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My First (Jason & Katie)

Page 10

by Melanie Shawn

  He had always operated on the assumption that the straightforward approach was the best and most effective in any given situation. Say what you mean, mean what you say.

  The only problem with that plan of action was that Katie seemed very skittish at the moment. Going with 'straightforward' might just send her running for the hills.

  He needed to pace himself. He had the whole weekend to wear her down, and that is exactly what he planned to do.

  Chapter Seven

  Katie could feel her heart pounding out of her chest as she made her way back to the truck. She automatically started reciting her handy-dandy mantra inside her head.

  You can breathe. Just breathe. Breathe in and out slowly. You can breathe.

  Oh. Dear. God. In. Heaven.

  Why...why...WHY did he have to look so gorgeous in the sun? It was like God himself was Jason's own personal lighting technician.

  How in the world was she going to make it through this weekend without a repeat of what happened the night that she left Harper's Crossing? She was just going to have to keep focused on the wedding and try to not focus on how amazing that kiss had made her feel.

  “Did you get everything you needed, Kit Kat?” Jason pushed off from where he had been leaning against his truck and opened the passenger side door for her.

  “Yep, I’m all set,” Katie’s jaw tensed, but she made a valiant attempt to sound as unaffected by the ridiculous nickname as she possibly could. She knew that part of the reason (MOST of the reason!) that he insisted on calling her by it was that he loved getting a rise out of her.

  Reaching under the seat and feeling around as she got in the truck, Katie realized the program had not fallen out in Jason’s truck. She asked, a touch of despair tingeing her voice, “Jas have you seen my itinerary? I need to know what time the luncheon is.”

  “The luncheon is at 1:00 and, no, I haven’t seen your itinerary. Do you think that you could have left it at Mona’s? Maybe it fell out of your bag during your fitting,” Jason sounded matter of fact and logical, but also distracted as he pulled out of the CVS parking lot and made a right onto the parkway.

  “Yeah, it probably did,” Katie sighed, looking at her watch and already knowing the answer to her next question, “So...I guess I don’t have time to get freshened up before heading over to the luncheon, do I?”

  “Not unless you want to show up fashionably late. But, if I recall correctly and I believe I do, you were always somewhat anal when it came to punctuality,” Jason replied with that challenge-hiding-behind-a-tease tone to his voice that he knew was always good to get her riled up.

  Well. She wasn't going to oblige him. She was going to keep it calm, cool, and collected.

  “Just because I enjoy being on time for things does not automatically equal being anal,” Katie responded, her tone measured and even...although it DID kind of drive her crazy that he always had to make such broad statements about her. Yeah. Come to think of it, that was really aggravating.

  “No, I guess it is not fair to call it an anal,” Jason teased, “I know lots of girls that show up to the prom by themselves because their date is fifteen minutes late to pick them up.”

  “Oh, come ON now, you can NOT be serious! Just because I didn’t want to be late to my senior prom does not mean that I am anal about being punctual. And can we please stop using that word. I’ve always hated it.”

  Katie saw a flash of amusement cross Jason’s face, and that frustrated her even more.

  “I thought 'panties' and 'moist' were at the top of the 'perfectly valid words Katie hates' list.”

  “Those too. But don't try to distract me when I'm on a roll.”

  “Is that what you're on?”

  “Yep! And might I point out, while we're on the subject, that it was a certain Mr. Jason Sloan that was responsible for the aforementioned tardiness incident. I do believe that someone forgot to pick his date up a corsage and forced the limo that ALL of the guys – my date included – were riding in to go into town and stop by The Flower Pavilion so he could pick up flowers for his date. Sound familiar? Hmmm?”

  Katie felt unreasonably pleased with herself that for ONCE Jason was going to have to take responsibility for something. Ha! Let’s see you charm your way out of that one, Mr. Sloan.

