The Middle Man
Page 4
Not only was she a thrill seeker, she was also a God damn professional stunt driver.
The woman maneuvered her Jaguar F-Type SVR as if she was the only one on the road. Any other woman and I would have jumped out and taken my chances, but Finn was so fucking good, I was tempted to dare her to drift.
Normally, I wasn’t much for conversation but when she spoke it was if I was hearing words for the first time. She explained she was born and raised here. That she never owned a home and until Ryan died, they traveled all over the world together. Never married, no kids or siblings, Finn said her job was her baby.
Having never been on a movie set before, I was surprised by the security put in place. Once I was cleared (which proves security lacked), I followed her to what was her own personal trailer and silently watched her move around the space. Cast and crew came and went, with Finn proudly introducing me as her friend. The friend shit I let slide, for now. Being that I had spent half the night with my face between her legs, I wasn’t keen on being friend zoned. Makeup was now working on her while some guy with a clip board explained the scene. Apparently, Finn was about to be attacked by the bad guy. Phony or not, I wasn’t pleased. Attacks, even choreographed, had the potential for harm.
Facing me she smiles and says, “Ready to see how it’s done?”
My mind screamed no but my mouth said, “Lead the way.”
We didn’t have to go far, about four tents down. It was clear Finn was popular and not just because of how friendly she was. If the crowd circling us was any indication, she was very good at what she did.
When a giant motherfucker came through the crowd and zeroed in on her, I tensed, ready to attack, beside her.
“Who the fuck is that?”
“His name is Walter,” she says for my ears only. “He’s a sweetheart but for the next few hours, he’s my sworn enemy.”
“That giant is putting his hands on you?”
“Yep,” she laughs but she quickly realized I was not happy when she continues, “Nix, we’ve practiced this for weeks. Every movement is choreographed down to which way our eyes move. Walter and I have worked together for years, for us, this isn’t work, it’s fun.”
“He hurts you, I kill him.”
Thinking I’m kidding, she swats my ass shouting, “Let’s do this!”
“You have shit taste in men, Finn,” Ryan said falling on to the couch in my trailer. “What did you even see in that guy?”
“A fat cock and low IQ?” I joked as always. Because I did have shit taste in men. I liked them hard, wild, and rough. Beyond that, I didn’t know what I liked. I was young and figuring it out.
“At least you haven’t fucked Talon,” he sobered. “Which means there’s hope for you yet.”
“About that,” I hedged.
“Tell me you didn’t!” Ryan roared.
“You fucked that married tattoo artist in Reno!”
“She wasn’t my employee, Finn!”
“But she was married!”
“Not the same and you know it,” he said and the disappointment in his voice hurt. “Talon is responsible for your image and securing future work, Finn. And let’s be honest, he sucks at it. This is going to fuck you in the ass.”
“I know what I’m doing,” I mumbled.
Except that I didn’t have a clue.
I’d be lying if I said, Nix leaving halfway through my scene didn’t sting.
But, the few times I sought him out, he looked ready to murder Walter, so I figured his leaving may be for the best. When the star of the movie and my sometimes friend, Silas Goode makes his way to my side, I give him the same fist bump I always do.
“You kicked serious ass today, Finn,” he praises me.
“Thanks,” I smile wishing I could tear this wig off. I was done up to look like his co-star, Celena Carver, who happened to have platinum blonde hair. My tits were flattened and I was sweating like crazy.
Seriously, what this guy saw in me I’ll never know.
“Staying in town after the shoot?” he asks smirking at my discomfort.
“Haven’t decided,” I shrug. “Thinking about heading down to Mexico.”
“Ever the adventurer,” he says moving closer. “How long until you say yes?”
“Silas,” I sigh in annoyance, tired of the game. “Can we not?”
“I spoke with the studio, Finn. You should be taking these roles, you’re too good to be stuck in the shadows. Together we could –”
And that’s when the air shifted which in my opinion, was eerily cool.
Before I could even turn around he placed a possessive arm around my waist pulling me to his side. Silas’ confusion quickly turned to anger and I was saved from speaking when the director called me over.
“Go,” Nix says in my ear but his eyes were on Silas. “We’ll wait here.”
Nodding, I head over to the production tent and only half listened to the people speaking to me. My eyes were focused on Nix and Silas. I couldn’t hear what was being said but if Silas’ reaction was anything to go by, it wasn’t good. With a final look from Nix to me, Silas stormed away. For the next thirty minutes I shared my input, critiqued the footage, was ready to come out of my skin and that was before Walter made his way to Nix.
Now the two of them were talking, and for the first time in history, I saw Walter rattled.
Thanking everyone for their time, I quickly head back to Nix and before I could say a word, he took me into his arms and kissed me.
“What are you doing?”
“Staking my claim,” he says with heated eyes.
“Um, why?”
“Silas wants to fuck you and Walter will think twice before putting his hands on you again.”
“Well, Silas isn’t fucking me,” I argue loudly. “And Walter is being paid to put his hands on me. What is the matter with you? I’ve known you less than twelve hours and you’re already losing your shit? Mind telling me why?”
