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Prosecco and Peonies

Page 13

by SJ McCoy

  “How long do you think you’ll have to live here?” asked Antonio.

  Marcos looked up as his brother came to join him at the grill. He held out a beer. “I thought you might want one of these, while you’re on cooking duties.”

  Marcos took it with a smile. “Thanks. You’ve always been one of the people who knows me best in the world, but it seems you have a little catching up to do.”

  Antonio raised an eyebrow.

  “I don’t mind living here. In fact, I love it.”

  Antonio smiled through pursed lips. “Is that the official line?”

  “No. It’s God’s honest truth. I know it’s not exactly the kind of place you’d imagine me in. It’s not the kind of place I ever imagined I’d end up in. But it’s right. All that stuff I had in my head about a legacy and the family name. I had it all screwed up. I thought it was all about money and wealth and …” He shook his head. “I thought it was about having the best that money can buy—and passing that on to my children. Now I see that the important part isn’t the money—it’s about having and passing on the most love the heart can give. This place …” He swung his arm out to take in the house, Molly’s patio, the neat yard and the fields beyond. “This place is Molly’s family legacy. It’s been in her family for generations. They might not have amassed a fortune in monetary terms, but they built their own little empire. That little orchard—it represents years of love and hard work.”

  Antonio chuckled. “You really mean all that, don’t you?”

  “I do. My priorities have changed.”

  “Good for you. Then I hope you will both be very happy here.”

  “We are.”

  “Are you still thinking about buying some land—planting some vines—or was that just a passing whim?”

  Marcos smiled. “I am. When I first talked to you about it, I thought it might be just a passing idea, so I’ve been sitting on it, waiting to see. And every day I like the idea more. I need to think it through—bide my time and wait for the ideal property to come up. I don’t want to go over to Sonoma; it’s too far from here. I want something that’s close to home.”

  “Have you been keeping an eye on the listings?”

  “I have, but not every day. I’m trying to keep myself in check.”

  “Do you want me to keep an ear out for anything that might be coming up for sale?”

  “Yes. If you hear of anything, let me know straight away.”

  “Okay. Will do.”

  They both turned as Cameron came to join them. “What are you two scheming over here?”

  Marcos smiled at him. He didn’t see any reason to keep his plans a secret. “My little brother is trying to encourage my fledgling interest in the wine business.”

  Cameron looked shocked. “He is? You have an interest?”

  Marcos nodded. “I do. I thought it had died, but it seems it was merely dormant for a while.”

  “Wow. And what does Molly think?” He cast a glance over to where to she was sitting with the girls. “I can’t see her being thrilled about leaving this place.”

  Marcos smiled. “I wouldn’t ask her to. I’m not thinking of anything large scale. I want to play, not make it my whole life again. I wouldn’t ask her to leave here. This is her home, and I’ll make it mine. I’m not looking to buy one of the estates—just a few acres and some vines.”

  Cameron chuckled and looked at Antonio. “Is he shitting us? Is he trying to lull us into a false sense of security while he buys up half the valley and puts us out of business?”

  Antonio shook his head and grasped Marcos’ shoulder. “No. He’s showing us the man he’s become. He wants to make wines for the love of it, not for the money, and he wants to live here for the love of his woman, not in some big house for how it looks.”

  Cameron grinned. “That’s awesome.” His grin faded, and he rubbed his hand across his chin. “So, you’d only want to buy the land?”

  Marcos nodded. “I don’t expect I’ll be able to. I imagine the kind of land I want will be attached to a fairly expensive house, but I can either sell the house or put it in some kind of rental arrangement.”

  Antonio laughed. “And knowing you, you’ll make a fortune on it as an investment property.”

  “Probably.” Since leaving Sicily, Marcos had discovered that whatever he turned his hand to made him a decent return. “What is it?” he asked Cameron who was still looking thoughtful.