  To this day, she couldn’t quite believe that on prom night, of all nights, Jason would forget something as important as picking up a corsage. Nick had made her promise not to harass Jason about it at the time because he didn’t want their night to be ruined by her and Jason fighting. But, what the hell? They weren’t at prom now, were they? And, truth be told, she was relishing the opportunity to finally confront him about it.

  “I mean, really, Jason? REALLY? There were four other couples taking that limo, and the fact that you would disrupt everyone else’s night just to get yourself out of the doghouse is beyond me. Really and truly beyond me.

  “And don’t even try the 'I was too busy with sports' excuse because Nick was in just as many sports as you, and HE managed to find the time to pick me out the most amazing wrist corsage, made of the most incredible and beautiful Calla Lilies I'd ever seen.

  “But, nooooo! Mister ‘fly by the seat of my pants’ couldn’t be bothered to plan ahead, even for senior prom. Even when NINE other people were counting on him.

  “Didn’t you even consider the fact that I might want to show up to my senior prom on time? Did that thought even cross your mind?”

  “Are you finished?” Jason asked dryly as he pulled off the road and into a parking lot that Katie did not recognize.

  “Yes. Yes, I think I am,” Katie confirmed, not even bothering to hide her self-satisfied grin.

  “Well, then let me set a few things straight, counselor,” Jason turned to face Katie after parking his truck in an empty space at the very corner of the lot. They were hidden under a canopy of trees, and it felt…intimate. It felt like they had entered another realm – a fantasy forest filled with wizards and fairies, where she was the beautiful princess and Jason was the dashing knight.

  The cab of Jason’s truck suddenly seemed very small and very warm. Jason’s eyes bore into hers, and as much as she knew she ought to, she could not bring herself to look away.

  Good night nurse! How was it possible that this man had such a hold on her? He was just a PERSON, for God's sake – he wasn’t supernatural! No one else in the entire world affected her this way!

  Katie prided herself on always being in control of her environment, and especially of any conversation she was a part of. She wouldn't have made it very far in the legal profession if she couldn't get the upper hand in a conversation with an untrained civilian – this was literally how she made her bread and butter! Stay in control, never let the power balance shift, don’t get flustered...these were all techniques she had mastered.

  Being a lawyer, you could say that she was, in a sense, a professional argument winner. Yet with Jason, she never quite felt in control of anything, and from that look in his eye, she already knew she was going to lose this argument.

  “I bought Krissy Anderson, my date, a pink pin-on rose corsage the Wednesday before prom,” he began, calmly but intensely, “and when Nick got to my house to get ready for prom I asked him where his corsage for you was. He said – and I quote – ‘Katie doesn’t even like flowers and the corsage that I bought her for junior prom just got in the way all night, she couldn’t stop fidgeting with it.’”

  Jason lowered his hands from the air quotes that he had been shaping and his right hand came to rest on Katie’s thigh. Her breathing quickened. She wondered if the placement of his hand had been deliberate, but then stopped wondering and simply started panicking, because, oh boy...the weight of Jason’s hand felt waaay too good resting on her leg. She could feel the pressure of his long fingers as they wrapped around her thigh and it felt...amazing.

  “There was no way I was going to let you go to your senior prom without a corsage just because numb nuts Nick didn’t bother t
o get you one. So I had the limo driver stop at The Flower House, Flower Emporium and finally at The Flower Pavilion. Want to know why we made more than one stop Kit Kat?”

  Katie simply nodded because she was unable to speak, distracted by the reaction her body was having to Jason’s touch.

  “We made more than one stop because I didn’t want to get you a simple rose corsage. I remembered that in fifth grade, we were walking across Lincoln Park on the way home from school, and I picked you a rose. You said that you thought roses were overrated and common. And I was not about to settle on anything that you considered ‘overrated and common.’ I did find a Chrysanthemum corsage at The Flower House but it was a pin-on and I knew that you had a chiffon dress and that you wouldn’t want to put holes in it. Plus I remembered that you had a pin-on for junior prom and that was probably why you were fidgeting with it. So I made the driver take us to one more stop and that is where I found the Calla Lily wrist corsage.

