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His Vengeance, Marriage and a Baby: He hated her for cockolding him with his brother. Now he wanted vengeance.

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by Sabel Simmons

  He was also involved with other entities and she knew he made his private Billions with wise investments. She just did not know he also owned one of the largest investment companies in the world.

  They reached the hospital and Zoey immediately noticed her Grandmother sitting in the little garden to the side of the entrance. She shrieked her name and ran towards her. Ellie jumped up and hugged her in her arms. Zoey talked non-stop and Ellie just shook her head with joy.

  Amber hesitated a few steps away. She cried openly. It was the first time she has seen her Mother in ten years. She came to assist with Zoey’s birth, but that was the last time they saw each other. Ellie looked up and her heart stopped. Zoey noticed her looking over her shoulder and turned and felt tears in her own eyes to see her mother crying so uncontrollably. Then she ran towards Ellie and they stood hugging each other for a long time, neither saying a word. Both shaking with sobs. Ellie pushed Amber away and gently wiped her tears away. She brushed her hair through her fingers and she whispered brokenly.

  “My beautiful daughter! Oh, how I missed you. Now, right at this moment I only realize how much! I am so sorry it is under these circumstances that you had to come back.”

  “Me too, Mom.”

  “How long are you staying?”

  Both Ashton and she held their breaths. Her heart would break if she had to lose her once again to the cold, hard world of Alaska. Zoey could not contain herself.

  “We’re not going back! Mom said one way or the other she will find a job. That is if we can stay with you and Gramps at first?”

  “Oh! This is the best news ever! Your father will be so happy! Come, before he falls asleep for the night. He refused to come to the hospital at first. He was adamant that he would be at home when you arrived.”

  Ashton took Zoey by the hand and guided her inside. Amber turned to Ellie and swallowed.

  “Mom … what does Damien Jordan know about Zoey and me?”

  “Apart from that you are her mother, nothing. We know how important it is to you and frankly I have always had a suspicion that the Jordan boys had something to do with your disappearance. There were stories about you and Paul before he died. Is he Zoey’s father?”

  Amber bit her lip. She could not get herself to admit anything … not to her mother.

  “Mom, I don’t want to talk about him, but the Jordan’s, more specifically Damien Jordan promised vengeance against me. They believed I was the cause of Paul’s death. If they think even for one moment Zoey was his, I would lose her and I can’t afford that! Does he know how old she is?”

  Ellie frowned at her daughter. There were so many emotions flashing behind her eyes, she could not put a name to any of them. She thought back over the years but could not remember that topic ever coming up.

  “No, I don’t believe he ever asked. Maybe he assumed?”

  “Oh God! I don’t expect any of you to lie, but I have to! I can’t afford to lose her, Mom. If he asks me, I will tell him she is nine.”

  “Amber, lying has a way of backfiring.”

  “I know, but I need to buy some time. I did not expect to be faced with him so quickly upon arrival. Why did you never tell me what was going on?”

  “Your Dad is a proud man. He did not even tell Ashton, until after Damien managed to turn things around. He has been good to us, Amber.”

  “Yes, I am sure he has. He spun a clever web to destroy me … using my own family! Please, Mom … there was no way for you to know this. It is not your fault!”

  She forced her resentment down and they walked to the private room where her father was. The closer they got, the slower she walked. Ellie wrapped her arm around her shoulder.

  “Relax Amber, he is not here. I don’t expect him to be back tonight either. He had a function to attend.”

  They walked into the room and Amber’s tears flowed again. Her father still looked as imposing as ever, even though he was pale. However much Damien Jordan was going to make her suffer, it was worth being with her family again. Now, after all the years seeing them again and knowing how much it meant to her daughter to be part of a family, she could not leave again.

  She would suffer his vengeance, but she would never give her daughter up. She would fight tooth and nail for her!

  The personnel allowed them to visit a little longer than permitted, but eventually they had to leave. Amber stayed behind and hugged her father.

  “My daughter … you are so beautiful! I am so proud of you, for surviving all these years on your own. I can’t tell you how elated I am that you decided to stay here. I need to ask you a favor. I already spoke to Damien about this and he agreed it will be an ideal solution.”

  Her heart missed a beat at the mention of his name.

  “I am going to be off for a number of months. Damien is too involved with the Airline and his other companies to be involved on a daily basis with Pears Financial. We want you to take over the management of the business. Please, Amber, you are the only one I trust.”

  “Thank you for the trust in me, Dad. How much is Damien involved in the business on a daily basis. Would I have to report to him?”

  “On the same basis I have to, yes. He injected a massive amount of money and is only looking after his investment. But he will not be at the company on a daily basis. He will pop in once or twice a week at first.”

  “I’ll think about it, Dad. Now rest. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Amber could not sleep that night. She expected to be faced with the Jordan’s at some stage once they got back. What she did not expect was for Damien Jordan to entrench him so deep in her family. Secretly she had hoped over the years that he has given up on his promise of vengeance. Clearly he has only waited until he could find a way to ensure she would know he had the upper hand. He did not only intend to make her suffer, he made sure she knew he held her parents future in his hands.

