s gaze snapped to the screen. Julia and Alex were kissing.

  Chapter Eleven

  Julia leaned into Alex’s embrace. She was filthy and smelled like rust. Alex had declared his love for her, and the rawness of the emotion had moved her. She knew in the moment of his declaration, she loved him. Physically, she’d been attracted to him since the beginning, but she’d been scared -- afraid of being a third wheel in their party of three with Rafir. Deep down, she’d believed Rafir and Alex were a better match for each other than she was for either of them. She’d been pushing Alex away, and by doing so, she’d pushed Rafir away as well. How could they love her or want her? Her body lacked the firmness of youth and the scars marred whatever beauty her skin might have held. But here Alex was… loving her.

  She knew it had taken an incredible amount of strength on his part to resist forcing her to feed his hunger. Alex wasn’t even a year old yet. A complete baby in vampire years. He could kill Julia, and no one would blame him. It would be the werewolves’ fault.

  Alex’s lips were luscious and full. The heat and passion in his eyes made Julia’s pussy slick with heat. Alex wanted her, and not just for food or a Rafir substitute. Impulsively, she kissed him.

  He pulled back, licking his lips. “This is dangerous.”

  Julia smiled. Fuck the wolves. She would not give them the satisfaction of breaking them. She would do what was necessary to save Alex, and in turn, save herself. Looking into his hazel eyes, she knew he’d been honest. He desired her, and he loved her. “I trust you, Alex. I… I want this. I want you.” She meant every word.

  Alex curved his hand around Julia’s waist and down her hip, drawing her closer to him. “I don’t know if I can do this. Not without blood,” he murmured against her hair.

  She slid her arms around his waist and pressed her bare skin against his body. “I trust you, Alex.”

  His embrace tightened, and the strength of his arms made her shiver. He sighed a small sound of relief. He kissed her neck, sliding his tongue over the drying blood. A low moan escaped his throat. She could tell he was fighting for self-control, but for once she wasn’t worried about what a vampire might do to her. Alex was her only concern.

  “It’s all right,” she whispered, caressing his hair, guiding his head toward her breast. “Take what you need, Alex.”

  He rolled her sideways to her back, cupping her buttocks with one hand while gently placing her head on the floor. Julia reached for his cock, still soft without the magic of blood to fill it. She wanted him hard and unyielding inside her.

  Alex licked and sucked his way around the scars populating her chest. His fangs grazed against the few smooth undamaged places not tainted by her past. The sensation made her gasp. The floor was rough against her back, but she didn’t mind. She wanted to possess Alex, the same way Rafir did, and make him hers as well. His gentleness touched her. For the first time, she really understood why Rafir had brought him home and into their lives. They were all damaged goods, but together they were stronger. She’d made them weak by not accepting Alex. She’d made Rafir weak. And the love she felt from Alex now made her want to weep for her own months of loss.

  Alex brought back the memories of her years as a slave, but he also made her face the parts of herself she’d given up to survive those times. He made her feel like a boy should make a girl feel, desired. Her years of captivity had killed the young woman inside, dying minute by minute over a decade of torture. Alex made her feel… giddy. Even in this place, a captive once again, he made her feel like a teenager with a major crush.

  “Please,” she begged. “Take my blood, Alex.” She took his hand and pushed it between her legs, his fingers slipping between the folds of her sex. “I want you in me.”

  “Shit,” he muttered. “You’re so wet. So hot.”

  “Yes.” She panted while his fingers danced over her swollen clit, the pressure mounting an assault on her senses. “For you.”

  She felt his fangs lance the flesh at the top of her left breast, the small pain turned pleasurable as he sucked the fresh wound while sliding his fingers inside her pussy. Julia s
huddered under the press of his body. She could feel his cock growing stiff between them, and she fumbled to take it in her hands.

  “In me.” She moaned. “In me now.”

  Alex licked the puncture marks, then sat back on his heels. He swept his arm behind Julia’s back and pulled her off the ground and into his lap. He held her up, her sex hovering over his erection. “I’ve wanted you, wanted this for so long. Are you sure?”

  His vulnerability, along with his unkempt sandy-brown hair, hazel eyes, and deliciously pouty mouth, almost made her want to laugh. But she didn’t. She met his gaze, conveying all her passion through her eyes.

  She leaned down, taking his lips. She pushed her tongue into his mouth as he lowered her down and sank his cock inside her slick, hot pussy.

  She was wet and open for him. And Alex was long, and hard, and thick. Perfect.

  His cock slid inside her sex. The cool length fueled her burning desire. Being in Alex’s powerful arms, his shaft thrusting hard, made Julia vibrate with delicious pleasure. Impulsively, she traced her fingers down his tightly muscled arms. He felt strong and capable -- powerful. Lowering her head, she kissed his luscious lips. She darted her tongue between his teeth and tasted her own blood in his mouth mingled with saliva.

  Alex moaned. Julia swallowed as he thrust his tongue inside her mouth. He grabbed her by the thighs, lifting her as he slammed his cock deep inside her pussy.

  “Yes!” she cried out. “Fuck, yes.” She wanted Alex, all of Alex, and with his body so interwoven with her own, she knew without a shadow of doubt he wanted her back.

  Alex quickened his strokes, driving deeper and more insistent with every upward thrust of his hips. Julia could feel the release building -- a volcano, ready to erupt.

  His mouth tore from her as he leaned Julia back and captured a taut nipple between his teeth. She threw her head back and screamed in raw ecstasy. Her pussy exploded around his cock. Her whole body shuddered as the orgasm shattered every doubt she’d ever felt about Alex.


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