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Filled for the First Time : 45 Books Bundle/Box Sets (Medical, Older Man, Menage, Taboo)

Page 51

by Sansa Gold

  I approached the massive door and rang the door to the mansion. I looked around and was astonished at all the luxuries. Just from the front steps I could see a basketball, volleyball, and tennis court. Luxuries of the rich. It put it into perspective how other people were able to live.

  "How may I help you?" A gentle and low voice greeted me.

  I turned around and was faced with a very tall man. He had a uniform on that was very much like the one butler's wore in movies. He stood there his arm holding open the door. His blue steel eyes piercing through me.

  "My name is Katherine Goodwin. I am a house sitter and I have a meeting scheduled for this evening."

  My eyes shoot behind him and was taken aback by how enormous the entrance was. A gigantic wooden stairway rested in the middle of the room which split off going into two separate directions. To either side of the stairway were entrances that seemed to beckon for exploration.

  "Ah yes, Mrs. Goodwin. Its a pleasure to finally meet you. Mr. Waters had mentioned an evening meeting with you. He is most excited to met you. I will lead you to the living room and I shall let Mr. Waters know of your arrival." His lips parted and a smile appeared on his face. I could not tell if it was genuine or not, time would tell. He lifted his arm up to the side and beckoned for me to come inside.

  I strolled inside and waited at the bottom of the stairs unsure of where to go. I looked at the ground and saw my reflection staring back. I saw a tall, slightly chubby, under dressed apprehensive girl. I was starting to wish that I had borrowed something appropriate. I was definitely under dressed for meeting.

  "This way Mrs. Goodwin." Again his arm rose only this time he past through first. I quickly fell behind him, not wanting to get lost in the mansion.

  He guided me through the entrance to the south side of the stairway. After several minutes of walking the butler had stopped at a room, he waited for me to enter first. I was greeted by an even more immense room.

  A gigantic fireplace roared at one side of the room, where a white couch sat in front. The west side of the room there was no wall just several large windows that revealed the Pacific Ocean. Several pictures hung on the walls all of Mr. Waters shaking the hand of various people, I recognized some of them. I turned around and saw that the butler had left.

  I realized that I had never asked for his name. Unfortunately, for me there was no name tag. I'm sure I'll learn it in do time.

  I walked around the room, moving from each picture taking it all in. At the back of the room, by the windows, were several pictures frames with magazines covers. The covers read, "Donovan: Sexiest Model of the Year!", "Donovan: Most Wanted Bachelor!", and "Donovan: From Model to Billionaire!". Each of the covers displayed Mr. Waters completely naked, the only thing covering him was a Speedo.

  Mr. Waters was well over 6 feet and had the body of a Greek God. In every picture his hands were raised and his head, running them through his jet black hair. With arms raised every muscle in his large biceps and protruding chest seemed to jump out for attention. My eyes continued to travel down and was greeted by his chiseled stomach. My eyes slowly fell on his Speedo and saw that he was very well endowed. I couldn't help to lick my lips, that would be a very fun evening. I laughed too myself. Like that would ever happen.

  I looked out the window and saw the sun slowly move down across the horizon. How much does a mansion of this size cost? Ten? One hundred million? I doubt it was more than a drop in the bucket for billionaire Donovan Waters.

  I tore my eyes away from the ocean and worked my way to the fireplace. It stood higher and wider than I thought possible. It must have been at least six feet tall and ten feet wide. On the floor was the skin of some exotic animal, spread just in front of the white couch.

  I sat down and stared into the fire, getting lost in the crackle and pop of the wood burning. My mind began to wonder back to Mr. Waters in his swimsuit. How magnificent his body looked. I wonder how he was in bed. I bet that he was a generous lover.

  I was quickly greeted by a nice tinkle in my underwear. My mind jumped from scenario to scenario, my breathe began to get slower and deeper. This was not the time for this especially when I will probably have the most important meeting of my life.

