Watch Me (Phoenix Book 1)

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Watch Me (Phoenix Book 1) Page 6

by Stacey Kennedy

  Hunt took a seat in the other wing-back chair and whistled. “I’m guessing that explains your mood.”

  Archer set his coffee down on the table in front of him and scrubbed his face. “I don’t know how she fucking did that. All night, I’ve been on with my best hacker, and he can’t see how she got in. She didn’t leave a single fucking trace.”

  Rhys nodded his thanks to Kieran for the coffee and opened the lid to take a small sip, tasting the rich hazelnuts in the brew. He didn’t want to suggest that perhaps Elise had a better hacker in her pocket, or she was that hacker, but… “You should talk to her. If there is someone better out there, getting into places you thought were impenetrable, let’s get them on our payroll.”

  Archer agreed with a nod. “I’d like to dig a bit deeper here to see what comes up. If that doesn’t bring anything more to light, I’ll get in contact with her.”

  “Good,” said Rhys, trusting Archer to handle that. A security breach was inexcusable, but Archer would get to the bottom of it; Rhys didn’t doubt that. “What have you found out so far?”

  “That she’s better at my job than I am,” Archer mused.

  Hunt chuckled. “Ah, so that’s what is getting under your skin.”

  Archer’s jaw set, and his eyebrow lifted in Hunt’s direction. “Wouldn’t it, yours?”

  “Yes,” Kieran answered for Hunt. “He’d already be at her house, knocking down her door, demanding to find out how she outsmarted him.”

  “Damn right, I would,” Hunt said without remorse.

  Rhys chuckled.

  Archer wasn’t amused. He snorted, shaking his head, and slid his gaze to Rhys, gesturing at the file. “Elise worked as a private investigator right out of high school, mentoring under Luke Hicks. Three years ago, she went out on her own.”

  “Who’s Luke Hicks?” Hunt asked.

  “The best PI in New York City.”

  “Ah,” Kieran said. “Explains why she’s so good, then.”

  “Yeah, it does,” Archer hedged, the corners of his eyes tightening. “Beyond that, nothing I discovered links Elise to any current members. A past member used her once to gather evidence against her cheating husband, but it doesn’t look like she uncovered anything about the club in that investigation.”

  Rhys pondered this, knowing they had to look at this from every angle to ensure the Phoenix members were safe. They paid him to keep their sexual kinks out of the public eye. The breach couldn’t happen again. “Do you believe the story Zoey told me?”

  Archer considered it and gave a quick nod. “Her other roommate, Hazel Rose, is a reporter, so that is another truth to her story. Everything she said lines up.”

  Kieran asked, “Does Hazel have any connections to any members, current or past?”

  “Not that I could find,” Archer reported, a hard frown marring his face. “From the outside, I’m leaning toward believing them. They’re a group of determined women that used their skill set to fight against an injustice.”

  “Sexy,” Hunt said.

  All heads nodded in agreement. Even Rhys found himself enamored by the wit and strength of these women. What they’d pulled off was impressive, considering Archer’s background in security. But Rhys already knew there was nothing to fear more than a scorned woman. He believed Zoey.

  His cell phone beeped on his desk, indicating a text message. He set his coffee down, rose, grabbed his cell, and swiped the screen. He couldn’t hide his grin at the single word from Zoey.


  “Now, that looks like good news,” Kieran called at whatever showed on Rhys’ face.

  “Depends,” he said, returning to his seat and reaching for his coffee again. Of Archer, he asked, “How much of a risk is it if I invite Zoey back to the club tonight?”

  Archer’s gaze held Rhys’ for a beat, his mouth twitching. “When do we ever invite women who are not members back?”

  Rhys returned the hard stare. “That’s not the question I asked.”

  Hunt broke out into laughter. “I’ve got to get a look at this one. She must be something special if she’s got Rhys breaking rules.”

  Rhys didn’t look Hunt’s way. He didn’t have the words to explain what had caught him up in Zoey. He only knew he wanted more of those sweet, innocent eyes looking up at him. That lush body, bending to his will.

  Archer cocked his head and said to Rhys, “A higher risk now that she’s already been dishonest. How can we trust what she’s telling us as the truth?”

