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Summer Obsession (The Townsends Book 1)

Page 22

by Angie Campbell

  “Didn’t your parents teach you to knock?” He seemed a little nervous, and maybe a little angry.

  “Didn’t your grandpa teach you not to run away from difficult situations?”

  He crossed his arms over his chest in a defensive gesture, “I was just retreating. I didn’t want to have this conversation in front of your parents.”

  He shifted uncomfortably where he stood, and grumbled more to himself. “I’d like to have clothes on as well.”

  She found she was kind of glad he was a little uncomfortable. It made her feel more in control of the situation. Which gave her the idea, maybe staring at him wasn’t such a bad idea after all. It might just help her cause. And she really enjoyed it.

  “How dare you just run off that way? What am I supposed to think? Were you just trying to make Tracy more jealous? She could have killed me, you know,” she said, fury burning in her words.

  “I know. I was terrified. I’ve never been so scared in all my life,” he said, looking away at the wall.

  “You sure didn’t act like it.”

  “I was hoping I could make her angry enough at me, she would take me instead,” he said, finally looking at her.

  “So, what you said about being in love with me since I was sixteen was just part of your strategy?” she asked, all the sudden feeling like her heart was breaking.

  He stood there for a few seconds thinking about telling her that was all it was. It would be the easy way out. This had been so long in coming, he was terrified she didn’t feel the same way he did. But they had come too far now. It was either all, or nothing.

  He had to take a deep breath before he could speak. “No, what I said is true. I’ve loved you for a long time now.”

  “Why didn’t you try harder to stop her?”

  “There was nothing I could do. If I had tried to stop her, she might have shot you right there. I’m going to be having nightmares about that for years to come.” The thought was still horrifying enough to make him shudder.

  She had finally had enough. They were just beating around the bush, but she didn’t know what to say. She had always been one more for action than words.

  Once again at a loss for what to do, she walked up to him and kissed him. It was warm and sweet and wonderful. Like the very first time she kissed him, when he started to take control she pushed away.

  He let her get all the way to the door, and put her hand on the knob before he spoke. “Are you just going to keep kissing me for kicks? Or are you running away?”

  She didn’t realize till it was too late that he had moved up behind her. He put his hands on the door, trapping her between his arms.

  She jumped and spun around. She realized immediately she’d made a tactical error. She was now face to face with him. He leaned in and his lips were just a breath away from her own. She could feel the warmth of his skin through her thin t-shirt. His whole body was vibrating with pent up need. A need she felt within herself.

  She knew the moment he gave in. His body relaxed. She could feel the tension leave him.

  They had kissed before, but there was something different about knowing that he really did love her. She was able to allow herself to enjoy it more. The fear that he was just playing with her was gone. It made his lips that much hotter, and that much sweeter.

  Her brain was turning to mush. It was hard to think. He was pressing into her. The cold hardness of the door was a welcome contrast to his warm body. She needed it to help her think. She was going to have to do something quick though. She could feel herself starting to slip back into the fog in her head.

  At some point, she had wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him closer. She needed to push him away. This was going too far. He was starting to lose control. His body was humming even more now.

  It took all of her will power to pull back. There was no way she was going to be able to push him away. She barely managed to utter the words, “We have to stop.”

  “I know. Just please, don’t move yet.” They stood there for a few seconds catching their breath.

  “You need to go. We can talk in a little while, when we’ll actually talk. I’ll get dressed and come to your parent’s house. I think right now we need other people around when we’re together.”

  He managed to back away far enough for her to open the door and slip out without a word.

  He stood there for a while longer. He was afraid he might wake up and discover he had been dreaming. When he finally felt it was safe to move, he ran back to his room and dressed quickly.


  Luke arrived at Carl and Jamie’s still a little dazed. He had made himself nervous all over again when he realized she had never told him she loved him too. What if she didn’t really want him, and she was just playing with him. He wasn’t sure he could handle that.

  “No, I’m not going to think like that. I know she feels the same way. I can feel it when I hold her in my arms. I just have to go in there and confirm it.”

  “Well, nothing like the present to find out.”

  He got out of the truck, and before he could chicken out, quickly made his way to the door. And working hard not to let his nerves send him in retreat, he knocked on the door and waited for it to open.

  It felt like an eternity before Jamie opened the door. “Hello, Luke. Come on in.”

  She just smiled at him. He still looked very uncertain, but she knew everything was going to be okay. Her daughter, who was in much the same shape as Luke, had already told her what had happened at his apartment. Why she had come running back not even thirty minutes later. “Would you like to talk to Mindi?”

  “Yes.” He couldn’t say another word. He was too nervous.

  “She’s in her room, if you want to go up.”

  “I think it would be better if she came down.” He was afraid if they were alone in her room, they wouldn’t talk. The temptation would be too great. They really needed to be somewhere more in the open.

  “Okay. I’ll go up and get her for you.” Jamie understood Luke’s concerns and was grateful for his honesty.

