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Fall into my Heart (The Subzero Series, #1)

Page 15

by Rebecca Elise


  The only reason I could think to even go skydiving in the first place was to try something new and that didn’t seem like enough of a reason anymore. I mean, I don’t have to go skydiving to try something new right? I can’t go home yet though and the parking lot I pulled into just happened to be at the mall. Well it looks like my decision is made!

  As I walked into the busy mall, I realized just how much I missed this. Not the mall, of course, but the hustle and bustle of New York. Okay well maybe I miss the mall a smidge too. As I walked passed a couple of stores, I decided to buy a new dress for my parents New Year’s Eve party. I packed a dress to bring with me, but why wear something old when you can wear something new?

  I walked into a store and begin riffling through the racks. I found three dresses and walked back to the fitting room to try them on. The first dress I tried on was steel gray satin with a chiffon halter top. The second was a basic little black dress with spaghetti straps. The third on was this wild black and purple leopard print. I wasn’t seriously considering this dress but it was fun to try on. In the end, the steel gray dress won.

  Next on my list was the shoe store. As soon as I walked in, I saw a pair of gorgeous satin slate gray stilettos. I grabbed a box marked 6.5 and was on my way up to the register when I spotted an amazing pair of brown leather knee high boots.

  The salesman walked over to me. “They are fabulous aren’t they?”

  “They sure are.” I nodded my head.

  He glanced down at the shoebox in my hand. “Six and a know I only have one pair left in your size.”

  Maybe he was just trying to make a sale, but the thought of almost losing these boots sent a wave of panic and exhilaration through my veins. “Not anymore ya don’t.” I told him as I followed him to the register.

  “Alright, so that is a total of Six hundred and forty five dollars.” He said cheerfully.

  $645! The stilettos were only $120 so that means the boots were......Don’t panic. No need to panic. You will just have the wear these boots every day for the rest of your life whether they match your outfit or not! The boots were gorgeous though and, I mean, can you really put a price on fabulousness? No, no you can’t. I handed him my credit card and decided to head back to my parent’s house. I think I did enough damage for one day.

  On the way home, though, I happened to spot a tattoo parlor. That’s it! It’s something I have never done and it doesn’t involve jumping out of a plane. Just permanent body branding but who cares? I made a U-turn at the next traffic light and pulled into the parking lot. There were two guys sitting at the cash register when I walked in. One of them was covered in tattoos. The other guy had a couple of tattoos but had also managed to pierce just about every inch of his face as possible.

  “Let me guess.....belly ring?” the guy with the piercings said.

  “Tattoo.” I replied.

  “You got any tattoos there princess?” Tattoo guy asked.

  “No, this is my first.” I said as I scanned the images on the wall.

  “Virgin.” Tattoo said.

  “Excuse me?” I asked taken aback.

  The two guys started laughing. “I mean your fresh meat. Never been tattooed before.” Tattoo explained.

  “Oh.....could you do this?” I asked pointing to a tribal design on the wall.

  “Why that one?” Tattoo asked as he walked over to me.

  “Well, the sorta reminds me of an angel.” I told him.

  “What if I do that and put a couple of rays about the diamond right there to give it the illusion of a halo.”

  “That sounds great.” I agreed.

  After deciding to get the tattoo on my back, so it can be easily covered up for work, Tattoo had me sit backwards in his chair while he gathered his supplies.

  “What are the lollipops for?” I asked.

  “Those are because you look like you might be a jumper.” Tattoo explained.

  I didn’t jump though. I sat perfectly still and it didn’t even hurt that much. I mean it did a first when he went over my spine but after a few minutes everything numbed up and it actually felt pretty good – like a massage. A massage with a needle that left ink everywhere it touched. About two hours later, I finally walked back into my parent’s house.

  “What happened to skydiving?” Nick asked as he pointed to my shopping bags.

  “I changed my mind. I found something else to do that didn’t involve leaping to my death.” I said.

