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My Savior

Page 2

by Alanea Alder

  Keelan eyes lightened, and he smiled. "Good. We'll fight this together, Darian; we can do it." Keelan turned and got in his car, clearly misinterpreting his promise.

  Darian would let him continue to think he had a chance; it would be easier on everyone that way.


  "Because! If I don't leave this fucking house I am going to lose my mind and I'll take you with me!" a familiar female voice yelled. The next morning, Darian stopped in his tracks in the hallway just outside the dining room and debated how hungry he was.

  "Coward." Gavriel joked as he and Beth walked past him and into the war zone.

  There were very few things left on this Earth that made him smile; Meryn was one of them. On rare occasions, she managed to push back the darkness, but those incidents were few and far between now. Darian's stomach made the decision for him. Steeling himself, he walked in.

  Meryn stood on one side of her chair and Aiden on the other. He had both hands held up in front of him as he tried to calm his mate down. Around the table, everyone else was calmly eating their breakfast. Even Penny was taking Meryn's threat in stride, her tongue sticking out of the corner of her mouth as she concentrated on spreading cream cheese on her bagel.

  "Meryn, sweetheart, you have to calm down," Aiden pleaded.

  "I am calm! But if I don't see something besides our bedroom, your office, or the dining room, I will start to get stabby!" She sat down and crossed her arms over her chest.

  Aiden paled and sat down beside her. "Okay baby, let's go to The Jitterbug. You haven't seen Sydney or Justice in a while."

  Meryn shook her head. "I want to go see the last Hobbit movie. It won't be in theaters much longer, and I can't miss it. I've seen all the other ones on the big screen. I am not waiting for the DVD to see the ending."

  Aiden looked over to where Gavriel sat with Beth and then to Colton and Rheia. Both men's faces were unreadable. Everyone knew this was not a good idea, everyone that is, except Meryn.

  Beth laid a hand on Gavriel's shoulder. "I'd like to see it, too. If fear of being attacked keeps us from doing the things we want, then they have already won."

  Gavriel closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair. Darian looked over to Aiden. He also wore a defeated expression.

  Darian watched as Keelan looked around the table, his eyes slightly haunted and his face drawn. "We could make this a group outing. I bet some of the guys in the other units would like to see what humans think elves look like." Aiden shot him a grateful smile.

  Meryn shook her head. "Only if they stay like, I don't know, fifty feet away at all times. I don't want to walk around with a huge wall of bodies blocking out the daylight. I might as well stay home."

  Aiden nodded. "You won't even know they're there," he promised. He looked at Keelan. "You should invite Anne."

  Keelan shook his head. "Maybe next time."

  Darian caught the questioning and concerned looks Aiden was shooting at Colton. Colton just shrugged. Knowing nothing would be answered if the questions weren't asked, he spoke up. "Keelan, are you okay?"

  The women turned in unison to stare at Keelan; he flinched at their scrutiny. "I'm fine."

  Frowning, Meryn stood and walked over to his chair. She placed a hand on his forehead and then a hand on her own. "I don't think he has a fever."

  Rheia got up. "Maybe I should be the one to check that out." She walked over to Keelan and put her hand next to Meryn's. Keelan eyes darted around the table to the other unit members. Darian could almost sense his desperation.

  Rheia frowned, and Meryn began petting Keelan's hair. Darian was willing to bet that in a couple more seconds the witch would bolt.

  "Well, Rei?" Meryn asked.

  Rheia removed her hand. "No fever that I can tell. Keelan, have you been sleeping?"

  Keelan just shrugged.

  "Poor baby." Meryn hugged Keelan's head to her chest.

  Darian watched and enjoyed a rare moment of amusement. Aiden was growling, and Keelan looked like he was about to piss himself.

  After a few seconds, Keelan disengaged from Meryn and looked up at her. "I thought you didn't like me."

  She stared at him in shock. "Where did you get that idea?"

  The men all looked away, hiding their smiles. They all knew that Keelan was Meryn's favorite lighting rod in the morning. Penny snickered.

  Keelan shrugged again.

  She ruffled his hair. "Of course I like you. In fact, you're one of the few people in the world I do like. If I didn't like you, I wouldn't talk to you at all."

