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Changing of the Glads

Page 24

by Joy Spraycar

  Are you in the palace with Vitus?

  No. Here.

  I don’t understand. Zalphia sat up and opened her eyes.

  You. Me. Here.

  A quick flutter tickled her insides, followed by a solid thump just below her ribs.

  Kick. Me.

  Oh! Zalphia placed a hand on her belly. You’re my unborn child.

  Yes. Me. Child.

  A smile widened Zalphia’s lips. She was speaking to her baby before it even came into the world.

  Have you felt any other minds?

  Evil. Feel Evil.

  Of course he felt that. Was it a he? Maybe a girl?

  Are you a boy? Or a girl?

  Me. Child.

  Zalphia rolled her eyes. Maybe it didn’t understand what she was asking. She rubbed her belly, her hand softly caressing the slight bulge. This was her child, whether boy or girl, it didn’t matter. She would protect this little one until her last breath. No ending its life. Not now. Now she knew it was alive and aware inside of her.

  The perception it felt was right. Everything it would have felt while inside would have been evil. The matches she’d fought. The thoughts she harbored against Platy. And now, Vitus and his plans. This world was nothing but a big ball of evil all combined to terminate the growing life inside of her.

  I’m sorry, little one. Evil has had an influence on you. But from now on I will protect you. Keep any harm from coming to you. Do you understand?

  Me. You. Protect.

  No, I’ll protect you. You are safe with me.

  Safe. Yes. We. Safe.

  What do you mean?

  Together. Safe.

  The lock clicked, bringing Zalphia out of her trance-like state. The door swung open, and Platy pranced in.

  Zalphia’s heart leapt into her throat. How had Platy escaped?

  “Hello, Zalphia.”

  Zalphia’s actions in the Arena General’s office flashed in her mind, and she shot to her feet. “What are you doing here?”

  From the wild look on her trainer’s face, this was not going to be good.

  Zalphia’s eyes narrowed as Platy closed the door behind her.

  “I thought you were a prisoner.”

  Platy turned back to Zalphia and laughed. “You think you know everything. Well, you don’t. And you’ll never lay claim to what is mine.” Platy’s eyes widened, and the look on her face reminded Zalphia of a cornered tiger.

  Platy stepped closer and pulled a prod from behind her back.

  Zalphia retreated until the wall stopped her. “What are you talking about?”

  “You think you will end up with him? Well, I will never let that happen.”


  “Who?” Platy’s mouth turned up in a wicked grin as she mimicked Zalphia’s question. “As if you didn’t know.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Zalphia slid along the wall, away from her trainer, her mind reeling against this new threat. “You’re not making any sense.”

  Platy pushed the button and electricity hummed in the prod. “You think I don’t recognize the portraits? That fact that he’s always wanted you? You can’t have him. I don’t care what he thinks he’ll accomplish with your child. You and it won’t live long enough to find out. Do you hear me?”

  Zalphia swallowed hard. Platy had gone stark-raving mad. Who was she was referring to?

  “Platy, I have no idea who you’re talking about.”

  “Dameon, of course.”


  “Don’t pretend you don’t know about him.” Platy waved the prod in front of her. “Or maybe if I call him by his name on Selestia. All right then, Mantus.”

  Zalphia retreated to the corner by the sink. “Mantus?”

  Evil. Bad.

  Light dawned in Zalphia’s mind. Karaticus had mentioned him. This Dameon or Mantus was the other mind she had sensed. The one using Vitus.

  “You can’t have him. He’s mine.” Platy swung the prod at Zalphia’s head.

  Ducking, Zalphia slid under the sink and skittered past Platy’s legs. She didn’t care about Dameon or Mantus. Platy could have him. Zalphia only wanted her child unharmed.

  “You can’t get away. This time I won’t quit until you’re dead.” Platy’s eyes widened, and she laughed hysterically. “He’s mine. All mine.”