  “Oh, let’s see what you got!” Abby exclaimed.

  I bent down to pull out my new boots and Tyler exclaimed “You got inked!”

  I stood up and placed my left hand over my back. How did he? Oh right, I’m sure the giant bandage on my lower back gave it away. That and Tyler has a couple of tattoos himself. He knows how this goes.

  “Chloe you got a tattoo? Seriously?” Nick asked.

  I nodded as everyone ran over to see it. I turned around and gently pulled away the bandage.

  “Nice!” Tyler said, nodding his approval.

  “Don’t let mom see it!” Abby said. Abby got her belly button pierced when she was 18 and mom flipped out. She told us if she ever caught us with body piercings, aside from the ears, or tattoos, we were out of the will. Somehow Nick has managed to hide his three tattoos from her for four years now.

  “Don’t let mom see what?” Mom asked, walking into the living room.

  Everybody scattered quickly, returning to the couch.

  “Don’t let mom see how much Chloe paid for these boots.” Abby said giving me a shocked look. She pointed to the receipt and I shrugged my shoulders.

  “Great boots Chloe,” Mom said, “You probably spent what? Two hundred tops?”

  Plus $425 I thought as I nodded my head. My cell phone rang then and I jumped to get. My heart said that it was Jack and then it sunk a little bit when I read the name on the display.

  “Hi Alexis. How are you?” I asked.

  “Good, I wanted to see if you wanted to grab some lunch tomorrow. I wanted to see you while you’re in town.”

  After my talk with Jonathan, I was sort of expecting this call. “Sure, that sounds great.”

  “Good, shall we say 12:30 at Napoleon’s?”

  “Alright I’ll see you then.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  I tossed and turned all night trying to figure out what I was going to say to Alexis. I wasn’t even positive that she was going to ask me to come back. Maybe she really did want to just meet up while I’m in town. I just find it too much of a coincidence after that talk I had with Jonathan. Finally, around seven o’clock, I decided I couldn’t lie in bed any longer so I got up and went downstairs. As usual, my mom was the only one up.

  “Good morning Chloe.” She said glancing at the clock.

  “Yeah I know what time it is. I can’t sleep.” I told her.

  I sat down at the kitchen table as my mom stood up. She pulled a mug out of the kitchen cabinet and poured some coffee into it. I grabbed the carton of French vanilla creamer and the sugar bowl as she set the mug down in front of me.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” My mom asked.

  I took a sip of coffee before I began.

  “Well Alexis wants to meet today and before I came home, Jonathan said there were some rumors going around that she was going to try to persuade me to come back. I don’t know what to do.”

  “I’m surprised you’re considering it. I thought you loved it in London.”

  “I do and I honestly wasn’t considering it. I even told Jonathan he had nothing to worry about,” I paused to take another sip of coffee, “But now everything is so messed up with Jack and I’m probably going to have to move out of my condo. I just don’t see how we can continue being neighbors. It’s bad enough I am probably going to lose him as a client. Plus now that I’m here, I realized how much I miss New York.”

  My mom placed her hands on top of mine.

  “Chloe you know
you can come visit anytime you want, but do you really think that you are going to be any happier if you move back home?”

  “No not really.” I admitted.

  “I’m not going to tell you what to do; you need to figure this one out on your own. I will say this though, you went to London for a reason and if you come home before that reason is fulfilled I am worried that you are going to regret it.”

  I knew she was right but it still didn’t make my decision any easier. I finished my coffee and stood up.

  “Thanks mom.” I gave her a quick squeeze and went upstairs to start getting ready.

  Dressed in jeans and a cream off the shoulder sweater, it was finally time for me to go meet Alexis. I felt nervous as I walked into Napoleon’s. I spotted Alexis right away. She was sitting in a booth sipping on a dirty martini.

  “It’s good to see you!” Alexis exclaimed as I sat down.

  “Can I get you a drink miss?” A waiter appeared at our table.