Instead of answering he lowered his eyes and asked, “Do you want me to leave?”
“You know what, Nix?” I ask pulling away. “Actually, yes. I do.”
And I was never admitting that his departure bothered me either.
So that’s why three hours later when a man stepped out from the shadows in the parking garage, I was not in the mood to explain why I was covered in (fake) blood. “Never thought I would see the day,” he says beginning to circle me. “Phoenix went and got himself a weakness.”
While I didn’t know what that meant, I was curious. “It’s my charm,” I smile broadly. “It’s contagious.”
“Perhaps it’s the blood, or the way you carry yourself, but you’re not as weak as most women.”
“Then goal achieved since I’m not weak at all.”
“Today’s body count?” he asks eyeing my legs.
“Three,” I supply. “But the last one took like seven cuts before it stuck. Call it an off day.”
“When I heard he took a partner, I didn’t believe it. This is…unprecedented.”
“I don’t know that a good deep throat constitutes being partners, but you’ve got some years on me so I’m guessing it’s a generational thing.”
“Pity,” he tsks. “I’m disappointed he won’t be here to see it.”
“See what?”
“The life leave your pretty eyes, of course.”
Hold up. “You want to kill me?”
“It’s not a matter of want, I’m afraid,” he says reaching into his suit pocket and producing a wicked looking knife. “Unlike him, I follow orders.”
“Wait,” I say holding a hand up. “He’s supposed to kill me?”
“Are you daft?” he asks, rolling his eyes. “You don’t walk away from this business and live, female.”
“Tell me your name.”
“Mr. Smith.”
“Like the Matrix,” I snort. “So, Mr. Smith, Phoenix doesn’t plan to kill me but you have to because, if I’m hearing you right, he left the business. Am I
up to speed?”
“Phoenix will return,” he snarls. “It is the way it has always been, the way it must be and anyone in the way, dies.”
Shit. I’m thinking I should have pushed a little harder to find out what he did for a living before I let him suck me to orgasm. But for now, I had to figure out how I was going to get out of this. I’d start with stalling.
“What do your serial killer friends call you? Because Mr. Smith is already taken and he's a superior actor.”
“Robin,” he says moving closer.
“Like the sidekick,” I chuckle at my own joke.
“Not like the sidekick,” he begins circling me again and licking his lips.
“Okay so, I have to be honest here. I’ve never been in a real fight and I don’t have a weapon to protect myself with. It’s only fair you get rid of yours and we do this old school.”
“Old school?” he laughs. “You expect me to believe you’re not armed.”
“Search me,” I offer. “I just left work, I’m tired, hungry and unarmed. Pinky swear.”
“It’s been some time since I’ve snapped a neck,” he says removing his suit coat. “And yours is rather lovely…”
“So it’s a date,” I say forcing myself to relax and watch his movements. As he looks me up and down, I slow my breathing and taunt him with, “Ladies first.”
Listen, I wasn’t lying. I’ve never been in a real fight. But I have spent my life learning from the best and no B movie cast off was snapping any part of my body. And I let him know that by landing a diagonal knee strike.
Hitting the floor, he rolls and comes up swinging wild. Blocking his reach, I lunge forward issuing a straight punch that clearly shocked him. “Who the fuck are you?” he asks wiping blood from his mouth. “I’m done playing, bitch.”
“So, I can stop holding back now?” I taunt him by twirling. And yes, my mom insisted on ballet to help with flexibility. She is a very wise woman. Listen to your mother, girls.
With fury, he attacks and when his fist lands in the soft of my gut, I doubled over grunting, “—didn’t learn that in school.”
And on it went for what felt like forever but was actually just a matter of minutes. When he went for his coat, I gave Robin a punishing curving knee strike which put him down hard. “Oh my God, I am super good at this!” I praise myself. Pointing at him, I accuse, “And you were going to cheat! Fucker!”
“Kill you,” he growls trying to stand.
“Unless you plan to do it with your death glare, Robin, I suggest you get up. I've got shit to do.”
And that’s when the air shifted.
The first photo she’d sent was of Antelope Canyon in Arizona.
If not for the hashtag, I wouldn’t have known where it was located.
It was a quirky picture of just her eyes looking up and the colorful backdrop behind her.
Until that text came through, I wasn’t even aware a place like that existed. It amazed that she had found it, took the time to travel to it and wanted the previous recipient of this number to share it with her.
And even though the message wasn’t meant for me, it felt like it was.
Since receiving that first text from her, little by little, I started to feel.
Shit, I had no right to feel. Desire, respect, hope, and…love.
I blame her and thank her for these emotions. I came here for her. And nothing, not some Hollywood pretty boys or my fucking past was taking her from me.
Robin finding her was my fault. Had I not stopped for fucking flowers, I’d have been here. Protecting her.
And the last thing I expected to find was him on the ground with Finn standing over him demanding he get up and fight.
“Come to me, kitten.” Was an order she refused to obey.
With fury in her eyes, she looks from me to him and growls, “In a minute.”
“Finn –””
“I’m not finished,” she snaps. “This asshole picked a fight and I’m not done fighting.”