  But who am I to stop this feeling? The fact that I was inside his house made the feelings even more overwhelming. I rested my head on the headrest my hand slowly traveling down to my worn blue jeans. This sweater would offer really good cover for what I had in mind. I always enjoyed a quickie, even if it was by myself.

  Billionaire Mr. Waters would ravish my body right here in front of the fireplace. The heat of the fire would warm us as he worked down my body. Taking quick nibbles of each part of my body: my ears, neck, breasts, hips, thighs, and calves. His thick trunk-like arms would be holding me down as my body writhe in pleasure.

  There would be no need to hide my pleasure. No one in this house would be able to hear us. I would moan and scream as he continued to tease me. I would quickly grasp his head and push him down toward my pussy. Hoping that he would slowly lick around my clit, teasing me. Then slowly start to rub my clit as he inserted multiple fingers in. His eyes would stare into my blissful face, begging him to enter me. To make me his one and only Billionaire slut.

  With my eyes shut I continued to rub my clit. It had gotten quite hard, as scenarios danced through my head. I gingerly touched and rubbed around. My body began to rise and fall. I lowered my fingers and felt how overwhelmingly wet I was. I entered myself one finger as a time.

  *Step *Step * Step. The sound echoed through the hallway I had just come from.

  My hands flew out and I straightened myself off the couch. I quickly buttoned my jeans. I pushed my hands down the side of my sweater and pants, trying to make myself more presentable.

  Mr. Waters walked through the room. His hair was completely wet and slicked back. A white robe draped over his body and parted in the middle, reveling a red Speedo that tightly hugged his body. He was completely barefoot. His lips parted and a exquisite smile greeted me back.

  Once he reached me he extended his hands out, "You must be Katherine Goodwin. I have heard so much about you from your reference."

  I took his hand, which was wet, and shook it.

  "I apologize for my appearance I had a harsh day so I took a dip in the pool. Time past quickly and I had completely forgotten about our appointment. I guarantee you that this meeting is at the utmost importance to me." His arms worked up to my chin and held my high up. His green eyes stared into mine. I hoped that he did not notice my flushed face, otherwise I could be in trouble.

  He took his hand away from my chin. He moved it down the side of my body, His hand moved down my body, pushing until the palm of his hand touched my body. He worked it down my side, feeling every bit. His hand stopped at the side of my hip and rested there for several seconds. Once satisfied he stepped back and visually observed me. I was utterly speechless.

  Confused and attraction were the thoughts that ran through my mind. Who did this person think he was getting so close to me? Touching me so seductively? I hardly knew him and he stood there caressing my body.

  He worked his way to the fire and spread hands out, his back turned to me. He ran his hands through his hair, several drops of water fell out, and shook them in front of the fire. He started to rub his hands together and moved them forward toward the fire, basking them in its warmth.

  "Its a pleasure to meet you Mr. Waters. " I stuttered back, completely taken aback by the whole encounter.

  "Please don't call me Mr. Waters, reminds me of my father. You can call me Donovan but many people just call me Don, which ever suits you. Now back to business. Katherine you would be prefect for my position. I can already feel myself wanting and devouring you." He casually said.

  Devour? Wanting? I was unsure how to react. Has he confused me for someone else? I though I was here for a house sitting position. What he seemed to have in mind was entirely different.

  "Donovan...Don I thin
k there might be some misunderstanding. I'm here for a house sitting meeting. That was my understanding when I received the call." I sputtered back.

  He began to pace back and forth the length of the fireplace. His eyes mirroring the burning flame. His hand rested on his chin, in thought. I danced from leg to leg feeling antsy and unsure. What could this man...this billionaire want from me? Obviously there is some kind of misunderstanding.

  "Your reference said that you might react this way. He also mentioned that it might take you a bit to warm up to the idea. I can be patient. I can work with it. Especially after I've seen you I cant just simply let you go." He stopped and walked toward me. He lowered his head and kissed me.

