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Born in the Shadows (In the Shadows Series Book 1)

Page 7

by Courtney McPhail

  Chapter 5

  On Friday night, Cordelia found herself seated at the large table in the dining room, surrounded by the people that were now her family. It had been two weeks since Nicky had brought her back from her apartment with Xander and some of her things in tow. Xander had made himself quickly at home, charming all the occupants of the manor. He was currently curled up in Anne’s lap as she snuck him bites of chicken from her plate. Cordelia had been fortunate enough to find the same welcome, though she got to eat straight from the spread of food on the table.

  And the spread was amazing. All of it had been whipped up by Giovanni, the human cook that the clan employed. When Nicky had introduced them during a tour of the manor, Giovanni had asked after her favourite foods to add to the nightly menu. She had been surprised to be asked, her knowledge of vampires was that they only fed on blood, but Nicky had explained that Shadow Walkers could still eat human food. Though blood was necessary for nourishment of their bodies, most Shadow Walkers also consumed human food for the simple enjoyment of the taste.

  She definitely understood the enjoyment of food. Her sense of taste seemed to be heightened, or Giovanni was a magician with food. Either way she had eaten more than her fill of Giovanni’s delicious food over the weeks and she regretted nothing about her indulgence. Tonight’s first meal had been delicious; eggs Benedict and fresh from the oven turnovers that Cordelia had been content to stuff herself with, especially since the calories would be efficiently processed by her body with no annoying side effects like weight gain.

  The meal had been finished for a while, everyone lounging back in the chairs, sipping coffee and conversing. They all had an excellent rapport which each other.

  Demetri and Marcus were constantly teasing everyone and Mary was always zinging them with deadpan one-liners. That left Anne to act as the mediator between the three of them. Olivia was the matriarch of the family, watching over all of them with a loving eye and a tongue poised to scold if needed. Nicky sat at the head of the table, presiding over all of them as the ancient patriarch with the face of a boy.

  There was an empty seat to the right of Nicky that she presumed was normally filled by Remy. Nicky had explained that his oldest child was overseas on a business matter but would be back soon. She wondered what he would think of her arrival into the family. She hoped he would like her and she would like him. She loved it here with these people.

  “I just want everyone to know that while I understand that I am no longer the youngest in the family, I still expect to get as much attention as I did before. You don’t want to start up some bad sibling rivalry just because you brought a new baby home.”

  Mary turned to Anne. “It’s been centuries and I still can’t forgive you for siring him.”

  “He was so adorable, like a puppy,” Anne said with a loving look in Demetri’s direction. “I just had to bring him home.”

  “I’ve been wondering something,” Cordelia said, looking at Demetri and Anne. “Do you consider yourselves married or is it just eternal dating?”

  Anne laughed loudly while Demetri had a look of disgust on his face. “That is gross and you are gross for even thinking it, Cordelia.”

  “Oh ignore him,” Anne said, waving Demetri away as he continued to make disgusted noises. “You aren’t the first one to think we’re in love. People have been doing it for centuries. He just likes being dramatic. For us, we are soul mates but not the romantic kind. He is my other half and I am his. The best way to describe it is that we are twins.”

  “Yeah, twins that weren’t just separated at birth by conniving parents but by time itself. Anne was cursed to spend centuries searching before she finally found me being my awesome self. And thank God it didn’t take longer because she was a real bore until I came into her life and showed her how to lighten up. You know, our story would make a really great Lifetime movie of the week,” Demetri said and Cordelia had to laugh at his earnestness.

  He was a complete goofball and didn’t seem to take anything seriously yet when he looked at Anne, she could see the dedication there. Despite his flippant comments and sarcasm, he would lay down his life for her. She understood that feeling; it was the same feeling that had ignited inside her when she first laid eyes on Nicky.

  She looked up and saw that he was watching her with a small smile. It was as if he somehow knew what she was thinking. Check that, he did know what she was thinking.