  When she eventually did fall asleep, it was to have the same dream that has now occurred nearly every night. She went jogging at first light to get her raging hormones under control. If only she became involved with other men over the past number of years, she would not fall prey to these ridiculous dreams. The years of running and hiding did not really lend the time to build relationships, nor did her constant fear of any stranger that approached her. She always saw someone working for the Jordan’s in every one of them. In such a small community as they lived in, there were not many opportunities for single women. The ones there were became her friends and once they did, she could not become intimate with them. Even just kissing felt weird and nothing ever came from it.

  So, stupid as it sounded in this day and age, she has been living a celibate and damn lonely life! She was sexually frustrated and acknowledged long ago that masturbating and a vibrator just did not offer the same crash and burn effect sex with a man did.

  She ran until she was breathless and her legs burnt, smiling and waving off the catcalls she got from young guys in the area. It was already past eight by the time she got back home and got an earful from Zoey.

  “Where have you been, Mom? You know you’re supposed to tell me when you go somewhere!”

  Amber scrunched her hair and she shrieked.


  “Had you taken the trouble, my darling, you would have found the note I left on my bed.”

  “We’ve had breakfast already and have been waiting on you for an hour! Gramps’ op is in an hour!”

  “I’m sorry, I did not realize I ran so far. Why don’t you guys go so long? I’ll catch up with you.”

  “Take Dad’s car, hon. I’m not so sure that red tin outside has enough left in it to make it that far!”

  “It got us here, didn’t it?”

  “Please, Amber. I’ll feel better if you take the SUV.”

  “Very well, Mom. Now go, I’ll be along shortly.”

  She took a long bath to soothe her aching muscles from overdoing her run and dressed in a lilac flowered sundress that ended just above her kne
e, with flat strappy sandals. She brushed her hair until they shone and realized for the first time how long they’ve grown. She has not had the time to cut it for ages and it reached to her waist at the back. With only some mascara and coral colored lipstick, she got into the SUV and backed it out slowly.

  She drove to the hospital slowly and carefully, not used to such a powerful and large vehicle. Parking was not that difficult at least as it was still early. She sat staring at the hospital building for a while, pondering the discussion she had with Zoey, late the previous night. Another reason for her sleepless night.

  “Does my Dad live in Miami, Mom?”

  She froze at the unexpected question. It has always been a taboo subject of discussion and she did not know how to respond.

  “Honey, please. Let us concentrate on Gramps for now, okay?”

  “But Mom! I have a right to know who my father is! Why won’t you tell me?”

  “Zoey … he … he … I never told him about you.”

  The look on Zoey’s face crippled her. The hurt and devastation was more than she could bear and she died a little inside. How was she ever going to make things right with her?

  “I always thought he was dead, because you never spoke about him! Now you tell me he does not know! How could he not know, Mom?”

  She raced out of the room before Amber could respond. Later when she looked for her, she found her lying on her bed listening to music. She sat down next to her and Zoey crawled closer and sat next to her. She hugged her close, whispered how sorry she was and they sat like that until Zoe fell asleep in her arms.

  She shook herself from her thoughts and got out of the SUV, pressed the control to lock the car and quickly walked to her father’s room. She heard his deep, raspy voice as she neared the room and froze in her tracks. Ashton peeped around the door, looking for her and when he noticed her he met her in the passage.

  “He’s here, Sis.”

  “I know. I heard his voice. How is Dad?”

  “Nervous. You seem amazingly calm knowing you are about to face the man you have been running from for eleven years.”

  “It is fear, brother dear. Pure fear! I suppose I can’t hide until he leaves and then go and wish Dad good luck?”

  “Only if you’re going to hide in the theatre. He is planning on staying until he comes out of theatre.”

  She dropped her head on her chest and took a deep breath. He took her hand and squeezed it tight. She gave him a small smile and walked trembling alongside him into the room. She noticed his massive bulk out of the corner of her eye, but Ashton was between them. She walked around the bed and took her Dad’s hand he held out to her.

  Amber bent down and kissed him lightly on the cheek. Her smile was as beautiful as her amethyst colored eyes and he squeezed her hand with both his.

  “My darling girl. I thought I dreamt it last night, but you and Zoey are here. I am so sad we missed seeing you turn into such a beautiful woman.”

  He stroked her hair and let it fall from his fingers.

  “So very beautiful!”

  “Dad, enough already! It seems you are much better today. I am sure you are going to be as good as new in no time!”

  Her voice sounded husky with emotion and she had to clear her throat to force the lump down that nearly strangled her. Parker dropped her hair and waved to the side of the bed.

  “Damien, this is Amber. I’m not sure if you two ever met before she left Miami?”

  “Oh, we met Uncle Parker. We most definitely met.”

  To her ears his voice sounded strangled and forced with enough venom in them to kill her on the spot. He waited until her eyes lifted and met his. He saw her start and wince, but he refused to hide his feelings from her. It took a lot of planning and money to get to this stage and now that he had her here, she needed to know there was no way out.

  “Amber. I am delighted to see you again. It has been … how many years again?”

