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My Savior

Page 20

by Alanea Alder

  "Amelia, time to go." Lorcan said, holding out his hand to her.

  Wordlessly, she took it, and he helped her out of the SUV. "Can you run?" he asked.

  She looked up at him and blinked.

  "I'll take that as a no. Come on, sweetheart, let's get you to Quinn, he can help you get that magic under control. You'll feel more grounded then." Lorcan easily lifted her and began to run with his men down Lycaonia's cobblestone alleys.

  Just a few days ago, her only concern had been whether or not she would have enough time to go shopping. Now, she had lost a friend and was being carried through what sounded like a war zone.

  She looked ahead and saw unit warriors running toward them. They met up with their group and surrounded them, acting as an escort.

  "We heard you were bringing in precious cargo," Ben said to Lorcan.

  "Amelia needs Quinn, and Keelan... I don't think anything can be done for him. But I promised Aiden we'd try," Lorcan said.

  The blond pulled out a walkie-talkie. "Gamma Kitten One, this is Adonis, have Foxy Boy on standby to receive Big Sister-Cousin, over."

  "I really fucking hate that you got Adonis and I got Gamma Kitten One!" a male voice complained.

  "Take it up with management," the blond said flippantly. "Over and out."

  "Ben, who's Foxy Boy?" Lorcan asked as they ran.

  "Quinn, that's the name Meryn gave him because his last name Foxglove."

  "Gods, I can't imagine the call sign she's given me," Lorcan said.

  "Lorelei," Ben said with a grin.

  Lorcan grimaced. "I had to ask."

  The group ran into the city square. Two warriors broke off to intercept four attacking ferals. Lorcan slowed down and finally stopped after they had gotten behind a tall barricade. He set her down on her feet. "You okay to stand?"

  She nodded. All around her, the men started barking orders. Gunshots were almost non-stop, filling the air with the acrid smell of gunpowder.

  "Gamma Kitten One, what happened to Key Largo? Why did he have to be carried into Council Manor, over?" Meryn's voice demanded to her left.

  She watched as Sascha picked up his walkie-talkie. He took a deep breath. "We'll talk about it later, Menace, not over walkie-talkies."

  "Let me talk to my big sister-cousin" Meryn ordered.

  Sascha handed her the heavy black walkie-talkie.

  "Hey, are you okay?"

  Amelia nodded.

  "I can see you nodding only because I'm peeping you out with my scope; you have to press the button to talk," Meryn said.

  Amelia just stared down. She couldn't muster up the desire to speak.

  "Gamma Kitten One, what's wrong with her!" Meryn sounded frantic.

  Sascha gently took the walkie-talkie from her and looked up at the roof. "She went through a bit of an ordeal. We have, what in the hell is his call sign..."--Sascha scrunched up his face--"...Foxy Boy, that's right. We have Foxy Boy coming in to help her with her magic. She'll be okay, Menace, I promise."

  "You better not be bullshitting me."

  Sascha scowled up at the roof line. "Would I bullshit someone who's looking at me through the scope of a sniper rifle?"

  "Good point. Menace over and out."

  Sascha rolled his eyes and reattached the walkie-talkie to his belt. He steered Amelia over to the steps leading up to the Council Manor. "Let's head inside, Quinn will be here soon."

  She nodded followed him docilely. With every step she took, the pressure built in her mind. All over her body, she began to feel cuts, broken bones, bullet wounds, and concussions. She staggered back causing Sascha to stop. "What's the matter?"

  Mothers' fear for their children, fathers' impotent anger, children crying, all flowed through her as if the emotions were her own. Anger and fear flooded her heart.

  "Gamma Kitten One, come in, over."

  "Not a good time, Menace," she heard Sascha say.

  "Make time. The ferals are congregating just outside the square. I think they are going to make one massive attack on the building." Meryn reported.

  "Gamma Kitten One, this is Adonis. I can confirm that report. Also, the streets are empty. The ferals are no longer getting reinforcements, over."

  "Attention all units, fall back to the Council Manor steps. All reconnaissance groups return to base."