  “I’m not going to say yet, in case it doesn’t pan out, but I heard something the other day that might be perfect for you. I’ll follow up on it on Monday and let you know.”

  “Thanks.” Marcos wanted to ask for more details, but the burgers were ready, and Molly was coming to see what they were up to. He’d mentioned buying some land and making wine again to her, but they hadn’t talked about it in any detail yet.

  “Do you need me to …”

  “No.” Antonio grinned at her. “We’re all under strict orders that you’re not to lift a finger.”

  Molly made a face at Marcos, but he shrugged innocently. “You can’t blame me. I would have told them that, but Chelsea already did before they arrived.”

  Cameron laughed. “And no one wants to piss Chelsea off.”

  Molly laughed. “That sounds about right. All you big macho men afraid of a pint-sized pixie.”

  Marcos laughed with the others. It was true. Chelsea might seem small and dainty, but she was fierce.

  “She can be mean!” said Antonio.

  Molly laughed. “You should be ashamed of yourself. You’re twice her size.”

  Marcos put a hand on his brother’s shoulder. “I’m not ashamed of you; I’m proud of you.”

  Antonio turned around and hugged him, making the others laugh.

  “Sentimental Italians,” said Molly with a laugh. “If I’m not allowed to do anything, I’m going to sit back down, but someone had better feed me soon. I’m hungry.”

  Marcos had everything set up buffet style in the kitchen. He took the burgers and grilled chicken breasts through and let everyone fend for themselves. He filled a plate with a little of everything for Molly and took it outside to her.

  “Are you sure you want to eat?”

  She smiled. “I am. I told you, I feel fine. Whatever was wrong with me this morning disappeared as quickly as it came. I feel like a fraud sitting here with you taking care of me and everyone else coming to visit as if I were really sick.” She took the plate from him. “The only lasting effect is that I’m starving because I parted company with my breakfast too soon.”

  He chuckled. “Okay, then. Let me know if you want more.”

  She shook her head. “If I do, I’ll go and get it myself. It’s sweet of you, but I really am fine. Why don’t you get yourself a plate and come sit? It’s been great catching up with the girls, but I don’t like this boys on one side, girls on the other set up. We’ve never been that way before.”

  He smiled. “Okay. I’ll be right back.”

  When he returned, Chelsea and Grant were sitting with Molly, and Cameron and Piper were sitting at the table with Antonio and Mary Ellen. He smiled to himself. He loved knowing that this was going to be his life here; good times with good friends and family, and most importantly, being with the woman he’d always loved.

  “So, when are you going to start making wine again?” asked Chelsea.

  Marcos had to laugh. She didn’t know how to beat about the bush. He looked at Molly. “We haven’t talked about it properly yet, but I’ll be keeping my eye out for a place to buy.”

  Chelsea eyed him suspiciously. “You don’t have some grand scheme in place already?”

  “No. I’m kind of honored, kind of saddened that you all seem to think I have this great Machiavellian plan to take wine country by storm, but I don’t. I’m just a lost soul who found his way home.”

  Molly leaned her head against his shoulder. “And who somehow managed to learn to say all
the right things while he was away.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “I just learned to listen to and to speak my heart.”

  “Aww.” Chelsea grinned at him. “Didn’t you turn out to be the sweetest?”

  Marcos rolled his eyes at Grant, who laughed. “Sorry, I can’t help you.”

  “That’s okay, I’m not looking for help, just sympathy.”

  Grant laughed. “Dealing with Chelsea? You have my sympathy by the bucket load.”

  Chelsea turned and gave him a hurt look. “You love dealing with Chelsea.”

  He smiled and nodded at her. “Yes, dear. I do, dear. Anything you say, dear.”

  She laughed and slapped his arm. “You’ll pay for that when we get home.”

  He grinned at her. “Why do you think I said it?”

  Marcos smiled as a hint of pink appeared on Chelsea’s cheeks. She and Grant were good for each other; he could see it.