  Rhys inclined his head at that statement. He never took risks. It kept his members safe. But when it came to Zoey, he couldn’t help himself. “Call it a gut feeling,” Rhys offered.

  “The risk is still there, nonetheless,” Archer countered firmly. “While I tend to agree that whatever Zoey wanted to do, whatever point she wanted to make, she did that the other night. As your head of security, I would caution you to proceed slowly. Zoey is not a member, which means the rules do not apply to her. She could out our members.”

  Rhys sat back. He knew Zoey wouldn’t say a word about Phoenix if he asked her not to. “All right. Caution noted.” He turned his attention back on to his phone and fired off a text to Zoey: Go to the café rouge on E 79th street. 8 pm. Give them your name. He took another sip of his coffee as he shoved his cell into his pocket and addressed the group again. “Anything else to discuss today?”

  “Nothing here to report,” Hunt said.

  “All good here.” Kieran rose. “What’s the show tonight?”

  Archer stood and grinned at Hunt. “Hampton”—a famous actor—“wants a bondage, blow-job show with your favorite.”

  “Aw, I do love that gorgeous brunette,” said Hunt, heat flaring in his eyes over the twenty-six-year-old brunette he knew nothing about. Neither Rhys nor Archer would break confidentiality, even though Hunt was as close as a brother to them. Hunt had set his sights on Lottie Harlow the night of her first show. He’d been lusting after the well-known regular at Phoenix who many members specifically requested. Lottie had originally gained membership through another member who she was engaged to, and her fiancé paid for her membership. Her fiancé enjoyed watching her with other men. When they broke up, Rhys intervened. Lottie could barely pay rent, let alone the steep membership fee, so she asked to become a permanent star. Rhys had never let a star come back more than once, but since Lottie was a previous member, and since other members had requested her participation in their shows, he agreed. Now, because of her popularity, she made an income higher than most doctors, and the work was definitely far more satisfying. To Rhys, Hunt added, “When are you ever going to throw me a bone and get me in a show with her?”

  “When you stop wagging your tongue at her,” Rhys told him.

  Hunt barked a laugh. “Never going to happen. Damn, that woman haunts my dreams.”

  “Exactly. You’re too invested,” Rhys called over his shoulder on his way to his desk. He took a seat, looking Kieran’s way. “You interested?”

  “Fuck, yeah.” Kieran slapped Hunt’s back and gave him a shit-eating grin. “Don’t worry, Hunt, she’ll take real good care of me.”

  “Lucky bastard,” Hunt breathed, envy seeping into his gaze.

  Before they all left, Rhys said, “Show up tonight. All of you.”

  All eyes turned back to him, but it was Hunt who asked, “Why? Planning something special?”

  Rhys grinned and knew that for them to understand his intent for the evening, he only needed to say, “I could use some extra hands.”

  Zoey spent the day cleaning the loft and doing a week’s worth of laundry to keep herself from thinking about returning to Manhattan tonight. But the time came, and Zoey left Brooklyn behind and made her way into the city. Though, this time, she noticed a slight change on the subway ride. Her excitement to see Rhys again stole some of the cold fear away. An idea that bewildered her, until all thoughts vanished as she arrived at Café Rouge. She couldn’t stop gawking at the quaint space. She wasn’t sure what
she’d expected to find after Rhys’ invitation, but a coffee shop didn’t scream sexy. A few people sat at the booths along the left-hand side while one person worked behind the counter. Not seeing anything else to guide her on what she was meant to do next, she approached the barrister.

  “Hi,” the thirty-something blond woman said. “What can I get for you?”

  “I’m not quite sure,” Zoey answered. “I’m Zoey Parker.”

  “Ah, Zoey, I’ve been expecting you. Please come with me,” the woman replied with what Zoey took to be a pleasant smile. “I’ve got what you need just in the back.”

  Zoey hesitantly followed, not wanting to look back to catch anyone’s eye. She stayed close to the woman into the back storage room. Boxes of coffee lined the one wall, and there was a small kitchen, where some baked goods were currently sending scents of warm apples and cinnamon the air.

