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The Call of the Moon

Page 10

by Kristy Breckenridge

  He stopped, and looked at her. His expression, she could tell he felt what she felt. As if he understood. And with silence, he finally turned and left out of the room, and he was kind enough to close the door behind him.

  Faye on the other hand, looked down at the bed. Suddenly, she burst into a stream of tears. Her hands came up to her chest, as if rubbing away imaginary tenderness. Maybe it wasn’t imaginary. Maybe she really did feel like she’d just been hit with a wrecking ball.


  “What the hell did you tell her, man?” Fenrir could hear Sam coming out into the living room, just moments after he had.

  “What does it even matter, Sam.”

  “What does it matter?” Sam had a look of disbelief on his face, as he pointed to the hallway. “That girl is in tears.”

  It hit Fenrir, no doubt. Just the knowledge that his mate was crying about anything, especially something that he’d done, actually hurt him. But it wasn’t like he didn’t know. One things for sure about the whole mating process, was he felt every single thing that girl felt.

  He fucking hated it.

  “Let her be. She needed to know everything, so I told her everything.” He stood up from the couch, glaring at his brother. “I don’t want to care. I don’t even want to think about it, but I just want to get this shit done and over with so that I don’t have to worry about it anymore.

  “So you told her…everything? You told her what we were?” Sam blinked in shock. “Fenrir, she could go off telling god knows who.”

  “Oh she pretty much guessed all of that on her own. I mean…the girl reads werewolf novels.” He shook his head, and brought his fingers to pinch the bridge of his nose. He was starting to get a headache. “When she guessed what we were, I couldn’t just lie. Hell, she didn’t even guess, she fucking knew. And then I told her everything else.” He let out a huge sigh. “And honestly? It makes me feel a whole lot fucking better, with her knowing, than beating around the bush with her constant questions.” He shook his head. “Another thing.” He paused, while looking to the floor. “I don’t think she would tell about our kind.”

  “And what makes you think that?” Roy finally asked in his usual gruff tone.

  “Because she made herself sound as if she…cared about our kind.”

  There was a long pause of nothing but silence in the room.

  “It doesn’t even matter. I need to get out. I’m going to go…find something to do. Because if I stay here, I’m not sure what I’d do.”

  With that, Fenrir stormed out of the house, leaving the other two wolves perplexed and confused.


  Resting on her side, Faye watched the day turn to night. She wasn’t even sure how long she had been laying there. The things that Fenrir had said to her, were still fresh in her mind, and she couldn’t even sleep because it was replaying over and over.

  A knock sounded on her door, causing her to hastily roll over and sit up in bed. She wasn’t sure who it was, but that didn’t matter; she still found herself to be smoothing down her hair to make herself presentable. “Come in.” She spoke in a soft tone, while settling her hands down in her lap and sitting straight on the edge of the mattress.

  Roy came in, to her surprise. It actually took her aback, and she wondered why he’d bother coming in. But then he headed straight for his bag. “I thought I’d bring my things into the living room.” Of course. That was where he planned to sleep. She’d forgotten about everyone’s bags being in the bedroom that she was sleeping in.

  Nodding, she looked down at her hands in her lap. She hated the fact that she felt incredibly lonely right now, and she was missing her people back home more than anything.

  “Don’t beat yourself up about it.” Roy said, and she looked up to see him standing there next to his bag, with his arms crossed over his chest. He seemed to do that a lot, and it made him look menacing. But for some reason this time…it seemed the complete opposite. Why was he even talking to her in the first place? “I’m not upset about…anything. Anymore.”

  She blinked.

  He came over to the bed, and settled down on the edge. All she could do was look over at him out of curiosity. He looked to be fighting something, like what to say. But he managed. “Five hundred years ago, I found my mate.” He finally stated.

  “Five hundred…years?”

  He smiled. It was the first time she’d actually seen Roy smile, and it was sort of…nice. “I’m the oldest one here. Out of the whole pack actually.” Inhaling deeply, he straightened his back, looking ahead at the small room before him. “Yennefer was my life. She did things for me that…” He shook his head, now leaning over his legs, with his arms dangling between them. “I could never see anyone else do for me.” He looked over at her. “When you find your mate, it’s a once in a life time sort of thing. You will never get the chance to do it again.” Looking down, he clasped his hands together, but absentmindedly rubbed his thumb along the top of one of his hands. “In 1684, our pack became over run by the humans. It turns out I’d shifted a little too many times in such short amount of time, and the human’s were starting to pick up on that. To the point where one had seen me during…” He paused.

  “During…your shift?”

  He nodded. “Our whole colony was destroyed. It was in the middle of the night, and they had found where we stayed. We lost a lot of people that night, and Yennefer was one of them.”

  Oh damn…She thought. She couldn’t help but stare at him, and in truth, she wanted to comfort the big scary man. He was once scary to her, but now…he didn’t seem as so. Roy had a troubling past that still haunted him, and this she was just coming to realization of. “I’m so sorry.” She spoke softly.

