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Filled for the First Time : 45 Books Bundle/Box Sets (Medical, Older Man, Menage, Taboo)

Page 34

by Sansa Gold

  "That's most unfortunate." He said. I could see that there was something else on his mind.

  "Is there anything else you wanted me to do for you today?" I asked.

  "Yes and no. Yes and no." He repeated.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Well I've got an interesting proposal that could help the both of us. If your interested." He turned around and walked up the stairs, beckoning for me to follow him.

  He didn't even give me any chance to respond, but I was honestly intrigued already. What kind of proposal did he have in mind?

  As we climbed the stairs I couldn't help, but look at large thighs and how they were glued to his pants. His ass was even more prevalent than his enormous thighs, it took all my willpower to stop myself from catching up to him and biting him. If he wasn't my boss he would be someone I would totally hit on at the bar, as long as he didn't have the shitty attitude from this morning.

  "So as you know I was kinda of a dick this morning?" He laughed.

  "Kinda?" I teased back.

  "Right. I deserved that." He chuckled. "There was a reason for that. One of my afternoon meetings had canceled on me at the last minute. But, this is where you could possibly come in. After all the basics are ironed out of course."

  "How would I be able to help you?" I asked. I didn't see how I could be of any help to him.

  At the top of the stairs he made a hard right and headed toward the door at the end of the hallway. He pushed inside, where a fireplace was roaring, giving the room a cozy feeling. All around the room were different video equipment thrown about, wires all leading back to the a table in the middle of the room.

  In the corner of the room, within eyesight of his table, rested several plasma TV showing every room in the house. One of the portion showed the foyer, and it was aimed exactly at where I bent over. There was no way that he hadn't seen my almost bare bottom, I prayed that he had gotten distracted and missed it. He jumped at his chair, his fingers feverishly typing on the keyboard.

  "Believe it or not many of the things I have acquired here have been through hard work. I've managed to start many different successful companies to fund this lifestyle. One of the companies I've started happens to be a very popular website. This is where I think you will be able to help me. I need you to help me with my website and in return I'll help you with any of financial troubles. How does that sound?"

  It sounded way to good, something told me that there was more to this website than he was letting on. "What kind of website is it?"

  "I knew you would ask that next, your a smart girl after all. Its an adult website that caterers to every different kink that people could want. My appointment for this afternoon canceled so I was hoping that you could fill in that kink." He looked at me, while his fingers still typed away.

  "Listen, I think you have the wrong idea about me. I'm all for making extra money to pay off my loans just not this way. I'm not that much in desperate need of money." I turned ready to turn my back on all the nonsense he laid before me.

  "What if I told you one video could almost completely get rid of your school loans?" He blurted out.

  I stopped in my tracks and turned my head back toward him, my interest piqued. If I could get rid of my loans with just one video, that would completely take off a lot of stress of my mind. The only reason that I was at this job, after all, was to pay off my loans and make rent. Eliminating one of those, completely, could give me more freedom to get more serious with my Art degree.

  "What's the kink?" I asked.

  "Well its a combination of two kinks, which is nanny and spanking. Fortunately you are already in costume for that, so we don't need to find you anything to wear. Not that it will matter in the long run." He laughed.

  "How much spanking are we talking about?" I hesitantly asked.

  "Enough to where you squirming in pain. The audience for this demands that you get your fair share of spankings, then some." He cited.

  "Ok, I'm definitely interested now. When would we start? How do I get paid?" I knew that he had the money to probably pay me upfront, but I needed to show him that I had put some thought in the process. I didn't want him to think I was some naive girl he could completely take advantage of.

  "Well, that's what I've been working on all day ever since you showed up. I've just been thinking of how to present you with the idea. I was ready for a bigger battle, you've made it fairly easy." He explained.

  "I figured as much. You just drive a good deal, plus I'm kind in a desperate situation right now." I retorted. There was no way that I was going to ever turn down a deal like this, it was too good.

  I moved toward him, wanting to see what he was typing on the computer. In big black bold letters at the top of the screen I could make out "Contract" and then the writing got smaller and smaller.

  "All done." He jumped out of his chair and ran across to the other side of the room, patiently waiting for the printer to finish.

  I stared at him, watching as he went from toe to toe almost like an excited child at Christmas waiting to open his presents. I found myself smiling, as his hands grabbed at the pages before the printer even let go.

  When the job was completed he ran back to me, throwing all the pages into my hands. The stack must have been over thirty pages long, this was going to take all day to read and then some. There was a reason I went with an Art degree and not English, I hated reading.

  "Yea, is there a condensed version of this? This will take forever for me to read."

  "I agree, that's why the last page lists off the major points of the contract."

  I flipped through the pages until I held the last flimsy page. There were three bullet points that had much larger font than the rest of the document, with a header that read "The Guidelines." The first point stated that he kept the video and got to distribute on his website, and only his website. Second bullet point stated that the faces will not be blurred out, but that identities would be kept as confidential as possible. Last bullet point stated that the filming would not cease until he, Mr. Blitz, saw fit and sexual intercourse would be the end.

  "There is nothing I can do to change your mind about any of these points?" I asked.

