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Filled for the First Time : 45 Books Bundle/Box Sets (Medical, Older Man, Menage, Taboo)

Page 72

by Sansa Gold

  Last night, while my parents were a sleep, I found something that sparked my imagination. I was flipping through the channels and came upon something a little naughty. The moans blasted through the TV, I was sure they were going to wake my parents, but I couldn't turn away. Some doctor was taking control of his patient, ramming her against the exam table. It sparked something inside at my core.

  Every stroke the doctor thrusted inside of his patient made my hand inch closer to my panty line, that was until my dad stirred in his sleep. I've never flipped the channel faster in my life. Ever since then I've been determined to get them out of the hotel room. Just so I can have a little fun.

  My fingers grip the remote, images of cocks dancing around my mind. I flick through the channels until I reach the one I want. The sound of moans filling every inch of the room. I raise the volume. No one was going to disturb my alone time.

  "What do we have here," I mutter, my hand inching toward my jeans. On screen, a Russian Doctor is talking to his patient, as he slowly unbuttons his pants. Her eyes darting to the massive bulge between his pants, she seems hesitant. It doesn't take patient much to change her mind. By the time the doctor brings it out she's on her knees more than willing to receive it.

  Sucks that the porn has to be in Russian, but I don't have a choice when I'm on vacation. My fingers press against my mound, wet with anticipation and lust. This was the first night in two weeks by myself. I've been dying to finish myself off. I bit the bottom of my lip, two fingers on my clit.

  I tug and moan as the Doctor enters his patient. "If only it were that easy," I moan as I let my fingers inside of me. A feeling of euphoria washes over me as my eyes flicker with joy.

  There was no containing it, I grab the pillow next to me and stuff it into my mouth. I curse as my hips buckle, my cum dripping down my hand.

  It didn't take me long to finish. There was no reason it would. I've been horny since the first of the vacation. No where to release myself of it with my parent's prying eyes. One dose wouldn't be enough to quench my hunger, not after starving myself for two weeks.

  Almost as if the Doctor read my mind, he dives back into his patient. Her mouth opening in loud, vocal, and struggling moans. His hands gripping and stretching her ass cheeks apart, as he piles into her.

  I shake my head, adjusting as I push against the headboard, sending it clacking against the wall. My head hurts as it digs into my pillow, the awkward angle not helping, but I don't want to stop. My fingers press inside, hitting the small spot that I like, as my other hand moves along my clit.

  My chest raises and falls rapidly, as the moans on TV and mine become one, the only thing that was missing was someone to grunt with the doctor.

  I wonder what that would feel like, having some man enter me. I've still never been a man, never had the chance with all the traveling my family does. I'm the only person that's been near my pussy. Nobody was getting near it until I was ready.

  My chest heaves as the second orgasm rolls through me, my body wincing as it flows through each part. Sometimes, I think that I'm an addict.

  The feeling of orgasming was an emotion that should never leave. I count my blessings that I was born a girl. I can finish myself as much as I want, unlike men.

  The screen grows dark and within seconds the next awkward porn starts. Another doctor and patient saunter on screen. There is no talk, just straight to the action.

  The doctor walks in, pulls out his cock, and the patient dives onto it like she's been craving it all her life. I can't help, but giggle at how absurd it all is. But, the pang of hunger pulls at me. Enough to remind me that if a handsome walked in right now, I might be tempted to take him as well.

  I switch hands, letting the other one work my breasts. Using my non-dominate has always given me a tingling feeling. It was much more inexperienced, amateur, and fresh compared to my right.

  It made me believe, for a second, that someone else was pleasuring me. That this other person was enjoying me as much as I enjoy them. My fingers dove inside, hitting the small spot above my mound, moans filling the room.

  The feeling of coming began to fill me, each stroke of my hand taking me closer to the edge. The edge that I so desperately chase, that I have neglected for the last two weeks. I can feel it coming over me, the way my breathe gets caught in my throat, my knees clacking together, eyes rolling to the back of my head. I never want it to end.