  I was quickly taken by surprise, but I didn't resist. I would be lying if I didn't play scenarios in my mind. Ones where he whisked me off my feet and we lived happily ever after. This was more straight forward than I could have ever imagined.

  His hands grabbed the sides of my face and gently held me in place. His lips firm and welcoming as they brushed against mine. His tongue slowly working between my lips. Gently pushed them apart and moved inside my mouth. He tasted so sweet, almost like chocolate.

  "What are you doing?" I shouted as I pushed him back. I stood there and stared at him. He just stared at me, unmoving and unresponsive.

  "I don't know who THIS reference is but your mistaken. I am not the person you think I am. I'm a college student who house sits on the side. I do it to pay loans and earn some spending money." I clamored. I turned around and started to make my way out.

  I felt the hand grip my wrist. Hard and firm. I tried to pull away but I couldn't. He held me there. I turned my head around and those piercing green eyes looked back.

  "Don't go away. Let me explain myself before you leave. If you don't like what I have to offer you can leave. Tonight will be the most this relationship goes. You'll never hear from me again." He said. His eyes never left mine.

  Hear him out? I could definitely sit here and hear him out. What was the worse that could happen? Maybe this was all a big misunderstanding. Plus, I needed money so who knows this could work in my favor.

  He pulled my wrist and I followed him back. He sat on the couch. I sat next to him.

  "Alright, as you know I have accumulated a large amount of wealth. More money than I could spend in a lifetime. This was all a little overwhelming at first, a new world was completely opened to me." The excitement built in his voice as his arms moved in the air.

  "At first it was welcoming. Everything, everywhere, and everyone became something I could attain. I did anything that came to my mind, while running my company. I've traveled and seen the world. I've been with every possible woman you could imagine." I moved back, unsure of what my role was in this.

  "After a time I began to lose it. After all these mindless encounters and traveling it gradually became lost." He exclaimed. I was confused at what this "it" was.

  "What did you lose?" I asked. He moved closer to me and grabbed my thigh. His hand so close to my cleft. It was a little uncomfortable but I didn't push away.

  "Feeling. I lost the feelings of living life. I had experienced so much in such a short amount of time. Now there are few things I have not tried in life." He replied.

  "This is where you come in Katherine. I want you to be part of those life moments that I have not experienced yet."

  His hand again moved closer up my thigh, again I did nothing. "If you agree to join me in this experiences I will make it worth you time. I want you to go about your regular life. Be the college student who goes to class and achieves her dreams. But when I call you. You will come. You will fulfill my desires." His hand was now rubbing up and down on the outside of my pants. I was already completely wet. My breath had shortened and I could feel my flushed cheeks. "And for that you will be rewarded."

  I took a deep breath and pushed his hand away, it took every part of my will to push him away. To not accept his proposal this very instance. To become what he wanted me to be. Whatever he wanted me to be.

  "Why did you choose me? There are so many women, much more fitted and suited, out there that would die for this opportunity. I'm just a regular college girl who is just trying to make some money on the side," I questioned.

  His arm went up to the back of my neck and danced around. Calmly running through my hair. His gaze went up and down on my body.

  "That's exactly why I want you. Your normal. You didn't come to me asking for my money. I presented myself to you. Plenty of women have thrown themselves at me, in hopes of getting closer to my wealth than me. I have been played so many times that I am a shell of myself." His attention turned to the fireplace, as if reliving the memories.

  "I want you Katherine. I don't want any other woman." He moved closer to me. His hands fell away from my neck and moved over my sweater. It lightly skimmed across my chest, sensually touching my nipples.

  I sat there as his hand moved around my chest, pondering. I knew what he had in mind. But, even in college I had never even put myself out there. There were some casual encounters, that eventually led no where.

  He lowered his head and kissed my neck. He worked his way up and down. This was making it especially hard to concentrate, but he was definitely putting up a good argument right now.