  Sascha turned to Amelia. "I have to go back."

  She nodded. "Okay."

  Sascha turned and ran back to the barricade, lifting his weapon. One by one, the unit warriors ran into the square from side streets and jumped the barricade to get in position.

  Amelia took a step closer to the Manor. The emotions washed over her, but instead of drowning, she focused on her own anger. She turned the peoples' despair and fear into her own strength. When the dam burst inside her, she let it happen. The swirling confusion stopped, and there was only blessed emptiness. For once, her empathy would help, not hinder her.

  She walked down the steps to the barricade. She watched the ferals begin to surge forward. She climbed the barricade and began to walk leisurely across the square, as if she was going from one shop to the next.

  "Amelia!" she heard Meryn scream.

  She stared at the approaching ferals. They were the ones stealing people's souls. They were hurting and killing innocent people. They were the ones that hurt her and killed Keelan. Calmly, she raised her right hand, her power hand, and for the first time in her entire life, she let her magic go.

  The very machine they had used to try to steal her magic had broken every binding put in place to restrict her magic. She was able to use it against them now; she would make them pay.

  Under her feet, she felt the earth begin to shift and undulate like a rising wave. She coaxed it, called to it like a beloved child. Cobblestones flew in the air as large mud hands reached up and grabbed the ferals, their once terrifying advance stopped dead in its tracks.

  Amelia. Sweetheart, you have to stop. A familiar voice said in her mind.

  No, I don't want to.

  I know you don't want to, but you have to. If you don't stop, you'll hurt someone, and I know you don't want that.

  Yes, I do, Athair! I want to hurt them all! I want them dead!

  Calm down and let me help you pull your magic in. Something has removed every protection I put in place for you.


  Amelia Violet Ironwood, you will do as I say. The voice was firm, uncompromising.

  They killed Keelan!

  She screamed and her earth magic began to tighten and twist the bodies it held in its mud hands.

  Seconds later, a tremendous surge of magic flowed through her. Fire erupted out of the mud, incinerating the ferals almost instantly. She let her hand drop. Kendrick's fire magic had drained her of power. She knew he had somehow inadvertently used her to channel his own magic to destroy the ones that had killed his little brother.

  She stood alone in the square. The ferals were now macabre statues of ash. A small body slammed into her back, and she felt arms wrap around her waist.

  "Amelia, Amelia, Amelia! Don't leave me alone! You're the only family I have," Meryn begged, soaking her back with tears.

  "There's too much pain, Meryn, everyone's pain." Amelia let her head drop forward. She didn't have the strength to go on any more. What would be the point?

  "Give me five minutes. I'll go and knock all those fuckers in Council Manor out so you don't feel their pain," Meryn pleaded.

  "Share your pain, my love."

  Amelia looked up and saw her mate walking toward her. The early morning sun was rising behind him and seemed to set his hair ablaze, giving him a golden halo. Around him, the Alpha Unit entered the square. Aiden gently pulled Meryn away from her. Darian cupped her face with both hands and looked down.

  "If there's too much pain, let me share it. If you find it too hard to take a step forward, I'll carry you. You didn't let me give up; I'm returning the favor." He leaned down and gently kissed each eyelid.

  Just being
near him made the horror of the night fade away, like the stars fading with the rising of the sun. She sighed. "I'm so tired."

  "Then let's go home." Her mate's voice was the last thing she heard before she closed her eyes and let the darkness sweep her away.


  Amelia slept until late afternoon and was shocked to see that she was still in Council Manor when she woke. She looked around from the cot where she lay, trying to find Darian, but he was nowhere in sight. She got up and folded the gray wool blanket, leaving it on the cot. She glanced around the crowded ballroom before she spotted a familiar face.

  She saw Sascha helping a couple with their children and jogged over to him.

  "Where is everyone? Why are we still here?"

  Sascha growled as the small family walked away. "Aiden has been in with the Council since this morning, and none of the unit members are leaving here without him. They haven't even let him get any rest.

