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Filled for the First Time : 45 Books Bundle/Box Sets (Medical, Older Man, Menage, Taboo)

Page 10

by Sansa Gold

  Heat vapors rose in the far recess of the lot. Inside, the welcoming vibration of A/C hummed as they boarded the elevator. "You know that doesn't mean he does a good job right?" That was her jab at her mother. Her mother turned to look, but Amanda pretended to be distracted by the directory. She didn't want to start an argument in the doctor's office. It was bad enough that her mother was coming to Amanda's first gyno exam, she didn't need the argument in this small town.

  "Well, you don't really have much of a choice" her mother jabbed back as the elevator dinged. Amanda followed the signs that read 'Williams Gynecology', her stomach turning over at the tacky name. Just like her mother to choose the place with the simplest name for her doctor.

  The inside of the waiting area was no surprise to Amanda, the same as every other doctor office in town. Almost as if they had all gotten together and agreed on the decor. Right smack in the center of the room was a round wooden table with bent magazines. At the outskirts of the room, along the walls, were purple cushioned seats, the kind that hurt after sitting for more than five minutes in them. As if it couldn't get more cliche, the walls were covered in pictures of an ocean sunset with a boat sailing into the distance and motivational pictures underneath. It was going to take a lot of motivation to get Amanda out of that chair and into the office.

  "Can I help you?"

  Amanda turned and her stomach sank. Behind the counter was a old wrinkly lady that looked way past her prime. The kind of lady that should have retired decades ago, but probably stayed with the job because she wanted someone to talk too. In her frail hands she held a manila folder that was marked, 'Amanda Cooper' and in the other a white coffee cup with red lettering about being the best mom in the world.

  "Hi, my name is Amanda Cooper and I have an appointment with Dr. Williams."

  She looked at Amanda with a bit of hesitancy, before licking her fingertips. The receptionist pulled papers from the black trays to the side. She handed Amanda the papers, a small wooden clipboard, and a pen. "Since this is your first time here you're going to need to fill out all these forms. When you're done come up here and I'll get the doctor." The woman plopped back into her office chair.

  Amanda sunk into the chair and began to fill out the forms, the cushions already hurting her ass. This whole day was going down the drain. In probably ten minutes there was going to be some old geezer between her legs prodding at her pussy. Her first revel wasn't as romantic as she had envisioned.

  All of high school she had denied herself a boyfriend. No one had seen her naked before, not even her mother. The last week had been spent trying to prepare her mentally for all of this. She just hoped that his fingers weren't too bony and long, that might be more than she could handle.

  Amanda handed the forms to her mom, "Can you make sure this is right?"

  All the other girls from high school had gotten their gyno exams long ago. Most of them said little about it, just that it was unpleasant at first. She was going into this blind and she hated that. Her mother was too nervous to tell her about the whole procedure, just saying that the doctor will take care of everything. Amanda had put this off for as long as she could, there was no turning back now.

  "It all looks good to me. At least I'll know you'll be able to fill out important document." Her mother squeezed Amanda tight against her chest placing her hand on the back of Amanda's head. "I'm going to miss you so much baby." The soft touch of her mother's lips brushed against her forehead.

  Amanda hugged her back. Moments like this is what Amanda was going to miss. The two of them had gone through a lot, her father had left long ago.

  "You'll be fine by myself right?" Amanda whispered out into her blouse. She pulled away and brushed her thumb against her mother's face.

  "I know. I know. It's just him going to miss you so much. It's been fun having just the two of us now I have no one to take care of."

  "Well, don't worry I'll be back in time for you to baby me during the summer and winter. And you can always get a cat if your desperate," she giggled.

  "I'll name it Amanda, so I still have someone to scream at," she said and smiled.

  Amanda placed the clipboard on the counter," I'm ready whenever the doctor is."

  The nurse flipped through the pages and nodded, "He's ready for you now."

  The receptionist held the door to the beside the table open, gesturing for Amanda to walk through. Amanda followed her toward a room furthest to the back of the building. The manila folder fell into the container on the door, as the receptionist held the door open for her. The room inside was generic and old. The middle of the room had a wooden exam table that had a light foam on top. To the left were cabinets with an assortment of medical supplies, while the right had different portraits and diagrams of a woman's body with various medical terms.

  "You're going to want to change out of your clothing and put this on." The nurse handed her dark green gown that split in the back down the middle.

  "Should I be completely naked under this?"

  "This is your first time, right?"

  Amanda nodded her head. Was she really that innocent and naive? She felt her cheeks burn as she turned her head to the side and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

  The receptionist chuckled and smiled, "Don't worry about it. Everyone goes through this eventually. And everyone is always nervous the first time." She fluffed the pillow at the top of the table, "Dr. Williams is the best in town. But yes, you're going to have to be naked on the lookout."