  "Ouch," I yell, pushing my back against the headboard, clacking it against the wall with a crack. "What the hell was that?" I pull my hand out, looking down at my watery fingers. Looking for the source of my pain. My nails were neatly trimmed, nothing to hurt myself with. Something inside of me hurt, just as I was about to push past the last bump before my orgasm.

  *Knock Knock*

  "Mary, honey I forgot my purse on the counter?" Mom's voice rings from the hallway. I struggle with the remote, trying to turn off the incessant moans of the porn star.

  "I'll be right there." They couldn't see me like this. I rush to the edge of the bed, grabbing my underwear and jeans.

  "Hurry up, darling." Now they were in a hurry. Figures that when I try to get them out of the room, it takes over two hours to convince them.

  "Coming," I shout, my hand grips the knob, wet against the cool metal. Shit. I wipe my hands on the side of my shirt, my mind still trying to figure out what the jolt of pain was. I pull the door, Dad barging in first.

  "Is the game still on?" He rushes for the remote, almost before I could reach for it.

  "No, it just finished. We won." I hold the remote behind me. I can't have him turning on the TV, then he'll know what I've been up to.

  He pumps his fist into the air, his jacket rising a little and showing off his beer gut, "I knew we could do it." He slaps me on the shoulder, his face gleaming with excitement. "Maybe, we can go to World Cup if they keep it up."

  That wasn't going to happen. The World Cup cost thousands of dollars to attend, most of our money was just going on this trip. A trip that had taken my parents over ten years to save up for. There was no way that they could afford a trip to Dubai to see the World Cup.

  "Sure, dad," I answer. There was no reason to ruin his mood, especially since he had been down the last couple days. Something to do with the stock market and his pension. I couldn't keep up with it, but it put him in a sour mood since he heard about it on the news.

  "Honey, are you ok?" Mom tilts my head back, her dark beads looking me over. "You look a little white." She presses her palm against my head, the old ritual of checking my temperature. If only it were that simple that.

  "Maybe," I mutter. I want to tell her what happened, but not here with my dad next to use. As far as he was concerned I was his little princess, no reason to ruin that. "But, its more of a lady talk."

  Dad nods, "Say no more. I'll be waiting downstairs at the bar." He gives Mom a peck on the cheek and he's out of the room in less than a minute. That's the fastest I've ever seen him move. I'll have to remember that for later, if I wanted some private time.

  Once the door shuts Mom turns her attention to me, "So, what's the matter?" She sits on the bed, patting down next to her. I follow her lead.

  "Well, while when you guys left I got a sharp pain in my..." I stutter, not wanting to finish the sentence.

  "Where?" Her eyes look down the side of my body, trying to figure it out before I could say it. Her shoulders drop, she wasn't able to figure it out. She wasn't going to be able to see the cause of the problem with her eyes.

  "Well down there." I hide my face. My cheeks growing warm as my mother's hand touches my knee.

  "Have you felt this before?" Her head moves forward until we're eye to eye. I can't look away, not with her staring me down.

  "No, this was the first time. I'm scared." Tears built up in the corner of my eyes. That was the truth, I had played with myself for such a long time, nothing like this ever happened before. Of course, this happens in a foreign country.

  She pulls
my hands against her chest, "We are going to the doctor today. Forget the tourist attractions this is more important."

  Tears roll down the side of my cheeks. I can't keep them down. I have no idea what I was so worried about. I hug my mom, her hands stroking through my hair.

  Chapter 2

  "I'm not so sure about this." I look up from the forms. We've been at the doctor's office for the last thirty minutes, trying to figure out the forms. Everything was in Russian; the forms, the nurses, the people in the waiting room. How was I suppose to explain to the doctor the problem if I couldn't even talk to him.

  Mom picks up the clipboard, passing it over to my father with one hand. She was just as lost as I was.

  "Howard, see if you can do something about this. We need our little girl to see the doctor."