  “I know it doesn’t look like much,” the woman said, “but we’ve got some cool hiding spots.” She pulled open a shelf with glass canisters, revealing an old set of stairs.

  Zoey leaned forward and glanced down, peering into a place where any sane person wouldn’t go. “What is it?” Zoey asked.

  “The tunnels from Prohibition,” the woman explained. “They used them to secretly get alcohol into the cigar club. When Rhys bought the bar, he also bought all the businesses where the tunnels ended.”

  “That must have been expensive.”

  The woman gave a grin that told Zoey how stupid her statement was. “The Harrington family is old money, honey. I imagine it didn’t break the bank.”

  A flush crept over Zoey, but she clamped down against it, refusing to let the old her run the show. All of this was out of her league, and she totally wasn’t this bold and brave woman, but after all she’d been through, she deserved this thrill. She needed this thrill. “So, I just go down there, then?”

  “Yup. Just walk to the end of the tunnel. Security will greet you there.”

  “Okay, thank you.” Zoey began the climb down the ladder.

  Right before the woman shut the shelf, she gave a wide smile. “Enjoy yourself tonight, honey.”

  “Thanks. That’s the plan.” Zoey returned the smile, continuing her climb down as the light above her vanished.

  When she reached the bottom of the ladder, she saw a long, straight tunnel made of old stone, and if she closed her eyes, she could swear she caught the scents of the oak barrels that must have been hidden down here through Prohibition. Brightly lit sconces lined the walls as she made her way down the tunnel, her high heels clicking against the cobblestone floor. She rounded one bend at the very end and then came to a stop outside a wrought-iron door. She knocked once, and the loud unclicking of a lock echoed in the underground tunnel then the heavy door slowly opened, revealing a small room, not much bigger than a walk-in closet.

  “Good evening, Zoey,” a security guard with kind eyes said, like they were already friends. “Rhys has been expecting you. Please come in.”

  “Thank you.” She stepped through the door, feeling like all of this was impossible. That, any minute now, she was going to wake up and realize this had all been some wild, incredible dream.

  The security guard locked the door behind her and moved to the small desk, where a telephone and computer rested. He had the phone to his ear a moment later. “Zoey has arrived. Yes. All right. Very well.”

  He returned the phone to the receiver right as another door to Zoey’s left opened and a gorgeous brunette wearing a tight black dress walked in. “Zoey, hi. I’m Lottie.”

  “Hi,” Zoey said, finding it near impossible to stop herself from gawking at the woman.

  “My eyes, right?” Lottie asked with a lopsided smile.

  “I’m sorry for staring,” Zoey said in a hurry. “They’re just the most beautiful color I’ve ever seen. Are they—”

  “Amethyst,” Lottie finished. “Yeah, and yes, before you ask, they’re one-hundred-percent natural.” She gestured for Zoey to follow. “Come on, we don’t want to be late. Everyone gets grumpy when that happens.”

  Zoey wasn’t exactly sure what she was going to be late for, but she gave the security guard a goodbye wave and stepped through the doorway. “Where are we going?”

  Lottie linked her arm with Zoey’s. “To shop.”

  Two doors down the hallway, Zoey understood what Lottie meant. They entered a room the size of a boutique, only this room was full of high-class lingerie. Wall to wall, there was every type of fabric, from leather to lace, in the entire color wheel. “Wow,” Zoey breathed.

  “I know, right?” Lottie shut the door behind them then gestured out. “Go on, pick whatever you like for the night.”


  Lottie nodded. “Free lingerie is part of Phoenix’s membership.”

  “But I’m not a member,” Zoey gently reminded her.

  “You’re Rhys’ guest,” Lottie countered. “That’s one and the same.”

  “Where does he get all this?”

  “It all comes from a shop here in Manhattan. The owner, Adalyn, is a longtime Phoenix member.”

  Zoey’s brows shot up. “I thought this club was a private one. Masks. No names. No identity. That type of thing.”

  Lottie shrugged. “Adalyn uses her name on the regular, probably because Phoenix members are rich. She wants the clients.” Lottie went quiet and tilted her head, giving Zoey a long once-over and approached the racks with the green lingerie. She picked out a sexy, strappy, dark-teal set. “If you ask me, go for this. You’ll look amazing in this color.”