  The Amanda waited until the receptionist was out of the room before stripping. Her body shivered as her feet touched the cold tiles. Her nipples erect and at attention, she couldn't help but smile. In one week this smoking hot girl would be off to college. It was time to bring out the party girl buried deep inside of her. That girl was somewhere inside of her, it would just take time to wake her up.

  She draped the gown against her body, tying it as hard as she could in the back. She did a little twirl to make sure everything looked good. She always looked good no matter what. It occurred to her that she never asked her mother what the doctor looked like. It would have saved her a lot of anxiety had she asked. She just hoped he was not old and wrinkly like he nightmare. Best case scenario, he would be hot and young.

  The cloth wrinkled under Amanda as she tried to get herself comfortable on the table. Waiting for the doctor was always the worst part. Never knowing if it was going to be a minute or thirty before he burst through the door. It was almost like some kind of sick deal thing that all doctors did. A naughty thought crept into her mind. If she was going to wait thirty minutes for the doctor, she might as well have a little fun.

  Amanda closed her eyes as her hands drifted between her legs. She was already naked, also it might be a little exciting to get caught. She nipped at her clit, a slight shock awakening her body. She smiled, that's the action that she was looking for. She pictured the doctor coming into the room. He was tall, rugged, and built. He would open her legs, placing his mouth on her wet pussy. His tongue would lash out at her clit, soft nibbles here and there, as she moaned out his name. He would force himself onto her, pulling her gown to the side and diving straight into her soft velvet. Grunts and groans would follow as their bodies intermingled. His hands would grasp her ass and he would lift her body up, her head cradled in the nook of his neck. Her lips pressing gently on his skin of his neck. That would be the kind of doctor Amanda could get down with, but that was only fantasy.

  *Knock Knock*


  Amanda opened her eyes, hands already at her side. She pushed down on her gown to crease out the wrinkles. the wrinkles "Yes, Dr.Williams?"

  A hulking man walked through the door, her manila folder in his hand. Much younger than she had anticipated. This was certainly turning into a best case scenario. His lab coat stuck and wrinkled as he grabbed a stool from beside the door. Jet black hair and a smile that would make her knees quiver if she were standing. He couldn't have been much older t
han thirty, and she had certainly never seen him around town. She would have noticed him.

  His hand touched her knee as he smiled and held out his hand,"Looks like I'm getting to meet the whole family. Hi, Amanda I'm Dr. Williams."

  Amanda turned her head to the side, a burst of happiness erupting deep inside. Nobody had told her that the doctor would be this fine. She reached out and let her hand rest against his palm. He wrapped around it and shook it Amanda tenderly. With a nod of his head he opened the folder, "So what seems to be the problem?" He grabbed a pen from his breast pocket and clicked it.

  Amanda moved a locket of hair behind her ear, "Well, I'm starting my first year of college next week." She hesitated as she tried to find the words to describe the procedure. "My mom says I need a gyno exam before I go off. To make sure..." She looked around the room, words escaping her mind. " make sure that everything is ok down there."

  He smiled and jotted down the information, "That won't be a problem at all. You've marked on the paperwork that you've never been sexually active. Is this true?"

  She drew back frozen, eyes wide. "What do you mean?"

  His fingers clutched the sides of his chin, "Well, my younger patients usually do these forms in front of their parents. And they are usually..." He looked down at her, "...usually a little shy about letting their parents know they've had sex."

  Her face crumpled, a hot flash ran up and through her body until it burned into her face. She turned her head toward the floor, her legs swaying. His brown eyes were too much for her to handle, "I didn't lie. I've never had sex before," she whispered.

  "No oral or fingering?" She heard him scribble in the folder.

  "Well," she stumbled. "I've played with myself, but only me. No one's ever even seen me naked." Amanda dug her face into the bottom of her palms. She wanted to die. She was teased about being a virgin enough at school, she didn't want it to happen with her doctor.

  A hearty chuckle filled the room, "There's nothing to be ashamed about that. You should feel good about yourself. Most kids today lose their virginity on a dare. Few keep it as long as you have." His hand gripped her knee with reassurance.

  Amanda was left speechless. She had been ridiculed by her friends constantly for putting so much worth in her virginity. At times, even her mother's friends made fun of her for being so different. It was different to hear an adult, beside her mother, in agreement with her decision.

  "Did your mother explain how this works?" Dr. Williams jerked his gaze away from his papers to her. His eyes were a dark brown lit up eager to explain.

  "No, she didn't." she answered more high-pitched than she intended.

  In a blur, Dr. Williams rose from his stool and walked over to the cabinets. He opened various drawers giving Amanda the chance to check out the back of him. Every motion he made was fast, deliberate, and with little waste of energy. His taut ass swayed like a pendulum in the hand of a hypnotist. She was falling under his trance, but she didn't mind at all.

  "Well, it's actually quite easy." He held a long piece of shiny metal in his hand. "This right here is called a speculum."

  Heat flooded her cheek, "What are you going to do with that?"