  Grant looked around at them. “Can someone help me out here and change the subject?”

  “I will,” said Molly with a laugh. “Weren’t you interested in buying land at one point?”

  “I still am. I’m just waiting for the right property to come up for sale.”

  “What is it that you’re looking for?” asked Marcos.

  “Oh, no. I’m not looking for a particular type of property but at one property in particular.”

  Chelsea smiled up at him. “It’ll happen. We’ll make it happen.”

  Marcos raised an eyebrow, not understanding.

  “Do you remember Dawson Dale Wines?” asked Grant.

  Marcos nodded. “I do. They were legendary at one point. It was a really cool old guy who owned the place, if I remember correctly. But he went out of business.”

  Grant nodded sadly. “That cool old guy was my grandfather. Call me sentimental, but I’ve always wanted to buy the place back. I don’t know if that will ever be possible now, but …”

  “It will,” said Chelsea adamantly. “We’ll find a way.”

  “What’s the deal?” asked Marcos.

  Grant sighed. “It was only a small winery. When I first came back here, it was run-down, and I thought I might be able to buy it. The Hardy estate next door bought it before it ever went on the market. Now, word is that the entire Hardy place is going to come up for sale, and there’s no way we could buy that.”

  Marcos nodded. He knew the Hardy estate well. It wasn’t huge, but it covered some great land on the higher slopes. They produced some of the best grapes in Napa—or Sonoma since the estate lay on the border between the two counties.

  Chelsea shook her head. “Don’t be so defeatist; we have time.”

  Grant smiled at Marcos. “I suppose anything’s possible.”

  Molly nodded her agreement. “It is.” She leaned her head against Marcos’ shoulder. “We’re living proof of that.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Marcos sat staring at his computer screen. They’d had a great weekend, and it wasn’t even over yet. It was Monday morning, but since Molly didn’t work Mondays at the restaurant, they still had another day together.

  Even though Molly’s work week didn’t begin on Mondays, his still had to. He had to check what was happening when the markets went to work. Things weren’t looking too rosy, and he was holding back. He was cautious by nature, and he didn’t want to take any unnecessary risks. Considering that he could pull all his investments today and never have to worry or work again, he didn’t see any reason to play a volatile market. Well, no reason other than to feel useful. He had to have some purpose. He had to be doing something. He shook his head and switched screens. There was something useful he could be doing. The Hardy estate had been listed first thing this morning—he’d set up an account with a local realtor so that he was notified whenever anything that fit his requirements came onto the market.

  He scrolled through the photographs. There were a dozen pictures of the house that held no interest for him. The land, on the other hand, had him spending more time, examining each one closely. It looked perfect. It wasn’t too far away from here. He shook his head. It was a lot more land and a lot more money than he’d been thinking, but his conversation with Grant the other day had stayed with him. He was starting to think that he might be able to help another family legacy as well as his own.

  He picked up his phone but put it down when Molly appeared in the doorway. “Do you want coffee?”

  “Yes, please. I’ll be done in a few minutes. I just need to make a couple of phone calls.”

  “Take your time. I’m going to take my coffee outside to enjoy the morning.”

  He got up from his chair and went to her. She was beautiful. In his eyes, she grew more beautiful every day. This morning her hair was mussed up, her eyes were still sleepy, though they shone brightly. As he closed his arms around her, his body awoke. She was warm and soft, and he wanted her.

  She reached up and planted a kiss on his lips. “Maybe after your phone calls and my coffee, we could go back to bed for a little while?”

  He smiled. “I think we should.” He started walking her that way, but she stopped him.

  “Make your phone calls first. I need my coffee.”

  He laughed. “Okay, but be quick about it. I’m not going to take long.”

  She smiled and turned around and wiggled her ass at him before she went. “You’d better not.”

  He picked his phone back up. He needed to make this quick. While he was listening to it ring, she came in and set a mug of coffee on his desk and landed a kiss on his cheek.

