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Filled for the First Time : 45 Books Bundle/Box Sets (Medical, Older Man, Menage, Taboo)

Page 14

by Sansa Gold

  Moaning and wailing out as his large fingers twist my nipples like to small cherries. The force within me would be to great, my breath would catch in my throat. I would plead for him to make it all stop. I would beg for him to finish inside of me and let me rest. At first he would comply and let me know that my bliss would come, only for his pace to rampant to madding speeds. Pillows would be thrown, his body covered in scratches, breasts squeezed. All to bring my orgasm to a release and my body to rest.

  At the brink of my pleasure he would lift my feet, letting my calves rested against his shoulders and chest. His body would angle, bringing mine with him, letting him thrust further inside of me. His manhood would continuously pierce my insides as if he were trying to start a fire with his cock by forcing it inside of me. The spot inside of me would burst into flame and I would hoist myself onto him, grabbing hold of his face. There I would kiss him and beg for him to finish. His hot cum would spread on my inside and together we would topped down onto the bed, both taking haggard breaths.

  *Ouch Ouch*

  I opened my eyes and looked over to either of my parents. They were still asleep, they didn't hear my cries of pain. I gently lifted the blanket and stared between my legs. What the hell was going on? This never happened before when I played with myself. There was something wrong, a deep pain shot from deep within my stomach. Something that had never been there before. Did I just break myself?

  "Mom?" I whispered, trying my best not get my father's attention. I could only survive the embarrassment of one family member. Plus, my father would just panic and blow this completely out of proportions.

  She stirred in her beach chair, throwing to the side her tacky brown sunglasses. She rubbed at her eyes that slowly came into focus, "What is it, Grace?"

  "I think somethings wrong," I muttered.

  Her eyes locked onto me and she shot out of her chair. A few heads around the beach turned to look at her, probably cause her arms were wailing like a bird trying to take off.

  "What do you mean?" Her voice picked up and I instantly regretted waking her up. More heads on the beach turned away, we had gotten quite a reputation as the quiet family on the beach. So any noise from us was probably juicy enough to turn from the festivities. Next to me my father stirred away, his grumbling voice telling my mom to shut up.

  My mother knelt and strummed at my hair, her eyes frantically searching up and down my body. She wouldn't be able to find what was wrong unless she suddenly developed x-ray vision. I could still see the panic in her eyes and that didn't make me feel good. It only rose my own panic, maybe I shouldn't be some calm about this.

  "I'm getting a sharp pain in my area."

  I guided her eyes with my hand until I got to my crotch. I hoped she had enough decency to keep it to herself and not blurt it out. She looked at my crotch and back at me, nodding.

  "Is it the same usual pain," her motherly instincts taking over.

  "No, that time of the month has already past."

  "Alright." She wrapped her hand around my head, hugging me close to her body. I wasn't sure why she did it, probably to keep herself calm more than me. "Herbert, you stay here and watch our stuff. I'm taking Grace to our room."

  My father half opened his eyes and waved us away. At least he didn't know what was going on, cause if he knew everyone within a ten chair radius would know. That was a breath of relief for me, at least now until I figured out what was going on with me.

  The drunk heads that had turned our way were already back into the festivities. A mother clutching her daughter was not very exciting to see, especially when there was alcohol to be taken. Up the steps we went and turned right toward a sign that read 'Pharmacia". The universal red cross sign right under the name.

  "Where are we going?" No words from her. She was in full mom mode right now. Nothing I could say would break her concentration.

  At the door, she pushed her way inside. It was a small office that had a glass table in the middle with several magazines arranged and a couple of chairs against the walls. No one was at the front desk.

  "Hello?" My mother pressed down on the ringer at the front desk, it sounded like the bell between classes in high school. How I missed the simplicity of all that? Noting to worry about except crushes and getting good grades. Now I was all focused on not dying and getting laid for the first time.

