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Mad Love: Madison

Page 25

by Boone, Lisa

  Before Madison could say anything else, the line went dead. She paced anxiously while waiting for the text to appear. When it finally did, she stood staring at it for the longest time.

  Why wouldn’t Ethan remember meeting Gina? It was only a few weeks ago. She bit her lip. Maybe Becca was right. Maybe she didn’t give him her name. She could see Keith dragging Gina away from Ethan, especially if he thought he had found a potential client.

  She jumped at the sound of a knock on the door.

  “Madison, it’s me,” Ethan said from behind the door.

  Madison entered the security code, dropped the chain, slid back the locks, and stepped back.

  “It was the boy. He recorded a bunch of scary noises. Creaking boards. Heavy breathing. Him whispering his sister’s name.” He laughed. “It was pretty well done. He then hid it under his mom’s mattress. Took me a while to find it.”

  “Funny,” she said hiding her phone behind her back.

  “Well, he’s just a kid.” He looked at her strangely for a moment. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” She jerked her thumb toward the bathroom as she backed up. “I just need to use the restroom for a moment.” She closed the door behind her and turned on the faucet before dialing Gina’s number.

  She paced around in a circle as the phone rang.

  “Hello,” a timid but all too familiar voice said.

  Madison shut her eyes tightly. “Gina?”

  “Who is this?”

  “Madison Love. I don’t know if you remember me but…”

  “How did you get this number?”

  “That’s not important. I need your help.”

  There was a rustle sound in the background.

  “Please don’t hang up,” Madison said quickly. “I have to speak to you about Alex.” She could hear Gina’s breath on the other end of the line. She was quiet, but at least she was listening. “I’m afraid, Gina.”

  Gina snorted lightly. “You’re not the only one.”

  “What do you mean?” When Gina didn’t answer, Madison added, “He’s going to kill me. You have to help me.”

  “I’m sorry, Madison. I can’t. I wish I could, but I can’t.”

  “People have died, Gina. He killed Yvette. You’re obviously involved.”

  “No,” she said harshly, “I’m not. That’s just it. I told him that I don’t want to be involved but he keeps pushing. I had no part in Yvette’s death.”

  “No? You led Ethan on a wild goose chase.”

  “You might say I was following orders,” Gina said, bitterly.

  “Whose? Alex?”

  “I can’t afford to help you, honey. I wish I could. Be safe.”

  “Wait!” Madison said trying to forestall the other woman from hanging up. “Alex has killed three people that I know of in the last couple of days, maybe more. If you’ve helped him at all, you’re an accessory. I can help you, but only if you help me.”

  “An accessory?” Gina repeated with a high pitch squeal. “Whoa, hang on, I didn’t hurt anyone. I had no idea he had killed that detective or Yvette, or that other guy until after it happened.”

  “Did you go to the police?”

  “N-no,” Gina said hesitantly.

  “But you called them, didn’t you? You were the one who let them know how to find Quincy’s body. Or was that Yvette who did that?”

  “I called them,” Gina said after a moment of silence. “I didn’t kill that detective, I swear. Alex didn’t tell me where he buried the guy’s body until a few weeks ago. As soon as I found out, I called the police. I couldn’t sleep knowing that poor man was all alone out there in an unmarked grave. I swear; I only found out that Alex had killed him after he was dead.”

  “Fine, then you’re an accessory after the fact.”

  “Bu—bu—but,” Gina sputtered, “I called the police and told them where they could find him as soon as Alex confessed to me.”

  “However, you neglected to mention the name of Quincy’s murderer, didn’t you?”

  “I’m terrified of him,” Gina admitted with a choked sob. “If I told them his name, he would know that I was the one who blabbed. You know what he did to Yvette. I couldn’t say anything. I took a risk even telling them about the body. Why don’t you go to the police? You tell him what he’s done.”

  “I would if I had proof. I don’t even know what he looks like.”

  “Yes, you do. Look, I’m not getting involved. I have a life now. It’s not much of one, but it’s mine and I would like to keep it. I don’t want to die.”

  “I don’t want that either. So, help me catch this guy. We’ll put him behind bars where he can’t hurt anyone.”

  “Behind bars?” she said with a hysterical sob. “He’s crazy. Don’t you know that? He’s been in hospitals more than he’s been out. He escapes from them. They can’t hold him. If he finds out I helped you, I’m dead.”

  “I have money. I’ll send you someplace where he can’t find you?”

  There was a long period of silence and just when Madison had given up hope, Gina spoke up again. “How much money?”

  “Enough to start over.”

  Gina gave a short harsh laugh. “That’s right. I had almost forgotten. You’re a high priced attorney. Can afford the best.”

  Madison gritted her teeth. “I have a trust fund. You’ll never have to worry about anything again.”

  “No, nothing except dying.” Gina took a deep breath. “I can’t help you but maybe you can help yourself. In his office is a cabinet. He keeps his trophies—if you can call them that—in there. I caught a glimpse of it when he moved into the place. He was so proud of himself. He was showing off. I had hoped he had gotten his head on straight, but when I saw that cabinet, I knew he was just as sick as ever.”

  “Where can I find his office?”