  Zalphia’s jaw clenched. No way she would allow Platy to do anything that might harm the baby. If the trainer thought that prod would land, she had another thing coming. No restraints here. Anger boiled to the surface, and Zalphia’s limbs trembled. The air inside the cell seemed to follow suit, and Zalphia’s attention turned to the floor and walls as they rolled like waves on the ocean

  Even Platy paused mid-stride and glanced around the room.

  Finally, the opportunity Zalphia had pictured for the last seven months while fighting in the arena presented itself. She smirked. At last, Platy would feel her wrath.

  The smile drew Platy’s attention from the walls, and again, she swung the prod. Zalphia deflected the blow with her forearm.

  Platy’s whole arm shook from the impact.

  “So you wanna fight me?” Zalphia growled.

  “No.” Platy jabbed the prod toward Zalphia. “I wanna kill you!”

  Ducking to the left, Zalphia grabbed the stick and swung Platy around. A fast jerk and Zalphia now held the prod. She slammed it against the wall, and it shattered into pieces, then showered to the floor.

  With her weapon destroyed, panic spread across Platy’s face. Her eyes opened even wider when she realized Zalphia now stood between her and the door.

  “That’s right.” Zalphia lifted an eyebrow. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited for this.” She crouched low.

  Platy’s eyes darted around. “I’m sorry, Zalph.” She raised her hands in surrender. “I was jealous, that’s all.”

  Now it was Zalphia’s turn to chuckle. “Well, I’m not. And I owe you for everything you’ve put me through.”

  Springing with the agility of a tiger, Zalphia threw an elbow into Platy’s jaw. The trainer spun around and whacked into the wall. Zalphia grabbed an arm and turned Platy to face her, and then with one blow of her fist shattered Platy’s nose.

  Blood sprayed across the room, and for the first time in her life, Zalphia relished the feel of the droplets on her face.

  Platy crumpled to the floor, hand filling with the blood pouring from her nose.

  Zalphia sent a swift kick to Platy’s ribs and cocked her foot back for another blow to her trainer’s head when the guards intervened.

  Three of them wrestled Zalphia against the vibrating wall, and two more dragged the limp Platy across the rolling floor, fighting to remain on their feet.

  One guard threw a punch to Zalphia’s jaw, making her lose control just long enough for them to throw her on the cot and escape.

  Zalphia regained her equilibrium and sat up, rubbing her jaw.

  She stared at the still-shaking walls and heard the guards cursing the movement as they struggled to secure the door.

  Had she done that? Did her connection to the lower vibrations allow her a power she never would have dreamed she could have?

  Zalphia thought about Platy, and the vibrations increased. She turned her thoughts to her child, and the shaking subsided.


  She had the same powers Max had demonstrated the day they had met. The day they destroyed a whole arena of people.

  A smile slowly spread across her face.


  She could use this. A smile slowly spread across her face. And use it she would. Against everyone who wished to steal her unborn child or worse. Against Vitus. Or anyone who thought they could use her for their own purposes.

  So this other mind, what had Platy called him? Dameon? Or Mantus had come from Selestia. He, too, had powers and was using them for his own agenda. Everything was falling into place. The pieces of the puzzle fit together and painted a picture Zalphia rec
ognized from the Glad arena. If it was a fight they wanted, it was a fight they would get.


  Max turned and looked back at the bunker Vitus constructed to remain hidden from the prying eyes of Selestia. The door Karaticus ushered him out of stood in the midst of a solid slab of red stone, rising hundreds of feet into the air and shimmering in the heat. The rest of Empire City spread out from the sheer stark wall.

  Hurrying to the nearest alley, Max slumped against the scorching brick. His son, the third strongest mind on Selestia, had turned evil just like Mantus. That left only one who could change things here.


  How would she accomplish that when she had no idea she could do the same things with her mind that Vitus could? Was she strong enough? Would she be able to escape on her own?

