Watch Me (Phoenix Book 1)

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Watch Me (Phoenix Book 1) Page 7

by Stacey Kennedy

She angled her head, giving him better access to devour her neck. “All of it.”

  “The bondage?”


  His hand inched its way lower. “Is that what you’d like, Zoey, to be tied up for my own personal use? For my pleasure?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, needing him, wanting more.

  Her breath hitched when his finger sneaked into the top of her panties. “Does it turn you on how she’s sucking his cock, drawing him deep into her mouth? Making him shudder and lose control?”

  “Oh, yes.” She gasped as his fingers stroked over her sensitive clit, taking her far away from there. “I like watching her control him like that.”

  Rhys’ low chuckle brushed against her neck, causing goosebumps to rise along her skin. A deep groan escaped him when his fingers touched her drenched heat. “Would you like to own me like that, Zoey. To control me? To do whatever you want to me?”

  “Yes.” She moaned, wiggling her hips into the pleasure.

  He nipped at her neck at the same moment he began stroking her clit faster, harder. “Another night, I will be yours. Tonight, I’d like to play. Will you let me?”

  Her legs began trembling as pleasure cascaded into her. “Yes. Please.”

  “Whatever I want?”

  Another moan broke free. “Yes.” Her eyes slowly opened to the bound man’s groans growing rougher. Lottie moved fast now, bobbing on his cock. And Rhys’ finger began moving faster and harder on her clit. Zoey felt in rhythm with the man being brought to climax, and she was right there.

  Every muscle in the man’s body flexed, an impressive sight to behold. He struggled against the binds as he growled, bucking into the pleasure. The same euphoria overtook Zoey. Wave after wave of hot sensation stormed across her, leaving her a trembling mess of satisfaction.

  She stayed in the warm, blissful place until reality returned as the clapping started. Again, she reopened her eyes, discovering that, while most of the crowd was watching the show, the people closest to her and Rhys were clapping in their direction.

  Still behind her, Rhys placed a soft kiss on her shoulder. “Go back down the hallway you just came. Find the door that this key opens.” He placed a vintage skeleton key in her hand. “I’ll be waiting for you there.”

  She felt a cold void as his strength left her, and she turned, only to find a door shutting behind him.

  When she faced the crowd again, she felt all the watchful eyes on her, obviously curious over this new woman who had Rhys’ attention. But she couldn’t find it in herself to be shy, or even ashamed that she’d orgasmed in front of them all. She glanced down to the skeleton key in her hand with trembling legs, wanting only one thing.


  Chapter 7

  A little adventure never hurt anyone. Which was precisely why Rhys didn’t tell Zoey the location of the room where he waited for her. He wanted anticipation to build, and with every door she tried to unlock, adrenaline would spike in her, creating the intensity he wanted her to feel tonight.

  Rhys sensed the others in the room experiencing the same eagerness, and he smiled. The erotic nature of his lifestyle fueled his happiness. Back when Katherine was alive, he’d only begun to taste the heightened senses that came from exploring eroticism. Back then, he held back. Katherine’s death had taught him not to.

  When the lock finally turned with a loud click, Rhys cleared his thoughts, watching the door slowly creak open. His back was pressed against the far wall, arms folded over his chest, while Zoey froze in the doorway. The cat mask he’d personally chosen for her tonight looked far more beautiful than he could have imagined. Her body exuded purity and innocence, and yet her eyes behind that mask were heated and greedy. And both of those contradictions had his cock swiftly hardening to steel.

  Zoey looked from left to right, absorbing the view, and obviously taking stock of Hunt and Archer in the room, along with two female members, who were setting the stage for Rhys tonight and already naked. Both men wore condoms.

  Hunt glanced Rhys’ way and received a quick nod. Hunt sent Zoey a wicked smile before he moved behind his lover for the night, Aimee, and began caressing her breasts. Archer was on the other side of Hunt, already kissing Bianca, putting on the sensual show Rhys asked them to. They all knew the plan tonight. The stage Rhys had set was planned right down to the hundreds of candles casting a warm glow throughout the open space. The walls were old stone, and the only furniture in the room was an old kneeling bench lined with red velvet.

