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A Promise Made (Promise #2)

Page 4

by Anissa Garcia

  “Don’t we all,” Ana defended me and smiled. “Pepperoni?”


  I sighed as she left. So much for my yoga class and shrimp pasta. I was in for a long night.

  “Hank! Let go. Now!” Grace’s typically honeyed voice turned stern as she snapped her fingers and pointed. My boxer released her book, which tumbled to the floor. Fortunately, it had come out unscathed.

  Evan and I chuckled as we sat watching the Red Sox play the Yankees. “Laugh it up, boneheads. I won’t let you eat any of the chicken cacciatore,” Grace said as she picked up her book and inspected it, wiping off Hank’s drool.

  “Babe, he was just bored and wanted to read.” Evan reached over to where Grace stood and squeezed her waist with sweet affection. It was strange seeing him that way with a female. I had known him for over eight years now, and not once had he been smitten. He gazed up at her from the couch as she bent low to peck his lips.

  “He can continue to ‘read’ the horrible scripts Zach keeps giving you. Not my books.”

  “Zach’s been off his game recently with those screenplays,” Evan moaned, probably wondering the same thing I was…who was the girl distracting him? That would be a question for later though.

  “Where’s Marla?” I asked too swiftly, and they both turned to eye me with suspicion. “I’m just asking because I’m hungry.” It was a hideous excuse, but I hadn’t been able to get Little Miss Red out of my mind. It was driving me mad. She was supposed to be joining us for dinner. The thought of her sitting across the table from me was already making me twitch in anticipation.

  Cinnamon swirl and caramel ran through my brain and had my body aching. I even found myself dreaming of her one night, what it would be like to run my fingers through all those red waves and tug on them at the base of her neck.

  “Sure you’re hungry.” Evan raised his eyebrows, and when Grace’s back was turned to him, he stuck his tongue out and wiggled it up and down.

  “Evan Jonathan Matthews, stop. I know what you’re doing,” Grace scolded as she faced him. “Don’t be dirty.”

  “What’d I do?” he asked innocently, his blue eyes soft and gentle. Fucking idiot. He made himself seem like the perfect guy, but he was as horny as the rest of us. Grace saw right through that, however, and she loved to put him in his place. He didn’t get away with much.

  “I can see you through the glass on the cabinet, buster.” Grace smacked his shoulder and he grabbed her hand, kissing her palm, trying to make up for being caught. “No, don’t charm your way out of it, Matthews.”

  “I love you, Gracie Lynn,” he smiled at her.

  Grace turned toward me. “She was kept late at work again. She’ll be here in a bit.”

  I nodded, and noticed Evan’s hands trying to wrap around Grace’s hips. “No sex for you tonight, Mr. Hollywood.” She moved away and I couldn’t help but point at him and laugh.

  “It’s not funny.” Evan looked at me somberly, his tone suddenly sullen. I couldn’t help but continue to mock his fallen facial expression. He looked like his puppy died. “It’s not funny, Josh.” I had a feeling she was teasing him. Grace loved egging him on and it was amusing to watch.

  “Two words, mate—Pussy. Whipped.” I sneered at him as he flicked me the middle finger.

  “You just wait and see, asshole. I guarantee you, once you get in on that little hot tamale, you’ll be in the same fucking boat.” He creaked his neck making sure Grace hadn’t overheard and grabbed his beer, taking a long swig. I would have told him not to drink it since he was still in training mode, but by now we only had a few months left of filming. And truthfully, after his little accident on set a few months ago where he almost drowned, I was a lot easier on him than I used to be. I don’t know how I would’ve reacted had he been seriously injured. Just thinking on it now made my nerves go on edge. I couldn’t control what happened day to day, but I certainly would do anything to watch out for my friends.

  I let Hank jump on my lap, most of his body resting on the arm of the recliner. I rocked the chair steadily and stroked the dog’s thick brown fur as he sighed in want of something to chew. “Don’t eat books, Hank. You want to come back here, don’t you?”

  The dog peered up at me with dark eyes and licked his nose, giving a slight nod as he placed his head back on my thigh. Grace sauntered back in and sat next to Evan on the couch. “Did you call Marla a hot tamale?” she asked as she exchanged looks between the both of us.

