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Highland Escape

Page 21

by MacRae, Cathy

  She kept her voice even. “I am not sure what to say. You know my interest lies only in you. Your men treat me with respect. If one were to act out of line, Malcolm or Iain would step in immediately. Besides, you know me well enough. I can handle myself.”

  The hard look from this morning returned, and she realized his scowl had little to do with physical pain.

  “Aye, but ye dinnae see how the men look at ye, the effect ye have on them.”

  Anna sat speechless. Never had anyone suggested she’d be attractive to one man, much less a large group.

  “The worst was when ye included yourself in this game ye created. Now I have to stand back and watch as any one of them has yer permission to attack.”

  “But Duncan, they will be attacking, not stealing kisses. I need this exercise as much as they do to keep my skills sharp. You know they will not harm me.”

  He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I want to spend a pleasant afternoon with ye, not quarrel. I cannae change how I feel, but I agree to not let it get the best of me, if ye promise to be careful.”

  She didn’t want to argue either, but felt his concerns unwarranted and his expectations unfair. After considering his request, there was no harm in agreeing. “I promise to be careful around the men,” she replied with conviction. Such a general agreement didn’t seem limiting. However, her promise appeared to pacify him.

  Arriving at the loch, Anna followed him through a stand of trees until they came upon a deep, narrow finger of water. Shielded by a large outcropping of rock on one side and dense woods on the other, the inlet made a perfect place to bathe uninterrupted.

  Duncan took her hand and led her to a flat grassy area below the large rocks. He placed a plaide down, and together they unpacked the food. They laughed as Trean shoved his nose into the basket, eyes wide and pleading as they shared a meal of thick sliced ham, dark, grainy bread and wine. After finishing, Duncan repacked the basket and tossed him a hambone. The pup settled against a large rock, gnawing the bone contentedly.

  Duncan strolled to the water’s edge and peeled off his clothes. Anna sat and watched, entranced, as he stood bare, climbed onto a rock and dove into the loch.

  Seeing his naked body kindled heat deep within her. Her betrothed was a powerfully built man, as well-formed as any of the images of Greek gods in the books in her father’s library. As he surfaced, she admired the rugged handsomeness of his face, the sunlight glistening on his wet hair.

  “Come join me.”

  She experienced a moment of modest hesitation, but he gave her a heart-melting smile and chased her uncertainty away.

  I want this man as much as he wants me.

  Anna swiftly stripped down to her short shift and braies. Grinning at his look of surprise, she took them off and waded knee deep into the lake. He stared at her, his mouth open wide, draining her fragile confidence. Doubt crept in, and she crossed one arm protectively over her chest and the other over her mons.

  “What is it?” she asked, her voice small.

  Duncan swam to her and she took a step back. He reached a hand out in invitation.

  “Sweet Mother Mary, ye are breathtaking. Come swim with me, my boidheach laoch, and wash away the sweat of this morning’s training.”

  His beautiful warrior. The familiar endearment renewed her confidence. Anna took his hand and joined him in the depths. He settled her in his arms before she could catch her breath from the cold, rubbing her back as he pulled her tight. The slide of their water-slicked bodies stole her breath more than the chill of the water. The warmth of the sun, combined with the heat of his skin on hers, banished any thoughts of being cold.

  He took her mouth in a gentle kiss. As his lips caressed hers, he loosened the leather strip holding her braid in place, winnowing his fingers through her hair until the tresses fell about her shoulders. She opened her mouth, her longing for him pushing away any sense of shyness. His tongue sought hers and softly suckled.

  The feel of her nipples brushing against the hair on his chest, coupled with the magic of his tongue, blanked her mind. She sank into the water, but he held her tighter, his arousal bumping against her belly. Inexplicably weak, Anna offered no assistance as Duncan slowly swam them back to shore. He brought an arm under her knees and lifted her out of the water.

  “Duncan, your wounds,” Anna protested.

  “Hush, love. I will gladly take the pain to have you in my arms.”

