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Link Maxwell: A Sweet Gay Romance (James Brothers Book 3)

Page 11

by C. E. Wilson

“Yeah, we’ll be in my bedroom.”

  They took their coffee and went into Link’s room and shut the door. Martha smiled at George. “Can we talk about some serious stuff for a minute?”

  “Yeah, I guess so. What do you want to talk about?”

  “I want to talk about your Dads. I want to know if they have ever tried to touch you or kiss you or things like that.”

  “Yeah, they hug me all the time and tell me they love me. I didn’t have that before with my mom and dad, so I’m getting used to it. It feels good to have someone love you. They both kiss me on the forehead when I go to bed, but that’s all.”

  “Do they ever try and touch your private parts or your butt?”

  “Eww, no, that’s nasty. They don’t ever try and do that. I would tell someone if they did. Dad told me if anyone ever tried to touch me like that or my butt that I am to tell either him or Daddy or the guidance lady at school. He told me this when I first came to stay with them before they were my dad and daddy.”

  “Last night, did you see a lady come into the house?”

  “Nope, they must have come in after I was asleep. Somebody knocked on the door while we were eating, and Dad went to the door, but he didn’t say who it was. At least not to me, but he probably told Daddy. He loves Daddy. I love both Dad and Daddy. They are good Dads, so please don’t take me away.”

  Martha smiled at him. “I promise you I won’t take you away now that I have talked to you and know that they didn’t do what that lady said they did. I have just one more question, George. Does Dad or Daddy give you a bath?”

  “No, I’m big enough to take my own baths. Dad runs my water and puts the bubbles in and sets my pajamas on the sink for me then he leaves, and I get undressed and get my bath then put on my pajamas. He doesn’t stay in there when I take a bath.”

  “Ok, that’s all I need to know. Do you know where they are, and can you get them for me?”

  “Yeah, they go into Dad’s room to talk when they don’t want me to hear what they have to say.”

  Martha smiled. George looked one hundred percent better now that he has been with Link and Alex. She waited until they were all back in the kitchen then told Link and Alex that the complaint against them was unfounded. “I’ll try and convince the judge that this woman is just trying to cause trouble. You might want to call Sam and tell him what’s going on so he can talk to his friend and let him know. That’s the judge over family court.”

  “Yeah, I’ll call him right away. She’s the one that got me fired from the school. Remember, I told you about that.”

  “Oh, ok, it makes sense now. I know this won’t impact your employment since she’s the one that caused that before.”

  “To be honest, Martha, I think she needs to go to a mental hospital for a while. She is really crazy.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind. George feels safe here, so I’ll let him stay. If there are any other problems, then give me a call first.”

  “I sure will, Martha. Thank you for believing in us.”

  Martha left their house and drove to the courthouse. Now she had to convince the judge that George hadn’t been touched and the woman was a psycho. She didn’t know how that was going to end. She went to the judge’s office and sat down across from him. “I went to their house and got the boy alone, and he said that he had never been touched. He said they didn’t even give him a bath. He said he was big enough to take his own bath, and I agree. He’s ten, so I see no problem with that. He also said that his Dad told him if anyone touched him to tell either him or his daddy or the school guidance counselor. He said they told him this before he was adopted. Now this woman that made the complaint told Lincoln Maxwell if he didn’t marry her so she could be the boy’s mother that she would tell this. I think he’s telling the truth because she’s the one that got him fired from the school for being gay.”

  “So, you think the boy is safe with those men?”

  “Yes, I do. George saw me and started crying, thinking I was going to take him away from his dads. He wouldn’t do that if he were being abused in any way. He said his dads only hugged him and kissed him on the forehead when they put him to bed. I don’t see anything wrong with that. I kiss all three of my children on the forehead when I put them to bed.”

