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Seduced by a Stallion

Page 8

by Deborah Fletcher Mello


  “How do you feel about that?”

  The young man shrugged his shoulders, pushing them skyward. “It’s okay, I guess. Why?”

  Katrina paused again, her eyes skating back and forth as she contemplated what she thought she needed to say. “Well, you know that Mr. Stallion and I have become really good friends. I wanted to know what you thought about that.”

  Collin rolled his eyes. “You two aren’t dating, are you? Come on, Mom. You’re too old to date!”

  “Thanks a lot. I didn’t realize I was that ancient.”

  “That’s not what I mean. It’s just not…” The boy paused. “It’s just weird.”

  Katrina nodded. “Yeah, it is a little strange.” She tossed him a quick smile before turning her eyes back to the road. “But I think it’s something we will both have to get accustomed to.”

  Collin shook his head from side to side. You might have to get accustomed to it, he thought to himself. I don’t have to get accustomed to anything. He cut an eye toward his mother, noting the goofy smile that painted her expression. He scowled, his face twisting with annoyance.

  Matthew Stallion was okay, but Collin wasn’t interested in any man moving into their lives permanently. He had only a few months to go before he finished his court-ordered sentence, and then he and his mother could go back to things being the way they were before she met that guy. Collin wasn’t much interested in having a token father around. But until he could figure out a way to make sure Matthew Stallion went on his merry way, he’d make the most of the situation.

  His eyes suddenly widened with excitement. “Hey, since you’re in such a good mood, can I go to the water park with Tyler and Nick and ’dem during break next week?”

  “And who is chaperoning this excursion?”

  “Nick’s brother. He’s twenty years old.”

  Katrina laughed, cutting her eyes at her son. “Uh, no!”

  “But everyone else is going!”

  “Does everyone else have a parent going, too?”

  “I thought you were in a good mood?”

  Katrina laughed. “A good mood does not mean I’ve lost my mind and gone stupid. Therefore, no parents and no adult supervision means no trip to the water park.”

  She pulled her car into the high school’s driveway, joining a lengthy line of buses and cars dropping off students. Collin persisted as he waited for an opportunity to jump out of the car and join his friends.

  “Can I at least go to the mall this weekend? Please?” he begged. “I promise I won’t get into any trouble.”

  Katrina smiled, hesitating for a quick minute. Her son’s anxious gaze met hers. She was suddenly taken aback by the maturity of his features, the facial hair sprouting above his lip and across his chin. The boyish lines that had been so acute just weeks before were gone, and he had suddenly matured, becoming the spitting image of his father. As if a bolt of lightning had struck her spirit, she was suddenly gripped by the reality that her baby boy was truly no longer a baby.

  Pulling into an empty parking space, Katrina heaved a deep sigh. Her thoughts were interrupted by her son’s anxious tone.

  “So, can I?”

  “We’ll see how the rest of the week goes. Stay on track, do everything you’re supposed to do, and then ask me again on Saturday. Deal?”

  Collin grinned, his hand on the door handle. “Cool!” he exclaimed excitedly, swinging the door open. “See you later.”

  Katrina called after her son.

  “Yes, ma’am?”

  “Do you think you could give your mother a kiss goodbye?”

  The young man rolled his eyes skyward, glancing over his shoulders to see if any of his friends were looking. Leaning back across the seat, he pressed his lips to his mother’s cheek as Katrina wrapped her arms around his torso.

  “I love you,” she said softly, pressing her palm to his cheek.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Collin replied, pulling back from the embrace. He grinned as he made his way out of the vehicle. Then he leaned back inside, his smile widening even further, mischief shimmering in his wide eyes. “I love you, too, Mom!” he exclaimed, before turning an about-face and racing after the boys who were waiting for him at the entrance to the school.

  Pulling out of the school’s parking lot, Katrina adjusted the Bluetooth earpiece in her ear. She’d already programmed Matthew’s cell-phone number into her phone directory, and after a quick push of a button she waited as the phone rang on the other end, both her hands gripping the steering wheel with anticipation. When Matthew answered the call, she was grinning widely.