  He smiles, sweet and obeying like a good husband/father. He pushes out of the chair, creaking from the release of his weight, his shoes sounding on the tiles.

  I watch his hand jerk into the air as he talks to the nurse behind the counter, they go over the questions together. It's one more thing that needs to be done before I can see the doctor. I doubt they want to give me some prescription that could affect my allergies.

  "You think Dad can figure this out?"

  I want to turn and run away from it all, before they find me a doctor that doesn't speak a lick of English. It's the perfect time. I can explain to Mom that I'm feeling better and that it was nothing after all. She might believe me, if I sell it right.

  "They have one English speaking doctor on call. He'll help with the forms and the exam." Well, there was no turning back now. I was going to have to go through with this, hopefully it wouldn't be too embarrassing. The door in front of me opens and my heart almost stops.


  My father gets up to greet him, their powerful hands meeting in the middle as they shake. He hugs Mom, giving her a slight tap on each cheek, the European way. He turns his attention to me, his chest sticking out in front of him, like he was trying to show off his muscles.

  He's mature, a couple years older than me, but young and alive. How could he be a doctor? And one that spoke English?

  Our eyes lock. His bright green, set against a strong face, with just the right amount of dark, deep stubble. His jaw look like it's home to the longest lips in the world, able to kiss away any injury that I might have.

  Before I realize that I'm staring Dad gives me a pat on the back, beckoning me closer to him. I gulp down fresh air, driving my little hand out against his. He pulls me in, just like my mother, his hands placing against my back.

  I feel his taut chest against my breasts, I never want to leave. I want the hug to remain eternal, just maybe without my parents next to me. If they weren't standing next to me, I might have a little more courage.

  His lips fall against my skin, they land closer to my lips and stay longer than they did on my mother. I try to think that it was just a figment of my imagination, but something tells me its not.

  "My name is Viktor Putin," he growls, giving his lab coat a roll as he stands straight. "You must be Mary."

  The tone in his voice makes it sound like he'll whisk me away. He can speak English pretty well, but his accent still leaks through. It makes me hot, ready, and open to his mouth, wanting him to lay his words down my body.

  "Yes, I am." I swallow weakly and point at his name tag, wondering how a young man like him could be a doctor. "Are you really a doctor?"

  Dr. Putin focuses his eyes on me. "Of course, I'm one of the best," he chuckles. My parents shoot me a look, but I ignore it.

  I shake my head as if trying to awake myself from his wrongful gaze. "I hope so."

  Why was it so hard to form words around this man? A man that I've never met before, but I felt an immediate attraction to. It's not like he was going to take me right here in front of my parents. Or slap me for asking too many questions.

  Dr. Putin cocks his head and smiles, his attention turning toward my parents. "Well, I can take Mary into the exam room and finish the paperwork there. Afterwards, I'll be able to conduct the necessary exam. She will be done and in good shape in less than an hour." His hand touches behind my shoulder as he pulls me toward the receptionist desk.

  Mom says something behind him, but my focus is on his touch. I'm lost in his trance. There's something sensual and dirty about it. I could feel the wetness between my legs gathering as he lead me.

  Inside the room, he points me toward the exam table. He closes the door and grabs a chair from underneath his table. He rolls toward me, his legs tense up and I catch a glimpse of the package between his legs. I can't help, but lick at my lips. I've never seen such a big one on a man before.

  His hand touches my knee, sending sparks rolling though me from the point of impact. "Looks like we still have some questions to fill out on the forms." He flips through the pages, his attention divided between the pages and me. "Are you sexually active?"

  His green eyes look at me, making my heart want to melt in place. I'm kind of glad that we were doing this in the privacy of the exam room, and not next to my parents. "No, I've never had sex before."

  He crosses a box next to the question, his pen stopping right underneath it. "What about oral?" He smiles as his hand grips my knee a little harder.

  "No, never," I answer.

  His ears perk up. "Would you be willing to?"

