Book Read Free

My Savior

Page 12

by Alanea Alder

  Meryn clapped her hands together. "Okay, if we don't have any more revelations or earthquakes about to happen, let's head over to Adelaide's. If we time this right, we can get a second breakfast from Marius."

  Ryuu stared at his charge. "You can't be hungry."

  Amelia giggled. "I don't think he knows about second breakfast," she said in an exaggerated accent causing Meryn to laugh.

  Ryuu turned to Rheia. "Are you sure she doesn't have a tapeworm?"

  Rheia shook her head. "Afraid not." She turned and kissed Penny on her forehead. "Let's get you settled in the front room before I head to the clinic."

  "You're not coming with us?" Beth asked.

  Rheia shook her head. "I wish. We're getting one of the two necklaces back from the council. We'll be running tests on live cultures to see what happens. Fun times."

  Colton looked over at Aiden, and Aiden nodded. "I've already assigned Delta and Zeta to guard the clinic. Epsilon and Beta have patrol, and Gamma will be joining us for training. I've sent the trainees back to Adair for the rest of the week to help him get the newer cadets trained up. They will be assisting in drills." Colton looked relieved.

  Meryn grinned evilly. "Gamma is coming over?"

  Aiden nodded. "They should be here any moment."

  Meryn stood. "Let's go."

  Everyone walked toward the front door. Ryuu handed coats to Beth, Meryn, Rheia, and her.

  Darian grabbed her hand and let the others pass them in the hallway. He cupped her face.

  "Are you sure you're okay?"

  She turned her face and kissed the center of his palm. "Yes, I'm fine. Have fun with the boys."

  "Thanks to you, I will. I haven't enjoyed the company of my friends in so long, thank you."

  "No charge," she quipped.

  Hand-in-hand, they entered the foyer. Colton was saying goodbye to Rheia and Penny. When he walked to the door, she let go of Darian's hand, approached the little girl, and knelt in front of her. "Hey, Penny."

  "Hello," Penny replied in an adorably sweet voice.

  "I was raised by my brothers, and they used to have me help train, too. Want some tips?"

  Penny nodded enthusiastically.

  Amelia leaned in close making sure none of the men were listening. "They are used to being the tallest people around; if you need to go around them, go vertically. They hardly ever look up." Penny nodded. "Also, if it's a matter of speed and it looks like they're about to get the upper hand, make it look like you're about to fall. They will instinctively slow down and try to catch you." Amelia winked at the small child. Penny gave her a thumbs up and raised her hand. Amelia slapped her a high five.

  Rheia watched her as she stood. "Should I be concerned?"

  Amelia shook her head. "Nah, if I lived through it, so can she. Shifters are sturdier than witches."

  "Fair enough." Rheia turned to her daughter. "Be a good girl."

  " 'Kay!"

  Darian walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. "Be a good girl," he whispered in her ear. She shivered and turned in his arms. "Only for you."

  "Okay break it up you two, virgin eyes over here!"

  Amelia and Darian turned to see Sascha leaning against the doorway. Amelia was about to tell him what he could do when Meryn walked passed her toward the door. Without pausing, she extended her sonic screwdriver and stunned the unit leader. He dropped to the floor with a loud thud.

  Meryn jumped, throwing her fist in the air. "Yes! This shit is awesome!"

  Aiden sighed, but the grin tugging at his mouth showed that he really wasn't too mad. "Meryn, no stunning the men. We need them able to protect you," he chided gently.

  She shrugged. "It was worth it." She stepped over Sascha's body and tilted her head back for a kiss. Aiden chuckled and gave her one.

  Keelan stepped past Sascha's body, looking smug. "It worked better than I hoped."

  Aiden turned to Colton. "Drag him to the training course."

  Colton grabbed Sascha's ankle. "I'm not even going to complain about dragging his heavy ass. It was worth it to see him go down." He turned and was about to take his first step when Rheia's voice stopped him short. "Do not let his head bump with each step. I don't have time to tend to him this morning."

  Colton sniffed. "You just ruined my morning."

  Rheia gave him a sly smile. "I'll make it up to you later."

  He immediately brightened and dropped Sascha's ankle and grabbed the Gamma unit member by the back of his jacket. "Come on, old man, time to train."