  …I mean it; I would do anything to protect you…

  …And I would do the same…

  The emotion behind his voice in her head filled her and she became overwhelmed by the love that she felt. Tears sprang to her eyes and she had to duck her head, afraid that the others would see them and ask what was wrong.

  There was no way she could put into words exactly why she was crying. She didn’t even really know herself but she did know they were happy tears. She finally felt the relief that came from knowing she had found where she belonged.

  As she tried to wipe away the tears discreetly, Nicky cleared his throat to get everyone’s attention on him and give her some privacy.

  “What are everyone’s plans for tonight?”

  “I’ll be in the lab,” Anne said. “The tests I ran last night will have produced results and I’ll be combing through them.”

  Anne had invited Cordelia into her laboratory in the basement a few days after she had moved in. Anne had said it was part of the complete tour of the manor but Cordelia soon learned that she’d brought her down for her blood. Anne was currently researching the effects of Shadow Walker blood on cancer and she was always looking for donors.

  “Do you think you’ll have something to go on?” Cordelia asked.

  “I’m hopeful,” Anne said, “But you can never be sure. The hypothesis is solid but it’s no guarantee. I remember when I was working on the polio vaccine with Salk…”

  Mary groaned loudly. “You just had to get her started, didn’t you Cordelia?”

  “Oh be quiet,” Anne said, glaring at Mary. “What are your big plans for the night then?”

  “Me and Demetri are taking Cordelia out to Roxy,” Mary said.

  “Well that is news to me,” Cordelia replied. “What’s Roxy?”

  “It’s a nightclub owned by our friend Cassian. Good music, good drinks,” Demetri explained.

  “I’m not really the clubbing type,” Cordelia said. “I’m more of a bar with pool and darts type.”

  “Time to expand your horizons,” Mary said with a grin. “Roxy is a lot of fun and it’s time for you to meet other Shadow Walkers outside of this house.”

  Cordelia looked to Nicky, not seeking his permission exactly, more his thoughts on the matter.

  “I think it is a good idea,” he replied. “You need to go out and have some fun. Tonight is my monthly chess game at the Damianus clan home. I don’t expect to be back until dawn and I hate for you to just sit around here. Go out and have some fun.”

  With no one else to provide any valid objections, Cordelia knew she was backed into the corner. Not that she hated the idea of going out, it was more the destination. She’d never really liked the club atmosphere; too loud, too crowded, too uncomfortable. And then there was the dress code that forced her out of her comfy jeans and into some too short dress. That’s when it dawned on her that there was a valid objection she had missed.

  “I don’t have anything appropriate to wear to a club,” Cordelia said. It was true, her wardrobe was nothing but jeans, t-shirts, a pinstripe pantsuit that she reserved for job interviews and a black dress for funerals. They’d be hard pressed to find anything remotely decent.

  “Don’t worry,” Mary replied. “I anticipated this and took the liberty of ordering you some clothes online. They’re upstairs. You can try them on then I’ll take a crack at your hair.”

  “What’s wrong with my hair?” Cordelia asked, self-conscious hands going to her ponytail.

  “Nothing’s wrong with it. It’s gorgeous, in fact,” Mary repli
ed. “It’s why I want to get my hands on it. Thick and long with lots of body, there are so many styles we can do.”

  “Mary likes to play dress up,” Anne said. “You’re a new doll to her.”

  “I’m artistic and people are just another type of canvas,” Mary said. “Just be grateful I haven’t gotten into tattooing yet.”

  “You’re always welcome to come help me in the lab instead, Cordelia,” Anne offered and Mary laughed.

  “Please, she’s not going to run the risk of discovering Shadow Walkers can be bored to death.” Mary rose from her chair and smiled at Cordelia. “Come on, let’s go see how your new clothes fit.”

  “I’ll meet you guys at the garage in an hour,” Demetri told them. “I’ve got a few files I have to work on to finish up the Keyser Soze we pulled on you, Cordy.”