  My mother rapped her fingernails on the counter sounding almost like an old typewriter. She pulled herself over the counter, her legs hanging in the air as she tried to reach for a booklet.

  "Mom, what are you doing?" I pulled down on her bathing suit. I didn't need to be embarrassed any further. I was already the only college student here who was stupid enough to bring her parents.

  "I want to get the name of this doctor." Her hands fumbled about blindly, probably because she wasn't able to completely pull herself up on the counter. Her legs flailed from side to side. I tried my best to keep her from falling over and destroying everything.

  "Ah ha," she screamed out as she hoisted herself back on my side.

  Gripped in her hand were a pamphlet and a manila doctor's folder. She flipped through the pages of the pamphlet, her eyes scurrying over the words like ants escaping the rain.

  "There's nothing there." She threw it over her shoulder and peered through the folder. Anyone whose been to the doctor could have told you that manila folders usually meant a patient file. This was going beyond what I signed for. I gripped my belly. Great, I was a patient and a criminal today.

  "Mom, put it down before they catch you." I grabbed her forearm trying to force her to close it. She looked up and gave me the old stank eye. I knew better than to prod.

  "Nothing here either." She handed me the file, and I grabbed the pamphlet off the ground. I threw them back over the counter and tried to adjust them as best as I could.

  "HELLLOO!!" She hollered as her hands came in front of her face forming a cone. Like that was going to do anything? They would probably just get annoyed more than anything. "What kind of resort doesn't have a 24/7 doctor on duty?"

  "Hello?" A door behind the counter opened, and a man walked out. My heart stopped right there. The pain from my stomach ceased, and my hurt began to ache with such force I was sure I would have a heart attack.

  "What can I help you with?" He pulled his hands through his black waving hair, parting it down the middle. It gave way to his emerald green eyes. Just when I thought, I couldn't hurt anymore. The rush of heat to my face was immediate, hiding behind my mother seemed like the best course of action.

  "I'm here for the doctor. My daughter is having some health issues." Her hand shot behind her pulling me to her side. Like a young child I clinged to my mother's arm not entirely sure of what to say. Here was my chance to be my own person, but I was more comfortable with my mother's hold. Had all this constant attention by them made me unable to talk to cute guys anymore? That's exactly what I needed when I went back to college.

  "I am the doctor on duty," his voice gave wake to the deep accent. Every word that started with d seemed to get an extra roll of the tongue. Maybe if I were lucky, that wouldn't be the only thing his tongue would be rolling on? I shook my head, trying to focus on the issue at hand.

  I stammered forward, "There are sharp pains down in my stomach. Maybe you can look at them?"

  His gaze wandered between my mother and me, almost unsure of how to proceed. He seemed to way every option in front of him, his left foot tapping on the floor like a beaver's tail hitting a dam. One hand in his pocket and the other at his chin, scratching away.

  "Of course. But, only patients are allowed inside. Your mother will have to wait," the stress of every word ringing in my ear. This man could read me anything and I would never get bored. I moved forward toward the room and glanced at my mom, pushing her to the seat with my eyes.

  The room inside was the same doctor's room as back home. In the middle of the room was a medical table with a white sheet over it, surrounded by several cabinets and
counters each packed with medical supplies. Next to the door was a small rolling chair and a regular office chair. The only other difference was that at the far back of the room were several windows that cast the ocean outside. It had gotten much darker than earlier, a storm was on the horizon.

  He stuck out his hand, his palm pointing me toward the table. I jumped onto the green cushion, the paper cover wrinkling under me. He moved about the room grabbing several different medical equipment and a manila folder. He couldn't have been older than 30 and was in amazing shape. His light brown skin complemented the colorful clothing he wore. Nothing, I would have expected a doctor to wear, but I guess it different when you work for a resort.

  "So, what's your name?" He pulled up his small rolling chair and opened the manila folder.