  While Luke was waiting for Mindi to come back down, Carl walked in. “How are you doing, Son?” he asked, patting Luke on the back.

  “Nervous,” Luke said, cramming his hands in his pockets and rocking back and forth.

  “Are you going to ask her to marry you now?” It’s about time.

  “I hope so. I don’t think I can take much more.”

  Luke turned when he heard Mindi coming down the stairs. She looked almost as nervous as he felt, which actually helped him relax a little.

  “Hi there,” she said, her voice a little shaky.

  “Hi yourself,” Luke said.

  Luke and Mindi didn’t notice when Carl slipped back out of the room giving them privacy. He felt for sure now, that everything would be just fine.

  Luke waited till she crossed the room to where he stood before he spoke again. “Do you think we can talk now?”

  She just nodded her head, the butterflies in her stomach making it hard for her to speak.

  Luke wanted to help her relax, so he reached out to brush her cheek with his knuckles. It was the wrong thing to do. It seemed to make them both more jittery, and now he wanted to kiss her again. He let his hand drop back. He took a deep breath.

  “You know I love you. Before this goes any farther, I need to know where you stand. If you’re not serious, I need to know. My heart can’t take...”

  She reached out and kissed him, and when he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, she didn’t even try to resist. She just moved closer, and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  When he broke contact, and backed away, she said, “All I know, is when I’m in your arms, I know I belong there. I feel like I’ve loved you for forever.”

  “Wow!” he said, finally able to take a deep breath. “I was so afraid I was dreaming. I love you so much.”

  He had started to pace around the room. “Luke, what is it? You
seem nervous again.”

  “I know this is really new for us, and I’m probably moving way too fast, but we’ve known each other since we were little. So, here goes.”

  He pulled something out of his pocket and kneeled down on one knee. “Will you marry me?” She could hear his voice shaking, and her eyes nearly bugged out of her head when she noticed what he had in his hand. Her hand was shaking when she reached toward the ring.

  “Oh, Luke, what about my schooling? I still have another two or three years.”

  “We’ll work it out.” Now he was starting to look more scared. “You can finish college. I know you want to be a school teacher. Whatever you want. I don’t care, as long as you’re happy.”

  She got down on her knees with him. “Of course, I’ll marry you. You could never move too fast for me. I love you way too much.”

  “I guess it would be hard to move too fast for a girl born in the back seat of a car. I love you too.”

  He took the ring from its satin nest and placed it on the ring finger of her left hand, and pulled her into his arms.


  When they walked into the kitchen, they were holding hands. Her mom and dad just looked at them with knowing smiles. Without a word, Mindi lifted her left hand, and laid it on the counter for her parents to see.

  “Oh, praise the Lord,” her mom burst out, then covered her mouth. When Mindi looked at her she could see tears in her eyes.

  “I guess that means you approve?” she asked with a grin, already knowing the answer.

  “Of course, we approve. This is wonderful. I’m so ready to help plan a wedding,” Jamie said, nearly dancing in place.

  “Yes, and I’m ready for grandchildren to bounce on my knee,” Carl said, winking at Mindi.

  “Dad, can you let us get married first. We’ve not even had time to talk about children yet.” She was grinning at her dad. She was happier than she had ever been. “Besides, Emily is only two.”

  “You can never have to many babies around,” he said, his smile growing bigger.

  Luke piped up, “You do want children, don’t you?” He seemed afraid she would say no.

  “Of course, I want children. Maybe just two or three, but I do want children.” Luke was happy with that answer and he leaned in and kissed her on the cheek.

  It had been a crazy few months, but it had been well worth it.

  Epilogue - January 1 - Wedding Day

  The last few weeks had been really crazy. Between finalizing wedding plans and Luke trying to get as much done at work as he could so that James could run the shop by himself for the nearly two weeks they would be on their honeymoon, they had barely seen each other.

  Last night when he had kissed her good night she had clung to him desperately. She had told him she just wanted today to already be over, so they could be in Florida by themselves for a change. It felt like ever since they had announced their true engagement, no one would leave them alone for even a few seconds.

  The church looked wonderful. There was orange tiger lilies and white calla lilies everywhere. Mindi always had favored lilies over any other flower, including roses. They had placed bouquets over the end of all the pews and in front of the windows. The arch at the front of the church had been covered with flowers and strung with little, white lights.

  The church was really packed. It looked like the whole town of Sapphire Springs had shown up. It was starting to get really warm in here.

  The longer Luke had to wait for everything to start the more nervous he got. Sometimes he still found himself thinking it was all a dream, and in the end, she would leave him standing at the altar. He knew better, of course. He just had a severe case of wedding day jitters.

  When the music started playing, he knew the waiting was finally coming to an end. Lisa started up the aisle followed by Jenny, Hannah, Teresa, and then finally Tonya.

  After they all reached the front, Zoe came up the aisle next dropping flower petals along the way. Luke could tell she was counting to herself with each step. They had to tell her several times during rehearsal to slow down. She was trying really hard not to mess up.