  "Alright, I'll do it. I will be whoever you want me to be." I whispered between breaths, "When do you want me to begin?" I mustered, although I knew the answer.

  He rose his head, "I want you to start right now." He smirked and lowered his head back down.

  I let myself fall back on the couch. I wasn't sure what was hotter: the fire or his breathe traveling down my body?

  My hands moved up and ran them through his hair. I needed to grab something as he continued to work down my body. It had been so long since I had been with another person. The fact that I was being seduced by a billionaire and the sexiest man of the year sent shivers and tingles down my spine.

  This was usually not me. I wasn't the kind of girl that put out on the first date. The one who invited the guy in for coffee as a disguise to fuck him. I had always used the 90 day rule, which in college doesn't really do any wonders. No guy seemed patient enough to wait for it.

  Enough of that. I needed to indulge myself. To let myself live and be devoured. I deserved to have memorable experiences, after all I was still very young. After all was said and done I could come back and decide if it was the right choice. Right now I just wanted to live, to experience, to devour.

  The emotions overwhelmed me. I grabbed Don's robe and pushed him away. I could see the surprise in his face. Once on my knees in front of the couch, right between Don's legs, I began to work.

  I moved my hands slowly up and down his body, gently skimming the outside of his Speedo. Ever so often I would gently caress the outline of his enormous cock. I could tell that he was beginning to get hard, although not quite there. Just seeing his member continue to swell up in size made my juices flow.

  I began to kiss his thighs and my hands moved to his robe. My eyes moved up. A idea suddenly popped into my head. I smiled to myself as I stood up.

  The robe that he wore had a rope that was used to keep it closed in the middle. The rope was held by rings that went around. I lowered myself and one hand grabbed his masculine back. He was so very warm and a bit of sweat was coated on his back. I pulled his back up as I pulled the rope with my other hand. The other end of the rope went around and was set free.

  The rope was at least three or four feet long, more than enough for what I had planned. He looked up at me and it was clear that he knew where I was going with this.

  He smiled, "Please don't be too gentle with me." I had never done anything like this before but I think I would be able to fulfill that requirement.

  I felt a sense of energy rush through me. I liked the idea of being in power, of having someone squirming to my every move. "Stand up. NOW," I shouted.

  He rose way too slowly. I used the rope and hit him against his chest,
which left a slight mark. His pace quickened when he saw that I was serious. I was smiling so much that my cheeks began to hurt. I was thoroughly enjoying this.

  His hands were at his side I quickly grabbed them and put them behind his back. I circled the rope around his wrists. Once there was no more slack I grabbed both end of the rope and pulled. Don rose on his toes and dropped down.

  "That's a little tight," He mentioned.

  "Good." I responded, still smiling.

  "Before we go any further. There is a chest at the other side of the coach. I want you to open it and choose something that you want from that box." He slyly said.

  I moved toward the end of coach and found the chest he was talking about. I flipped open the lid on top and was greeted by many different kind of selections. My eyes skimmed back and forth in the box, until it fell on one piece. This would be perfect for this moment.

  I bent down and grabbed it and made my way back to Don. He had not turned or even looked at me. This would be good, it would be a surprise for him.

  "I'm going to need you to close your eyes." I gave him a few moments and then I moved the item up to his the middle of his head. I placed the leather blindfold around his head and brought the straps back to me. I pulled back the straps as much as possible, making sure to cause a little discomfort, and then put the clasp on it.

  I grabbed his waist and turned him around, making sure that his eyes were covered. Once I was satisfied with my work I pushed him. He fell down on the couch with a sudden thud. His head leaned back on the top curb of the couch.

  I removed my sweater and worn jeans. I stood there in my black lacy bra and panties admiring how good he looked. There was something missing I just couldn't put my finger on it. That's when it struck me. I removed my panties, which were potent with my fluids. I moved over him.

  "Open your mouth." I barked. Once he obliged I straddled him. I clumped my panties together and stuffed it in his mouth. Now that was perfect. I smiled at my own work.


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