  "Nope, I cannot give you any more control than that. I need this film to go how I want. I know what my audience wants and I intend to give it to them. So, do you agree?"

  I held out my hand, "Pen?"

  He handed me one, I pushed the papers against my thighs and signed at the bottom of the page. I handed to him as he gleefully clapped his hands. He quickly signed the papers and threw them on the table. He then started running around the room adjusting cameras to the front of the fireplace.

  In front of the fireplace, on the ground, was a large rug with a single couch in the middle. Right in front of the couch was a small table with one item on it.

  "Is that what your going to be using on me?" I asked, as I pointed to the wooden paddle on the table.

  "That and my hand." He spoke, as he rushed around the room.

  "Is there anything you need me to do to get ready?"

  "Nah, you already look the part. Have you ever been spanked?"

  "Yes, several times." And to be honest I liked every second of it. Most of the attempts I had with my previous partners and flings were amateurish at best, but it still got the job done every time.

  "Alright, just know that this might be harder than any time before. I don't half ass my videos, so you will be in a lot of pain. Just take it for as long as you can. Beg if you have too, they really enjoy that." He laughed.

  I moved toward the heat of the fireplace, slowly closing my eyes. I let the heat over take me as I tried to prepare for my role. My gut was trying to convince me to back down, while my brain showed me a pile of cash. This was one time were I wasn't going to let my gut win, I was determined.

  I felt his touch on my shoulders, then heard his voice close to my ears, "Are you ready?"

  I took in a deep breathe and nodded. I opened my eyes and
saw him grab a remote from off the table, before sitting on the couch. He turned to me and padded on his knees. I got down and put my stomach over his legs, letting my body hang. He clicked his remote and threw it to the side.

  "Do you know why your here?" He started.

  I shook my head, "No, sir." I replied.

  "Your here to make up for your mistakes. You've been slacking at work and punishment is necessary. Do you have anything to say for your actions?"

  "I'll try harder." I pleaded with him, as I got into character. I almost caught myself giggling, maybe I should have gotten an Acting degree.

  "Its far too late for that. There's only one thing left to do with you."

  He slapped his hands together, then began to rub them fast together. With no hesitation he brought his hand down on my left cheek, my eyes teared. I bit into my lip, trying to hold down the pain. My little frilly maid uniform did very little to hold back the string from his spanking.

  "Doesn't seem like I hit you hard enough. No matter, I'll have you beginning for mercy before I'm done with you."

  This time I felt the sting onto my right check, more tears began to well up in my eyes. I just bit harder and raised my head, I wasn't giving in that easily. In front of me red light blinked, as my every reaction was captured. I tried to not focus on them, but I couldn't concentrate as I realized how many cameras there really were around. He would capture my every sound and emotion, there was no doubt about that.

  His legs rocked to the side as he brought his hand right down the middle, hitting both cheeks at the same time. I whimpered as the force rippled through my body.

  "That seems to have gotten a little of noise out of you. Are you sorry for your performance?" He shouted at me.

  "Yes sir." I yelled at him, hoping that it would stop his slaps. But, deep down I knew it was futile and that I didn't want him to stop. I hadn't been this turned on in ages, I could feel my pussy pulsating with excitement.

  I felt the saliva dribble down the side of my mouth as my body prepared for the onslaught of slaps. Without any warning both his hands landed on each of my cheeks, sending me wailing. I turned my head, wiping my tears away, and digging my teeth into my flimsy outfit.

  "That won't stop you cries." He screamed as his hands landed several more times on my bottom.

  "Please, just stop." I shouted back.

  "Not until you receive your full punishment."

  I started to squirm trying to get away from the onslaught of slaps, but he took one arm and pressed me against his legs. I pushed myself onto his legs trying my hardest to move dodge them, but to no avail.

  With each slap I could feel the pain surging through my body, also sending shivers up my spine. I looked at the floor and concentrated on a spot, trying to push out the pain that followed. His thick hand continued to mark my already red ass, as streams of tears flowed down my cheeks.

  "Now your starting to understand your mistakes. I can see that your crying, not to worry it will all be over soon enough."

  He held his hand on my ass as I felt his breathe against the back of my neck. He kissed me and worked his way down my back until he reached the seam of outfit.

  "This won't do at all." He said, as his hand moved from my ass and began to unzip the outfit off. When fully unzipped he continued his trail of kisses down my back, his hand grabbing my ass once more. As he continued his way down, he lightly padded me ass. Now I could feel the feature of every part of his hand, each paddle sending my cheek shaking.

  "Your ass is so amazing." He roared, as he sent spanked both my cheeks with full force.

  My head shot into the air, screams erupting from deep inside of me.

  "Please, Mr. Blitz. Make it stop. Don't hurt anymore." I begged of him, two more strong blows followed.

  "Soon enough, don't you worry." He let his hand rest on my ass, moving it around slowly feeling my body. I crossed my legs as his fingers came closer to my pussy. My body moved up and down with his every breathe, as he tried to regain his composure. On the outside of my panties he carefully rubbed my wet cunt, sending flutters in my stomach.

  "My oh my, are you wet. Is your punishment turning you on?" He asked. I turned my head at him and nodded.