  It had been Nicky’s suggestion that the best way to put her human life behind her would be to have her die. Apparently in spite of Demetri’s dopey appearance and attitude, he was talented with computers and had been using that knowledge to have her officially declared dead. A phone call to her landlady and to Mitch posing as her next of kin had tied up those loose ends and once Demetri had completed whatever hack jobs he had to do online the world would think her dead.

  “Are you sure you don’t need any help with that?” she asked, looking for an out on the dress-up party. “I feel guilty leaving that all in your hands when it’s for my benefit.”

  “Nice try but you can’t get out of this,” Mary said, throwing an arm around her shoulders and guiding her out of the library towards the grand staircase. “It’s going to be fun so stop fighting it.”

  Cordelia kept any witty comebacks to that one to herself as they went to Mary’s bedroom. It was the same suite style as Cordelia’s own room but whereas hers was decorated in shades of red, Mary’s was done in rich greens and golds.

  “Okay, here’s the first outfit,” Mary said, handing her a pile of clothing and pushing her in the direction of her walk-in closet. “The boots that go with the skirt are in the closet.”

  Cordelia stripped down to her underwear and pulled on the simple black A-line skirt, worried that the thing would be short enough to leave her ass hanging out but luckily it came to just above her knees. It was then she saw that the rest of the outfit consisted of a black satin corset with silver embroidery work along the boning.

  “Mary, I can’t wear this!”

  “Why not?”

  “It’s so not me.”

  “And who are you?”

  “I’m someone who doesn’t wear this. I’ll look stupid.”

  “You won’t look stupid. You think you’ll look stupid because you’ll look different. Different isn’t stupid. Just give it a chance.”

  “Fine,” she sighed and pulled on the knee-high leather boots Mary had left out before strapping herself into the corset. “I’m going to need you to tighten the laces on this thing.”

  Mary came into the closet, her smile wide as she gave her the once over. “See, you don’t look stupid, you look good.”

  Cordelia took the chance to study herself in the mirror while Mary stood behind her and adjusted the laces of the corset. The skirt came to just above her knees and with the knee high boots, she really wasn’t showing that much bare leg. The corset wasn’t as uncomfortable as she expected and she had to admit it did give her a flattering hourglass shape. Yes, the ensemble was outside her comfort zone but that didn’t necessarily mean it looked bad.

  “There we go,” Mary said with a pat against her back. “Now, go sit at the vanity and I’ll do your hair. When I’m done, you’re going to have beat the men off with a stick.”

  “I don’t know about that,” Cordelia said with a laugh as she sat down and Mary began to brush out her hair. “I’ve never had the best of luck with men.”

  “There wasn’t anyone special back in your old life?”

  “Not really. I was always that girl who was ‘one of the guys’ or ‘like a sister’ to them. I mean, I dated and had a couple of semi-serious relationships but the last one ended over a couple years ago. There hasn’t been anyone since him.”

  …then who is the blond hottie you sometimes think about?…

  “Hey!” Cordelia cried out, jerking her head around to glare at Mary and getting the comb stuck in her hair in the process. “Nicky said it was rude to read other people’s thoughts without their permission.”

  Mary put her hands on her head, forcing her to turn back around and she began to untangle the comb from her hair.

  “Look, I didn’t go rooting around in your head. Sometimes when you aren’t paying attention, you let your guard down and I can’t help but pick up your thoughts. It’s just quick flashes, nothing detailed.”

  Well that was good at least. Last thing she wanted was to have her idle fantasies broadcasting out to the whole house.

  “He’s hot, you know,” Mary said, grinning at her in the mirror. “Who is he?”

  “Gabe, a friend. We worked together.”

  “So you two weren’t…” Mary waggled her eyebrows with a saucy grin.

  “No, we are just friends,” Cordelia replied, unable to keep out the note of disappointment in her voice.

  “But you wished you were more than friends, huh?” Mary said around the bobby pins she had clamped between her lips as she pinned her hair. “And let me guess, you didn’t say anything because you didn’t want to ruin the friendship.”