  “Yes, I do as well. All right, I’ll leave him in their care, but if anything happens to that boy about molestation, then I am going to hold you accountable. Don’t bring me any more adoptions for gay people until we get this straightened out. This boy might not be molested but what about the other ones. I want you to go there and talk to the boys alone and see. I know John wouldn’t molest his son, but what about this other guy. I don’t know him.”

  “Judge Stone, do you honestly think I would give a child to someone that wouldn’t take good care of them. Clayton is a lawyer, and his brother and Cade are good men too. I have heard nothing negative against Lincoln or Alex, either. Do you really think that Sam Willis would buy them houses if they were pedophiles?”

  “Well, no, but maybe he doesn’t know them. Just get me some proof that this woman is lying, and I’ll start letting the gays adopt again.”

  Two days later, it was the weekend, and the guys were getting ready to move into their new house. They loaded the first truckload and headed for home. They didn’t have a lot. They were moving except for the washer and dryer. Theirs was almost brand new, and the one at home was older. They would bring them back to the house. It was the first time that George would get to see the new home. He went wild. He ran through the house looking and then up the stairs to pick out his bedroom. He picked the one farthest from the master bedroom since Link told him that it was his and Alex’s bedroom.

  George ran back down the stairs and told his dad what room he wanted. He was excited about getting to decorate it himself. He went out the back door and started jumping up and down when he saw the big pool out there. He ran to the cottage, but it was locked, so he didn’t get to go inside. He was all over the place, so excited. Link’s parents got there with the last load in his truck, and they started putting everything away. It was mostly just clothes and linens.

  One box was for the kitchen, and Alex put it away. It was some special pans he wanted and a few bowls. Cade and Bradley were next to get there with what was left in the house. They had what food was left at the house, and Bradley came in and put it in the pantry and refrigerators.

  Sam and Alisa came with enough food to feed an army. John and Clayton were right behind them. Sam started the BBQ and filled it will all kinds of meat. There was enough to feed the entire neighborhood. The three boys were having a blast running around the backyard and wanting to get into the pool. There was a smaller cement pool for kids, so Link filled it and got the boys into swimming suits that grandma bought for them, and they went swimming in the kid’s pool. It wasn’t very deep, only about three feet deep at the most.

  They were having a good time until a strange young man came around the back of the house. They all stopped what they were doing and stared at him. He cleared his throat and said, “I’m looking for Link Maxwell. Is he here?”

  Link stood up and called Alex over to watch over the boys, and he went to the young man. “I’m Link Maxwell. What can I do for you?”

  “Is there somewhere we can talk in private?”

  “Yeah, come into the house. We can sit in the kitchen and talk. Do I know you?”

  “No, not really, but you do know my sister. Darlene.”

  Link nodded. “Yes, I know her.”

  They went into the breakfast nook and sat down.

  “My name is Justin Redmond. Like I said, Darlene is my sister, and I want to know exactly what happened. Judge Stone is threatening to put her in a mental hospital, and I want to know if she really deserves to be there or if you’re just playing her.”

  “Justin, trust me. I’m not playing her or anyone else. I dated her a couple of times in high school, but that’s it. I saw her for the first time since then when my boyfriend
and I went to the movies. I figured out I was gay, and I have told her this time and time again. She doesn’t seem to understand that. She got me fired from my job at the school because I’m gay. Then she told Judge Stone that my partner Alex and I were molesting our son we just adopted. He has been through so much in his ten years. His birth parents beat him so bad every day. His social worker said the only thing in the house besides beer and whiskey was an empty cereal box.”

  “Oh, that poor little boy. I’m so sorry for all she has done. Is he doing all right now?”

  “Well, he was until he had to be questioned about being sexually abused for nothing. He told the caseworker that he hadn’t been, and we get to keep him. The judge has made it so gay couples can’t adopt. That means my brother nor myself can adopt another child that we wanted too.”

  Justin sat, staring at the floor. He was deep in thought, so Link didn’t say anything. He just let Justin finish his thinking.

