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Wedding Knight (An Impossible Series Short Story)

Page 2

by Julia Sykes

  “Very nice,” my mentor praised when I was finally finished. “These will go well with breast bondage.” Kennedy’s grin was a touch evil as he pressed a pair of silvery nipple clamps into my hand.

  I took a moment to examine them. They had little metal teeth that would hurt something fierce if they bit into her sensitive nipples. “I like the chain that connects them, but no alligator clamps, you sadist.”

  Lydia might enjoy transcendent pain, but I never pushed her past her threshold. I would never risk triggering her dark memories by betraying her trust in me.

  “I’m not a sadist,” Kennedy frowned.

  I fixed him with a level stare. “I’d like rubber-tipped clamps, please.”

  He sighed. “You’re a soft touch.”

  “And you’re a hard-ass.”

  He smirked at me, but he went to the wall where a variety of implements for torment were arranged in an almost artistic pattern. When he returned, he gave me the pair of rubber-tipped clamps I’d requested.

  “Thanks, old man.”

  He shook his head. “I don’t know why I’m so nice to you.”

  “Because you love me, really.”

  He snorted, and I chose to turn my attention back to my sub. I cupped her pert breasts in my hands, massaging them until her nipples tightened to hard little peaks beneath my palms. She moaned as I toyed with them, pinching sharply before rolling them between my fingers. Her eyes drifted closed, and I knew she was prepared. I carefully placed the clamps around her nipples before closing them slowly. She hissed in a breath as I tightened them.

  “Relax,” I urged gently. “Breathe through it.”

  She did as I instructed, and after a few seconds, she let out a shuddering sigh and opened her eyes. Their blue-green depths were darkened by lust. I lightly tugged on the chain that connected the clamps. A sensual groan left her lips, and I traced the underside of her breasts in reward, contrasting the bite of pain with a rush of pleasure.

  “Master,” she released my name on a shuddering breath.

  “I’ve got you,” I promised, continuing to caress her breasts. “What next?” I asked the men, not breaking my gaze from her beatific expression.

  “Something nice for your subbie,” Dex rumbled.

  I took the item he offered: a pink butterfly vibe. I held it up so Lydia could see it.

  “Dex is the good guy here,” I said on a soft laugh as I traced the line of her jaw. “You’ve earned this, my sweet girl.”

  I turned it on, and she let out a needy whine at the soft buzzing sound. She had reached a point beyond coherent speech; her entire being was consumed by carnal craving, and I held absolute control over her pleasure. The knowledge went straight to my head, intoxicating me with power. This was her gift to me, one that I would do my damn best to repay through cherishing her and caring for her. I wasn’t sure if it would ever be enough to equal the soul-deep peace she gave me through her submission and love.

  I pressed the vibe against her clit and crushed my lips to hers, devouring the sound of her lust as she cried out into my mouth. I rubbed the toy against her in a circular motion. She was primed for orgasm, and it claimed her body within seconds. She writhed in pleasure, but her bonds held her in place: open and vulnerable.

  She began to twist against her cuffs as her little clit became overly sensitive against the still-buzzing vibrator. My fingers closed around her nape in a possessive grip, and she went still.

  “No,” I admonished. “Don’t fight it. I’m going to make you come so many times, all you’ll be able to remember is my name,” I murmured against her lips.

  “Master,” she whimpered as the last aftershocks of her ecstasy rolled through her.

  “That’s right. You’re mine. All mine.”

  She licked her lips and nodded her agreement. Satisfied with her capitulation, I quickly secured the vibe in place with thin black straps, ensuring it would continue to tease and torment her.

  “Reed?” I asked the final man. “What do you have for me?”

  He handed me a deerskin flogger.

  “Excellent choice,” I approved. Lydia had taken harsher whips before, but this one would inflict a deep thudding sensation that would thrum through her flesh to heat her core.

  I studied her. She was already panting and shaking from the unrelenting stimulation of the vibe against her pussy, ready to be pushed over the edge into another orgasm. My dick was rock hard with my own need for release, but I would wait. I exercised control over myself as well as her. It only heightened my high.