  She frowned, but he eased her concern by kissing the furrows in her brow. Gently settling her on the plaide, Duncan lay beside her. Propped on one elbow, he looked her up and down, his scorching gaze telling Anna how beautiful and desirable he found her. His gaze turned her brazen, dispelling all thoughts of modesty. She wanted nothing more than to see yearning in his eyes when he gazed upon her. Nothing more, except to feel his hands and body on hers.

  Anna draped a leg over his, offering herself to him as she reached around his neck to pull him into a kiss. He did not hesitate, claiming her mouth possessively, demanding, challenging her to match him passion for passion. Moaning, Anna pushed her leg over, crawling on top, the most intimate part of her pressed against his arousal. She rubbed along his length, yearning to have him inside her.

  Duncan growled and stopped her movement. “Nae, my love. We shall save the best for our wedding night. I have other plans for our pleasure this afternoon.” He rolled her onto her back.

  Anna pushed her bottom lip out in a pout, feigning the sting of rejection. He chuckled, then sucked on her inadvertent offering.

  Anna’s hands skimmed his back, landing on his buttocks, squeezing the taut muscle.

  Duncan smiled against her lips. “Remember, I told ye ’twas my turn next.” He palmed her breasts, lightly tracing his fingertips over her skin. Her nipples grew erect as he lightly pulled at them. A soft moan escaped her lips.

  As his hot, wet mouth claimed her breast, she arched upward, deepening this new kiss, this new sensation. She moaned louder as his tongue rasped against the sensitive nub and shivers of delight coursed through her body.

  His mouth suckled and licked one breast while his hand gently tugged and twisted the nipple of her other.

  “Duncan please, I cannot breathe,” she gasped. He nipped and pulled at her soft flesh, switching to the other with his mouth, his hand teasing its twin.

  The pounding of her blood echoed in her head. A delicious, torturous sensation grew in her belly, centering in the hidden part of her. It pulsed through every nerve, building in intensity.

  The sucking, licking and tugging all melded into one sensation. He caught one nipple in his teeth while his tongue rapidly flicked across it.

  “Harder, harder,” she pleaded, her voice scarcely above a whisper.

  She trembled, the sensations too much to take. Suddenly, her body tightened and waves of pleasure shook her entire being. Her hands buried in his hair as she keened his name. A feeling of floating overtook her, her breathing ragged. Duncan kissed her neck, nibbled her ear as his hand smoothed the flesh of her belly in small circular patterns.

  New sensations drew her attention. Duncan’s fingers brushed along her stomach, lightly stopping at her hipbones and on to her upper thighs. Her legs involuntarily parted at his touch. He kissed and licked the sensitive pulse points along her neck, his fingers never resting as he continued his slow exploration of her thighs.

  Anna raised her hips. She wanted him to touch her there, she needed him to touch her there. He finally brushed her soft curls. Anna sucked in a sharp breath, opening her eyes to see Duncan watching her expression.

  “I love ye, my sweet Anna,” he whispered on her lips as he kissed her again. “I love the way yer body responds to my touch.”

  She whimpered and gasped as his fingers lightly grazed her folds. She thrust her hips upward, seeking greater contact with his hand.

  As he parted her tender flesh with a finger, she shuddered, twisting the blanket with both hands. He slowly drew his finger up and down her we
tness, lightly teasing the center of her pleasure. With each stroke, Anna’s body shook in response. She matched the rhythm of his hand with her hips, lost in the pleasure of his clever fingers on her most feminine parts.

  Duncan increased his speed and pressure. Again, a warm tension in her core built, escalating faster.

  “Duncan, oh Duncan… I don’t…”

  Waves of pleasure crested and she clenched around his fingers, holding onto them, her body shuddering, blinding her to all else.

  Duncan rained light kisses on her mouth, and her tongue swirled lazily with his. He shifted his body and suckled her breasts, taking first one and then the other nipple into his mouth, pulling lightly with his lips, tonguing each sensitive nub of flesh. Then he lightly traced the blue woad lines on her shoulders.