  “Yennefer died, and because of that, so was I.” He looked over at her. “Because of our bond from the uh…mark - ” He motioned to the spot just under her breast. “- I was dying. I started getting sick. I couldn’t do daily simple tasks, let alone even shift.” Nodding, he look down again. “One of the other members of the pack, found a woman who claimed to be a witch. With a lot of help, she basically, tore at the bond that Yennefer and I had, and I was….I guess you could say, I was healed.” He then smiled over at her, which didn’t seem right, because this story was very sad. “But I never did fully heal. It still hurts, ya know.”

  She didn’t know, but she could imagine.

  “The intensity of the bonding process, is so strong. When one finds their mate, it gives them the strength that they need. Back then the strength was very important, because we had our own wars. The strength allowed us to procreate more, and to build bigger armies.” He paused for a moment, thinking hard. “The strength is still important, because…everybody needs someone to rely on, right?”

  If only she knew. She’d never known someone in such a deep way.

  “You have to understand Fen on this, Faye.” He brought his legs out, letting them stretch, as he let out a sigh. “If you don’t think the man is terrified then you should. And if you think he doesn’t care, you are wrong.”

  “He doesn’t care.” She mumbled softly, while looking down at her hands. “That I know for a fact.”

  “You’re wrong.” He chuckled softly, in a playful manner. Not the usual sarcastic one that Faye was now used to hearing from Fenrir. “He does care about you. And it wont stop until…we fix this.” He cleared his throat. “To be honest with you, I don’t even…know if it will be fixed. The woman we are supposed to wait for here, will tell us if the witch I once knew, is still alive or not. There’s a good chance she’s not, but theres a chance that she is. And we had to take that chance.” Roy reached out, and placed a tender hand upon her knee. It sort of made her jump because it was odd…and not Roy at all. His actions were totally different now, than what they were before. “Fen is worried about a lot of things. You have to understand that. Fen is conflicted because of his pack. His pack would not welcome you but…if it were my decision, I would be telling him to give you the chance that yo
u both deserve.” His hand abruptly slid off of her knee, and he stood up. “Christ. He only gets one mate in his life time. It just so happened to be you.”

  Reaching down, Roy grabbed his bag and was heading for the door, but Faye had one more thing to ask. “Why are you so old?”

  Turning, he had a goofy grin on his face. “We age slowly. Very, very slowly.” And with that, he left the room.


  Days went by, and Faye had not seen nor heard from Fenrir. He was purposely keeping himself at a distance. Most of the time, she stuck to her bedroom, and only came out to get a quick meal, before disappearing all over again. For the days, she had wondered if Lily and Noct wondered anything about her. Why she had so abruptly hung up the phone and never returned with another phone call? These type of questions constantly played in her head, because something like that wasn’t supposed to happen. Lily knew Faye all too well, that she’d just not call back when she was supposed to.

  That night, Faye walked into the kitchen. Roy had went back to the grocery store and bought a simple request that Faye had asked for - chocolate milk. It was her favorite comfort drink, and if she wasn’t careful, she’d no doubt abuse that comfort mechanism. She’d also not been feeling well. She felt a bit drained from energy, with headaches off and on. No doubt she was coming down with something at such a bad time.

  “I will meet you guys there when I’m done.” She definitely recognized that voice. It was Fenrir. He had to come through the kitchen area, just to get through the living room, that would then lead him to his clothes back in her bedroom. Luckily, the kitchen only had one light on, because it was still just a bit day light outside. Darkness would soon come over the land, and she knew what her plans were. Curl up on the bed, and read a book before she’d finally go to sleep herself.

  But it sounded as if the men had plans tonight.

  Turning her back to the entry way of the kitchen, she proceeded to pour her glass of milk. Last thing she wanted to do was have any sort of confrontation with Mr. Mood Swing.

  Taking her sip, she felt comfort. Ease. When she rested it down onto the counter top before her, she stayed there completely still, listening in on if he had finally went away. She knew she couldn’t even go to her bedroom if he was in there searching for clothes…for whatever reason. Sam had told her that day, that they had something that they needed to do that night. Something important. And that he trusted her, to be there alone, without none of them needing to be there.

  “Faye.” There was a gentle tone to his voice when he said her name. She heard his shoes, and the soft swish of his jeans when he walked up behind her. “I can’t right now, but…tonight. I really would like to talk to you.”

  Talk to me? She thought. Just hearing that made her giddy deep inside. Despite the fact that she knew that she should not. No matter the fact that he had treated her so poorly just four days ago, she still could not help the fact that she wanted to desperately be around him.

  Turning, she looked at him. “Okay…” Was all she could really say.