  The obvious answer was no.

  What had he done? Max peeked around the corner at the cliff. He had to go back.

  Karaticus was wrong. He could not protect Zalphia from Vitus when his own family’s lives hung in the balance.

  Max’s shoulders slumped.

  Damn it.

  Zalphia couldn’t use her powers without his mind to lend her strength. He had to be there for her no matter what it cost him.

  And what about their child? The child they created on the night they’d joined again as husband and wife. A child created from a love that spanned two lifetimes. What would Vitus do to it?

  Max straightened, squared his shoulders, and retraced his steps. He had to save her. Had to put everything on the line for the one he loved. Without her, there was no life. No need to save this planet or any other. He would get her out if it killed him. As long as Zalphia needed him, he would never again run the other way. If the great God above decreed that their mission should fail, then they would fail together, side by side.

  He reached the door where Karaticus had ushered him into the streets just moments before, balled his fists, and pounded against the cold steel which now separated him and his wife.

  Why had he left? What in the world was he thinking leaving Zalphia behind when he went to such lengths to stay near her?

  He pounded again. Longer. Harder.

  Still no answer.

  Visions of Zalphia suffering some of the many tortures he’d witnessed since joining the staff at the arena haunted him. He couldn’t let that happen. He couldn’t leave her to face this challenge alone. He knew now how far up the ladder the corruption went. It stopped right at the top with their eldest son. How could this have happened? The two brothers should have set up the new government and returned to Selestia.

  This wasn’t the Vitus Max remembered. Something had changed him. But what?

  Max pounded harder. Surely someone could hear him. Why didn’t they open the door? Couldn’t they see he was one of them, a guard of the Empire?

  “Come on, blast it. Let me in.”

  A gentle hand settled on his shoulder, pulling him from his frantic knocking. Max glanced back then spun around.


  Simeon’s blue eyes sent waves of calm washing over Max. “Hello, Son.”

  Max grabbed Simeon’s arm. “What are you doing here? They will see you.”

  “Will they?” Simeon chuckled. “You know well the ways of Selestia.”

  “But the emperor is Vitus. He can –”

  “I know what he can and cannot do. But that is not why I am here.”

  Max’s brow furrowed. “Why are you here?”

  “To guide you, just as I always have.” Simeon rested his arm across Max’s shoulders. “Come, I must speak with you.” He glanced at the door. “Away from here.”

  “No!” Max shrugged the arm off and turned back to the door. “Why should I trust you? You have been less than honest with me.”

  “How so?” Simeon’s eyebrows arched.

  “You told me that Zalphia and I were sent here to change things. That we would combine and bring down the one who has devastated this planet.”

  “And has that not occurred?”


  Simeon motioned for Max to follow him. “Come. I will explain everything.”

  “No, I will not leave Zalphia at the mercy of our evil son.”

  “You have no choice.”

  “But I do. I need to get back in there and save my wife.” Max turned back to the door and began pounding once more.

  A gentle hand touched Max’s shoulder. “Son, this will get you nowhere. They,” Simeon motioned to the door, “will never let you in. Therefore, all your pounding will not bring the desired result. However, if you will accompany me, I will reveal all to you.”

  Max whirled around. “Like you have in the past?” he said, sarcasm dripping from his words.

  A slight smile curved Simeon’s lips. “If you had known at the apex of your meeting Zalphia, you would have responded differently, and the cause would have been lost.”

  The words shot like an arrow straight into Max’s heart. That was exactly what he said to Zalphia. He had kept things from her so that she wouldn’t reject him. Now, Simeon was using his own words against him.

  “You could have told me.”

  Simeon shook his head. “No, ‘tis not so. You would never have put Zalphia in danger to save this planet. Since I sent you to the arena, you have felt that you could control how far her involvement went. You believed you could keep her safe."

  “And you are saying that I cannot. That she is safer stuck in there with those who wish to destroy her?”