  He wanted to hang up and follow her, but he’d let her have her coffee first.

  “Wine Country Estates and Realty, this is Jessica speaking, how can I help you?”

  “Good morning, Jessica. Can I speak with Ken?”

  “Good morning. Is that Mr. Di Giovanni?”

  “Yes.” He had to smile. The girl had taken a liking to his accent the first time he’d spoken to her. It came in handy that she recognized him—and seemed eager to help.

  “One moment. I’ll put you through.”

  “Marcos. What can I do for you this fine morning?”

  “The Hardy estate. Can I view it?”

  “Of course. I’m sorry I didn’t let you know about it last night. I would have, but it doesn’t match what you said you were looking for. When do you want to see it?” Ken was obviously surprised but didn’t miss a beat at the prospect of selling him a much larger property than he’d expected.

  Marcos looked at his watch. He had a pressing engagement with Molly as soon as he got off the phone, but after that … He hoped she’d like the idea of going to look around the place. “Any time after eleven today. I assume they’re open to immediate viewings?”

  “I’m sure they’ll be thrilled. They’ll want you to sign a non-disclosure before we go over there, but once you do, I can send you all the information.”

  “Great. I do have one question first.”

  “I’ll answer if I’m able.”

  “The old Dawson place is included in the listing …”

  “Yes, and if that’s what’s piqued your interest …”

  “Yes and no. I need to know if it’s still on a separate deed. Could the two properties be resold separately in the future?”

  “Yes. There’s nothing confidential about that fact. I can tell you that their listing agent tried to persuade them to market them as two separate properties, but the seller is hoping to get rid of both in one transaction.”

  Marcos smiled. “That might work out for both of us.”

  “Excellent. I’ll call them now and see when we can go over there. I’ll call you right back.”

  “Okay. I’ll be busy for the next hour or so. Leave me a voicemail, and I’ll meet you at whatever time you say.

  “Great. See you later.”

  Marcos took a sip of his coffee and scrolled through the photos one more time. He liked the
look of the place. He hoped Molly would, too. He didn’t want to buy it with the intention of them living there, but he wanted her to be happy about it. He wanted her to understand—and be happy—that he was ready to make wines again, and he hoped she’d like his idea for the Dawson place. If he could help Grant and Chelsea with their family legacy, that would make him happy.

  He took his coffee outside to find Molly, but she wasn’t on the patio. Strangely, her coffee was. It wasn’t like her to go anywhere until she’d had that first mug. He went back into the kitchen. She wasn’t there either. He smiled. Maybe she knew he was off the phone already and had gone to wait for him in bed? No. Then he heard her in the bathroom.

  He went and tapped on the door cautiously. He wanted to go straight in, but her reaction yesterday had taught him that she wouldn’t be too happy about that.

  “Go away!”

  He blew out a sigh. “I need to know that you’re okay. I think I should call the doctor.”

  “I’m fine!”

  He listened to her for another few moments. She sure as hell didn’t sound fine!

  “You’re still out there, aren’t you?”

  “I’m not going anywhere until I know you’re okay.”

  He heard the water running, and the sounds of her brushing her teeth. A few moments later the door opened, and she stood there looking perfectly okay.

  “It’s gone, passed, just as quickly as it came—again. I sat down with my coffee, and it just came over me, I had to run for the bathroom.”

  Marcos shook his head. “It’s weird. Do you think it’s some kind of virus?”

  She shrugged. “I have no idea. If it happens again, I will go and see the doctor. It’s no fun.”

  He smiled, relieved.

  She shook her head at him. “Don’t look so happy. The last thing I feel is sexy now. I just scrubbed my teeth, but I don’t even want to kiss you.”

  He chuckled and kissed her cheek. “It’s okay. I understand.”

  She made a face. “I don’t. I was looking forward to spending some quality time with you.”


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