  Darian leaned in close. "And you were upset about a tiny tremor. This is everyday life at the Alpha estate."

  Amelia smiled. "I love it!"

  Ryuu walked past them with the car keys. "Ladies, whenever you're ready." He bowed.

  "Hey, Penny, Felix is staying with you today. Keep him warm," Meryn called. Amelia watched as the tiny sprite flew over to Penny and sat on her shoulder.

  " 'Kay!" Penny said snuggling the sprite close.

  Meryn turned to Amelia and Beth. "Let's blow this popsicle stand!"

  Darian kissed her gently and accompanied her to the door.

  She had a new baby sister-cousin and was closer to claiming her mate. Things were definitely looking up.


  Amelia sat with Meryn in the back of the car, and Beth sat up front with Ryuu. Amelia pulled out her phone. "What's your name on Facebook? I'll send a friend request."

  Meryn scrunched up her face. "I'm not on Facebook."

  "What?" Amelia and Beth asked at the same time.

  Meryn shrugged. "Besides y'all, I don't have any friends, and I live with y'all, so I never saw the point."

  "But you're a computer genius, you've used Facebook in tracking down potential shifter couples," Beth said sounding shocked.

  "I used Aiden's Facebook profile," Meryn explained.

  Amelia turned to her. "You're not on social media at all?"

  "Nope, never needed it. I email Adair and text Aiden and my minions, that's about it."

  Amelia frowned. "Minions?"

  Beth spoke up. "She means Noah and Jaxon."

  "Where were they anyway? They weren't at breakfast." Amelia asked.

  "They are working on their first solo project, building the database for Beth to use to keep track of census information. In fact, I should check on them." Meryn pulled out her phone. Her small fingers moved quickly as she sent her text. Seconds later, she began to giggle.

  Beth turned in her seat with a suspicious look. "What?"

  Meryn just grinned. When her phone buzzed again she looked down and started to crack up.

  Amelia looked at Beth who shrugged.

  "Spill it, Meryn," Beth ordered.

  "I'm sexting Aiden." She continued to type.

  Amelia frowned. "Why is that so funny?"

  Beth groaned and sat back in her seat. "Leave Keelan alone. You know he's having a rough morning."

  "Huh?" Amelia looked between Meryn and Beth.

  Beth turned back to face her. "Aiden never reads his text messages. He always has Keelan do it because Aiden's fingers are too big to type."

  Amelia turned to Meryn. "And you know this?"

  Meryn grinned. "Yup. I always know it's Keelan because he downloaded an emoticon pack that has bears. He never says 'I love you' back, he just sends a bear and a heart. He's fun to play with."

  "You're bad!" Amelia said laughing.

  Meryn shrugged. "There's nothing else to do."

  "You could be studying the history books I bought you," Beth reminded her.

  Meryn looked up. "I finished those already, in fact I sent Noah to Mystic Tomes to buy more. I found something very interesting referenced in one of the articles. The potential for fun is limitless. Paranormal history is fascinating. I have decided to delete all memory of US history to make room for the paranormal volumes."

  "What do you mean delete?" Beth asked.

  Meryn tapped her temple. "In my brain. I got rid of all the us
eless information, like US history, statistics, and trigonometry."

  "Meryn, US history is important," Beth countered.

  Meryn shook her head. "No, it's not. It's all lies anyway. I've asked Gavriel to verify some of the stories I've read in the paranormal history books and he said they're right. I'll believe someone who was actually there rather than the stuff I learned as a kid."

  Amelia turned to her. "Like what?" She was fascinated. She had learned paranormal history the same as every paranormal child, but Meryn had been raised human. She could have been told anything.

  "For example, did you know that, in human history books, they fail to mention that George Washington made a deal with locals to fight against the British? And by locals, I mean unit warriors? Gavriel freaking knew Paul Revere!" Meryn ranted.

  Beth looked surprised. "He did?"

  Meryn nodded. "And Darian took time off from being in the Alpha Unit to be a pirate! How fucking cool is that?"

  Amelia smiled. Maybe she could talk Darian into wearing a ruffled shirt and leather boots later.

  Meryn's stomach growled. "I hope Marius has food."

  "Are you sure you're not eating for five?" Beth teased.