  Evan chuckled and pointed with his bottleneck toward me. “This guy is on strike one with Marla, baby cakes.”

  Grace’s espresso colored eyes widened as she gazed at me with shock. “What did you do?”

  Evan laughed and shook his head. “He said he was used to hard work.”

  Grace’s expression bunched up, her nose wrinkling as she hissed through her teeth. “You referred to her as hard work? That is not good, Josh.”

  “I didn’t know this girl had a bloody strike system in place.” I’m a typically likeable bloke. I’ve never had someone purposefully hate me. Even past flings have given me the “you’re such a nice guy” line. So why the hell the sexy goddess was judging me before even giving me a chance was baffling. What was even more confusing was why I wanted her as much as I did.

  Evan had his arm around Grace’s shoulders and pulled her against him. They were fucking snuggling together, and here I was having to look at it. Shit, my heart couldn’t take all the love in the room, it was almost too cute. Evan began, “Well, you were stubborn with me, cupcake. What should he do about Red? Help him out a little.”

  Grace chewed on her lip a moment in thought. I liked Grace, and whatever she asked of me, I would do. There were just some people you knew were good. Grace was that. And despite Red’s reluctance toward me, I felt she was worth getting close to as well. These women tended to flock together. “She hasn’t told me much in the way of her feelings for you, Josh.”

  “Bullshit, Grace. You girls tell each other everything.” She flushed crimson as I called her out on her bluff. I knew she was on her best friend’s side, and loyalty went to her first. That was understandable. I would do the same for Evan or Zach, or any of my friends, but I also wasn’t a bad bloke. Marla didn’t need to be protected from me. “A little nudge, Grace. Anything I can hold onto?” I couldn’t help that the words exited my mouth so quickly. Whatever was drawing me to Marla, I needed to find out if my instinct was right.

  “Keep your actions in line with what you say, don’t give up on her, and be a man of integrity. Don’t play with her. That’s all I can really say.” Grace gave me a sincere smile and lifted herself from the couch. “Let me finish up that salad.”

  The knock on the door made me go nervous over who was at the other side of it as Hank jumped off of me and headed toward the entrance. Marla strolled in without waiting for someone to answer and anxiously plopped her purse onto the antique hall tree sitting at the entrance. “Sorry I’m late.” She looked down at Hank and whispered a small hello as she patted the dog’s head.

  I could only sit and watch the way her long hair curled down her back, hugging the sides of her shoulders as she took off her light jacket and hung it up. Grace called from the kitchen, “That’s alright, we waited to eat, and it’s heating up now. Make yourself comfortable.”

  Her face looked distressed as she turned, and I instantly took notice of a swollen, plum-sized blotch sitting near her eye. Protective instinct roared within me as I lifted from my seat and reached her in two strides. I knew bruises like that. I remembered them vividly, and how they were given. By the looks of this one, it was fresh and new. A low growl erupted from my throat as my hands instantly cupped her soft cheeks.

  “What happened?”

  Her russet eyes showed fear, but her breath caught for only a moment as my hands touched her. I affected her, I knew I did, but my focus was on something else entirely. Whatever had happened, I wasn’t pleased, and I could see her trying to bury the idea of it

  “Nothing, it’s nothing,” her voice was unstable and soft as she tried to move out of my grasp. I wasn’t going to let her go that easily, especially after the knowledge I had just gained from Grace. Whoever did this to her was going to pay. “Josh…don’t.”

  “Who did this to you? What the fuck happened?” My voice intensified, and I could feel the heat spread over my neck and chest. Flashes of a woman beaten and helpless ran through my mind, and it was enough for me to want to fight whoever did this. I was ready to kill the bastard, my self-control waning. “Tell me now.”

  She shook her head as she lifted her small hands to mine, trying to pry them off. The feeling was electric, the energy buzzed through us as we touched. “It was an accident.”

  Grace stopped in her tracks as she caught the both of us, then gasped as Marla turned toward her. “Marla, what the hell?” She called out to Evan as she advanced on her best friend. “Evan, get me the ice pack and fill it. It’s in the cabinet beside the fridge.”