  “A glass of Riesling please.” I said. I didn’t have any intention on drinking so early in the day, but I needed something to calm my nerves.

  “So how are things? Give me the big scoop.” Alexis said.

  “Things are really great.” I lied.

  “Hmmmmm.....Listen Chloe, I’m gonna get right to the point. I know things are in the can. I heard you and some boy broke up and I just got rid of that dopey girl Breanne, thank goodness. I am prepared to offer you more than what you make now if you come back to New York.”

  The waiter sat down my wine and was about to walk away when I grabbed his arm.

  “I’m gonna need another.” I said.

  He gave me an odd look and nodded before walking off. I’m sure he was mentally telling himself to cut me off after this next drink.

  I quickly drank my glass of wine trying to think of what to say, when it finally hit me that I already knew what I wanted to do. I knew all along what my answer was going to be I just needed more confidence that everything was going to work itself out. Just as I was about to respond, Alexis jotted an amount down on a piece of paper and slid it across the table. I glanced down at the paper and my eyes nearly popped out of my head. That number was more than double what I was currently making.

  “Alexis, I really appreciate your offer but I’m gonna have to turn you down.”

  “You want more money?”

  “No it’s not the money at all. It’s just I haven’t given myself enough of a chance yet in London and I’m honestly not ready to give up and move back. I know you must think I am crazy for turning you down, but I would be crazy if I didn’t.”

  “So nothing I could say would change your mind?”

  I shook my head. “No, was really great to see you Alexis, but I have to go.” I stood up to leave.

  “You’re absolutely sure about not wanting to come back? I won’t offer this to you again.”

  “I’m positive. It’s an amazing offer but I can’t.”


  When I walked into my parent’s house, Abby, Tyler, Nick, my mom and my dad were sitting in the living room staring at me curiously. It was obvious they knew about my meeting with Alexis and were anxiously waiting for me to come back home.

  “I’m gonna take a wild guess and assume you told everyone.” I said studying each face. My guess would be that my parents were worrying about being stuck with their adult children in their house for the rest of their lives. Abby and Tyler were probably worrying about their relationship and trying to figure out what they would do if I moved back. Nick was the only one that probably honestly could have cared less.

  “Everyone was just concerned.” My mom replied.

  “Well.....what happened kitten?” My dad asked.

  I sat down Indian style on the black leather ottoman and pushed my hair back behind my ears. I took a deep breath in and slowly let it out.

  “Well Jonathan was right. Alexis offered me the same position I have now and more money to come back to New York.”

  “So you’re moving back?” Nick asked.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Abby and Tyler were sitting stiffly like statues holding their breath. I bit my lower lip and shook my head.

  “You turned her down?” Tyler almost sounded shocked. What did he think I was money hungry or something? I looked at him and nodded.

  “But it’s more money.” Nick said. I wasn’t surprised that he was reacting that way. Some things about my brother may have changed but other things have definitely stayed the same.

  “I don’t care about that. I make good money now,” I said starting to feel annoyed. “Look I’m really tired guys. I’m gonna go take a nap.” I went upstairs and fell into my bed. Satisfied with the decision that I made, I felt as though a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders, well partially anyway. But it was enough of a relief that I was able to fall asleep quickly without worry.

  I woke up two hours later, feeling both extremely refreshed and unbelievably starving. I was walking past the guest room when I realized I could hear Tyler talking to someone. This is going to sound terrible, but I tiptoed over to the cracked guest room door and paused to listen.

  “Really? Really? Dude that’s awesome! Uh huh okay. So when do you land?” I heard him say, “Oh that’s perfect.....No we’ll take care of it. Alright mate.”

  All of the sudden the guest room door popped open and I was standing face to face with Tyler. Tyler glanced down at his phone and then looked back up at me. I flashed him my best we both know you just caught me eavesdropping but let’s not make this anymore awkward than it needs to be smile.

  “Uhhh......That was my cousin. He’s coming to London for a bit of a holiday next week.” Tyler said.