  “Oh and as far ‘considering the fact that you would like to be on time to your senior prom’ - I bribed the driver $50 extra to speed to your house, and I wouldn’t let any of the other guys pick up their dates, or my own date for that matter, even though two of them were on the way to your house. Why? Because I knew you would be pacing the floor every minute that we were late. How did I know that? Because I know YOU, Kit Kat. You can believe that or not, but it's true.

  “Well, we came screeching up to your house only to have Aunt Wendy tell us that you had left with your mom five minutes before we got there because you didn't want to be late.

  “So, in answer to your question...yeah. I guess the thought of you getting to prom on time did cross my mind.”

  Katie couldn’t quite wrap her head around what he was saying. The story he was telling her didn’t sound much like the Jason that she knew. It sounded more like something that Nick would have done for her. It was all very confusing and hard to believe.

  Not to mention the fact that there was no way she could hold together a cohesive train of thought with Jason’s hand sitting on her thigh. Still, even with that hormonal distraction, she knew that there was one thing that wasn’t adding up, and that needed clarification.

  “How did you know that my dress was chiffon? I didn’t tell anyone what my dress looked like except my mom and Aunt Wendy. I wanted it to be a surprise.”

  He didn’t even blink, much less hesitate. “I was at Richards’s getting fitted for my tux and I heard your laugh coming from Mona’s. I looked around the divider and I saw you standing on the pedestal in the middle of the room, swishing back and forth in your strapless royal blue, floor-length prom dress. It was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen in my life.”

  Katie was starting to feel light headed. He had an answer for everything, but things still just weren't adding up!

  “But when we had the ‘switch partners, ladies choice dance’ and Krissy chose Nick, leaving me to dance with you, you were clearly pissed off to be stuck with me. I remember it perfectly because you seemed so upset about dancing with me that I tried to make you smile by telling you that you looked nice. Then I asked if you thought I looked okay, and you practically yawned as you said, ‘You look as good as you can look.’

  “Then when I hit you on the arm you said ‘Hey, don’t ask a question if you don’t want the answer.’ That is a far cry from,” Katie now adopted the air quotes technique that Jason had used earlier, “the 'most beautiful sight you had ever seen' like you claim.”

  Jason shook his head, looking slightly past her as if lost in the memory. She had rarely seen him look so pained. He seemed really sad.

  “What was I supposed to do, Katie? Admit that I put Krissy up to asking Nick to dance just so I could have an excuse to have one dance with you? Tell you that you were by far the most gorgeous girl at that prom, or any other for that matter? If you remember correctly, you were dating my best friend, and you had been for six years. My hands were kind of tied.”

  As Jason gave this impassioned speech, he gently squeezed his hand where it rested on her leg and then proceeded to start rubbing his hand up and down on her thigh as he continued. “God, it drove me crazy seeing you and not being able to touch you, or kiss you, or even just tell you how beautiful you were.”

  Katie felt heat begin to radiate from her core as Jason’s large hands ran up and down her thigh, each time getting a little closer to her center. She knew that she should push him away, make him stop...but why did this have to feel so good? And how could she bring herself to pull away from him after the things that he had just told her?

  Her head was spinning. She was confused, yet also thoroughly enjoying the thrilling pleasure racing through her body. She couldn’t seem to catch her breath.

  Oh good LORD, if she was going to have a panic attack, she just wanted to get it over with already. Screw the mantra!

  “Jason,” Katie said. She had been aiming for a warning tone, but it came out more like a moan.

  “What?” He replied, sounding as innocent as a newborn lamb.

  But when she looked over at him she saw the look of intensity in his eye. He was nowhere near innocent and certainly not going to stop because of a warning tone, particularly one as weakly delivered as what she had managed.

