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F*CKING AWKWARD HOLIDAYS: 25 Short Stories of Awkward Holiday Encounters

Page 21

by Plendl, Taryn


  “Oh my God!” I cried as Finn cursed. “You’re bleeding.”

  Finn swiped a hand over his rapidly swelling lip, and came away with a smear of red on his fingertips.

  “It’s not that bad,” Finn said. He wiped his hands and mouth on his shirt and eyed my shorts, which were still bunched around my knees. “Maybe you should finish taking them off, Dex.”

  I shed the rest of my clothes, glad the dark night hid the embarrassment of my burning hot face. Finn kicked off his own shirt and shorts and shuffled to kneel between my legs.

  “I want you so bad, Finn,” I moaned, running my hands up Finn’s thighs. Finn stared at me, spread out in front of him on the beach. He was gorgeous in the moonlight. His lean, muscular body luminescent, and a soft breeze ruffled his hair.

  “You’re perfect,” Finn whispered. He fisted my cock with one hand and fumbled behind his body with the other. “Dammit!”

  “W-what? Oh God. I can’t think when you’re doing that, Finn.” I writhed as Finn gripped my rigid length, my brain short-circuiting with each firm stroke. “Why are you swearing? Oh shit. Forget I asked. Don’t stop.”

  “I can’t get the lube out of my pocket,” Finn growled. “Whoops!” Finn let go of my cock, and spit out a slew of brand new and quite colorful curses. “Fucking son of a douchewheel!”

  I sighed. It was time to defuse the bomb that was Finn’s temper. When I sat up, I moved too fast and had to throw my arms out to the sides to regain my equilibrium. “Whoa, the beach is spinning.” I shook off the dizziness and stared at Finn, who was currently on his hands and knees, groping around in the sand. “Finn, what the fuck are you doing?”

  “I dropped the goddamn lube. I think… Yes! Got it. Ugh. Yuck. Just give me a minute. The bottle is covered in sand. I’ll just… um, wipe it off with my shirt.”

  Whatever, as long as continued to touch my cock, I didn’t give a shit what else he was doing. He could fucking read the paper for all I cared. I flopped back down on my back, ready for the party to start. “This isn’t really going as I imagined,” I murmured.

  “Hush. I got it taken care of.” Finn brushed his hands off and shifted back between my thighs. The top of the lube snapped open and Finn gave me a salacious grin. “Maybe this will shut you up.” I moaned when the slick tip of Finn’s finger slid behind my balls and began to circle my tight hole.

  “Oh God…y-yes… holy fuck, Finn.” I wiggled and squirmed, trying to remain still and failing. Finn tortured me with his fingers until my breath was coming short and fast. With a wicked smirk, Finn pushed past the tight ring of muscles and slowly thrust his finger in and out of my ass.

  “You fucking tease,” I moaned.

  “You like that, baby?” Fucker. I could only manage a rough grunt in response. “Yeah, thought so.” Finn added a second finger, quickly working up to a third. By now I was moaning non-stop, hips bucking off the sand, trying to force my ass down on Finn’s hand.

  “Christ. Enough with the fingers! Fuck me, Finn. Come on. I want your cock, babe.”

  Finn removed his fingers and grabbed the lube, spreading some on his own stiff dick and pouring more into his hand. “Ready?” Finn placed the head of his cock at my hole and put pressure on it. Enough pressure to drive me crazy, but not to push inside.

  “Fuck! Dammit, Finn. Just do it already!”

  Finn smirked, teasing me some more, the bastard. I threw my head back, closed my eyes, and my mouth went slack as he continued torturing me.

  “God, you’re stunning,” Finn whispered at the exact same time he snapped his hips and entered my ass. “Fuck… and so fucking tight. Goddamn, Dex, your ass is heaven. I’ll never get sick of—”

  Finn suddenly stopped moving. Something was wrong. My eyes flew open. I tried to sit up, but Finn put a sticky hand on my chest and pushed me back down. “What? What is it, Finn?”

  Finn’s brows were scrunched together and his head whipped to the left, then to the right, then back, his eyes searching the abandoned stretch of beach. “I thought I heard something. Huh. Guess not.” Finn relaxed on top of me and refocused on fucking me into the sand. He picked up speed, his thrusts growing harder and faster until… he fucking stopped again.

  “Goddamn it, Finn. Just fuck me already.”