  "You have nothing to worry about. I'm going to use this for less than a minute. It's to let me examine you close and thoroughly."

  That thing, speculum or whatever, was suppose fit inside of her. There was no way that was going to happen. Amanda had done a decent amount of experimenting on her own time. That speculum would never fit, her pussy was too tight. "How's that even suppose to fit?"

  "You'll be fully stimulated before I use this," he chuckled. He set the speculum down on a white cloth before wiping it down with alcoholic wipes. "And if we need a little extra help I have a secret weapon that always works." She could have sworn that he just winked at her. He adjusted his seat until his hands stood at level with the examination table.

  She took a long breathe, "Are we starting?"

  "We are, unless you have any more questions." He twisted in his seat and pulled himself toward the end of the table. "Any other questions?"

  None that came across her mind except for the whole uneasiness of the situation. A man was about to go between her legs and touch her. Touch her before they'd even been out on a date or anything. It seemed almost barbaric. "I'm ready."

  He grabbed the cloth underneath her, pulled, and tucked it underneath the table. "I'm going to need you to place your head on the pillow." He pointed at the small bump at the top of the exam table. With her head on the pillow her hands fell between her legs. "It's not going to work if you close your legs," he laughed.

  "Sorry," she murmured. "I'm not used to someone being between my legs." That was the honest truth and it felt good to let it out for him to hear.

  "Well, that might change when you go off to college. For now, I need you to trust me Amanda." Amanda lifted her head and looked at him. His head titled to the side and a smile gleamed back at her. Yes, she felt like she could trust him.

  "I trust you, Doctor." With that she placed her hands to the side, his hands already on the bottom of her feet.

  He lifted her legs and placed them on the table, forcing her knees to bend. "I'm going to go through each step of the process. If you have any questions at any time just make sure to ask me." She nodded her head. "Right now, I'm getting ready to place your feet into the stirrups." He moved the stirrups to the side so that Amanda could see them.

  The stirrups were long pieces of metal that stood out from the side of the table. "What are those for doctor?"

  "Their to make sure that your legs open wide for me. I'm also going to buckle your feet in so that your not moving during the procedure. Sudden movement is bad in this professions," he chirped.

  "Nice and slow then," she answered. No reason for any sudden movements The slower it went the nicer it was for her. It could take all day for this examination for all she cared. As long as she knew what was going on, her fears would be at shore. She hated keeping her mother in the waiting room, but it was for Amanda's own sanity that they go slow.

  Dr. Williams chuckled and grabbed her ankles. She nearly slid down the table as he pulled her toward the stirrups, her hands making sure she didn't fall off the side. They didn't fail her this time.

  "This will be over before you know it. Then, you can go out there and get ready for college," he said, closing the clasps around her feet. "Over in the blink of an eye."

  "I hope so," she murmured, pushing her feet down into the plastic clasps. There would be no escaping from this. As of a second ago, Dr. Williams became in control of her body. No matter what she did there would be no asking him. It made Amanda feel safe and secure to know that she was in the care of a professional.

  "I know so," he answered, moving the stirrups to the side and forcing her legs to open up wide. Her gown drifted up her shins until it rested on top of her knees. She placed her hands on it to keep it there, otherwise it would rested on her belly. She didn't want to see what he was doing down there. His voice of reason would be enough for her to trust. She closed her eyes.

  "Just give me the step by step, Doctor." She gulped down the lump that was stuck in the back of her throat. It didn't even budge.

  "Not a problem."

  His voice had gone hard and full of concentration, so she opened her eyes to look at him. Gone was the friendly demeanor that he had walked in with. Instead, his eyes were glued between her legs and it took all of Amanda's willpower not to force them closed.

  "Are you alright, Doctor?" she mumbled out to him, hoping to knock him out of his trance. He didn't move. He didn't even turn to look at her. A dark feeling was starting to take hold of her. Was this doctor as reliable as her mother made him out to be? She was about to close his feet when he finally answered.

  He coughed, the warm smile crossing his face, "Everything's fine." The stool creaked as he rolled it between her feet and out of sight. Amanda could see his silhouette between the sheets. His hands moving frantic
ally about, but not touching her yet. It was almost as if he had found his prized possession, but didn't know where to start.

  "What's the first step?"

  He cleared his throat, "I'm going to slowly work my way down the inside of your thighs to make sure that there is sufficient blood flow." With that she felt his warm touch on the inside of legs, just before her pussy. She stifled a gasp and closed her eyes to his touch. He wasn't wearing any latex gloves. His touch was crisp and collected as it pinched at her skin, even his hot breathe rolled down her legs until it got caught at her entrance.

  Amanda thought that wearing protective gloves was a requirement of any doctor, in order to protect the patient and doctor from infection. Perhaps, it was different during a gyno exam. Maybe, they needed to be able to feel more in order to make a better assessment during the exam. She let the thought simmer as his hands crept closer to her pussy.


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