  "I think an outing is a wonderful idea. Meryn needs more fresh air," Ryuu said, walking in from the kitchen. He set a pitcher of orange juice on the table and looked at Rheia. "I would be more than happy to watch Penny for you if you would like to go."

  Rheia's eyes brightened before she turned to Colton. "We've never been on a real date," she said softly.

  Colton sighed and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Just like that, Darian knew they would all be going to see the Hobbit. He stood and reached for his phone. He knew his commander, and before Aiden even had to tell him, he was already dialing Sascha.

  "You got this, Darian?" Aiden asked from the table.

  "Yes, sir." Darian headed to the family room. He sat down on the sofa to make security arrangements. After the second ring, he heard Sascha's greeting. "What?"

  "And hello to you, too, asshole."

  "I'm not awake yet, so it had better be good."

  "The ladies want to go see a movie in Madison. Gamma unit has security detail." Darian didn't even try to sugar coat it.

  "Motherfucker!" Sascha continued to cuss as Darian heard the man's feet hit the floor.

  "I expect they'll try to make the matinee showing at ten a.m. Get the guys ready and meet us in town at the theater."

  "We'll be there," Sascha grumbled.

  "See you later." Darian hung up the phone and let his hand fall on the cushion at his side. He should have had more fun torturing Sascha, but he couldn't find the energy. Everything seemed so pointless lately.

  Darian felt a tugging on his sleeve. When he looked down, he saw that Felix was watching him with a worried look on his face. Forcing his lips to move, he smiled.

  "Hey buddy, what's wrong?"

  Felix continued to stare.

  "I'm okay, really," Darian promised.

  Felix's bright green eyes filled with tears. "Go home soon?" he asked in his tiny voice.

  "I would if I could." Darian let the smile disappear as his head dropped back to rest on the cushion.

  Felix tugged on his sleeve vigorously. "I take."

  Darian turned his head to look at his small friend and lifted his hand. Using his index finger, he gently rubbed the top of Felix's copper curls. "I appreciate the sentiment, but that option was taken from me a long time ago."

  Felix dashed at his tears with his coat sleeve. "Your light is almost gone."

  Darian closed his eyes. "I know."

  "Alpha help?"

  Darian opened his eyes and shook his head. "There nothing anyone can do. Promise me one thing, Felix. If something happens to me, promise you'll keep the women and Penny safe. The guys can look out for themselves."

  Felix sniffed and tried to look manly, the effort ruined by the steady stream of tears rolling down his cherub-like cheeks. He nodded then reached inside his shirt. He twisted his pendant and seconds he flew away.

  Of course, a sprite would be able to tell that he was fading. They were distantly related to the fae. Darian stood and put his phone in his pocket before heading back to the dining room. If these were his last days then he was going to enjoy every scrap of Ryuu's cooking that he could.


  "I thought you knew the story!" Aiden exclaimed, wiping more tears from Meryn's face with some theater napkins.

  She was blubbering so hard she couldn't form coherent sentences. People were shooting Aiden evil looks as they walked by assuming he was the reason she was crying.
br />   He had to admit, it did look incriminating for his commander. Meryn was only slightly taller than a toddler and just showing a pregnant belly behind her cartoon t-shirt that made her seem even younger.

  Beth and Rheia stood on either side of Meryn making shushing noises. Gavriel, Colton, and Keelan looked just as distraught and helpless as their commander.

  Darian thought about it for a moment before deciding on a course of action. "Meryn, would you like some ice cream? The shop across the street is supposed to have a really good selection."

  Meryn stopped mid-sniffle. "Ice cream?" She used her coat sleeve to wipe her nose.

  "Yes, and toppings."

  Meryn turned to Aiden. "Can we get ice cream?"

  Aiden nodded frantically. "Of course you can get ice cream." He looked over at Darian and mouthed the words, "Thank you."

  Darian shrugged. The sooner Meryn composed herself, the sooner they could return to the Alpha estate.

  "We'll go with you. You men wait here," Beth said, as she and Rheia looped their arms through Meryn's. Together the three of them crossed the street and disappeared into the ice cream parlor.