  “Need more lube.” Finn pulled his dick out and poured more onto his cock. Satisfied, he thrust back inside my ass and really began fucking me with the long, powerful strokes I fucking loved.

  “Oh yeah, just like that, Finn.” My quiet groans were getting louder. With each one of Finn’s rough thrusts, my body was shoved an inch or so up the beach. I scrabbled to find something to brace my hands against, but only came up with fistfuls of sand. “More, babe. Harder.”

  Finn snatched up the lube again, and poured half the damn bottle into his hand. He was so turned on, his voice turned to a husky rasp. “Now I’m going to jerk your cock so I can watch you explode all over yourself while I bend you in half and fuck you.” I groaned. He was so fucking sexy. Finn grabbed my dick and wrapped his fingers around the hot, pulsing length, then tightened his fist and stroked me in time with each snap of his hips.

  “Oh, yes… God, Finn…Oh, oh…” My eyes went wide and my relaxed jaw snapped shut. Something was burning. My cock. It was on fire. “Oh? Oh! Oh no! Wait! Finn, stop! Stop!” I shoved at Finn’s hand, desperately trying to slap it away from my burning cock. “Ow! Stop! Ow, ow, ow!”

  Torn from his sex haze by my frantic cries, Finn finally released my sore, wilting dick. “What? Dex, what is it?”

  I looked down at my poor limp dick. “Sand… Oh my God, Finn.” My eyes flew to Finn’s fingers. “Your hand…Oh God,” I wailed. “It’s covered in sand. Fuck! You’re stripping the skin right off my dick with your goddamn sandpaper hand, Finn!”

  “Sand? I don’t feel any—” Finn experimentally rubbed his fingers together and his mouth formed a surprised ‘o’. His eyes met mine, and the guilt in them was obvious, even in the dark. “Oops. Um, sorry babe. I might have, possibly, maybe dropped the lube in the sand again.”

  “Oops?” I shouted, shielding my cock with my hand. “Oops? Oops! Christ, Finn. It feels like you took an electric sander to my dick. I’m gonna have third degree rug burn on my pecker and all you can say is oops?”

  “Hey! Don’t get on my case, Dex. This was your brilliant idea, remember?” We glared at each other a few more seconds before Finn finally broke the silence. “Do you think I can at least finish?” He rocked his hips, cock still buried deep in my ass.


  I frowned and smacked Finn’s arm. “You selfish shit.” Finn gave me his best pouty face and with a loud huff, I gave in, even though I should have told him to rub one out with his fucked up sand-covered hand. “Fine. After we rinse the sand off. I’m not lying here while you fuck me and not get jerked off, and you’re not touching me with those cheese grater hands.”

  Finn rolled his eyes and pulled out. Naked, we walked to the edge of the water. Finn dipped a toe in.

  “Is it cold?” I asked.

  “No. Feels good, actually.” Finn waded up to his waist. “Really good.”

  I followed, sighing when the cool water bathed my inflamed dick. When I closed in on Finn, I threaded my hands around his neck and kissed him. Finn groaned and gripped my ass, hauling me off my feet.

  “Wrap your legs around me, baby.”

  Immediately, I complied, clinging to my muscular boyfriend while we exchanged deep, passionate kisses. Our cocks jumped back into action, growing hard as our stiff flesh slid together. I gasped when Finn dug his fingers into my ass and ground our hips together.

  “Fuuuuck baby. You feel so damn good,” Finn said while I moaned into his mouth. I shoved my arm in the non-existent space between our wet bodies and managed to grab both of our cocks, stroking them furiously with one hand.

  “So good, Dex,” Finn breathed against my lips. “So fucking—Ouch!” Finn jerked back, his eyes so w
ide the whites were shining like beacons in the night. “Ow! Oh my God. Shit! Oh fuck.” Finn dropped me in the fucking ocean and turned, arms flailing, water flying everywhere as he hurried toward the beach. “Ow, ow, ow!”

  “What the fuck, Finn?” I shouted after my fleeing boyfriend. “What the hell is going on…Oh my… Owwwwww!” Pain like I never knew existed, exploded in my cock and balls. I screamed and flew past Finn, making like an Olympic swimmer and beating him to the safety of the beach. “Oh God, no!” I looked down at my cock and gasped. “Holy shit!”