  Rhys stayed put, allowing the atmosphere to further excite Zoey. Those pretty cheeks darkened, her lips falling open as she drew in heavy breaths. His cock twitched as she watched the others engage in foreplay. They were beginning to heat up, the intensity building.

  Zoey blinked, finally releasing the door and letting it shut behind her.

  She went to take a step forward, when Rhys called, “Stop.” He noted the widening of her eyes at the same time she teetered on her sexy heels. He’d never used that tone, low and unyielding, and it dawned on her that this game belonged to him. “Undress for me.”

  Those cheeks of hers went ruby-red. She looked at Hunt then at Archer, and their lovers, who stopped their activities to watch her.

  Rhys smiled, knowing full well she would soak her panties before they dropped to the floor. He stayed quiet, giving her the time to decide. Though it did not surprise him when she reached back and unhooked her bra. She was far braver than she gave herself credit for. And he hoped by the time she left New York City, she would realize it. Her bra dropped to the floor a second later, revealing her puckered, light-colored nipples. Considering the room was warm, Rhys grinned in delight of how aroused she was. She was a dream come true, turned on by eroticism, eager to please and explore. When she began removing her panties, Rhys caught the slight glistening of her arousal on the inside of her thigh before she stepped out of the cloth. Rhys licked his lips and scanned her, naked, exposed, and ready, from head to toe, a sight of womanly perfection. He’d seen many naked bodies. None like hers. None that made him want to bring her in close and not let go.

  He caught the tightening of her hands into fists, the stress no doubt nearly suffocating her. To ease her nerves, he glanced at the group. “Tell our guest what’s on your mind right now.”

  Hunt swung his arm around Aimee and grinned sensually. “I’m thinking it’s a damn shame that tonight will end without me inside you.”

  Archer didn’t miss a beat. “You’re a lovely treat for us all,” he murmured, squeezing his partner’s bottom.

  Bianca added, “He took the words right out of my mouth.”

  Aimee stopped from licking her way up Hunt’s chest and grinned sensually at Zoey. “I’d like a taste of all that sweetness you exude.” To Rhys, she added, “Can I have her?”

  Zoey’s mouth parted with clear surprise, those wide eyes most definitely a treat for all.

  But sharing had never been Rhys’ style. “No, you may not.”

  “Pity,” Aimee drawled then returned her tongue to Hunt’s chest.

  Rhys smiled at her and then addressed the group, “But you can have each other. Make Zoey ready for me.”

  He saw Zoey’s slight shudder at the same moment he sensed his friends take things up a level, pressing their ladies against the walls to offer pleasure and take it too. Rhys could only watch Zoey, noting how the compliments had lifted Zoey’s shoulders a little bit more. Which was why he’d asked the question. To show her, to prove to her, that she wasn’t only there as a participant, but that she was the damn star of the show. That this night was for her. And secretly, for him too.

  Her breath grew raspier as she watched the lust unfold. Rhys let it play out. Out of the corner of his eye, he noted Hunt hook Aimee’s leg on his arm. Heard Aimee’s gasp, followed by Hunt’s grunt as he roughly entered her. More importantly, Rhys saw Zoey’s heightened reaction, squeezing her legs together tightly.

  “Give yourself what you need,” he told her. Zoey’s
gaze flicked to his, and he added, “Pleasure yourself.”

  He expected her to do as he told her, but what he hadn’t expected was how remarkably beautiful she looked when one hand found her nipple and the other slid between her thighs. Her chest rose and fell with heavy breaths as she stroked herself, pleasure washing across her expression.

  His cock twitched, and he fought against his desire to take her. Around him, Rhys sensed the others turn to watch her, this innocent beauty that should not have the sensual nature she exuded, and yet it was there, captivating the room. When she began stroking her clit faster, her eyes focused on something, Rhys followed her gaze. Hunt had started pounding Aimee from behind, his hands tight on her hips. Archer had his lover up against the wall, thrusting in long, slow strokes. All of which wasn’t by chance. Rhys wanted to watch Zoey and learn. Her tells. Her wants. Her desires. And she was revealing everything. She kept her gaze locked on Hunt, her cheeks bright red now as her hand between her legs sped up.