  Chapter 18

  Justin finally looked up at Link. “I understand what you’re going through. I’ll go talk to the judge. I’m gay as well, but I’m still in the closet. For your son, I’ll come out and tell the judge that my sister is out of her mind. She has been getting a little crazy all along, but I never thought she was this bad.”

  “You would do that for George?”

  “Yes, I don’t understand what Darlene is doing, but this isn’t right, and it’s up to me to make it right. Can I meet your son?”

  “You can meet him as my friend but don’t say anything about the molestation accusation. I don’t want him upset. He did get a little upset and felt he had to defend me, and his daddy and I don’t want him to do that again.”

  “Oh no, I would never say anything to him like that. I just want to meet the young man that I’m going to bat for. You know that this is going to turn my family against me. I have to live with that.”

  “I’m sorry for that, too, Justin. I know it’s going to be hard to come out and have your family turn against you, but George hasn’t done anything wrong. He has only had things done wrong to him.”

  “I know, and I hope that someday my sister realizes what she put that little boy through. He doesn’t deserve any more pain, and I’m going to see to it that he never has to have that again.”

  They went out back, and Link walked over to the small pool. “George, can you come out here for just a minute. I want you to meet a friend of mine.”

  “Sure, Dad.”

  George got out of the pool and came over to them. “George, this is my friend Justin. Justin, this is my son, George.”

  Justin held out his hand, and George shook it. “It’s nice to meet you, Justin. Would you like to come to the little pool with my friends and me and swim?”

  “It’s nice to meet you too, George. I can’t right now. I just stopped by to see your Dad for a minute. I have to leave, but I wanted to meet you before I left.”

  George looked up at Link. “Dad, can I go back swimming with Jacob and Mike now?”

  “Yes, son. Have fun, ok?”

  “I will.” George turned to go back to the pool, and Justin gasped at all the scars on the little boy’s back. He put his knuckle in his mouth and bit down on it to keep from yelling.

  “Oh, Link. Why would someone do that to a child?”

  “I have no idea. I promise it’ll never happen to him again. He’s a good little boy and doesn’t do anything to get into trouble.”

  “I’ll be at Judge Stone’s office when it opens up on Monday morning. I’ll make things right and make sure my sister gets help.”

  With that, he turned and left, walking around the house to his car. Alex came up beside Link. “Who was that, babe?”

  “That was Darlene’s brother. He’s going to go see Judge Stone first thing Monday morning and tell him about his sister and get her some help. He said he was gay but in the closet. He’s coming out to tell the judge that Darlene is crazy, and he’s going to come out to his family. He said he will lose them, but he doesn’t want George to suffer anymore.”

  “That’s nice of him to do. Maybe they’ll eventually allow us to adopt our girl.”

  “George wants another boy. He said he wanted a boy to play with.”

  “I know, babe. We both wanted a girl. Now that he’s familiar with Jacob and Mike, maybe we can make some play dates with them or something. He can invite the boys here to spend the night, and maybe he can go to their house to spend the nights and get his boy time.”

  “He might like having a little sister. I would like to do like Clayton and John did and get a baby next time. We’re just going to have to wait and see what happens.”

  Cade came over to where Link and Alex were standing, watching the boys in the little pool. “Hey, Link, can I have the key to your cottage? I want to go in and see if it is laid out like ours is.”

  Link nodded and handed him his key ring and showed him what key it was. Cade took the keys, and he and Bradley walked down the stone walk to the cottage. They were gone for a little while and then came back. Cade had a smirk on his face and handed Link the keys back. “Well, big brother are you and Alex going to share a room, or are you going to put him in the cottage out back?”

  “Neither one until the wedding. That reminds me I want to speak to Sam and Alisa and see if we can have the wedding on their deck. It has the best view I have ever seen.”

  “Since he bought you a house, your one of his boys, so I would say yes, he will, but you need to talk to him about it.”

  “If I offer to give him the money back for the house, will it upset him? I have the money in the bank from my settlement from the school board.”