  "Oh. My. Gods." Aiden rubbed his hands over his face.

  "Thank fuck! I didn't know she could cry like that." Colton let out a long breath.

  "I didn't know anyone could cry like that," Keelan admitted, looking pale.

  "Pregnancy hormones," Gavriel said simply. The four men nodded together.

  "Good battle scenes though," Colton declared, changing the subject.

  "Made me want to brush up on my axe skills," Keelan admitted.

  Darian turned his head and watched the door to the ice cream shop close behind the women. He turned and started scanning the area as the men discussed the merits of using an axe over a broadsword. He wished he could die honorably in battle, defending his loved ones, but he knew better. As things stood, he would turn and have to be put down like a rabid dog, he just prayed to Fate that he didn't hurt anyone in the process.


  "For the last time, no, you cannot fly out here and escort me home. I'm fine!" Amelia Ironwood felt her blood pressure rising. Only her brothers could affect her so much, so quickly.

  "There have been missing persons reported in that area, baby girl. You're on your way home anyway." Caiden argued.

  "I'll be in Lycaonia by nightfall. I'll hit the shops in the morning then be on my way to Storm Keep. I'll be home before you know it."

  "Come home now," Caiden ordered. She paused. This wasn't like him; he sounded anxious.

  "What's really wrong?"

  "I had a dream."

  Amelia waited for him to continue. When he didn't, she prompted him. "And?"

  "And you fucking died!" Caiden exploded. Amelia pulled the phone from her ear. "You fell into darkness and died. This will happen soon. In my dream, the calendar was for this year and month, right before Imbolc."

  This wasn't the first time that Caiden had a dream about her. Usually, it was for smaller things like which date to cancel or which job to accept. He had never seen her in danger before now.

  "Listen, I can't travel much more today anyway. I'll make sure I'm in Lycaonia tonight and leave first thing. I'll call you when I'm on the road."

  "Please be careful, baby girl," Caiden pleaded.

  "Always," she promised. She ended the call and stared at her phone. Their conversation sure put a damper on her evening. She looked around. She was in the small human town of Madison outside of Lycaonia. When her eyes landed on an ice cream shop, she did a happy dance on the sidewalk. Grinning, she skipped across the street and pushed the door open. A huge dose of sugar always helped in situations like this. She'd indulge in enough calories to put a bear shifter into hibernation, call the council number Caiden had given her, and arrange for an escort into Lycaonia. With any luck, the shops would still be open for some late evening shopping! She had already booked an overnight stay at one of Lycaonia's best bed and breakfasts. If she got an early enough start in the morning, she could stay at the spa in Dallas longer than she had planned, especially if she was giving up visiting Lycaonia because of her brother's premonition. She smiled; she might even be able to get Caiden to pay for the spa if she played her cards right.


  Humming to herself, she stared into the ice cream case.

  "Can I get you something?" A male voice asked.

  She looked up and smiled at the middle-aged human. "Yes, I'd like a triple scoop ice cream cone. Only I'd like the ice cream cone smashed up in a bowl with the ice cream on top. I'd like bubble gum, butter pecan and mint chocolate chip please." She happily pointed to the brightly colored ice creams.

  When he didn't respond, she looked up. His eyebrows were knit together in a frown. "The two of you related?" he asked, pointing across the shop.

  Amelia followed his finger to where three women sat eating their ice creams. Amelia was about to ask the human what he meant when she spotted a bit of pink in the smaller woman's bowl.

  She hurried over to the group and looked down. "No way! Bubble gum, butter pecan, and mint chocolate chip?" she asked the woman, unable to believe someone else ate her own special creation.

  "Yeah, why?" Green eyes narrowed at her.

  "Cone crushed up at the bottom?"

  "Yeah. Who are you?" The small woman edged closer to the blonde woman who was staring at her in disbelief.

  "Sorry, my name is Amelia Ironwood and that is exactly what I just ordered. I have never met anyone else who liked that combination."

  "Miss, your ice cream," the man behind the counter called.

  Amelia looked at the women. "Be right back." She turned around, paid for her order, and returned to their table with her own ice cream. Without asking, she pulled up a chair and sat down with them. She picked up the spoon and took her first bite.