  Meryn stuck her tongue out her. "At least I'm not having a jackalope."

  Beth bristled. "I will not have a jackalope. I thought we decided he or she would be a bunny with fangs?"

  Amelia couldn't hold her giggles. "What about Rheia?" she asked.

  Meryn grinned. "Wolfman."

  Beth snorted then laughed. "I am so telling her you said that. What about Meryn's future baby?"

  Amelia thought about it for a second. "She's having an Ewok!"

  Beth lost all composure and began to giggle uncontrollably.

  Meryn frowned for a second and then became thoughtful. "That's not too bad, but what if it's a boy?"

  "Chewbacca," Amelia said wiping her eyes. Beth's giggles were contagious.

  "Stop, I can't breathe!" Beth gasped.

  "That's kick ass." Meryn nodded happily and looked over at Amelia. "What about your future baby?"

  She patted her tummy. "I'll have a Legolas that gets into Gryffindor."

  Meryn glared at her. "I kinda fucking hate you right now."

  "Boo hoo," Amelia teased laughing.

  "Okay, I'm done. Let's go back home," Beth was trying to catch her breath.

  Meryn shook her head. "No way! We can't miss today at Adelaide's. It's sewing circle day."

  Amelia swayed as the car swerved. Ryuu quickly regained control. "I'm sorry denka, what did you just say?"

  "We have to go to today's sewing circle meeting," Meryn insisted.

  Beth's eyes were wide. "Are you feeling okay?"

  "Why are you asking if she's okay?" Amelia asked.

  "Because she absolutely hates that sewing circle," Beth informed her.

  "What? I can't have a change of heart?" Meryn tried to look innocent.

  "No," Beth and Ryuu said together.

  "Well, we're pulling up now so it's too late." Amelia pointed out the window.

  "Gods help us," Beth whispered under her breath.

  "He-he-he." Meryn rubbed her hands together.

  Amelia fought the urge to cross herself, and she wasn't even Catholic.

  Ryuu parked and got out to open the doors for them. He helped Meryn out of the car and they walked up to the front door. Before they could ring the bell, the door swung open to reveal an older gentleman in attire similar to Ryuu's.

  "Marius! I've missed you!" Meryn hugged the man around the waist.

  "And I have missed you, too, Little Miss. Come inside and get warm." Marius held the door open and everyone walked inside.

  "Oh, good, you're here! Before we head to the salon, you girls come with me," A female voice called out.

  Amelia looked and a beautiful blond woman was quickly approaching them. "Marius, if you could bring a pot of tea to Byron's office?"

  "Of course." Marius bowed and headed to the back of the house.

  "That's Marius Steward--he's the squire here--and this is Aiden's mom, Adelaide, or as everyone else calls her, Lady McKenzie." Meryn indicated to the beautiful woman. "Mom, this is Amelia Ironwood. You'll never guess what we found out..."

  Adelaide placed a finger over Meryn's lips. "Let's head to the office, darling. You can tell me there." She winked at the three of them and led the way.

  No one said anything until Adelaide closed the door and removed a brass key from its hook to hang it within a spell circle. "There, now the room is soundproofed. I got the idea from the perimeter Keelan did for the Alpha estate. With so much going on, Byron needed a place he could have private conversations."

  Ryuu gathered their coats and left to go hang them up.

  Beth got comfortable in one of the wingback chairs. "And why do we need to have a private conversation?"

  Adelaide pointed to the other chairs and Amelia and Meryn got comfortable. "Now, before I get started, what were you going to tell me dear?" She sat close to Meryn.

  Meryn bounced up and down in her chair. "We found out that Amelia is my cousin, my actual, real cousin! Our mothers were sisters."

  Adelaide paled. Beth clucked her tongue. "Trust me, I know."

  Amelia turned to Meryn who looked as confused as she felt.

  "What?" Meryn demanded.

  "Meryn, do you remember the reaction we got when I announced I had adopted you as my baby sister?" Beth asked.

  "Yeah, everyone freaked out because I was tied to two major houses... Oh, now it's three." Meryn strummed her fingers on the arm of the chair.

  "Four Meryn, remember? I have two sets of brothers, the Ironwoods and the Ashleighs." Amelia reminded her.