  Anna sighed. “I never knew such a thing was possible. I understand now why women chase men if this is what they can expect.”

  “Aye, ’tis why men chase women, also.”

  Propping up on an elbow, she asked, “Is it like this for everyone?”

  He gazed into her eyes. “Nae. ’Tis so powerful for us because of the love we share. ’Tis why love is considered so precious, and rare. I promise ’twill always be like this for us. What we shared today is only part of the pleasure ye and I have yet to explore.”

  His answer made the now-familiar warmth bloom again low in her stomach.

  “If this is only part, I fear I may never let you leave our bed,” she said only half teasingly.

  “Aye, ’twill be a problem,” he replied with a laugh, clutching her to him once again.

  “Ach!” Duncan bounded to all fours, rolling her off with his abrupt movement. “Yer charmed beast stuck his cold nose in a place it should nae go.”

  Anna chuckled as Trean wagged his tail and cocked his head from side to side.

  “He is a wee menace,” Duncan muttered, his voice half-teasing. He sprawled against her, one leg across hers.

  “You do not feel so menaced to me,” Anna replied, swaying her hips gently against his arousal. Duncan buried his face in her neck with a mock growl that ended in a yelp as Trean bounded on top, thrusting his muzzle between them. Duncan rolled away, hands flying to protect himself as the puppy leapt about excitedly.

  “Ye wee devil!” Duncan shouted as he rolled to a sitting position, hands in his lap. “She dinnae need your protection from me.” He gave Anna an aggrieved look. She quickly bit back her laughter. “Square on my manhood. Has he no compassion?”

  Anna cocked her head at him, considering. “Well, ’tis the most prominent part of you at the moment, my love—and most impressive.”

  Duncan bent over, peering directly in the pup’s face. “Arrgh! Be a wee bit more careful, lad, or I shall banish ye to the kennel.”

  Trean drew to a startled halt. With a hesitant glance at Duncan, he backed two steps onto his rumpled plaide. Anna dissolved into laughter as the pup loosed a healthy stream in the middle of the fabric and the scent of warm, wet wool drifted in the air.

  Chapter 22

  By the time they returned to the keep, Anna had rebraided her hair and recovered most of her wits. Her gaze kept locking with Duncan’s, re-sharing the passion he’d created with her. She had no comparison for the way he made her feel, and embarrassment edged her thoughts as she anxiously awaited their next encounter.

  Heading to the stables, Anna resumed her work with Trean. She’d begun playing games of tug with him, teaching him to bite on command. At his gawky young age, he was more inclined to be silly than serious, and his attention was easily distracted. Sit, stay, and come were all quickly learned, though he seemed disinterested in repeating the command once perfected.

  They also played tracking games. She rubbed raw meat on small pieces of leather and hid them. Each time, he smelled and tracked them, making a game of each one as he found it. As his abilities increased, so would the distances between the bait. Eventually, she would bury the lures, sharpening his skills and creating a more challenging game.

  Proud of the wolf pup and the progress they’d made, she smiled and watched him work. A terrible thought crossed her mind as she remembered her promise to Duncan. After spending only a few weeks with Trean, she wasn’t sure she could kill him if unsuccessful in his training.

  The orphaned pup had wormed his way into her heart. Pushing the dreadful thought from her mind, Anna’s determination to triumph multiplied.

  After finishing their games, he followed her, always shadowing her, eager to please. She knew he considered her his pack, and slept at the foot of her bed at night, unwilling to be parted from her for long.

  Anna turned her attention to the stable. Most of the horses had taken to Trean like the other dogs around the keep and did not fear him as a wolf. She visited Orion, enjoying his company. He now serviced the MacGregor mares as they came into season. Next spring would be fruitful. She would have plenty of new foals to deliver and eventually train. Enjoying her time at the stables, she only returned to the keep to wash for supper once the light of the day waned.

  Anna blushed every time her eyes caught Duncan’s. With his knowing smile, he told her he, too, thought of their afternoon tryst. She thought about how many such encounters they would have in the future. His words of more to share and explore haunted and excited her.