  “That and I figure, if he was interested too, he’d let me know,” Cordelia replied. “I know all about the He’s Just Not That Into You school of thought.”

  “Well, he’s an idiot if he didn’t realize what a catch you are,” Mary said. “There will be plenty of eligible bachelors at Roxy tonight who know how to appreciate a female.”

  “I’m not sure if this is a good time in my life to be getting involved with anyone.”

  “Who said anything about getting involved? Just enjoy the attention. It’s an ego boost.”

  Mary had a point. Maybe an ego boost would be a good thing. Even she could admit she looked pretty hot tonight. Mary had pinned up half of her hair, letting the soft curls bounce around her shoulders while the rest was pinned to her crown in intricate spirals. Add in her silky smooth skin and sparkling eyes thanks to being a Shadow Walker, Cordelia was actually feeling pretty good about herself.

  “You know what? You’re right. I look good and I’m going to enjoy whatever attention I get. I deserve to go out and have some fun.” She turned around to face Mary. “Thank you for making me do this.”

  “No need for thanks. I’m the one in the clan who always pushes people out of their comfort zone.” Mary pinned up one last curl and smiled as she smoothed a hand over her hair. “There, ready to go. Now, let me go change so we can head out before we run out of night.”


  Gabe was in a dark place and he didn’t know if he was going to get out.

  He sat on a stool pulled up to the worn bar top in some dive off the Danforth. He had started in on doubles of the cheap rye when he arrived an hour ago and he wasn’t planning to slow up any time soon.

  He wanted to be nice and numb before it came time to stumble his ass home. The numbness was the only way to make sure he passed out the second his body hit the mattress. No fucking way was he going to spend another night laying there, staring up at the ceiling, unable to sleep or think about anything else but her.

  It had been two weeks since Mitch had come out to the site and told the crew that she had died in a car accident. No funeral. No memorial. No idea where she would be buried. One day she was there and the next she was just gone.

  It had been two weeks of walking around like a zombie, unable to focus on anything. He had tried to work but his head was too fucked up and after nearly taking off one of the guy’s legs with a jackhammer, Mitch had told him to take some time off.

  So here he was, with nothing to do but drink and think about Cordelia. He hadn’t known her that long but
there had been something about her that had touched him deeply.

  The grief he was experiencing told him that much.

  The only loss that hurt him more was when his mother had lost her battle with cancer years before. She had been his entire world, raising him by herself because his father had left before he was even born. She had worked two jobs to take care of him and he paid her back by always doing his best. He studied hard and earned himself a full ride to college and then to law school. She had been so proud of him.

  It had been in his last year of law school when she had been diagnosed. She assured him that it wasn’t that bad, that she would beat it and he had believed her. She had been his rock, the one person in the world he had always been able to count on. Eventually things got bad and she could no longer hide the truth from him. She had finally confessed to him that it had become terminal and within a month, she was gone.

  He dropped out of school and went on a bender that would put most hardcore alcoholics to shame. His memory of that time was a blur of bottles, dive bars, flying fists and more than a few nights in the drunk tank. It had been one of those nights sleeping it off behind bars that had him take a long look at what he was doing.

  If his mother could see what he had become, she would be so ashamed. She didn’t bust her ass raising him to be smart, respectful and hardworking for him to turn out like this. He had to clean himself up, if not for his own well being, then at least to honour the sacrifices his mother had made for him.

  It had taken him years to get the grief of losing his mother to a manageable level. He worked odd jobs then fell into construction and decided to make a go of it as a career. His determination to pay tribute to his mother by making a success of what life he had left was what kept him going down the right path.

  Now here he was spiralling out of control again and he couldn’t work up enough energy to give a shit. It was as if the universe was conspiring against him, whether to punish him for some sin he didn’t remember committing or to test his strength. He didn’t know and he didn’t much care. All he knew was that he hurt and he wanted it to stop and booze did that better than anything else.


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