  This simply had to stop. She moved in her seat, fully intending to shove his hand away, pick up her purse and get out of the truck. That’s what she planned to do, anyway. But as she reached down to push his hand off of her thigh, he used her shift in position to slip his hand up further up her thigh, not stopping until it was snuggly resting between her legs. The side of his index finger was pressed against her center, and he began gently rubbing his thumb lightly back and forth over the area above her core.

  Katie froze, uncertain about what to do next, as Jason began pressing his fingers against her, massaging her intimately. She felt the most overwhelming sensations starting to wash over her. She closed her eyes and laid her head back. She couldn’t think, couldn’t rationalize what was happening. She could only feel.

  As Jason's sensual massage moved to the apex of pleasure between her legs, an intense pressure began to build within her belly, waves of extreme pleasure radiating out like shockwaves from the epicenter of an earthquake.

  She had a vague realization about how inappropriate this behavior was but she felt nearly powerless to act on it. She wrenched her eyes open to turn away from Jason, and made one last valiant effort to move his hand away from her body, but to no avail. Her muscles were weak with arousal, and her half-hearted efforts at pushing his hand away amounted to little more than a light brush against his forearm. When she exerted every ounce of her remaining will to wrench her head to the side, hoping to free herself from his magnetic power she ended up looking directly into those oh-so-amazing eyes, he used his free hand to cup her jaw, pulling her face toward him and capturing her mouth with his in a blisteringly hot kiss.

  She felt herself gasp at the assault on her senses. Her head was spinning, and her blood was racing. She couldn't make sense of any of this, and she was almost beyond even wanting to. The longer the encounter went on and the more her body was overtaken by sensation, the stronger her desire came to just surrender to the power of Jason's hands, Jason's just surrender to Jason altogether.

  As soon as his tongue slipped inside her mouth, an explosion of passion unlike any she had ever felt was released through her entire body. His tongue was searching her mouth, probing, sweeping back and forth insistently. She found herself matching his intensity jab for jab and parry for parry.

  He wasn’t just kissing her. He was devouring her. His hand had found exactly the right spot between her legs and he was expertly manipulating her flesh. He didn’t let the fact that she was wearing jeans slow him down. In fact, if she wasn’t mistaken, he was somehow using it to his advantage.

  His fingers started moving faster, applying ever-increasing pressure, and she felt the waves of pleasure rolling inside of her increase to Category 5 Storm level

  That little voice in the back of her head, the one that always wanted to follow the rules and made her a pretty damn spectacular lawyer, kept telling her that she should stop...but, oh God, she couldn’t bring herself to pull away. She wanted nothing more than for him to keep touching her, keep kissing her, keep making her feel more alive than she had felt in so, so long.

  She heard sounds coming from the back of her throat that she didn’t even recognize. Her heart felt like it was beating to the rhythm of his fingers. Her entire body felt infused with spine-tingling bliss.

  Just when she was thinking that this couldn’t possibly get any better, that she was at the outer edge of pleasurable oblivion, Jason pulled his mouth from hers and began kissing his way down her neck. He licked, trailing his tongue down her burning skin, and stopped several times to suckle the sensitive little niches on her throat. This sent jolts of electricity directly down to the exact place his fingers were working their magic, and to her shock and amazement, she found that she had not reached the outer edges of the pleasure landscape that was possible for her. No, Jason was taking her even further into unexplored territories of bliss. He kissed a trail back up her neck, alternating sucking and licking the whole way, stopping at her jawline.

  “Jason,” Katie heard herself say with (if she wasn’t mistaken) a hint of pleading in her voice. She felt as if she were spinning without an anchor, as if she were going to be set adrift in this sea of pleasure. She reached up and grabbed his shoulders so that she would have something to hold on to.

  “Say that again,” he growled against her ear.

  The sound of his voice vibrating in her ear almost pushed her over the peak.

  “Jason,” she said again, and this time she was definitely pleading, more than just a hint of desperation coloring her voice.

  “Damn, Katie. I love how you say my name. Now, come for me baby,” Jason commanded seductively as he lightly bit down on the sensitive area right below her ear.


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