  “Yeah, I think he’ll get upset, but I’m not going to tell you not to offer. Ask John before you do. He knows his father better than the rest of us do. You and Alex go get some food and Bradley, and I will watch the boys in the pool. We have a son there too.”

  Link got Alex’s hand and walked over to the buffet table and loaded their plates down. John and Clayton were sitting at the picnic table, so they went and sat down across from them. Link said, “John, can I ask you a question? I need an answer, and I don’t want to insult your dad.”

  “Sure, ask away.”

  “I got a big settlement from the school board for being fired because I’m gay. I wanted to ask you, would it insult your dad to offer to pay him back for the house?”

  “Yeah, he doesn’t want to be paid back. He enjoys helping people out. Since your related, in a roundabout way, he felt he should buy you a house. Trust me he can afford to buy a hundred of these houses and still not work another day in his life. Just let it go and enjoy the house. You already paid him back just by letting him man the BBQ.”

  “He’s always welcome to man the BBQ anytime we have a family get together no matter whose house he is at. I know Cade and Bradley love his BBQ the same as we do. He’s very good at it.”

  By the time everything was cleaned up, and everyone left, Link and Alex were tasked with putting food away. They had enough food left over to last them a week, and that was after they put what they could in the freezer. Link chuckled. “Well, babe looks like you lost your job for a week. No more cooking until next weekend, and then probably not then.”

  “Well, you have to know that not all this stuff will last for a week or more. It’ll be fine for a few days, but we are going to eat what we can of it before it goes bad. We should have had Cade and Bradley take some of this home with them. I guess you can call Cade and tell him to bring some containers and get some of this food. I hate to waste any of it.”

  Link picked up his phone. He dialed Cade’s number, and Cade answered on the first ring. “Alex said for you to bring some containers and get some of this food, so it doesn’t go bad. We aren’t going to eat all of this before it does.”

  “Sure, we’ll be right there. Mike wanted to come and let George show him his room. He wants George to see his room too. I was just about to call you and see if George could spend the night
with Mike.”

  “I’ll talk to George and Alex and let you know when you get here. I’m sure it’ll be all right. I know that George is happy now he has friends. It might ease him into having a big room, and Mike can tell him about decorating his room. George gets to do his room, as well. It’ll give him some ideas on how to do it.”

  George was in the den watching television. Link called him into the kitchen. “George, Mike wants you to spend the night with him. Daddy and I said it was ok if you want to. He wants to see your room and wants to show you his room.”

  “Yeah, I would like that, Dad. Mike is a good boy, and he likes having me as a friend. Jacob does too since he knows what happened that first day at school. I told Jacob I was sorry for what I did.”

  “Go to your room and get that small duffle bag out of the closet and get a set of play clothes and a set of new clothes and your pajamas. Make sure you have clean underwear and get either your sweater or jacket in case it gets cooler this evening. I don’t know what Uncle Cade and Uncle Bradley have in mind. You might want to get some socks too. Make sure your shirt and pants match. Do you want me or Daddy to help you?”

  “No, thank you. I think I can get my clothes. I’ll bring them down, and you can see them before I leave, ok?”

  Link smiled at him. “That’s a good son. Yeah, Daddy, or I will check and make sure you didn’t forget something important. Oh yeah remember to take your toothbrush too.”

  George stood there a moment, and when Link didn’t say anything else, he took off for his room. He wanted to get his things packed so they couldn’t change their minds. He had never stayed at a friend’s house before. When George got to his room, he got his small duffle bag out of his closet. He got his underwear and socks out of his dresser and then went into his closet.

  His play clothes were on one side of the closet, and his good clothes were on the other side. He got a pair of old jeans and a t-shirt for his play clothes. He got a nice pair of jeans and a polo shirt for his good clothes. He got a pair of his Spiderman pajamas since Mike liked Spiderman. He folded them and put them in his bag. He ran to his bathroom and got his toothbrush and put it in the bag. He ran through his mind everything he had put in the bag and make he had gotten everything.


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