  We both led Marla toward the couch and she pushed our fretting hands away. I stayed silent, anger bubbling, rage reeling, the feverish feeling of wrath trying to be kept at bay. Grace sat beside her as Evan handed over the ice pack.

  “What’s it for?” Evan asked then happened upon Marla’s face. “Holy hell, Pacquiao, what happened?” he asked in shock, referring to the eight division world champion boxer. I wondered if Marla even knew who that was, but she obviously did as she threw her hand out in dismissal.

  Hank approached and jumped beside her on the couch. Marla let out a small yelp as he then set his body beside her, his head resting in her lap. Good boy. He knew she needed to be comforted, and at this point, it couldn’t be by me. “I got mugged, sort of.”

  “WHAT?!” Evan and Grace yelled at once.

  “What the fuck, Marla?” I mumbled under my breath, my fist curled up and rested against my lips. I could barely get the words out, barely contemplate the idea of her being attacked.

  “It wasn’t a big deal, guys.”

  “Not a big deal? What the hell is the matter with you?” I said the words before I could stop them, and her eyes turned almost black.

  “Excuse me, Mr. Muscles, I took care of it myself.” She stroked Hank’s head as he continued to gently nudge his nose against her palms. The icepack sat next to her ignored.

  “You did then, but you’re not now. That ice will help the swelling go down. The bruise won’t last as long.” I was tempted to sit next to her, pick up the icepack, and set it against her cheek myself. I’d let my fingers run through the strands of her hair that framed her face and comfort her. But she didn’t need that. At least she made herself seem like she didn’t.

  “Fine Doctor McKenzie,” she spouted sarcastically. I thought she wouldn’t comply, but soon after, she picked up the pack and set it against her cheek.

  “Marla, start from the beginning. Where did this happen?” Grace asked as Evan headed to the kitchen. No doubt he was turning off the burners from the stove.

  “I was at work late. The last one there, so I locked up and was walking to my car—”

  “Alone?” I interrupted. “You don’t have a gun? No mace? Nothing?”

  Evan approached and handed her a glass of water and Advil as Grace put her hand over Marla’s shoulder. “We usually have security. And I don’t believe in guns,” she stated in defense.

  “Well, giving peace a chance in certain situations may not always end up keeping you alive, Red.”

  “Thank you for your opinion, Mr. McKenzie. Remind me when I asked for it again?”

  Grace groaned, “Enough you two. Then what?”

  Marla took a sip of her water and rested it on the arm of the couch. “Some guy in a black mask and black clothes approached me from behind and tried to snatch my bag, but I had my grip on it. I always have my hand clutching it. We struggled.”

  I could feel my blood pressure rising as she spoke so easily about what had taken place. As if it was another every day event. How she was staying so calm was beyond me. I was ready to punch a wall. “Nobody saw?”

  She shook her head. “I kicked him in the balls, and my face and his elbow connected. Then he ran.” She chuckled lightly and added, “With a limp.”

  Evan sighed, shaking his head in dismay. “Did you call the cops?”

  “No, what did I have to go on? Nothing.”

  My jaw clenched, and I thought at any moment I’d be seeing stars. I was sure I had hypertension at this point. This woman might kill me. “You didn’t call the police? Marla, they need to know this happened. What if he comes back?”

  “He got away. I kept my purse. I’m fine. Look, I’ll call them in the morning, and I’ll make sure to tell my boss so he can add more security.” Marla stood and walked toward the kitchen. “It smells delicious, Grace. I’m starving.” Trying to lighten the mood, she added, “Of course, it won’t be as amazing as my food, but I’m sure it’ll be pretty tasty.”

  “Here’s to hoping,” Evan teased as he followed her. He began to joke with her, no doubt to help settle her nerves. Evan was good about making people feel at ease, where I usually made them unsteady.

  Grace and I exchanged troubled glances, and as we both rose from our seats, she moved closer to me whispering, “Josh, help her. Please.”

  “Me?” Surprise filled me, along with a sense of responsibility. “What can I do?”