  By the time Finn staggered out of the water, I was on my knees, my eyes squeezed shut, in total agony, cupping my cock and balls with both hands while moaning and rocking back and forth.

  “Jesus Christ, Finn. Oh God, oh God… it hurts so fucking bad.” If I thought Finn’s sandy hand-job hurt, it was like butterfly kisses compared to the fiery hell I was currently in.

  Meanwhile, Finn was spinning in circles, head twisted over his shoulder, trying to get a look at his own ass, paying no attention to me wailing on the beach.

  “Goddamn son of a bitch!” Finn hollered.

  Like I cared about him while my cock and balls were incinerating to ash. “Ow, ow, ow… Please, oh dear God, make it stop! Help me, Finn!”

  “I can’t help you, you fucker. A goddamn jellyfish stung me on my ass!”

  “Tough shit, asshole! It stung me on my motherfucking cock!” I shouted back. Fucking pussy. “If you hadn’t dropped me, it wouldn’t have gotten me right on the family jewels. Oh God, they’ll probably fall off. What if my balls fall off? Or… my cock. No, not my cock.” I froze and held onto my favorite body parts. What if…? “Finn… is my cock going to fall off?”

  “No, you idiot!” Finn shouted. “Just shut up and get dressed.”

  “I’m not putting my clothes on!” I cried. “It’ll hurt too much. Oh Jesus…” I staggered to my feet, limping on the sand, still holding my swollen, throbbing cock, and not swollen and throbbing in the good way. It was bad. Very, very bad.

  “We can’t go into the hotel naked, Dex. We’ll get arrested. Fuck!” Finn shoved his feet into his shorts and pulled them up, tossing his shirt over his shoulder. “Come on, Dex! Hurry.”

  “I can’t… Oh God. Finn, my dick is going to fall off, I just know it.”

  “Calm down, Dex. You’re going to hyperventilate.” Finn found my shorts and held them out for me like a mother dressing a toddler. “Come on. Step in.”

  “Oh fuck, oh fuck.” Reluctantly, I put each foot through the leg openings and allowed Finn to pull the shorts up to my waist, but refused to move my hand off my dick.

  “I can’t zip them with your arm in the way, Dex.”

  “Fuck you, shithead. That’s as far up as they’re going.”

  “For fuck’s sake. Fine.” Finn snatched up the rest of our things and headed for the hotel. The lights in the lobby seemed overly bright after being on the dark beach for so long. “Walk behind me, Dex, and stay close. Maybe no one will notice you with your fucking hand grabbing your junk.”

  “I hate you so much right now,” I growled. When I took a step, it felt like someone slashed my balls with a razor blade. I bit my lip and let out a whimper. “Oh God. Hurry.”

  We bolted for the elevator, ignoring the stares of the dozen or so well-dressed couples in the lobby. Being New Year’s Eve, there was a black tie event in the main ballroom. Of course. So our hope of making it to the elevator unseen was a complete fail.

  Once upstairs in their room, we immediately stripped.

  “Holy shit, Dex.” Finn tilted his head as he stared at my injured cock. Eyes closed, I glanced down, and slowly opened them up, scared shitless to see the damage inflicted on my precious parts. Several raised red stripes crisscrossed the tender skin, the angry welts continuing on either side of my pelvis and down over my scrotum. “It looks like you got twenty lashes from a really pissed off Dom, Dex.”

  “When I can finally breathe without wanting to die, I’m going to kill you,” I grumbled, putting my hands back over my tender cock. “Get the computer and find out what we’re supposed to do.”

  “We pee on it,” Finn said. I stared at my idiot boyfriend.

  “You’re not pissing on me, Finn.”

  “Well, you’re peeing on me, Dex. It fucking hurts and I want it to stop.”

  “Let me see.” Finn turned around, exposing his tight round ass. “Wow. Umm, yeah. It really got you, babe.”

  “How bad is it?”

  “You have…one, two, three…”

  “Just fucking tell me, Dex. Don’t count the goddamn tentacles.”

  “Fine!” I shot Finn a death glare. “You went ten rounds with the same cane I did. Happy?”

  “Whatever, asshole. I’m going to stand in the shower so you can pee on me.”

  “I told you I’m not fucking peeing on you, Finn!”

  “Dex, don’t be a baby. It hurts and I need you to do it.”