  When she got to the front of the church and took her spot by her sisters, she turned and gave Luke a big grin and a thumbs-up. He could hear all their friends and family trying really hard not to laugh out loud.

  The wedding march finally started, and Michael and Hunter pulled the doors open. That was the first sight of her he had, had all day. His breath caught in his throat. She was absolutely beautiful. He had never seen anything or anyone more stunning in his life. And she was about to become his wife.

  He hadn’t missed a day of thanking God for protecting her the day Tracy had kidnaped her, or for thanking him for bringing them together since she had agreed to marry him. While he stood there waiting for her to make it up the aisle to him, he found himself thanking him again.

  Her dad brought her to a stop a few inches from him and waited for the preacher to speak. “Who gives this woman to be married to this man?”

  Carl answered, “Her mother and I.” Carl lifted her veil, and kissed her on the cheek. When he placed her hand in Luke’s, he could tell she was as nervous as he was. Her hand felt like ice, and it was shaking When she stepped forward and turned to face him, everyone else in the church disappeared. All he could hear was the preacher as he performed the ceremony, and Mindi as she repeated their vows with him.

  When he finally heard the preacher say, you may kiss the bride, he grabbed her and kissed her like he was starving for air. She seemed as desperate as he felt. She was clinging to him like she had the night before.

  When they heard all the guest start to whoop and holler, he realized he was going to have to let her go for a little while longer. Once they were in Florida, he wasn’t sure they would be leaving the hotel room at all.

  Finally, he stepped back, and the preacher turned them to face toward the pews of family and friends and announced, “I’d like to introduce to you for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Luke Ross.” Everyone started clapping and the music started, and they walked back down the aisle with the wedding party following behind them. They stopped at the back of the church and greeted all the guests as they made their way to the reception hall.

  When the last of the guest made it through the line, Luke turned to his new wife and gave her a quick kiss, and took her hand and lead her to the hall. The second they came into to view, everyone started hooting and hollering again.

  They made it to the front of the hall were the cake sat on display. Luke heard someone from behind him holler, “Time to cut the cake.” He thought it might have been Zane. But with the noise level in the room, he couldn’t be sure.

  He would have liked to eat dinner first. He hated eating sugar on an empty stomach, but he could persevere for Mindi’s sake.

  They moved around behind the cake. Luke felt someone hand him the knife. It all went fairly fast. They fed each other cake, both of them smashing just a little on the other one’s face, and then drank their toast. He was practically blind by the time they were done from all the camera flashes, but he was finally going to get to sit down and eat something. He couldn’t even remember what they had decided to serve. He didn’t really care, as long as he got something.

  He had finally made Mindi his wife, and they had a wonderful future stretched out in front of them. He couldn’t say the same for James and Mark though. They both looked miserable.

  Lisa, who had started to show in the last couple of months, was still refusing to marry James. She had told him, there was only one reason she would marry him, and he had to figure that reason out for himself.

  Both his parents and hers were doing their best to stay out of it. But he knew James’ mom had tried at least once to get Lisa to tell her why she wouldn’t marry her son. Lisa had refused to give anything away. She said it wouldn’t count if someone told him what she was waiting on.

  He loved James like a brother, and most of the time he found the guy to be b
rilliant. However, when it came to understanding how Lisa truly felt about him, he was nothing short of an idiot.

  Mark had been trying to talk to Jenny every time he got near her. But she seemed determined to ignore him. Which, Luke honestly didn’t understand either. It seemed like she had lost ground in her attempt to get past the fear. Every time he got within touching distant of her, she would flush bright pink. She looked so nervous at times, he thought she was going to throw up. Of course, Luke could understand the fear of being hurt. And it was harder for some to overcome than others.

  He was starting to wonder if his past exploits were the problem. Mark had tended to date a lot. More so than Luke did. He had dated nearly every non-relative girl around his age in the whole town. But he was just like Luke. He had never slept with any of them, and he told them up front, he wouldn’t be getting serious.

  He had told Luke once, when Jenny finally stopped turning him down, he’d finally settle down. That was all he had ever said on the matter. For Luke, it had been enough. He knew for a fact Mark hadn’t been dating at all for the last few months. Ever since Jenny had admitted she wanted him to kiss her.

  Just then he felt someone tap him on the shoulder. When he turned, it was to find Zane standing there, grinning at him.

  “Well, who do you think will be next?” Zane asked, raising his eyebrow.

  “Well, hopefully James and Lisa. But if you’re not careful, it might be you,” Luke said, glancing over where Amanda sat talking to Jenny.

  When Zane realized where Luke was looking, he just snarled and walked away, mumbling under his breath. Luke thought it sounded something like, “Yeah right. Like that’s going to happen.”

  Keep reading for a preview of the next book in the Townsend series. Thank you! Happy reading!

  Excerpt from Oh, Baby! :

  Prologue – Wednesday, May 16 – Graduation Day


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