  Amber tried to slow her breathing but her chest rose rapidly and she tried to take deep breaths. She was saved by the bell … or the theatre nurse so to speak who came to fetch her Dad for his operation. The Cardiologist followed on her heels and greeted everyone.

  “You are a lucky man, Parker, to have so many loved ones here today. I am going to repair the valve and if the heart is strong enough, we will do the bypass immediately. We discussed it yesterday and I believe it is the best solution. There are too much damage to the left ventricle already and I do not want to chance another heart attack at this stage.”

  He quickly checked Parker’s vitals and turned towards the door.

  “This is a very long procedure. I suggest you all get comfortable. The coffee shop on the ground level serves fantastic cakes and tarts. If you are not here when we are done, we will come and look for you. Please Ellie, don’t worry. He will be fine.”

  Zoey walked into Amber’s arms and she hugged her tight. They watched the bed being pushed out the door and she asked with a small voice.

  “Is he really going to be alright, Mom? He looked so pale last night.”

  “I am sure he will be fine, my darling. He is a strong man and Doctor Williams is one of the best Cardiologists in the World.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Why Zoey, I did what you always tell me to do. I used technology … I Googled him!”

  She peeled with laughter and hugged her tight. She looked up into her eyes and whispered softly.

  “It’s okay, Mommy. I am not mad, but someday soon I do want to know!”

  Amber squeezed her eyes shut, but could not prevent the tears from slipping past her eyelids. When she looked up it was to clash with ice cold, steely, silver grey eyes. He walked closer and looked down at Zoey.

  “So Zoey, your grandfather says you are going to stay here permanently now. Which school are you going to attend?”

  “I am not sure yet. We are waiting for an approval on an application.”

  His eyes rose to Amber and up close the anger sizzled anew in his.

  “Which school?”

  “The Mast Academy. She has an above average IQ and needs to go to a school where she can develop properly.”

  “Quite an expensive school. I suppose she will join the live-in academy? Are you sure you will be able to afford it?”

  “Luckily it is none of your concern.”

  His eyebrows rose slowly and he glanced down at Zoey again. His eyes traced every line on her face and he looked back at Amber.

  “It isn’t?”

  Chapter Three

  Ashton walked in at that point and told them they were going to the coffee shop. Zoey immediately drew away from Amber and took Ashton’s hand. Damien’s eyes followed her and then nodded at Ashton.

  “We’ll be along shortly.”

  He watched them until they disappeared down the passage before he turned back to Amber. She watched him wearily.

  “So, she is none of my concern, you say. Yet she has Paul’s eyes … and mine for that matter.”

  “And Ashton’s, but who’s counting.”

  He glared at her for her sassiness.

  “Is she Paul’s child, Amber?”

  “Zoey is nine, Damien.”

  His eyes narrowed at her and his voice bit with icy resolve.

  “I hope for your sake you are not lying to me, Amber. You cannot afford to annoy me any further.”

  She rubbed her temple and sighed.

  “It has been eleven years, Damien! Eleven years! What good would vengeance do at this late stage? Do you even remember why you …”

  “You don’t know me anymore, Amber, so I will let that slip for now. Don’t ever try to annoy me, or question what I do and why. I never make a decision I have not thought through properly. I destroyed people for a lot less than that. What do you think you deserve for what you did to my brother and leading me a merry chase for eleven goddamned years?”

  She gasped at the vicious expression on his face and the raw hate in his eyes.

  “And let us not discount what you did to me, Amber! That is the one injustice I have never been able to forget! Oh no, my beauty. You have a lot to pay for and I promise you. My vengeance will be sweet!”

  “Exactly what have I done to your brother, Damien … and you? My injustice to you! How dare you! You were the one that … just forget it! I have done nothing for you to avenge! Do you hear me, Damien Jordan! Not a damn thing!”

  He grabbed her shoulders in the vices his hands became and he pulled her struggling body slowly against his. So tight every inch of their bodies touched from shoulder to knee. Amber’s breath wheezed through her teeth at the rock hard arousal of his shaft pressing against her stomach. He lowered his head until their eyes were level and his eyes scorched hers.

  “I am not even surprised that you claim innocence! But we will dissect every one of your charges and you will pay for each of them. That my beauty, is a fact and a promise.”

  His eyes dropped and fastened on her full, plump lips so close to his. He could feel her tremble against his body and he slowly moved her against him, rubbing her breasts against his hard chest and he smiled wickedly when he felt her nipples turn into hard nubs, stabbing against him.

  She renewed her struggles but he held her tighter and kept the slow sideways movement, forcing more friction and eliciting an involuntary moan from her lips.

  “I see they are still very sensitive. I intend to explore more of you very soon, but for now … greet me properly, my love.”

  His head lowered without further ado and his mouth captured hers with urgent intensity. He forced his way into her mouth with ease and he kissed her wildly, sensually and heated her body to a furnace with the second sweep of his tongue deep inside her mouth. He sucked and drank deep from her mouth, forcing her to easy submission and she kissed him back with equal fervor.

  The sounds in the passage brought Amber back to her senses and she started to struggle against him in earnest, but he took his time to end the kiss slowly and reluctantly. He gripped her hair at the nape of her neck and pulled her head back slightly.


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