  “Finn, I…”

  “What is it, Dex? What the fuck is the problem? Just take a fucking leak, only aim at my ass instead of the toilet!”

  Despite being in utter, hellbound agony, I smirked. “Well, Mr. Golden Shower, I would, but my fucking cock is broken and the last thing I can think about doing right now is using it.”

  Finn mumbled a bunch of obscenities. “Fine. I’ll plug the tub, piss in the shower, and sit in it.”

  “Ew!” I wrinkled my nose. “That’s nasty. I’m going to check Google for a different cure.”

  “You won’t think it’s nasty when I’m all better and your cock is still covered in jellyfish stings!” Finn called after me.

  A few minutes and one successful Google search later, I heard Finn shouting and cursing in the bathroom. I abandoned the computer and ran—well, more like gimped—to see why my boyfriend was crying like a baby. It wasn’t as if his cock was stung by a jellyfish or anything.

  “What happened?” I asked. “Ugh.” I stopped in the doorway. “I can’t believe you actually sat in your own piss.”

  Finn was standing in the tub, trying to release the plug with his toe. Once he got it loose, he gave me a sheepish look. “It made it worse.”

  “Rinse off the piss. I found a better way.”

  Finn scowled. “You couldn’t have told me that before I sat in piss and burned my ass?” Finn asked.

  I shrugged, then winced as the movement caused flames to rise up my scorched dick. “You didn’t want to wait.”

  Finn scowled as he turned on the shower and rinsed the urine from his skin. “Ow, ow, ow… I think water makes it worse too,” he growled through clenched teeth.

  “Yeah, I just read that.”

  Finn swore under his breath. “Didn’t bother telling me that, either, asshat.”

  “Well I wasn’t about to let you get out of the tub all covered in piss,” I shot back. I mean really. “Wait there.” I limped out of the bathroom and returned with a bottle of champagne.

  “We bought that bottle special for tonight,” Finn said, frowning.

  “It is tonight, and this is definitely special,” I said. “You open it. Every time I let go of my cock, it hurts worse.”

  “For the love of—give it to me.” Finn held his hand out, making a “hurry up” motion with his fingers. I did as asked, still cupping my groin. Finn unwound the cage from the cork. “You need to stand in the tub with me, Dex. This might fizz over and if it spills and leaves only enough for one of us, I’m using it on myself.”

  “You’re an asshole, Finn.”

  “You’re the one who made me put water on my ass when you knew it would hurt!”

  “Fucking open it already!”

  Finn popped the cork and exactly as predicted, the champagne burst out of the bottle. He held it over my red dick. Relief was instantaneous.

  “Christ, t-that’s f-f-freezing,” I chattered, forcing myself not to squeal and jump away from the cold stream of alcohol.

  “Here.” Finn shoved the bottl
e at me and turned around, bracing his hands on the tiles. “Do me.”

  Fine. I put my thumb over the top and shook the bottle. “Get ready baby, you’re about to get a champagne shower.” I moved my thumb and the fizzy drink spurted from the top, covering Finn’s ass in a foamy spray of high priced bubbly. Ha!

  Finn flinched, but stayed put while I poured the remainder of the champagne all over his beautiful ass.

  “Done,” I said, setting the empty bottle outside the tub and sighing. “My dick still aches, but it’s so, so much better.”

  “God yes,” Finn agreed.

  “So,” I said, giving Finn my best puppy dog eyes. “No more sex on the beach?”

  Finn laughed. “I think when it comes to playing games in the sand, we should stick to volleyball.”

  The End

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  About the Author

  Leigh Carman (aka Heather C Leigh) was born and raised in New England and currently lives outside Atlanta, GA with her husband, 2 kids, and French Bulldog, Shelby.

  She loves the Red Sox, the Patriots, and anything chocolate (but not white chocolate, everyone knows it's not real chocolate so it doesn't count) and has left explicit instructions in her will to have her ashes snuck into Fenway Park and covertly sprinkled all over while her family enjoys beer, hot dogs, and a wicked good time.

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  Leigh Carman (M/M) books and NON spammy email list- Here

  Leigh Carman’s Facebook page Here

  Heather C Leigh (M/F) books and NON spammy email list- Here

  Heather C Leigh Facebook page Here

  * * *


  As Heather C Leigh

  Dark Romance, Suspense


  Junkie— Broken Doll #1

  Jagger— Broken Doll #2


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