  I brushed one final kiss over her lips before stepping behind her to give her a new flavor of torment. The vibe might be inflicting ruthless pleasure, but I was about to add a layer of sweet pain. I knew my sub’s responses well, and I was confident that the heat of the flogger’s impact would only make her next orgasm more intense.

  She gasped at the first hit, her body rocking forward. The spreader bar held her in place, and she barely made it up onto her toes before being forced back into the position I desired. I landed a twin blow against her opposite cheek. A pretty pink flush bloomed on her golden skin. The sight made my mouth water and my dick throb.

  Not yet. I held myself in check. She would come again before I fucked her.

  I took up a steady rhythm, ensuring her flesh would be heated by the flogger as I painted her ass and upper thighs red.

  I fell out of time and place, my whole world centering on her. My sub’s harsh gasps turned to low moans, and her trembling intensified.

  “Come for me,” I ordered.

  Compelled by my command, she came undone.

  I couldn’t wait any longer. I left her side for a matter of seconds so I could retrieve some lube from the dispenser on the wall. Removing myself from my jeans, I covered my hard cock in the slick liquid as I returned to her. She was still shuddering in the throes of pleasure when I wrapped one arm around her waist and angled her hips back toward me. I lined my dick up with her asshole and leaned forward to whisper in her ear.

  “Naughty subs get fucked in the ass,” I told her, my voice low and rough. “You’ve been very good for me, but you shouldn’t have teased me, girl.”

  I pressed forward, and she yielded herself to me. I groaned as my cockhead slipped past her tight ring of muscles. At the same time, I tugged at the chain connecting her nipple clamps. A strangled cry left her lips, and the lustful sound took me to a more primal headspace. I bit down on her neck and entered her, driving in until my balls hit her hot pussy. She contracted around me, and I snarled against her soft flesh.

  Keeping her trapped by my possessive bite, I began to fuck her, slowly at first so she could adjust to my size. But she was accustomed to accommodating me, and it didn’t take long for her to relax so I could slide in and out of her, increasing my pace. Sharp cries were torn from her chest with my every thrust, and her inner muscles began to flutter around me.

  It was more than I could bear. Just as I began to come, I removed her nipple clamps. She screamed at the rush of pain to her sensitive peaks, but it brought on her own orgasm. She’d reached a point where pleasure and pain were inextricably intertwined, where one couldn’t exist without the other.

  I reveled in it—the power I held over her and the trust she placed in me. I roared out my satisfaction as my cum lashed deep into her, branding her as mine. No matter how many times I marked her like this, the resultant ecstasy never became less visceral.

  As we both came down, I traced the little indentations my teeth had left in her neck with my tongue. My bite would probably leave a visible mark tomorrow, but I was beyond caring. Lydia belonged to me, and I wanted everyone to know it.

  I remained inside her for long minutes, holding her as she sagged against her bonds. She was floating deep in subspace, and I didn’t want to disturb her.

  Finally, I carefully pulled out and quickly cleaned up before removing her rope harness and freeing her from bondage. Clayton helped support her as I worked, and I nodded my gratit
ude when I took her back from him, picking her up to cradle her limp form against my chest. She tucked her face into my neck and breathed out a happy little sigh, perfectly content and peaceful.

  I spoke to my friends, but I didn’t take my eyes off her. “Hell of a party, guys.”

  Chapter 2


  I awoke with a sense of languorous contentment and snuggled into my Master’s arms, keeping my eyes closed. He pressed a tender kiss to my forehead.

  “Morning, sweetheart.”

  Suddenly, I gasped and sat bolt upright. “I was supposed to stay with Rose last night!” I exclaimed. “It’s bad luck for you to see me before the wedding.”

  His fingers tangled in my hair, and he tugged me back down beside him. His strong body settled over mine. He caressed my cheek with his free hand, and his silver eyes looked into my soul.