  "Meryn and Beth woke up about an hour ago and have been helping to get the last of the families reassured and back to their homes. Rheia has been at Keelan's side since she woke up. The last I heard, Gavriel finally hit his limit, and he and the Alpha Unit barged into the council session to get Aiden. They should be coming out soon." Sascha nodded his head toward the heavy wooden doors.

  "Thanks, guess I better go find Meryn."

  "Hey, Amelia," Sascha called.


  "We're all real sorry about Keelan. He... he was like a kid brother to all of us. I'd do anything to have him up and electrocuting me again." Sascha turned his head, his eyes filling up with tears.

  "Thank you," she said simply and walked away to find her baby sister-cousin.

  After a few minutes, she felt tendrils of her empathy begin to flare to life. All around her, people's emotions were riding high. Taking advantage of nearly depleted magic, Amelia took a deep breath and easily shoved her empathy back into the mental box where she normally kept it. She didn't know what to do about her earth magic, but considering she had destroyed the city square, she didn't think it would cause problems any time soon. She looked out at the setting sun. She was beginning to think they would never be able to go home.

  She walked around until she found Meryn and headed over to where she, Beth, Penny and Rheia stood around the gurney where Keelan lay. Meryn wept quietly as she brushed Keelan's hair back from his face. Ryuu stood behind her, a comforting hand on her shoulder. Penny looked on with sad eyes, reaching out occasionally to pat Keelan on the cheek.

  "I can keep him alive, but I don't know for how long. A body isn't meant to live without a soul," Adam explained. They all nodded.

  "We'll take care of him," Meryn promised fiercely.

  The large wooden doors creaked open, and with faces like thunderclouds, Aiden, Gavriel, and the rest of the Alpha Unit walked up to the small group.

  "We're leaving. Adam, can you arrange for transport to get Keelan back to Alpha Estate? He is not, I repeat not to be transferred to the medical quarters here in Council Manor for study." Aiden growled out the words, his upper canines peeking out from his lips.

  Adam's face darkened with anger when he heard of the council's plans for Keelan and he nodded. "We'll be right behind you. Where do you want him set up?"

  "In his own room," Aiden answered.

  Ryuu stepped forward. "When you get to the estate let me know, I will do all I can to help."

  Aiden looked at the squire with a sour expression. "And where were you when my mate was shooting ferals with a damn sniper rifle?" he demanded, exhaustion adding a bite to his words.

  Ryuu gave him a flat look. "Holding her ammunition."

  Aiden growled again in frustration. "Let's go home!"

  They ended up taking two SUVs back to the Alpha estate. Darian held Amelia's hand tightly as everything suddenly seemed to catch up to her. Once back home, the couples separated, each heading to their own suite to mourn Keelan's loss and recover from the previous day's traumatic events.

  Darian led her up the stairs to their room. He opened the door, and she walked inside.

  "This is the first time I've been in here since becoming your mate." So much had happened in just a few days.

  "Blessed Imbolc," he whispered, walking up to wrap his arms tightly around her. She leaned her head back to rest on his chest.

  "I don't feel very blessed. Keelan..."

  "Is alive. As long as he's breathing, there is hope."

  "It's not the same. He won't be at the dining room table scared of Meryn or giving me a thumbs up." Amelia let her tears drop.

  She felt Darian's shuddering breath. "We'll have to remember everything that happens so we can tell him when he's back."

  Amelia held his hands where they were clasped together at her waist. "You're right. He's not gone, just not here right now." She turned to face him and wiped her eyes. She looked up into his lavender eyes as an idea began to form. "Let's get everyone together."

  Darian's expression was doubtful. "I think everyone needs time alone right now."

  Amelia shook her head. "Get everyone together and tell them to leave their lights on. I need to find Ryuu!" She jumped up, grazed his chin with a kiss, and ran out the door and down the stairs.

  "Ryuu," she called.

  Ryuu stepped into the foyer from the front room. "Yes, itoko-sama?"

  "We need candles, lots of candles! It's Imbolc!" she decreed. She felt a burst of energy that she was sure came from being completely overwhelmed but she didn't care.

  Smiling, Ryuu bowed. "Of course, that's a wonderful idea." He hurried away as everyone started coming downstairs looking puzzled.