  Anna had a better idea of what to expect, though she almost wished for ignorance. What had passed between them made her crave him more than she could fathom. Every thought seemed to lead back to lying naked in his arms. She now understood why young maidens were not allowed to be alone with their suitors. It also explained why all knowledge of what went on between married couples remained closely guarded until the day of the wedding.

  * * *

  The next morning, the men gathered around the training yard. Anna asked about the first day of their game. While stories were told, a foul odor surrounded the group. In ones and twos, they moved away from Duff, eventually leaving him standing alone.

  Anna sniffed the air near the giant. “Duff, why do you smell like rancid fat?”

  Looking sheepish, he shuffled his feet before answering. “’Tis a home remedy, milady.”

  “A home remedy for what? Only the Black Death would be horrid enough to make one wear such a putrid substance.”

  “Me ma makes it for sore muscles and sprains.”

  This prompted chuckles from the group. Trying to keep a straight face, Anna glanced around, noticing what she hadn’t seen before. All stood rigidly, and many unconsciously rubbed wrists and elbows.

  Understanding dawned as she realized she stood before a bunch of stiff-necked Highlanders. Of course, they did not yield as instructed. They would fight any lock or throw, causing themselves more harm than necessary. By resisting, they undermined the exercise. Shaking her head, Anna swallowed the rebuke she wished to deliver. The situation required a different strategy.

  “How many would benefit from a balm for sore muscles and joints? I make an effective one which is a bit easier on the nose.”

  No one was willing to admit to such a need. “Fine, then. I am calling a halt to the game. If you cannot take instruction and yield as ordered, I have no choice. The laird will not be pleased to learn his elite guard is incapacitated because of my doing. Besides, no one learns when resistance is given.”

  Amid the grumbles, Iain spoke up. “If we give ye our word to yield when we feel the lock engaged, may we continue?”

  She glared at him. “Your word then?”

  “Aye, milady.”

  Staring down the rest of the group with narrowed eyes, she did not relent until they gave a collective, “Aye.”

  She nodded once in return. “We will go another day and see. I expect all those who experience pain in their joints will see me afterward for a proper balm as part of the agreement. No exceptions. And Duff, you are to throw that noxious unguent out. No disrespect to your mother,” she added with a smile.

  “None taken, milady.” He offered a gap-toothed smil
e in return.

  While they worked, Anna noticed the laird at a distance, standing under the large oak with another man she couldn’t see well enough to recognize. Though not as tall as the laird, he was broader. Before the group finished for the morning, Duncan joined his father and the stranger. Calling a halt for the noon break, she reminded the men they’d given their word.

  Walking toward Duncan, Anna stopped, stunned.


  A large grin spread across his craggy face as he opened his arms to her. She immediately ran into his embrace.

  “Tigh Beaghan. My favorite Tigh Beaghan,” he said, his voice thick with emotion.

  Anna wiped away tears of happiness. “But Grandfather, I am your only granddaughter.”

  “Aye. And that is what makes ye my favorite.” His eyes danced as he laughed out loud and hugged her again.

  The MacGregor men left, giving them privacy.

  “You are here. Why are you here?” Anna couldn’t believe it.

  “To see with my own eyes ye are indeed well. We feared ye dead. And now I hear I am to negotiate yer marriage. I knew why ye kept turning down all those English popinjays. There is too much Scot in yer blood to settle for anything less. I also came to tell ye that ye have a choice. If ye love this man, and want to be his wife, then ye shall have my blessing. But dinnae marry because ye think ye must. Say the word, and we will take ye back. Back to yer family.”

  Anna opened her mouth to speak, only to snap it shut when her grandfather held up his hand.

  “The earl may wield power on his side of the border, but he will find more than he bargained for if he tries to cross into Scotland to find ye. The group of men he sent after ye when ye fled never lived to see English soil again. Most of the border clans know of yer fate, and have sworn to protect ye if ye return.”

  Anna’s tears returned, knowing so many were willing to shield her.


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