  “Good morning, gorgeous,” Matthew purred. “You must have been reading my mind, because I was just about to call you.”

  “Good morning to you,” Katrina responded, her voice dropping to a seductive lilt. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”

  “No, not at all. I was just sitting here in my office, missing you. Wondering what you were up to this beautiful morning.”

  “Actually, I just dropped Collin off at school and now I’m headed to court.”

  “How’s my buddy doing?”

  “He seems to be making a genuine effort to get himself back on track. But you know how that goes. I’m just going to take it one day at a time.”

  Matthew nodded into the receiver. “So, when do I get to see you again?” he asked anxiously.

  Katrina’s grin was illuminating. “I was hoping you might be free for lunch, actually. I only have one case on the docket this morning, and then I’m free for the remainder of the day. Do you have plans?”

  “I do now,” Matthew said. “Do you want me to pick you up?”

  “I’m not sure exactly what time we’ll be finished, so why don’t I just come get you at your office when I’m done?”

  Yes, Matthew thought to himself as he tossed his head back, pumping his fist in the air in a gesture of accomplishment. He answered her in a calm, even tone. “That sounds like a plan. I’ll see you soon, darling.” Disconnecting the call, he did a little happy dance behind his desk, shuffling his feet in excitement.

  Lost in her own exhilaration, Katrina sat in complete awe of the familiarity that seemed to have bonded them together. Distracted, she completely forgot that she was stopped at a stop sign, until the driver of the vehicle behind her blew his horn to get her attention. With a wave of apology she looked left and then right before proceeding through the intersection and continuing on her way, thinking that her morning had truly started out nicely.

  * * *

  There were two women in deep conversation when Katrina stepped off the elevator on the twentieth floor of the Stallion Enterprises Building. The woman seated behind the desk was gently patting the other woman’s very pregnant belly, and the two were cracking jokes about stretch marks and swollen nipples. When Katrina stepped up to the desk, both women paused in surprise.

  “Good afternoon. I’m here to see Matthew Stallion. My name is Katrina Broomes.”

  Carol, Matthew’s secretary, nodded and smiled sweetly. “Good afternoon, Judge. Please, go right on in. Mr. Stallion is expecting you.”

  Nodding, Katrina returned the bright smile. She met the other woman’s curious gaze. “Congratulations. When are you due?”

  Vanessa Long smiled back. “About ten more weeks. Less, if I’m lucky!”

  “That’s very exciting. My baby is fifteen now. It’s the best thing that will ever happen to you and your husband,” Katrina said.

  Vanessa nodded, cutting her eye at Carol. “I’m very excited,” she said, not bothering to mention that she had neither a husband nor a baby daddy to speak of.

  Katrina gave Vanessa a warm smile as she moved to the office door, her hand dropping to the doorknob. “Good luc
k!” she exclaimed. With one last look over her shoulder, she pushed open the door and stepped inside.

  As the door closed behind Katrina, Vanessa directed her stare at the other woman. “So, you think she’s the one?”

  Carol nodded, her eyebrows raised. “I hear they’ve been spending quite a lot of time together.”

  Vanessa nodded with her, the wheels beginning to spin in her head. “Very interesting,” she muttered under her breath. “Very interesting indeed.”

  * * *

  Behind the closed door Matthew Stallion looked up, his face brightening with excitement. Katrina’s wide smile greeted him warmly.

  “Hey, you!” he exclaimed, rising from his seat and moving quickly to her side. He wrapped her in a warm embrace, planting a moist kiss against her cheek. “I didn’t think you were ever going to get here.”

  “I apologize. Court ran longer than I anticipated. I hope you’re still hungry.”

  Matthew waved his head up and down. “Starved,” he said as he nuzzled his face into the curve of her neck, trailing a line of kisses across her jawline.