  “Right across the street from your office. You know the one. That big chrome and steel monstrosity they put up last year.”

  Madison’s heart skipped a beat as a wave of nausea passed over her. “Which floor—” Her voice broke on the last word. Clearing her throat, she asked. “Which floor is he on?”

  “You know which floor. He told me you visit him every day. Don’t you get it, honey? He’s been with you every step of the way.”

  Madison shook her head in irritation. “Nice try, Gina.”

  “Your strong protector. You think he’s going to keep you safe? He’s the one you have to fear.”

  “You’re lying,” Madison snapped, “Ethan is not Alex.”

  “Open your eyes, Madison.”

  “Ethan loves me,” she said as her fingers played with the charm bracelet around her wrist.

  “He’s pretending to love you in order to get close to you. He’s trying to seduce you.”

  “Why take me to the place where he and his brother grew up?” Madison asked angrily. “Why tell me all about Alex’s life. I wouldn’t know any of that if it weren’t for Ethan.”

  “He wants you to know those things. He wants you to know whose going to kill you and what he’s capable of. All the while he’s getting you to trust him more and more.”

  “He saved my life. Did you know that? Why would he do that if he was just going to kill me?”

  “He has to keep you alive. It would ruin the game if you died now. I’m sure he thinks it’s funny. He’s…I’ve never met anyone like him and I hope I never will. Todd warned me about Alex, but I had no idea how cruel he was, not until he showed up on my doorstep a few weeks ago.”

  “I don’t believe a word you’re saying, Gina. Is Alex there with you right now? Is he telling you to say this? He’d like nothing better if I sent Ethan away right now. Well, you tell him it’s not going to happen.”

  Gina sighed. “Well, I tried. It’s not my fault you refuse to believe. You’ll find out soon enough that I was right. I hope for your sake it’s not too late when you do. Bye, Madison, don’t call me again.”

  The phone went silent.
br />   She’s lying, Madison thought, staring at her reflection. Alex told her to say those things. He’s just trying to get me to leave Ethan. As long as he’s here, I’m safe and Alex knows that.

  She knew Gina was lying. She knew it with every fiber of her being, but she stayed rooted to the spot, afraid to go out and face Ethan.

  The longer she stood there, the less certain she became. What if Gina was telling the truth? A traitorous thought whispered in her mind. Then a few seconds later, just how did Alex know I was at the body shop? She glanced back at her phone as the answer came to her mind. Because like an idiot I sent him a text message telling him where I was going. Here I was scolding Sarah for letting Jamie know where she was every second of the day and I was doing the same thing. I made it so easy for him.

  There was a knock at the door. “Madison,” Ethan said, “Is everything okay?”

  Madison shook her head. Nothing about this was okay.

  Be strong, the voice told her. Don’t let him suspect.

  “I’m fine,” she said shutting off the water and opening the door. She slipped past him, moving quickly away from him and towards the living room, not quite sure what she should do next.

  Ethan stood watching her from the hallway. “I didn’t mean to rush you. It’s just you were in there for so long with the water running.”

  “I was getting ready for bed,” she said, just before catching her reflection in the mirror next to the door. She stared at her perfectly made up face with a mixture of horror and annoyance. Maybe he wouldn’t notice, she thought checking his reaction.

  He had his head tilted and a curious expression on his face.

  So much for that theory.

  “I lied,” she admitted. “Truth is, I’m a bit nervous. I just keep thinking about Alex.”

  “I understand,” he said pushing away from the wall and coming to stand in front of her. “It would be surprising if you weren’t scared.” He wrapped his arms around her waist. “I meant what I said earlier. I do love you. I think I’ve loved you ever since that stakeout a few months ago.”

  Her heart melted. No, it can’t be Ethan, it whispered. It just can’t.

  “I’d been dying to get to know you for the longest time. Ever since I saw you running at that park across from your apartment. The whole entire night we were stuck in the car, I kept praying that the guy wouldn’t show.”

  Madison’s heart squeezed in her chest. “How do you know that I used to run in the park?” she asked, trying to keep her voice casual. “I stopped running there in July.”

  “I was investigating one of your neighbors. She used to run in that park too.”

  “Why didn’t you say anything?”

  He slipped his finger down her face. “You were too fast for me,” he said teasingly. “I could never catch you.” His smile started to fall as he looked at her.

  Madison willed herself to relax in his embrace. It’s not him, she told herself. It can’t be.

  “Madison, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” she said wrapping her arms around him. She laid her head on his chest and listened to his strong heartbeat.

  She felt him lightly tug on her hair until she lifted her head and looked at him. He bent his head down to kiss her and she jerked back.


  “I’m sorry,” she said with a short laugh. “I don’t know why I just did that. You know, I think I’m just really tired.” She stepped out of his arms and back toward his bedroom, desperate to put some space between them. “I think I should probably lie down. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Okay,” he said, trying to hide the disappointment that was written across his face.

  She started toward the bedroom, but stopped when she noticed Ethan’s wallet and keys lying in a dish on the bar. Spinning around, she pointed to the kitchen. “I think I’ll get a drink of water first.”