  "Would you like more?" He asked, once more I nodded my head.

  "I can do that for you. I'm just going to need to bring a little more pleasure for me." His hand moved from my pussy up toward the seam of my panties, grabbing hold. With one full swoop I felt the panties rip from my waist, landing on the floor in front of me. I instinctively tried to close my legs, covering my bare ass and pussy.

  "No, you don't." He yelled, as one slap landed on my right cheek. "Your not taking anything away from me." Another slap settled on the other. I uncrossed my legs and lowered them, pushing myself onto his stomach once more.

  I could feel the pain from my already beat red ass traveling up my both. His arm left my back and he landed each of them on both cheeks, sending my body quivering as I screeched with pleasure. I couldn't believe how turned on I was getting from all of this punishment.

  His firm hands grabbed hold of my cheeks as he lowered his head and took a nibble, "You taste even more amazing." He whispered.

  One hand remained on one cheek while the other went lower toward my pussy. He took one of his fingers and pushed it down the middle of my wet cunt, I arched my back in surprise. He continued to rush the finger back and forth through the flaps, teasing me with the tip each time he descended.

  "How does that feel?" He asked, as the tip of his finger went inside my cunt. All I could do was moan in pleasure, words were too far away to grasp for. I lowered my head and bit into his massive thighs, emitting a low grunt from him.

  "Oh, that hurts." He looked down at me and smiled, "Don't worry, I have just the right punishment for you." He leaned forward and grabbed hold of the paddle. I caught sight of it in the light from the fireplace, it had to be at least four to five inches wide and twice as long. He held it there in front of me, letting the panic set into my mind.

  I turned my head at him, "Please, don't do it. I won't bit you again." I pleaded with him.

  "I'll make sure of that." He roared as he laid it on my bare ass, hitting both cheeks at once.

  The sting that followed was more intense than every slap of his combined. My hands grabbed hold of his right calf, digging deep, as I bit down on his thigh in retaliation. My legs behind me flailed wildly out of my control, trying however they could to get away from that paddle.

  "I see you haven't learned anything yet." He bellowed, as two succession hits of the paddle landed on their mark.

  It was then that I felt the outside of my vision turn black, there wasn't much more punishment that my body could take. I could feel myself waning, as my teeth held clenched onto his thigh. I felt myself ripping though his jeans, but I didn't care I wanted to stay in this moment.

  With every paddle a surge of pleasure coursed through my body, more pleasure than I could ever bring to myself. I wanted to live it for as long as possible, so I wasn't going to let my body overcome from the pain.

  I pulled my head back, staring into his eyes, as the paddle loomed over my head. He stared back at me, waiting for me to give him any excuse to use the paddle on my ass once more. I smiled at him before I turned my head once more, taking a full bit of his upper thigh.

  "Oh no you don't." He hollered, I felt the wind against my hot skin before I felt the heat of the paddle.

  With that swoop of the paddle my whole world went dark, there was no pain or any pleasure. I turned my head from side to side, only darkness greeted me. I began to panic, trying to find the red light from the fireplace. It didn't make any sense, just a second ago I was right there in the room with Mr. Blitz. Was that all a fantasy? Had I been dreaming all of it?

  "JENNIFER! JEN!" I heard shouting, everything around me started getting white. Before I knew it I woke up staring at the ground, the crackling of the fireplace filling my ears.

  "There we go. Your no
t getting away from me that easily." Before I completely understood what was going on around me I felt the sting against my bottom.

  "I got you pretty good with the last couple of paddles." He roared with laughter, as the paddle came crashing down against my backside. The thrill and pleasure roared through my body, waking me up from my slumber and setting back into mood.

  I brought my chin close to his thigh, grabbing hold of it. His laughter turned to cursing as the paddle turned against my backside, shocks of pain and amusement circling in my stomach. With each paddle that landed on my bare backside, I felt the knot grow tighter in my stomach. I couldn't believe how turned on I was getting by all of the punishment.

  As the paddle came down on my ass, his other hand would wallop the same spot. The paddle and hand alternated in rapid successions, the warm wood and his hot hand pressing against my ass.

  I pushed my tightly knotted stomach against his legs, feeling the rise of his hard cock against it. I moved one of my hands up the side of his legs, until I had it resting under my stomach. With the tip of my fingers I began to rub the head of his cock on the outside of his jeans.

  "Are you trying to punish me now?" He laughed as he put the paddle down on the couch, within view of me.

  His hands gripped my ass until it began to slip out of his hands, only his fingertips held on. "God, I love this ass." He slapped it with bottom of his hands, one slap on each cheek.

  After wards, his hands moved down the side of my body tracing my thighs and climbing back up to my pussy. One hand began to circle around my clit while the other one swept inside my cunt. He pushed deep inside with two of his fingers, the sound of my wet cunt mixing with the crackling of the fire.

  "Fuck, your so tight. I can't wait to get my cock in there."

  With that confirmation, I let my body slide down his legs until I knelt before him. It took a little bit for my body to regain its composure as I stood by myself, no longer held down by his strength. I grabbed hold of the seam of his jeans and began undoing his button, his massive bulge around sticking out.


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