  Rhys grinned at Zoey. Ah, you like that, sweet one?

  Her legs trembled before her movements became rough. She squeezed her nipple, eyes closing, gasping in big breaths.

  When she hung on the edge of her climax, Rhys called, “Stop.”

  Her hands stopped moving, but those gorgeous legs still shook. Rhys’ cock ached at her responsiveness, at her natural ability to fall into this sensual lifestyle.

  “Go to the bench. Bend over it. Spread your legs.”

  Her gaze flicked to the one-way mirror running the full length of two walls. She was smart, wondering if members were behind that glass, and obviously now aware that when she bent over, they’d all see her, most intimately. From what Rhys had seen of her reactions so far, he suspected she’d like that. He didn’t know how many members were watching this show, but he knew word spread like wildfire when he partook in an unplanned personal show. He tended to draw crowds.

  Zoey held his gaze like she’d done it a thousand times, the side of her mouth curving slightly, and something seeped in the air between them. Something most unexpected. A feeling like he was her anchor. That as long as he kept his eye contact with her, she would be okay. He would be okay. And together, they could do anything. When she finally bent over the bench and spread her legs wide, Rhys didn’t hesitate. He liked the way her eyes heated, knowing others saw her in a way no one had before, but he wanted to feel her. To be in the one place only he had been before. To feel her break apart around him again.

  Slaps of skin, deep moans, and the musky scent of sex filled Rhys’ senses as he dropped his pants and sheathed himself in the condom he’d brought with him. Nothing beat the intense and needy way she looked at him. He doubted anything could compare.

  When he stepped in behind her, knowing without a doubt that the members watching had all moved to the other side of the wall to get a better view, he slid his fingernails along her back. She arched into him, and he chuckled, hearing lust vibrating in the sound. He leaned down and said just to her, “I want to fuck the living shit out of you.”

  “Then, do it.”

  A challenge. There was a part of him that knew he needed to go slow, be gentle. But that part had left with her consent. He kicked her legs open wider until her feet rested just at the sides of the kneeling bench. This particular piece of furniture had been handpicked by Rhys tonight to bring her up to his height. He thrust his hand in her hair until he had her angled where he wanted her. Then he entered her in one swift stroke, unsurprised at how easily he did so. She was primed and ready, and she rose up on her tiptoes, letting out a rough sound of surprise as he gripped her hip.

  He went nearly cross-eyed at the tightness strangling his cock. Allowing himself a moment to enjoy himself, he tipped his head back and relished in the beauty of her body. But when he glanced back down, he caught sight of his fist in her hair, her eagerness, waiting for him, and any control he had fled him. He lowered his chest to her back and growled in her ear, “Tell me to be gentle.”

  “No,” she breathed.

  Fire licked his veins as he closed his fist tighter and did what they both wanted: he pounded her sweet heat, unrelenting. Each thrust came harder and faster than the one before it. Until there was no one else in this room but them. Nothing else there but the pleasure that their bodies created. Nothing but this insane need she brought out in him, this hunger, this chemistry.

  With every moan she offered, every shudder she gave, he felt her take something. Something that she could never give back. Something that he didn’t want back. And when she screamed her pleasure and broke apart around him, he followed her. He came in a loud roar, bucking and jerking until he emptied himself inside her, until all he sensed was the magic brimming in the air between them. The gap between fantasy and reality coming to a head.

  Drenched in sweat, he leaned over her again, and he kissed her neck, patiently waiting for her to return from her climax. Her sex milked him, drawing out all that he had and seemingly wanting more. He knew then this wasn’t the end. That he would break more rules for Zoey. She had him ready to throw out the whole damn rule book.

  Chapter 8

  A day later, sitting in the grooming room between clients, Zoey couldn’t stop thinking about her night with Rhys. Hell, she’d thought about it all day and night yesterday and even had to take out her vibrator to settle herself before she could get to sleep. Her belly still flipped and flopped at the erotic adventure she’d been on, and she swore she could feel every one of Rhys’ touches brushing across her flesh. While all of this was like some amazing dream she never wanted to wake up from, the little voice in her head reminded her that, while it felt good to be this brave, sensual woman, she couldn’t forget people weren’t always who they said they were. Even though she was having incredible sex with Rhys and he appeared to want to protect her, she really didn’t know him at all.