Kicking him in the stomach, Robin groans but doesn’t get up. I wasn’t sure what was more shocking. The fact that Finn got the best of him or the fact that she was so blood thirsty. Within our crew, there were several bad seeds and Robin was one of them. But we never worked against each other so his love of pain and suffering never affected me. Until now. Now, it was personal.
With a roar, she fists his hair only to bash his head against the concrete and that was when I noticed her favoring her side. He was unconscious for the moment, so pulling her back and tilting her chin up, I ask calmly, “Did he hurt you?”
“I’ve had worse,” she shrugs but I saw the pain in her eyes. “Though for a guy who claimed he was going to watch the life leave my eyes when he broke my pretty neck, I have to say, Nix, I’m disappointed in his delivery.”
“He said this to you?” I barely contain the rage.
“Apparently, the thought of you dating is pissing people off.”
Fuck me, word got out about Finn. But how did news spread that fast? “What were his exact words?”
“He couldn’t believe you had a partner and something else about a weakness. I was only half listening since the knife he was palming was the size of my forearm.”
“Knife? Where is the knife now?”
“It’s in his suit pocket,” she shrugs. “I talked him out of using it by challenging his manhood.”
“Step away kitten.”
“I’m so not your pussy right now, Nix.”
“Finn –”
“Nope,” she says planting her hands on her hips.
Fuck, this woman. “I’m going to snap his neck for threatening yours and I would prefer you not see it.”
“Still. Not. Moving.”
“So be it,” I sigh bending at the knees to slap him awake. When he starts to come around, I haul him up, taking my place behind him, putting Robin in a Full Nelson. While this wasn’t the easiest move to accomplish, I was motivated as hell to kill right now. Pouring all of my strength into my hands, I kept my eyes on her as I applied the proper amount of pressure.
Once it was done and he slumped in my arms, I watched Finn swallow repeatedly. Locking eyes with mine she whispers, “Not like the movies,” and gags a little.
“No, Finn,” I say leaving him there to rot. “Not like the movies.”
“Who are you?”
I owed her the truth but now was not the time to get into it. “I already told you, I was the man who would never hurt you.”
“You read messages that weren’t meant for you, then you show up literally out of nowhere and—well, you know what you did. You know all about me yet you’ve told me nothing about yourself. A man just tried to kill me for knowing you, so I’ll ask again, who are you?”
“Those messages were meant for me,” I say getting closer. “Those messages saved my life, Finn.”
“Did you threaten Silas and Walter?”
Why lie? “Yes.”
“I let you between my legs, I gave you my body and trust, Phoenix. I took you into me. Last time, who are you?”
“To you, I’m Nix, and I’ll explain everything as soon as I get you the fuck out of here.”
“Tell me where to meet you,” she says backing away but I noticed her staring at my hands.
“Your room, one hour.”
“Going to break back in?”
“Not if you leave the door open, no.”
And before I did something even more foolish, I gave her my back and began the process of hauling Robin away. When she was clear of the garage, I sunk down into the driver’s seat of his rental right as the phone rang.
“No one walks away, Phoenix, you know this better than any of us.”
The voice on the other end went by Operator. And for most of my life, was the closest thing I had to a friend or family. Even though she was neither, she was still the only constant I could rely on. “I’m setting a precedence.”
“You are setting your
self up for execution.”
“I served my time, Operator. Now, I’m out.”
“Who is the girl?” she asks curiously. “No need to answer. I know a weakness when I see one.”
“Then why are you calling me?”
“To wish you well, Phoenix. Peace before death is all any of us want. I want that for you as well.”
“How much is my head worth?”
“Yours? Nothing,” she says without hesitation but adds, “But, it’s ten large for the girl.”
“Anyone who comes for her dies.”
There was no point in explaining who she was and that she was innocent. To these people, it mattered none. I fucked up and Finn wasn’t paying for my mistake. They were using her to make an example out of me.
“For what it’s worth, Phoenix, I’m sorry.” She didn’t sound sorry. That’s for damn sure.
The past wasn’t ruining my future, I wouldn’t allow it.
After spending half of my life dealing in death, I wanted to see what living was all about.
I wanted a life with Finn.
“Talon’s a bottom feeder, Finn. Slimy, like a snake.”
“Mom,” I groaned. “Can we not right now?”
“What did I tell you?”
Rolling my eyes, I muttered, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them.”
“Uh huh,” she said pointing at me. “Keep going.”
The woman was relentless but, she was also right. “Never trust a man who won’t meet your mother.”
“She does listen!”
“Stop being so dramatic,” I smirked.
“The press you’re getting is brutal, baby. And for what? Having fun? Doing what you love? Which begs the question, how do they even know where to find you?”
I knew this was coming just as I knew the answer. “I’m going to handle it, mom.”
“He’s setting you up and you’re going to handle it?” she countered. “You better handle it with blood and a restraining order.”
“What? I’m just saying…”
Phoenix was waiting for me to flip out and since I didn’t lose my shit often, I explain, “I ordered a bottle, want a drink?”