  Katrina giggled softly, a current of heat surging deep in her abdomen. She pressed both her palms against his broad shoulders, savoring the sensation of his touch. When Matthew moved to press his lips to hers, the passion in his kiss made her knees quiver, and her legs threatened to drop her to the carpeted floor. It was only his arms wrapped tightly around her waist that kept her standing tall.

  When he finally pulled away, Katrina was completely lost in the moment, her eyes shut tightly, her body quivering with the want of more. It was Matthew’s hand, gently drawing a slow caress along her profile, that moved her to breathe again, enabling her to let go of the breath that she had been holding so tightly.

  “Mmm, mmm, mmm,” Katrina muttered softly, finally opening her eyes to stare into his.

  Matthew chuckled, the warmth of his laugh searing her spirit. “You can have more of that once you feed me.”


  “Cross my heart!” he exclaimed excitedly. “So, where would you like to go for lunch? ’Cause I’m hungry.”

  Katrina’s smile was electrifying as she grinned back at him. “Actually, I’ve made plans for us already. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all. I like it when a woman takes charge.”

  “Then you should be a very happy man, because I like having control.”

  Matthew laughed heartily. “I just bet you do, woman! I just bet you do.”

  * * *

  Outside it had begun to rain. In the backseat of her SUV Katrina and Matthew were cuddled close, his arms wrapped warmly around her torso as she sat between his opened legs, leaning back against his chest. Matthew’s back was supported by the leather seat and the window. His right leg was extended across the leather upholstery, and his left foot was resting on the car’s floor. Both had abandoned their shoes to places unknown. Matthew’s suit jacket and tie were tossed across the front seat. The front windows were cracked open ever so slightly, a damp breeze blowing about the space.

  Matthew took a deep inhale of air and then two more, filling his lungs with the fresh, earthy scent of the outside. The air was warm and teasing. Katrina felt the up-and-down rise of his chest against her back. She snuggled down closer to him, pulling his right arm tighter around her torso.

  The afternoon had sped by, time seeming to kick into high gear the minute the two of them had stepped out of the Stallion corporate offices into the afternoon air. Since then the two had been talking for hours, their depth of sharing moving to a whole other level. Matthew found himself feeling slightly vulnerable as he opened up to Katrina, allowing her to hear his fears and insecurities, things he’d never shared with anyone, not even his brothers.

  Katrina, too, felt more exposed than she’d ever felt before. But she also felt secure, completely confident that whatever she shared with Matthew would remain between them. His demeanor was protective and nurturing, warming every ounce of her spirit. She was acutely aware that she was trusting him with her heart and hoped that he could sense that his own was safe and shielded deep in the pith of her soul.

  “This is probably the best picnic I’ve ever had,” he said, his warm breath blowing against her neck and ear.

  She laughed softly, nodding her head in agreement, despite her best-laid plans having been blown completely out of the water by the mild storm that had buffeted the town.

  The rain had started to fall even before they stepped out of the vehicle, which was parked on the perimeter of the Jonsson Color Garden at the Dallas Arboretum. The blanket she’d brought for them to sit on outside was still folded up and was now resting somewhere on the floor of the luxury vehicle. It had been her idea for them to crawl into the backseat to dine on the meal of French Brie, crusty bread, roast chicken and fresh fruit. The bottle of dry rosé that she had chilled at home in her fridge had been kept cold in a small cooler with ice packs.

  Matthew offered her the last of the bottle’s contents before tilting it to his own full lips, emptying it in one swallow.

  “I have had a great time, too,” Katrina said, her voice coming in a loud whisper. “I hate that it has to end.”

  “It doesn’t,” Matthew whispered back. “Not if you don’t want it to.” He drew the backs of his fingers down the length of her arm to her hand, entwining her fingers with his.

  “You’re a smooth talker, Mr. Stallion. I can see why women lose their minds around you.”