  “You won’t have bad luck,” he declared. “I won’t fucking allow it. I’m going to see to it that you’re blissfully happy for the rest of your life. Our lives. I’m always going to take care of you.”

  I leaned into his touch. “I know. I’m going to take care of you, too, Master.”

  He grinned. “That’s my good girl.”

  His lips lowered to mine, and he swept me up in a long, sweet kiss. He started taking my mouth with greater hunger, nipping at my lower lip before sweeping his tongue inside to claim mine. He didn’t release me until I was gasping against him, craving him more than the air I breathed.

  He kissed his way down my neck and caught my wrists in his big hands, pulling my arms over my head and pinning them against the pillows.

  “Stay,” he murmured against my skin.

  He didn’t need a verbal response. My obedience to him was unquestioning, because I trusted him to never harm me in any way. Even when he gave me pain, it brought me pleasure.

  But pain wasn’t what he had in mind this morning.

  He released my wrists, and his palms skimmed down my arms, moving farther down my body until his hands gripped my hips. His tongue trailed a hot line between my breasts as he dipped his head toward my pussy. Liquid heat flooded my core, and my clit pulsed in need.

  “Wait,” I panted. “We don’t have time for this. I have to get to the hotel. Rose will be there to help me get ready.”

  “Rose can wait,” he half-growled.

  “But I’ll be late for the ceremony,” I protested breathlessly.

  “Then everyone can fucking wait.”

  He settled between my legs, his long fingers curling into my upper thighs to hold me open for him. For agonizing seconds, he merely studied me, a cocky smile twisting his lips as he watched my growing wetness coat my lower lips.

  Instinct urged me to rock my hips toward him, to twine my fingers in his thick black hair and pull him against me.

  I knew better than that. Master wouldn’t touch my pussy until he was ready. And right now, he was enjoying watching me struggle against my lustful actions. Resolutely, I kept my arms above my head and my hips steady.

  He hummed his approval and finally lowered himself. His morning stubble teased across my skin as he rubbed his cheek against my thighs. I shivered as my inner muscles contracted, my sex swelling with need.

  His tongue traced the line of my pussy lips, dipping between them to taste me. His satisfied growl vibrated against my sensitive flesh, and I moaned out my pleasure. He pressed a whisper-soft kiss to my clit, and I whimpered at the light contact. I was ready to come apart at the slightest touch. My orgasm was so close…

  He pulled away and settled his powerful body atop mine once again, denying me.

  “Master!” I whined, writhing beneath him. “Please…”

  His teeth flashed in a wicked grin. “I want you to be all hot and needy for our wedding night. I have something special planned for you.” He trailed his fingers over my heated cheek. “My blushing bride.”

  I couldn’t suppress a pout. He traced my lips with his thumb. “Smile, sweetheart. You’re getting married today.”

  “To a sadist,” I huffed.

  “I promise I’ll more than make it up to you tonight,” he said, completely unrepentant.

  I blew out a sigh, knowing he wasn’t going to relent. “You’d better,” I mumbled, more out of token resistance than true discontent.

  Abruptly, he took me by the waist and guided me to a sitting position before urging me off the bed. When I got to my feet, he swatted my ass.

  “Now, go get ready, little sub. You’re going to be late.”

  I couldn’t suppress a giggle. “And whose fault will that be?”

  He shrugged. “It was worth it.”

  Giddiness overtook me in a sudden rush of pure bliss. “I’m getting married today!” I burst out, bouncing on the balls of my feet.

  “Isn’t that what we’ve been talking about all morning?” he asked, his voice rumbling with mirth.

  I grinned at him. “To you,” I clarified the reason behind my overwhelming joy. “I’m marrying you, Smith.”

  “I should hope so. There wasn’t anyone else in the running, was there?”

  “Definitely not. I love you.”

  He stood and closed the short distance between us. “I love you, too, Lydia.”

  I rose up onto my tiptoes to kiss him, but he broke the contact far too soon, his lips twisted in a rueful smile.

  “You really should get going,” he urged gently. “I’ll see you at the altar.”

  “It’s a date,” I promised.