  Adelaide gasped, her hand going to her throat. "How?"

  Amelia turned to Lady McKenzie. "I am the half-sister to the Ironwoods. The Ironwoods are half-brothers to the Ashleighs. Both sets of brothers will be very protective of me and Meryn."

  "Interesting isn't it?" Beth said, leaning back in her chair.

  There was a knock at the door before Marius and Ryuu entered with a tea tray. Ryuu closed the door behind them and helped serve everyone a cup. Meryn pouted up at Marius who immediately set a basket of cookies on the table next to Meryn. She dived into the basket humming happily.

  Beth took a sip. "But you didn't know when you brought us in here. What did you have to tell us that required a soundproof spell?"

  "Oh, dear, I'm not quite sure how to tell you this." She took a deep breath and glanced at Meryn for a second before she turned to Amelia and Beth. "Do you girls follow the society column, Dear Gentle Reader?"

  Amelia and Beth shook their heads.

  Adelaide frowned. "That's what I thought. Over the past few weeks, the columns have been systematically belittling a certain group of women." She paused and looked down at her hands as they twisted together.

  Beth's eyes narrowed. "Which group of women?"

  Adelaide sighed. "You all. The mates of the Alpha Unit. Nothing overt, mind you. Everything is said in such vague language, but everyone knows who they are talking about."

  "What are they saying?" Amelia asked. She might not keep up with the Dear Gentle Reader column, but she knew it was one of the oldest and most popular paranormal publications in the world. Whatever it was, it was being seen in all four of the pillar cities.

  "I refuse to repeat any of that drivel. Here is last week's edition." Adelaide handed Beth a folded newspaper. It was the Lycaonian paper, The Observer. Beth's eyes quickly skimmed the paper. All color drained slowly from her face after which her cheeks flushed a dangerous red.

  "How dare they!" Beth stood, nostrils flaring.

  "What are they saying?" Amelia asked.

  "What aren't they saying? One article is insinuating that the reason why ferals are attacking more is because the men of the Alpha Unit are mating with 'women of ill repute'."

  "People still use that term?" Amelia frowned.

  "They couldn't get any clearer had
they used actual names. Anyone with half a brain can figure out that 'the human, whose initials are MM, mated to the bear shifter ' is Meryn! I won't let them get away with this! This is libelous!" Beth paced back and forth in front of the fireplace.

  Adelaide shook her head. "I wish it were that simple. The identity of the person or persons writing this column has been the best kept secret in our world for centuries. Because their identity is hidden, they can say what they want with impunity, and people take what they print to be truth."

  Beth turned her eyes flashing. "We all know that Daphne Bowers is behind this attack."

  Adelaide nodded. "But there's no way to prove it. Daphne more than likely used her vast social network to flood the gossip mongers with these ridiculous, hate-filled 'stories' on the off chance that the writers of the column would pick one for publication."

  Meryn stood and stretched. She grabbed one last cookie and popped it into her mouth. She chewed and swallowed, and smiled at everyone. "Let's get going. We don't want to keep the sewing circle waiting."

  Adelaide jumped to her feet and placed a hand on Meryn's forehead. "Oh Gods, is she sick?"

  Beth threw the paper down on her empty seat and paused to take a deep breath. "She said something similar in the car on the way over. I'm blaming Meryn two-point-oh.

  Meryn grabbed Adelaide's hand and pulled her toward the door. "Come on!"

  "Okay sweetheart, let's get this over with." Adelaide kissed Meryn on the cheek, and they all headed toward the front sitting room. Meryn waved happily at everyone and took the seat next to Adelaide. Beth sat behind Meryn to let Amelia sit next to her cousin.

  Everyone said hello and started their projects. There were multiple baby blankets being made along with two sets of curtains and a few dresses. Amelia watched curiously as Meryn kept checking her phone. Was she waiting for a text back from Keelan?

  After about a half an hour, Marius knocked on the door and entered, carrying a small silver tray.

  "The paper, my lady." He held the tray as Adelaide picked up the paper with as much enthusiasm as she would if it had been a dead mouse.

  "Thank you, Marius," Adelaide said weakly.

  He bowed, set the tray down on the side table, and joined Ryuu to stand next to the door.


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