  “Oh.....well that’s nice.” I wasn’t really sure if I believed him but what was I going to do? Search his phone like a psycho? Badger him until he tells me the truth? I had already been acting like one of those whiney girls that I hated lately, pining for some guy. I certainly didn’t want to go any farther and completely turn into someone else or even worse make everyone think I have turned in to a complete lunatic.

  “So are you doing anything right now?” Tyler asked.

  “I’m going to make something to eat before I completely starve to death.” I said placing my hands on my stomach.

  “Well listen, I was actually about to come and find you. I was wondering if maybe you would want to go out.”

  “I’m really flattered, but I just got out of a relationship and you’re dating my sister.” I joked.

  Tyler smiled. “No, I don’t mean on a date. I uh.....I didn’t bring anything really nice to wear. I know I wasn’t exactly what your parents were expecting, so I thought maybe I would get something a little bit dressier to wear to their party. We can get some pizza or something first.”

  I was about to ask him why he didn’t have Abby pick something out for him but the look on his face told me he didn’t just need my help, he needed a friend. Since all of his friends were back in London, and would probably tease him mercilessly, I was really all he had. Plus he mentioned pizza. Even if he didn’t need me I would have accepted his invitation just for the pizza.

  “Sure Tyler. Let me just get my purse.”

  An hour later, we were sitting in the food court of the mall. Tyler carried over a tray containing four slices of cheese pizza and two sodas to the table I found and saved for us. My stomach started growling like crazy as I picked up a slice of pizza. I had left Alexis before I had a chance to eat anything earlier, which I was starting to regret. To say that I was so hungry I scarfed down my pizza is an understatement. I think annihilated or ferociously devoured would be more appropriate. Tyler sat across from me looking completely disgusted, which almost made me want to laugh.

  “When is the last time you ate?” He asked.

  “Dinner last night.” I pulled a mirror out of my purse to make sure I didn’t have sauce all over myself. “So I was thinking we could go to this store called Fiore
llo’s. My cousin is the manager there.”

  Tyler nodded as he finished up his pizza. We stood up, threw our trash in the bin and made our way to the store.

  “I just have one request,” Tyler said as we walked into the store, “No jumpers – uh sweaters. I hate them. They’re all scratchy and I feel like I’m in a straitjacket when I wear them.”

  I nodded in agreement. “Not a problem. You don’t seem to be the sweater wearing kind of guy anyway.”

  I walked up to the salesgirl, who was texting on her cell phone at the cash register. She didn’t look up as we approached but she turned a little to the side so I was pretty sure she knew we were there. I cocked my head to the side, my eyes staring in to the side of her head. Tyler cleared his throat and I swear I saw her role her eyes. I wanted to smack her but getting arrested for assault really wasn’t on my list of things to do for the day. I started drumming my fingertips on the glass counter top and the salesgirl sighed as she realized we weren’t going to give up and walk away.

  “Can I help you?” She asked in a bored monotone voice.

  “Is Jenna Carver in?” I asked.

  The salesgirl gave me an annoyed look and sighed again. I’m guessing she just wanted me to ask where the jeans were so she could just point and now I was making her get up.

  “I’ll get her.” She said disappearing behind a door marked employees only. She reappeared seconds later with Jenna in tow.

  “Chloe! How are you? What are you doing here?” Jenna was eyeing Tyler from head to toe.

  “I’m good Jenna, This is Abby’s boyfriend, Tyler. He needs something to wear to my parents New Year’s Eve party.”

  “Okay, well I’m sure we can find something for you. What were you thinking of?” Jenna asked Tyler.

  Tyler stood there with a confused look on his face. “Well I’m assuming trousers and a shirt.”

  I shook my head. Men have no clue when it comes to shopping or fashion. It was pretty obvious that Tyler definitely needed my help. “Well I definitely think a black pant.”

  “Definitely.” Jenna nodded in agreement.

  “What do you think about a black shirt? Do you think that would be too much?” I asked.


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