  “I can’t believe Smith bit you last night.” Rose frowned at the bruise on my neck and added another coat of foundation to mask it. “Didn’t he know it would leave a mark?”

  I smiled. “I think that was the point.”

  “Doms,” she muttered. Her head canted to the side, her pale green eyes studying her work. “I think that’s as good as it’s going to get. Is there anything else you need to put on before you get into your dress?”

  I shrugged out of my white silk robe and glanced down to check my attire. I’d selected a pale blue garter belt and lace-topped white stockings to wear beneath my wedding gown.

  Something blue, something new, something nude.

  I’d decided to make my own play on tradition.

  “This is it,” I told her.

  One corner of her full pink lips tugged up in a conspiratorial smile. “You look perfect for tonight. Smith’s going to love it.”

  “Thanks. I think I’m ready for my dress. Is my mom here yet?”

  “She’s waiting in the next room. Do you want me to get her now?”

  I shook my head. “I don’t want her to see my scars. Let’s get the dress on first. She can help with my veil.”

  My Master had helped me come to terms with my scarred body, to find strength in the marks of my survival. But my mother was still upset by the cruel lines my captor’s whip had cut into my back.

  “You okay?” Rose regarded me with concern.

  “Better than okay,” I assured her. I wasn’t at all rattled by dark memories. Smith had made sure that I’d never be scared again. I was proud of my body.

  Rose gave me a quick hug and then went to unzip the garment bag that hung next to the full-length mirror. Joy and gratitude welled up in me when she removed the dress.

  “Oh, Rose, it’s even more stunning than I remembered.” My friend had designed the dress and made it herself, down to the tiny seed pearls stitched into the neckline.

  She beamed with pride. “I’m glad we went with the ivory over the champagne tone. This is perfect with your complexion.”

  “Everything about it is perfect,” I said fervently. “Thank you so much for doing this for me.”

  “Hey, it’s not like I’m going to get to make a wedding gown for my brother. You’re my sister from another mister.”

  My eyes welled with the depth of my affection, and I laughed as I pulled her into a tight embrace.

  “Watch the lace,” she giggled. “I don’t want you to snag the dress on you
r necklace.”

  I pulled back and touched my fingers to the green tourmaline gem my Master had given me to mark me as his. “We’re safe,” I declared. “Nothing snagged.”

  “Come on,” she urged. “Let’s get you in the dress. I’m sure your mom is dying to see you in it.”

  Rose carefully arranged the fabric over my body, leaving my curled hair perfectly in place as she worked.

  “Wow, you’re a pro at this.”

  “It’s good practice for me. I want to open my own bridal boutique next year.”

  “You’re going to be the most sought-after designer in New York,” I declared, staring down at the intricate gown. Creamy lace hugged my every curve before flaring slightly at my knees. The neckline plunged between my breasts, but the long sleeves kept the overall style tasteful.

  I looked at myself in the mirror, and my jaw dropped. Could the rosy-cheeked, vibrant woman staring back at me really be me? A few years ago, I couldn’t have imagined this. My life had been darkness and torment. The first time I looked at myself in the mirror after Smith rescued me, I’d seen a shell of a woman. I hadn’t been able to see anything of myself in her. My Master had helped me find myself again. He’d demanded that I do so, and he didn’t relent until I was whole and healed.

  And today, I got to marry him. I was going to spend the rest of my life with him.

  “Watch the tears,” Rose warned, her own voice thick with emotion. “If you start crying, so will I. I used waterproof mascara on both of us, but I get all puffy. I don’t want to ruin your wedding photos.”

  “You couldn’t possibly,” I told her. “You’re the most beautiful maid of honor ever.” It was true: Rose was stunning in her sage green silk dress.

  “Let’s go get your mom before I lose it,” she sniffed.

  “Okay,” I agreed, moving toward the door to the adjoining hotel room.

  “No, you stay there. I’m taking care of everything today.”

  Before I could tell her that I was perfectly capable of walking across the suite, she opened the door and invited my mother in.


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