  "I'm Gracie Hunter." He turned the folder over and wrote my name on the cover, several pages of paperwork were already inside.

  "Ok, Grace my name is Jesus Ramirez. As I told your mother I'm the doctor on duty today." He held out his tanned brown hands. I hesitated to reach out for them, it had been ages since I felt the touch of another man. At least the touch of another man that wasn't my father. Each of his fingers were glued together at attention like small soldiers while his hand remained balanced in the air. I grabbed hold and it wrapped around my small hand like he was holding a small dove. His shake was firm and gentle, one that sent shivers down my spine.

  "Now, where is this pain?" His pen stood at attention as his eyes scoured my body. I began to tell him everything, leaving the small details of masturbating on the beach. He listened intently his green eyes switching between my stomach to his paperwork.

  "I'm going to do a brief touch and feel. To get an idea what I'm dealing with." He closed his folder, throwing it on the counter to the side.

  "Touch and feel?"

  "Lay down on the table for me until your head is at the top of the cushion." I did as he wanted, and he stood to my side, waiting until I seemed comfortable enough. "I'm going to press down on the sides of your stomach and you let me know if there is any pain."

  He lifted my shirt slightly and his touch on my bare stomach send electricity through my body. With his fingers gathered in one point, he pressed down at the top of my stomach. I couldn't help losing my breath as I looked at him. This was the closest any man had been to my pussy. With the realization, a knot began to take hold of my body.

  "Any pain?"

  I shook my head. I didn't want to talk for fear that I might moan out in pleasure. His delicate hands moved swiftly around my body, looking at me for reassurance as he pressed down. At the bottom of my stomach, inches away from my wet pussy, he pressed down.

  "Ouch," I murmured as a pain from within took hold. Stars danced at the outside of my vision as small puffs of dust floated around.

  "Hmmm." He looked at me and threw his bottom of on the hair. As he moved in the chair back in forth the wheels hissed out like angry mechanical snakes. Something was bothering him, I just couldn't tell what. "Have you been completely honest with me Gracie?" He stopped the chair with a pull of his heels and watched me closely.

  I looked around the room, doing anything possible to avoid his gaze. I must have looked like a deer caught in the headlights cause he got up and opened my folder.

  "I'm ready when you are?" His pen clicked, and he stood at the attention, his eyes no longer on me. Had I disappointed him with my lying? Did expect much more from me or was I just the usual dumb college student?

  "Well, I wasn't exactly lying on the beach when the pain started." I rubbed my hands together trying to find the words to explain myself. I never realized how many medical posters were hanging on the wall before. My eyes darted between each one, reading each line slowly and as much as my eyesight allowed me.

  "And?" He plucked at the skin above his eyebrows. Clearly, he's had a long day today. One that was going longer with each slow answer of some dumb college girl.

  "And I was playing with myself when it happened." I lowered my palms on my face. I wanted to die. Nothing else could save me from this embarrassment, expect maybe my mother making herself a complete fool. I let the heat from my face and hands meld together, letting me skin into the darkness of my eyelids.

  I heard the scuffle his shoes on the tiled floor as he moved. His smooth hands took hold of each of my wrists and pulled them back. "Gracie, open your eyes." Above me, he stood with a big grinning smile, almost as if he were on the verge of laughter.

  "What?" I rightened myself on the table, crossing my arms against my hefty chest. Why the hell was he laughing? This wasn't very professional on this part. It took a lot of courage to bring that out didn't he understand that?

  "Nothing, just thanks for brightening my day." His whole mood seemed to change from a moment ago. Before he stood hunched over a bit at the counter writing now. Now there seemed to be a sort of hop in his step as he worked his way through the folder, checking and crossing questions out.

  "How did I brighten your day?" I was honestly transfixed on his whole change of demeanor. The man that stood before me was not as tired as the one a moment ago.

  "Well, you helped me solve your problem and gave me a good image." He winked at me and looked down the side of the bathing suit. My cheeks ripened at his straightforward manner.