  He even smiled, and when she thought he would leave, he didn’t. He slowly stepped up towards her, and leaned in. He inhaled her, brushing his nose along her cheek and down her jaw line. It was a slow process, and a sound could be heard deep within his chest. A sound that indicated that he was pleased? Oh she hoped.

  “Did you just…sniff me?” She asked.

  “I did.”

  That made her heart race.

  “And you smell so good.” He said truthfully. She thought he would literally devour her right then and there, but instead, he planted a simple, sweet kiss to the side of her face, before stepping back. He looked troubled, but he still managed to hold a smile. “We are going out for a while. But there is supposed to be a thunderstorm coming in, so we may not be out for as long as we’d like so…” He looked directly into her eyes, and that same flicker if fire appeared in them, taking her in shock. It didn’t matter how many times that happened, it still came to her as a shock. He must have noticed it.

  “Why do your eyes do that?” It’d been a question she had been meaning to ask.

  “Do you really want to know?”

  She nodded her head, because that was all she could do.

  His gaze was intense now. Not in an angry way, but in a…. “Because you drive me absolutely fucking crazy, Faye. And all I can think of is -” He stopped his words, but stepped forward. He brought his face down into her neck, and she could have sworn she felt his lips there. Maybe? It was just so softly done, she would not have realized it at first. But those lips definitely touched her ear, which quickly was captured between his teeth. “Bending you over this kitchen counter.”

  What he did was incredibly erotic. What he said made her ache. A shiver even washed over her body when he had done that. And she had to reach behind her, to grip the edge of the counter, just so that she could keep herself from falling. Her knees threatened to give out on her.

  His lips came back to her neck, and he attacked that sensitive area of skin. This time, a moan sounded from her lips, and that tiny sound that she thought she’d heard in his chest from before, became a deep rumbling growl this time. A growl that no human ever possessed - none that she had heard before. And to be honest, she absolutely loved that sound, and she secretly wished he’d do it again.

  His hand came up to her face, and then the other did the same, and his lips came crashing down upon her own. It was a lot like the one back at her home, only this one was much more steamy. He stepped closer to her, causing her backside to press flat against the edge of the counter. The front of his body was pressed firmly against her own. And boy did he have a body. She’d never actually seen him without a shirt on, but just from the feeling of frame pressed to frame, she could tell that he was very well built.

  And not just along the front upper half of his body.

  Oh yes, there was definitely no mistaking that. He protruded like nothing else, and pressed against her center. She was no betting lady, but she was sure that his hard on, was begging for some sort of release. At least to get out of them pants.

  “Ugh. Fuck.” He muttered, and pulled himself back. When she opened her eyes, she noticed that he was breathing heavily. She had to check herself, because in truth, so was she. Just his eyes on her alone made her flush, and she suddenly felt like putting herself in a freezer just so that she would cool off. “I have to get going, Faye.” He swallowed hard, and it looked like he was desperately trying to contain himself. “I will be back later, like I said.”

  And then he was gone. She wasn’t all that sure if he had went to her bedroom? Or if he had left the house entirely. Her head was mixed with all of these feelings. All she could think of, was Fenrir’s warm lips on her own. And how his body was just as equally warm. Just like a wolf…


  Stepping out onto the lawn, he felt…crazy. He felt stupid. Fenrir felt absolutely fucking stupid for letting his feelings get in his own way. He was glad he was careful and able to step away, or else he was afraid he would have taken her right then and there.

  And they couldn’t have that. Oh no no no…definitely not.

  Roy and Sam were both waiting at the spot that they knew they’d shift. The moon was full and bright, and he could already feel the beast aching to just be let free. And it was almost fully dark to allow that to happen.

  “ ‘Bout damn time you got here.” Roy stated with a smirk. He was already fully stark-ass nude. And so was Sam.

  Any other time, anyone would feel uncomfortable being around two naked dudes. Especially your own brother. “Yeah, what took you so long?”

  “I’m thinking, Lil miss Faye had something to do with that.” Roy responded, and they both chuckled.

  Fenrir knew exactly why they chuckled, and why they had such a thought. With the yank of his pants down to his ankles, his raging hard-on gave more than an explanation. The other two continued to roar with laughter. “You two do realize, it’s already awkwar
d enough talking to the two dudes while they are nude?” He raised a brow, before bringing his shirt up over his head. “Unless of course, you two are into that sort of thing.”

  “Yeah Roy.” Sam looked over at the older man. “Stop being weird.”

  Fenrir, this time, found himself to be chuckling. There was nothing like giving Roy a hard time because Roy was usually just…way too serious at times.

  Like himself.

  “Hey, if you don’t scram, I’m going to hide your clothes. And then explain that to a shocked lil’ gal in the house when you walk in.” Roy must have noticed the shocked expression on Sam’s face, so he grinned and nodded his head. “Oh yeaaaah. You know what I’m talking about, don’t you? I not only hid your clothes that night, but I hid your entire wardrobe.”


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