  "Why is she sitting with us?" the petite woman asked with a scowl.

  The dark-haired woman in scrubs laughed. "Meryn, that's rude. She's just being friendly." She turned to Amelia. "My name is Rheia Bradley, this is Elizabeth Monroe, and the anti-social one is Meryn McKenzie."

  Amelia nodded. "Pleased to meet you. Do you all live here in Madison?"

  Elizabeth shook her head. "No, we live... a little bit outside the city."

  Amelia stopped digging through her bowl for the bubble gum flavored ice cream and took in her words. "You wouldn't be from Lycaonia would you?" she asked, going out on a limb. She had read the map; there wasn't anything for two hundred miles in any direction from Madison.

  Elizabeth's eyes widened. "Actually yes. Is that where you're heading?"

  Amelia nodded. "I need to call a Rene Évreux to arrange for an escort into the city."

  Meryn growled and stabbed at her ice cream. "Don't call him; he's a total douchebag. You can follow us. We're going to the Alpha estate. One of the guys can show you how to get to the city."

  "That'd be great! Without having to wait for an escort, I'll definitely get some shopping in tonight. Whoo hoo!" She waved her spoon around.

  Meryn watched her with a guarded expression. "You're too happy."

  Amelia nodded. "So I've been told. It's just my nature."

  "Are you on drugs?" Meryn asked bluntly.

  "Meryn!" Elizabeth swatted at her arm.

  Amelia laughed. "No, but I've been asked that, too." She turned to Elizabeth. "She said that you are going to the Alpha estate, do you have business there? Did you need a place to stay? I have a room at the Rise and Shine bed and breakfast in the city if you need a place to crash," she offered.

  "No, we live there." Meryn frowned at her. "Seriously? You would ask complete strangers to share a room with you? What if you woke up in the bathtub with missing kidneys?"

  Amelia grinned. "Wouldn't be the first time," she joked.

  Meryn and Elizabeth stared as Rheia began choking on her ice cream.

  "Seriously?" Meryn whispered, her eyes wide.

  "No, but
I had you for a second, didn't I?"

  Meryn scowled. "There's something wrong with you." This time, neither Rheia nor Elizabeth chastised her.

  Amelia shrugged. "I like people."

  "I hate people," Meryn admitted honestly as she scrapped the side of her bowl.

  "You're talking to me," Amelia pointed out.

  "You're kinda making me talk to you. I don't know if I like it yet." Meryn put her bowl down.

  Amelia turned to Elizabeth. "You all live there? Are you mated?"

  Rheia nodded. "Our mates are members of the Alpha Unit. I'm mated to Colton Albright."

  "I'm mated to Gavriel Ambrosios," Elizabeth said, putting her empty bowl down.

  Amelia turned to Meryn. Meryn stuck her tongue out at her. "What?"

  "You're so adorable." Amelia smiled and took another bite of ice cream. Meryn reminded her of a hissing, spitting kitten.

  Elizabeth turned to her. "I thought so, too, right after I met her, so much so, I adopted her as my little sister."

  Meryn grinned at Elizabeth and began to eye Amelia's ice cream bowl. Amelia took one last bite and pushed her half-eaten bowl over to Meryn.

  Meryn looked at her in surprise, her eyes becoming unguarded. "Really?"

  Amelia nodded and pointed at Meryn's belly. "You're eating ice cream for two unless I'm mistaken."

  Meryn smiled wide and pulled the bowl close. "I'm mated to Aiden McKenzie, and yes, I am eating ice cream for two." She dug in with gusto.

  Amelia put her chin on her hands and watched her eat. She really was just like a kitten. Angry one second and purring the next. She was envisioning late night shopping when a thought struck her.

  "Wait, Aiden McKenzie. The Aiden McKenzie? The Unit Commander?" she asked.

  Meryn nodded. "Yup."

  "That's crazy. Your mate is kinda like my brothers' boss."

  Elizabeth turned to her. "Who are your brothers?"

  "Caiden, Kyran and Tristan Ironwood. They lead the Nu, Xi, and Pi Units in Storm Keep."


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