  Matthew laughed warmly. “Have you lost your mind, Ms. Broomes?” he asked as he pressed his lips to the back of her neck, his tongue drawing a damp path on her skin. The surprise of it caused Katrina to jump ever so slightly, heat rushing through her feminine spirit. A slight throbbing erupted between her legs, and her nipples suddenly pressed hard against the silk lining of her brassiere. The sweet ache had her wanting to come right out of all her clothes.

  Needing to put some distance between them before she did something completely foolish, Katrina shifted around in the seat, moving her body to sit upright. Matthew’s smile was smug as he slid his leg from behind her and sat upright himself.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “It’s getting a little warm in here,” she said, fanning her hand in front of her. “Very warm.”

  Matthew pressed his shoulder to hers. “I hadn’t noticed,” he said, shifting his leg until their thighs were touching.

  “Right!” Katrina exclaimed, still fanning herself.

  Matthew met her gaze, his stare intense as his eyes washed over her face, focusing on the soft curves of her mouth. Her slight smile was consuming as her lips parted ever so slightly. When she pushed her soft pink tongue past the line of her pearl-white teeth to lick her lips moist, he found himself completely enamored.

  Without any thought he wrapped his arms back around her body and pulled her to him, dropping his mouth to hers. He kissed her with complete abandon, wanting to lose himself in his want of her. When Katrina kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck, he felt himself harden in his slacks, his manhood rearing up for attention. Matthew wanted her, the proof of that wanting undeniable. Desire had surged full force, and it took every ounce of constraint for him to maintain control.

  Matthew leaned back, pulling Katrina down on top of him. The kiss intensified as he slowly licked her lips with his tongue, easing his way inside her mouth. Reaching for the back of her throat, his tongue danced in sync with hers. Both of them were breathing heavily when Katrina suddenly became aware of his hands dancing under her blouse, his fingers kneading the flesh along her sides and back. When his thumb eased beneath her bra strap, and Katrina felt that the garment might suddenly snap free, she stiffened ever so slightly.

  She suddenly couldn’t believe that she was making out in the back of a parked ca
r as if she was a teenager, no thought being given to her prominent position in the judicial system or to the fact that the man she was with was a much-idolized member of the Dallas community. She couldn’t believe that they’d both completely lost their minds.

  Extricating herself from his embrace, Katrina gasped for air, a blush of color flooding her warm complexion. Matthew’s body quivered, a current of electricity igniting every nerve in his body. Perspiration had beaded across his brow.

  “Okay,” he muttered with a deep chuckle. “Maybe it is getting a little warm back here.”

  Katrina laughed, not missing the evidence of his discomfort as Matthew pushed open the car door, stepping out into the mist of rain. He stamped one foot and then the other, trying not to draw attention to his need to adjust himself in his pants. Sliding across the leather seat, Katrina stepped out behind him, the blacktop wet against her bare feet. She hesitated briefly, clutching the back of his white shirt before wrapping her arms around his waist and leaning her body against his. She pressed her cheek against his upper back and inhaled the scent of him.

  Matthew caressed the backs of her hands, her fingers locked together across the tight line of his abdomen. His breathing had eased; the light mist of rain had slowly cooled his body temperature. Turning an about-face, he wrapped her deep in the wealth of his thick arms and hugged her gently, pressing a kiss to her forehead. The realization that he had fallen head over heels in love with her was suddenly overpowering. The words were on the tip of his tongue, but he didn’t say them out loud, still surprised by how “I love you” sounded in his head.

  Chapter 12

  After a very long day, Matthew slowly made the drive to the magnificent Preston Hollow estate on Audubon Avenue. The man couldn’t get Katrina off his mind. He couldn’t remember any woman ever having his full and complete attention, and Katrina Broomes clearly had his. He marveled at the woman’s accomplishments and her dedication to her profession and her family. She was clearly a force to be reckoned with, and he found her straightforward demeanor and conservative edge to be quite sexy. He loved that she didn’t mince words, shooting straight from the hip. She was a woman who didn’t play games, and she made it clear where she stood on everything.


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