  “It’s gorgeous. Thank you.”

  Lottie handed Zoey the piece. “The changing room is right over there.” She gestured to a small fitting room off to the side. “The heels you have on will look great.”

  Zoey moved to the changing room, closed the curtain, and began undressing, feeling the heat rising to her cheeks. “Do you work here?”

  “Work, not exactly,” Lottie said with a smile in her voice. “Play, yes, and I just so happen to make some good cash from that.”

  “It’s a good way to make money,” Zoey mused, slipping out of her dress and hanging it on the hook on the wall.

  “You can say that again.”

  Zoey removed her panties, replacing them with the new ones. After she finished with the bra, she slid back into her heels and then opened the curtain, finding Lottie standing there, wearing an intricate metal mask and dark-red lingerie that did amazing things to her figure. Dangling from her fingers was a gorgeous gold-and-black metal cat masquerade mask.

  “This was Rhys’ only request for you tonight,” Lottie said with a sly smile. “Here, turn around. I’ll help you get into it.”

  Zoey turned, only then catching her appearance in the mirror. When Lottie settled the mask in place, she stared at her reflection. Who was this woman? Zoey barely recognized the strength in her eyes, the confidence, the beauty. But then she remembered she wasn’t this woman at all. Her arms instinctively wrapped around herself, her gaze lowering to the floor.

  “Oh, hell no, girl,” Lottie said, tucking a finger under Zoey’s chin until she was looking at herself in the mirror again. As she uncrossed Zoey’s arms, she said, “The most powerful man in this club requested you be here tonight. Rhys never does that.” She stepped behind Zoey and said, dead serious, “Ever, Zoey. So, don’t be shy or meek. He could have anyone, and he wants you. Just you. Own that shit!”

  “I’m not used to this,” Zoey admitted, rubbing at the back of her neck. “I’m just not this woman.”

  Lottie grinned. “You are now.” Her gaze flicked to the clock on the wall. “Right on time. Perfect. Let’s get this show started.” She strode off, and Zoey forced her feet to move and did her best to hide her nerves. They headed down another hallway, and Lottie stopped at a door. “Enjoy the show, Zoey. It was great to meet you.”

  “Nice to meet you too. Thanks for the pep talk,” Zoey said.

  Lottie gave a quick smile and ent
ered the room.

  Only she didn’t stop to mingle. Lottie headed straight for a gorgeous black-haired man who wore a mask that, to Zoey, looked slightly demonic and yet sexy all at once. Though it might have been that he was bound to the stone wall, with leather straps covering his arms, that increased the appeal. One look at Lottie heading his way, and the man went from soft to hard in a heartbeat.

  Damn, to have that power. What must that feel like? It occurred to Zoey that she wanted to find out. She was aware of other people around her, but she couldn’t look away as Lottie kissed the man like she’d been starved of him. After she took her fill, leaving the man’s breath rough, Lottie slowly lowered to her knees, and Zoey felt herself grow damp between her thighs as Lottie took the man’s cock into her mouth and slowly began teasing him.

  With every move of her mouth, every tremble and moan the man gave, Zoey felt pleasure coursing through her, building more and more heat between her legs. She could tell he wanted to look down, to watch this talented woman giving him what looked like a mind-blowing blow job, but the binds refused him. As the minutes dragged on, Zoey became lost in the erotic energy pulsating in the room, the crowd silently watching, admiring, enjoying. Until she felt a hard body step in behind her. She inhaled in surprise but caught Rhys’ aroma, something that was close to the woodsy oak barrel scent she’d noticed in the tunnels, with a little bit of added spice.

  “You like watching her pleasuring him?” he asked, pressing his rock-hard erection against her bottom.

  She melted against him, shivering at Rhys’ breath on her neck. Suddenly, she needed what he’d promised. “Wouldn’t everyone?”

  “No, Zoey, not everyone likes to be watched or to watch.” He nipped at her neck. His voice lowering to a seductive purr. “But you do, and so do I.” Her eyes rolled back into her head as his hand reached out to stroke her belly. Any timidness left, vanished under that powerful touch. “Tell me, what about this do you like most?”


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