  "Did you leave your lights on?" she asked the group.

  Everyone nodded, but she saw that Rheia and Meryn looked confused.

  She walked over to Meryn as Ryuu began passing out the candles. "Imbolc or what is sometimes called Candlemas, is a celebration of light. It marks the passing of winter to spring and the rebirth of the sun. We turn on all the lights of the house and light candles to welcome the warmth of the summer." She turned to the group. "I know that it's not easy to feel cheerful right now, and that's okay, but I thought that if we light up the Alpha Estate, maybe Keelan could find his way home easier."

  Around her, a little at first, everyone began to smile. "Me, too! Me, too!" Penny said jumping up and down. Ryuu handed her a flameless LED tea light. Everyone eagerly started lighting the candles.

  "We'll keep one light burning until he comes home," Aiden said, tears in his eyes.

  Darian stood behind her. He leaned down and whispered. "You're my light, my savior." He pointed to the group. "Only you could draw people out of their pain like this."

  She turned her face to look up at him. "In my darkest moment, you came to me like a golden angel. You're my prince and my own savior."

  Amelia turned back and looked around their small circle. Everyone held their lit candles and took comfort in each other's company. As a family, they held vigil for the one who was missing among them, the fallen warrior that had sacrificed so much so that they could live.


  Later that evening, everyone had retired to the front family room. After their candlelight vigil, it had felt too lonely to separate. In the background, cartoons played as Jaxon colored with Penny.

  Aiden looked up from the latest copy of the The Observer. Daphne Bowers had had a vaginoplasty! What was their world coming to? He heard the front door open and close. A bit of movement caught his eye, and he looked up to see a very guilty-looking Noah dart past the doorway with something large tucked under his arm.

  "Aiden..." Gavriel murmured.

  Aiden sighed. "I saw." He was especially aware that his mate was nowhere to be seen.

  A few minutes later, Noah walked into the room and headed straight for Jaxon. He sat down, picked up a crayon, and began coloring as if his life depended on it.

  Aiden set his paper down and crossed his arms over his chest. He faced the doorway and waited.
  What in the hell is she up to now?

  He didn't have to wait long. Seconds later, Meryn strolled by the doorway trying to look casual, too casual. Under her arm was a large wooden board.

  "Meryn," Aiden called. His mate stopped in her tracks.

  She turned and smiled brightly. "Yes?"

  "What do you have?"

  "A Ouija board." She turned as if to keep walking.

  Aiden frowned. "What are you doing with a Ouija board?"

  Meryn shrugged. He was beginning to learn her shrugs. This was the 'I probably shouldn't be doing what I'm about to do, but I'm going to do it anyway' shrug. "Amelia gave me an idea about shining a light for Keelan to find his way home. I'm going to use the Ouija board to call his spirit back."

  Aiden heard Amelia snicker. "It was a metaphor."

  Meryn shrugged again. That was her 'I don't care' shrug. "Whatever." She turned and headed toward the stairs.

  Colton cleared his throat. "I'm no expert on spirits and the occult, but this is Keelan we're talking about. If by some miracle his soul did find it's way back to the Alpha Estate, Voodoo Meryn with a Ouija board doing incantations would scare him back the way he came."

  "Denka, let me carry that for you." Aiden heard Ryuu's offer. Just once, he would like that damn squire to keep his mate out of trouble.

  Aiden stood and was heading for the foyer when he heard knocking on the door.

  "I'll get it!" Meryn yelled.

  "Meryn stop. Let me answer it. It could be dangerous!" Aiden rushed forward, the other men and their mates behind him.

  Meryn gave him an exasperated look. "Bad guys don't knock."

  Heavy pounding on the door shook not only the doorframe but also the wall around it. Meryn swallowed and backed away from the door. "Okay, maybe they knock like that."

  Aiden looked behind him. Colton had his gun out; he nodded at Aiden who turned back to the door and opened it. He looked out at the visitor. Unable to believe his eyes, he felt his stomach drop and his heart clench. It couldn't be.


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