  “Not at all. She will never be safe until our enemies are conquered. But your part now is to stand back and let Zalphia learn of her powers.”

  “She cannot use them, not without the strength of our minds being combined.”

  The wry smile crossed Simeon’s face. “Really?”

  Max gasped. “What do you mean?”

  “I believe you know.”

  “No, I do not. What are you saying?”

  Simeon raised his eyebrows.

  Max slumped against the door. “I think I know where you are going with this.”

  “You should. Come. Let us find a place to talk.”

  Max followed the Elder from the palace. He glanced back once as they turned the corner two streets down.

  I am sorry, my love. If you can hear me, know that I will do all in my power to rescue you. Find the strength within yourself to survive until we can be together again.


  Simeon slid onto a bench at the tavern, leaned his elbows on the table, and folded his hands. He motioned with his head for Max to sit opposite him. Max complied.

  “I know this is hard for you,” Simeon said. “But you must understand.”

  Max slid down in the seat and rested his head against the back of the bench. “You have no idea how I feel.”

  “Do I not?”

  “How could you?” Max sat forward and leaned his forearms on the table, his eyes searching Simeon’s face. “Exactly how could you know what I am feeling?”

  Simeon huffed a small chuckle. “Do you think you are the first to be sent to save a planet such as this?”

  “What?” Max’s brow furrowed, and his eyes narrowed to mere slits as he studied his mentor. “What are you saying?”

  “Come now, Maximillion. I have taught you how to retrieve the memories of your life on Selestia. Look back. Search those memories.”

  Max slid his arms from the table and leaned against the back of the bench. Had he missed something from his past?

  No. Simeon had walked Max through his life with Zalphia all those years ago. Max remembered nothing from those times except Zalphia and their sons. So what more was there?

  “Further back.” Simeon now crossed his arms. “Back to when you were a child. Before your life with Zalphia.”

  Max closed his eyes and concentrated. He never tried to look past his time with Zalphia and their sons. What could be important about his earlier childhood? He breathed slow and rhythmic, letting his mind f
all into another life, another place. The blackness seemed thick, tough, like a membrane which needed to be pierced. He shoved against it, struggling to break through to the light and answers that would lie beyond. The fight sapped his strength.

  His head tipped forward until his chin rested against his chest. Shaking from the effort, he finally burst through into the brilliance beyond.

  Max gasped.

  The scene before him spread like softened butter across a hot piece of toast. He saw his brothers, his mother, and...

  Max’s eyes flew open.

  “You are my...”

  “Yes, exactly. In each generation, there are two born who together make a Selestial pair. Two, who combined, have the power to rule Selestia and physically change things on the lower planets.”

  Max shook his head. It could not be. He would have felt a connection. Wouldn’t he?

  “You are my father.”

  Simeon closed his eyes for a moment. “Yes, Maximillion.”

  Max sank down in his seat. Disbelief covered him like a shade cloth torn loose in the arena.

  “Why did I not recognize you?”

  Simeon met Max’s gaze. “You had to learn from your experiences here, just as I have learned from mine. I was chosen to provide one from the next generation to take my place while my brother bore the other half. However, when Mantus was stripped of his powers, the sister of my wife stood forward to produce the next heir for Mantus.”

  “I do not understand.” Max felt the blood drain from his face.

  Zalphia and he were cousins? Two from the same royal family on Selestia?

  He ran a hand across his face. “How could my aunt bear a child with powers if she herself didn’t have them?”

  “Do you not believe that the great God above can do as he pleases?”

  “Of course.”

  Simeon sighed. “When Mantus was stripped of his powers, they were conferred upon her for the time she carried Zalphia. However, she gave her own life to bear that burden.”

  Simeon’s deep sense of guilt tightened Max’s chest. How could Simeon hope to control his brother? That wasn’t his responsibility, was it?

  “And what about before you and Mantus?”

  “My mother and father both carried the gift.”


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