  His hand slowly slides down the side of my legs, driving me insane for a moment. That question didn't seem appropriate for the questionnaire, but I can't read Russian to see if my suspicion is correct. "Maybe, for the right person."

  This can't be happening, getting felt up by my doctor. I almost want to turn around to see if there is some kind of camera filming me, it all feels too surreal. Yet, why did it feel so good?

  Some instinct inside of me turns on and I flick his hand away. He eyes me for a second, before shrugging it off and looking back at his forms.

  "Have you ever masturbated?" he asks coldly, reaching to the side of the cabinet and pulling out a stethoscope. "It's important that you answer this. I need your honest answer."

  He flashes me a smile, complete with dimples that bend at his cheeks. My heart flutters as I watch him inch toward me once more.

  He was being awfully touchy, but maybe that's his job. It's important for him and his patient to create a bond between each other. Probably even more important when it's a patient from a different country. Maybe, this was how it was done in European countries.

  "Well, that's kind of the reason that I'm here." He pulls in closer until I can see every individual strand of hair on his head, his body smells of old spices, making me shudder with excitement. "When I got the pain inside of me I was..." I stutter for a second, his chest seems to have gotten caught on my every word. "When I was playing with myself." I let it out, there was no use downplaying it. He was a professional, there was no reason to hide anything from him.

  He nods. I'm not sure what's pumping my heart harder- the awkward silence, or seeing how hard the bulge between his pants got.

  "Sounds like you had a little too much fun," he chuckles as his smell moves away. For some reason, I want his touch never to leave me. For him to stand at my side, his hand stroking up my leg until it reaches between my legs.

  The chair clinks and he brings me back to reality. "I'm going to need to feel your heartbeat before we begin." Without any hesitation, his hand pulls at the bottom of my shirt and dives inside. I let out a shuddering breathe as the cold metal of the stethoscope touches my chest, one of his fingers touching above my breast.

  Something inside of me is pumping more hot blood than I can handle. My cheeks grow red, my nipples are hot, wild buds under my shirt. Luckily, the cold from the instrument keeps temptation at bay.

  "Everything seems to be in order. Now, I'm going to need you to change into this." He walks over to the closet in the corner and pulls out a blue gown. He unfurls it in front of me, dropping it on my lap.

p; The fabric is flimsy, short, and its barely going to cover any part of my body. Down the back, in the middle, is a large cut that gives away my ass.

  "So, are you going to leave while I put this on?" I stare at the neat white lab coat as he places his pen in its pocket. It clings perfectly next to his name tag.

  "I'm afraid that I can't. A doctor must be present at all times with the patient. It's standard procedure for our international patients."

  I gulp down, unable to stop my hands from shaking. It sounds like this was his plan all along. Only one possibility comes to mind. And it's dirty.

  "So I have to change in front of you? Are you going to look away at least?"

  "I'm not allowed. Just remember that what happens in this room is between you and I. Doctor/patient confidentiality is very important in Russia," he says with a wink, throwing the forms onto the counter. I didn't really know what to say to that, a knot forming in the pit of my stomach.

  Never had I been naked in front of a man. Not that I didn't want to, there just was never a chance.

  I try not to flush as I pull my shirt over me, my breasts bouncing. There was no hiding his amusement, his eyes were locked on my breasts.

  He holds up a finger, and I straighten up, listening for his next words. He says nothing, but I could hear voices outside the door, his finger goes down when they get out of earshot.

  "What was that for?" I unbutton my pants, letting them rest at my ankles.

  "Just wanted to let you know that there were people outside." He snorts, and then smiles. "I want you to feel as comfortable as possible with me."

  I'm stunned. Does he really think I can be comfortable with his eyes goggling at me? Very little people could make me feel comfortable now. I get nervous just going to the beach in my swimsuit, I doubt he could make me feel better naked in front of him.

  He gestures toward my bra, his fingers clipping underneath the fabric. He pulls down on it, making it fall to the side, giving way to my breasts, a tingle running up my body. Was he suppose to help me get it off?


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