  She watched over the counter as Ethan settled on the couch. When his attention turned to the window, she grabbed his keys and wallet. She winced as the dish clattered against the counter.

  His head turned back to her with a jerk.

  “Sorry,” she said, “I almost dropped the glass.”

  “Did you break it?”

  She made a show of checking the glass in the light. “No. It’s fine.” She set the glass down next to the wallet. “I’m still kind of hungry. I think I’m going to make a sandwich. Do you want something?”

  “No, I’m good.”

  She pulled out bread and lunchmeat and started working on the sandwich, waiting until he turned his attention from her to something else. When he finally did, she grabbed his wallet and pulled out the key card to his office building. Next, she worked at getting his office and car key off the key ring. “You know Alex’s a bit late calling tonight,” she said trying to cover up the sound of any slight noise the keys were making as she slid the keys off the ring. “I keep expecting to hear or see the number two somewhere. I wonder why I haven’t yet. Maybe he’s forgotten all about me.”

  “I wouldn’t count on it.” He rose to his feet and turned in her direction.

  Thinking quickly, she said, “I remember I was kind of cold here the other night. Do you have another blanket I could use?”

  Nodding, Ethan turned to the closet.

  Keeping one eye on Ethan, Madison carefully put the wallet and keys back in the dish and returned to the sandwich.

  A few seconds later, Ethan returned with a blue blanket in his arms. “I changed the thermostat. It’s on the wall next to the bedroom if you need to adjust it.”

  “Oh, I’m sure I’ll be fine,” she said as she took the blanket out of his arms. Balancing the plate, blanket and keys hidden in her hand, she moved quickly to the bedroom.


  She paused at the doorway. “Yes?”

  “Good night.”

  She answered him back with a nod and a forced smile before shutting and locking the door behind her.




  12:02 A.M.

  Madison stood in front of Ethan’s bedroom window and looked out at the empty street below. She knew that, once it was open, she had maybe thirty seconds before Ethan broke through the bedroom door and followed her down the fire escape. The chair under the door wasn’t going to be much a deterrent to him. Once that alarm went off, she had to move and move fast.

  She looked down at the street for any sign of the cab she had called. She had debated taking Ethan’s car, but decided against it. She didn’t want to spend the evening explaining why she stole his rental car if he was innocent. Besides, she felt safer knowing there would be someone with her.

  Any minute now, she thought.

  The floorboard outside the bedroom door creaked.

  Madison pressed her forehead to the window and prayed for strength. She didn’t know what he had in mind. Was he going to kill her sometime today? Wait until the first? He may string it out. He could take her now, hold her hostage and then kill her at midnight.

  She gripped the phone in her hand. She could call the police. She had no proof that he was Alex, but they’d at least escort her out. That is if he didn’t manage to kill them when they walked through the door, she thought ruefully.

  No, she decided. If she called without proof, they would look at her as if she was crazy. Even if she told them about the shrine and they believed her, she knew they’d never get a search warrant for his office. The judge would never go for it. She needed something more substantial than her stating, “But Gina said on the phone she saw it a month ago.”

  If she said anything to the cops, it might tip Ethan off and he’d just run over there and destroy it or move it while she argued with the police.

  Besides, she needed to see for herself that Gina was telling the truth. That was another reason she didn’t want the police involved. What if Gina was lying?

  Ethan would think she was crazy for not trusting
him and she’d be embarrassed.

  If she just disappeared quietly into the night, she could always go back to Ethan once she knew Gina had lied to her, confess that she had been duped, apologize for not trusting him and beg his forgiveness. He’d probably forgive her.

  If she called the cops and accused him of being a multiple murderer when he wasn’t, he might not be so forgiving when she came crawling back.

  Gina had to be lying, she thought once again. Ethan can’t be Alex. He’s too good. Too sweet. Too kind and too caring.

  Yeah, the perfect man, she thought as she pursed her lips together. One tailor made just for her.

  She lifted her head from the window. She was driving herself crazy going back and forth.

  She needed to see that cabinet. Once she did, then she’d know whether she could trust him or not.

  Bright headlights turned down the street. She squared her shoulders as the cab pulled up in front of the building.

  Here goes, she thought, pushing the window up.

  She winced as the alarm system activated and a loud piercing alarm went off.

  She had one foot on the fire escape when something heavy hit the door. By the time she was fully out the window, Ethan had gotten the door open and was running towards the window.

  She didn’t bother closing the window as she took off down the stairs as fast as she could, every hard, loud step she made causing the fire escape to creak and groan in response.

  She was almost to the bottom ladder when it suddenly occurred to her that the only footsteps she was hearing were her own.

  Ethan was a big, strong man. If she were making so much noise going down the fire escape, surely he would be too.

  Too frightened to look back, she climbed down the ladder and jumped to the ground.

  Once on the ground and running to the cab, she took a moment to look over her shoulder.

  He wasn’t there.

  She looked all around her, but other than Ethan’s neighbors standing at their windows trying to determine the source of all the noise, he was nowhere to be seen.

  He must have seen the cab from the window. That had to be it, she thought. He saw the cab and he’s gone to get his car. Not that it will do much good without the keys.


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