  A dog’s loud bark snapped her eyes open. She stared at the quote another groomer had put on the wall: “A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.” Josh Billings.

  Sometimes, Zoey loved dogs more than people. She looked above the quote to the clock and cursed. She was five minutes late for her next appointment. In a rush, she hurried out to the waiting room, where a pup was whining.

  “Hilary?” she called.

  The woman with the honey-colored hair sitting in the corner stood. “Hi. Yeah, that’s me.”

  “Come on this way.” Zoey waved her forward and led the way back to her grooming room. “I’m sorry I was a couple minutes late.”

  “Oh, that’s no problem at all.”

  Zoey smiled in thanks and shut the door behind them. She immediately turned her focus onto the caramel-colored Labradoodle and squatted next to the dog, giving her head a scratch. “You must be Daisy. Aren’t you just the cutest?” She touched around the dog’s neck and ears and belly. “I feel a few mats, but those shouldn’t be a problem. How short do you like her? Or do you have any pictures you want me to look at to go off of?”

  At the deafening silence, Zoey looked up to meet Hilary’s gaze, and that’s when she knew one thing for certain. Hilary was not here to get her dog groomed. Zoey didn’t know if it was the sadness in Hilary’s eyes or the paleness of her face, but all her internal alarms began blaring. And yet…and yet, she couldn’t move, because Zoey recognized that look on an intimate level. She’d seen it in the mirror when looking at herself for the last year.

  “It happened to me, too,” Hilary said softly.

  Zoey swallowed. Hard. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “You do,” Hilary replied, her voice shaking, eyes pleading. “I didn’t know how to do this, how to approach you and not scare you. But what Jake did to you, he did the same to me, too.”

  Zoey wanted to move, to run, to do anything, but she remained motionless, frozen by the fear racing through her. “I…I…don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t know a Jake. I need you to leave. Right now.” Needing desperatel
y to get away, she shot up and flew back against the grooming table.

  “No, please, no.” Hilary reached out, grabbing Zoey’s arm. “I don’t want to scare you. We have to fight against him. We can be strong together.”

  Rapid thoughts rushed through Zoey’s head. How does she know about Jake? How did she know I confronted him and Scott? How? The room spun a little as the blood slowly drained from Zoey’s face, making her legs wobbly. “I don’t want to fight against anyone. Whatever you’re thinking, you’re wrong. You need to go.”

  Hilary’s grip tightened. “You need to fight. We need to fight.”

  The woman was obviously not taking no for an answer, and Zoey ripped her arm away, moving farther away into the room, near the window. “No, I’m sorry. I can’t help you.” The thought of her life being exposed again, ruined in ways she could never imagine, crippled her. “I can’t do this.”

  “They won’t believe me,” Hilary implored, tears welling in her eyes. “If it’s just me who comes forward, it won’t be enough. It’s Jake’s word against mine. You know him. He’s rich and powerful. He’ll get this buried. They’ll destroy me.”

  “Exactly,” Zoey shot back. “No one will believe us. Jake already ruined my life once. I can’t let that happen again.”

  “But we can try,” Hilary said, stepping forward. “We can fight.”

  Zoey’s lips parted, yes nearly leaving her mouth. Her heart roared to fight against the injustice that had been done to her. But at the image of her life being front-page news, bringing down a big gun on Wall Street, had her stomach roiling. Heat blasted across her, bile rising to her throat. She rushed to the trash can in the corner of the room and emptied the contents of her lunch. “I’m sorry,” she breathed when she could speak again. “I can’t do this…can’t help you…I just…I can’t go through that again.”

  Hilary blinked, tears flooding her cheeks. “I understand, I do, but he can’t be allowed to get away with this. If we don’t stop him, this never goes away. It’ll always be there, haunting us.” A nameless, dark emotion crossed her face. “Haunting me.” She blinked as more tears fell down her face then reached into her purse. “This is my card. Please, if you change your mind, call me. No matter the time. I’ll answer.” She grabbed the dog’s leash and strode out of the room.


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