  Grace clasped my wrist, “I need you to do something to put some sense into her. I don’t know, but she needs someone to look out for her.”

  Evan’s and Marla’s voices drifted from the kitchen as I nodded to Grace. It wasn’t too difficult to utter the words I said next. “I’ll take care of her, I promise.”

  Grace squeezed my shoulder. “Thank you.”

  After a day spent in what felt like purgatory, I wondered what level of Dante’s hell Grace and Evan belonged in when I arrived at their place and saw Josh McKenzie and his sweet mongrel. I was thinking the ninth level—for the betrayers like Judas. Both of my pals left out the part where Josh would be attending dinner tonight.

  I could deal with him on any other night, except he was currently invading my territorial bubble, being all concerned and touching me with those strong and callused hands with caresses meant for intimate moments. It wasn’t right. What the hell was he so concerned about? The blue in his eyes eddied like a storm of apprehension as he attempted to remain in control, looking at me as if I actually meant something to him. It was the first time I spotted something in him regarding a hint of vulnerability. Rawness was leaking, and I wondered for only a fraction of a second what it would feel like to be swathed in his protection.

  The feeling passed as soon as it crept up. Nobody would take care of me better than myself. I definitely had been able to do that tonight, although part of me wondered how lucky I had been to come out of the battle unscathed. Right now, however, I felt my heart rate rise and my pulse increase as this English monster and his adorable dog tried to comfort me. The effect was not welcomed, nor wanted.

  I had to get away from him and Hank. The need for self-preservation after having my safety violated was on high alert. Evan and I ambled around the kitchen, and we gathered plates and silverware as I inspected the contents on the stove. “Did you put capers in this, Grace?”

  Her voice rang out a response from the living room, and I had the sense that she was discussing something serious with Josh. If they were talking about my situation, I had it in my right mind to tell them to stop. I didn’t need to be told what to do and how. All I needed to worry about was how much work I had piling up.

  For now, I would try my best to enjoy dinner while ignoring the headache and intense throbbing around my eye socket. Covering the bruises would be a makeup challenge tomorrow.

  We sat around the table, and of course, muscle man was seated beside me, smelling of fresh soap and some type of aftershave that was woodsy and attractive as hell. My mind couldn’t help but mull over the tattoos peek
ing out from the tight sleeves of his shirt. I tried not to peer over at him, but I was only human, and I had a scare. All that adrenaline was coursing through me, and I needed a release. It wasn’t my fault my brain was thinking over what it would be like to be taken over by this specimen of a man next to me.

  The table remained oddly quiet as we ate. A few pleasantries were exchanged until Josh let his fork drop to his plate with a clang. “I don’t know why the fuck you didn’t call the police.”

  “Oh, for fuck sake,” I groaned as I placed my own fork down and grabbed my glass of merlot and gulped. “Why don’t you eat your chicken and go do some pushups or something?”

  “Marla, we’re only concerned—” Grace began before I stopped her.

  “I know you’re concerned, Grace. I appreciate that, truly, I do. But things like this are bound to happen. Now I know to be more aware of my surroundings. Live and learn.”

  A scoff exited those full, lush lips of the tattooed man next to me. “Unless you hadn’t lived. If he had a gun, a knife, you wouldn’t be here to have learned anything.”

  “And what would you suggest I do, big guy? Start inhaling protein powder and do CrossFit?” I snapped. I didn’t need to be babied by him, nor did I need to be lectured by anyone else.

  Evan held up his hands in protest. “Guys, stop. Look, Marla, we’re only trying to protect you. First off, the guy who did this, he probably wasn’t just some bum on the street. This was planned.”

  I tried considering that as Evan spoke. I could listen to him just fine, but why was it so difficult to listen to Josh? He was only trying to help me. Maybe it was the way he came across. That smug look, the language out of his lips. Perhaps it was because I knew he was right. They all were. And that was scaring me.

  Josh continued, “Most muggers tend to travel in groups of two or more, usually have a weapon, and strike where it’s least likely expected. A fully lit parking lot during peak hours when nobody anticipates. He was dressed with the purpose of ambushing you. And why you? At that time and that place when there is usually security around.”


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