  "So, what's the next step?" I brushed the hair out of my eyes, trying my best not to stare at him. Had I turned him on?

  "Well," the snap of rubber gloves on his fingers shot through the room, "I'm going to have to do a vaginal examination." He brought the stirrups to the center of the table. I had no idea what I was supposed to do. I've never had a gyno exam and everything that I knew about it was from the movies.

  "I'm going to need you to put your feet up here." He grabbed at my feet and adjusted them in the straps. He pulled down on the plastic until they were firmly positioned on top of my foot. With a soft click from each stirrup, I was locked in. There was no escape now.

  "Shouldn't I talk to my mother before we start?" He briskly moved around the room grabbing every possible medical tool. My eyes watched in disbelief as I counted them in my head. 10...Why the hell did he need ten tools? He wiped each down with disinfected and laid them on the counter; my head was already spinning at the idea.

  "This is nothing serious, just a standard exam. Lie down and relax."

  That was hard to do when all of these medical tools were right next to my head. I closed my eyes and tried to control my breathing. I was a big girl, and I could take care of myself. There was no reason not to trust him; he had been professional about everything so far.

  The seat rolled between my legs, and he pushed the stirrups to the side, my pussy on display. Well, almost I was still wearing my swimsuit. My hands wandered down my body trying to shield myself as best as I could.

  "Grace, I'm going to need to remove your swimsuit to check thoroughly you out," he stated as he lifted himself from the chair positioning by my side. I gazed at him unsure of how to take what he just said. Was he going to give me an examination or did he just want to look at my pussy?

  "Is there no other way?" I would rather do anything than this. But, I was probably too wishful. He was the doctor after all and I just the patient.

  "I'm afraid not. I won't know exactly what I'm dealing with until we complete this." His hand stroked the hair out of my face and rested on my cheek. I rubbed against it and welcomed his warm embrace, which flowed between my legs. More than the examination I was scared for him to find out how turned I was. How every time his skin touched mine a fire erupted in the place of the pain. How even the idea of his head between my legs, his tongue inches away from my pussy making my head and body ache.

  "Do what you must," I whimpered out as I turned away from his warm embrace and closed my eyes.

  His fingertips crawled down the side of my body. My mind focused on the tip of his fingers and how they gracefully touched at my sides. He poked, prodded, and pinched at my skin. Both our breaths grew heavy as he reached t
he side of my hips. With a jerk, my bikini bottom came undone.

  I opened my eyes and could have sworn I saw him nibble at his bottom lip, his eyes filled with wonder. I wanted more than anything to reach out and grab hold of him. Too guide him forward toward my pussy and let him touch it. Let him do more than just examine it. More like letting him take his manhood and trusting it within me. A girl could dream, but knowing my luck it would only turn out bad.

  He leaned over and undid the other side, his hard stomach pushing against my hips. I didn't need to see him naked I already knew that he was a six pack under there, just like every guy staying at this resort. As he threw my bikini bottom to the side, he glanced at me and threw me a bashful smile like an inexperienced adolescent boy.

  "Let's begin then." His eyes grew stern and attentive as he set himself between my legs.

  He brought my legs out more, and a small gust of wind rustled the juices that had gathered. I couldn't help myself with him being so touchy. No other man had ever given me the attention as he did, especially one as handsome. I turned my head to the side, toward the windows. The clouds had turned as dark as the night sky, and droplets of rain pelted the window like hail.

  "Won't people outside see?" His hands crept down the side of my thighs. My breaths were growing ragged with each inch he pushed forward. Why did he have to start from all the way up there? Couldn't he had just dug in and make me scream?

  "It's a one-way window. You have nothing to worry about," he chuckled as he patted his hands on my thighs.

  I moaned out, "Sorry." I covered my face with my hands, wanting nothing more than to die. I'm sure that's never happened to him.


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