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Watch Me (Phoenix Book 1)

Page 15

by Stacey Kennedy

  Chapter 16

  Later that night, sitting behind his desk in his office in Phoenix, Rhys was unsurprised when both his parents demanded to talk through Zoom. He wanted to give Zoey some time to process the engagement before she had to face his parents, but as was his life, his family wouldn’t wait. While they were decent people, they were also spoiled, entitled, and most times, a lot to handle. For now, Zoey stood off to the side of his desk, biting her thumb, her worried eyes never leaving Rhys. He wasn’t nearly as worried and found her concern endearing. She didn’t want to disappoint, but how could she? She’d bewitched him from day one. Rhys had no doubt his parents would eventually fall under her spell too, once they got past the fact he was marrying a woman below his social status.

  “We’ve got a lot to discuss, son,” Warren Harrington said, sitting at a desk with an abstract art piece behind him. Rhys had always looked like his father. The gray eyes were a Harrington trait. Same body structure, same height, the only differences between them were his father had salt and pepper hair and a rounder jaw than Rhys’.

  Sitting next to him, on a wing-back chair, Alice barely contained herself. “Sorry, did you just say you’re engaged?” His mother’s light-blue eyes were huge, her face barely moving from the Botox that kept her looking like she was in her forties.

  “You heard me right,” Rhys confirmed. He didn’t need to explain anything to his family. He only owed explanations to his chosen family, but he wanted this to go smoothly for Zoey. Only for her, did he indulge this conversation at all. “Her name is Zoey Parker. She lives in Brooklyn. We’ve been seeing each other for the last month.”

  “A month.” Alice gasped, glancing between Rhys and Warren. “Rhys, isn’t that a bit quick?”

  “Certainly is,” he agreed.

  “And you’re sure about her?” Alice asked.

  “Quite sure,” was Rhys’ reply.

  Warren scrubbed at his smooth face, his eyes lifting to the ceiling. “Parker, hmm.” His steely gaze returned to Rhys. “That’s not a name I recognize. You said she’s from Brooklyn. What does her family do?”

  Rhys smiled. “You don’t know the name because, I suspect, you’ve never met anyone like her.”

  “Rhys.” His father frowned. “You know how we do things. We’ve got close connections in New York City to some predominant families.”

  At his father’s ludicrous statement, Zoey shifted nervously on her feet and bowed her head. Yeah, that wasn’t going to happen. Rhys had Zoey in his arms in a second flat. She fought him every step of the way until he had her in his lap, facing the monitor.

  Both his parents looked mortified that she heard what they’d said. Rhys didn’t plan on sugarcoating anything. To be with him, Zoey had to see what she was up against. Yes, he’d protect her from their entitlement, showing they were a solid front and Rhys was his own man, but she was in his life now. And his parents needed to get on board.

  At the heavy silence, Zoey lifted her hand and waved. “Hi, I’m Zoey. It’s great to meet you.”


  Rhys chuckled and tucked her hair behind her ear. “Zoey is a dog groomer.”

  His mother made a noise.

  His father arched a brow. “A dog groomer?”

  “One of the best in Brooklyn,” Rhys said.

  Zoey laughed nervously, looking about ready to jump out of her skin. “Well, I was a dog groomer. I really loved it too. Great job. I met so many amazing people. But I actually applied for vet school this morning. I won’t hear back for a month or so, but I was accepted once. Hopefully, I’ll be accepted again.”

  Rhys placed a finger under her chin and turned her head, garnering her attention. “You applied to vet school?”

  She gave him a smile that broke his world apart. “Well, you see, that money I got from that investment, instead of buying a house with it, I decided the absolute best way to spend it was to go to vet school.”

  “Zoey,” Rhys said, bursting with pride he’d never felt before. “That’s amazing.”

  She turned back to his parents, and the cute shyness faded a little as she added to Warren. “You asked before what my parents do for a living. They’re both doctors in Sacramento.”

  Warren gave an unamused look to Rhys. “I suppose that explains why William thought you’d lost your mind. He sent me a blabbering text that you were moving to Sacramento. Nothing made any sense.”

  “We think he was drunk,” Alice offered.

  Rhys restrained his chuckle. He’d have to thank the guys later. “I decided that staying in New York City suited me better.”

  “Good,” Warren said in a hard voice. “We need Harrington blood in the city.”

  Rhys ignored that comment and looked at his mother as she asked Zoey in a sweeter voice than before, “What sort of doctors are your parents, Zoey?”

  “My mom’s a family doctor. She has her own practice, and my dad’s a vascular surgeon.”

  “How interesting,” Alice said with a tender smile. “I suppose we’ll have to arrange to meet them.”

  Zoey returned the smile. “I’m sure they would love to meet you both.”

  Alice glanced at Rhys then at Warren then at Zoey. “Well, there is much to do to plan a wedding.”

  “No,” Rhys said.

  Warren’s brows shot up. “No?”

  “No planning,” Rhys said, kissing Zoey’s shoulder. He fought his grin at the way she wiggled against him. He looked at his father. “No big production. We’re having a private ceremony with close friends only. Both of you are welcome to attend.” He appreciated what his parents had given to him growing up. He’d always do what needed to be done to keep the Harrington name a solid force in New York City. But his life was his own, and Zoey was all that mattered now.

  His father grimaced.

  Alice couldn’t sit still. She eventually broke the heavy silence and asked, “That’s what you want, then, Rhys?”

  “That’s what we want.”

  He smiled at Zoey as she wrapped her arms around him. She looked at his mother and asked, “Will you be back in the city anytime soon? I have no doubt my mom will fly in for dress shopping. We’d love for you to join us.”

  Alice blinked, exchanged a long look with Warren, and blinked again at Zoey. “I can try my best to make that happen.”

  “Excellent,” Rhys said. To his father, he added, “Anything else to discuss?”

  Warren shook his head. “I believe all our bases are covered.” He hesitated a beat. Then did the most unexpected thing. He smiled. “Congratulations on your engagement. Would you allow me to announce it in the newspaper?”

  Rhys had to process the fact that his father had asked him a question, instead of demanding something. He smiled back. “Yes, that would be fine.”

  “Then, it’ll be done.”

  They said quick goodbyes with his mother still seeming shell-shocked that Zoey wanted to involve her in something so personal. Rhys put his computer to sleep and sat back in his chair, shifting Zoey on his lap until she was straddling him. Her eyes held him captive. “You didn’t have to tell them your parents are doctors. You don’t have to feed into their entitled behavior.”

  She kissed his nose. “Yes, I did. That’s the type of people they are. It didn’t hurt me to reassure them.”

  He stared at her, absolutely bewildered by her strong character. This amazing woman who’d blindsided him wholeheartedly, giving him this life, this love, he never believed he’d find.

  She laughed softly, tapping the side of his face. “What’s that look for?”

  “This whole time, you kept saying I was helping you, but in reality, it seems like you’re fixing all the cracks in my life.”

  “Good,” she said, lacing her fingers behind his neck. “It levels the playing field.”

  He chuckled, tempted to stay right there, only he had a plan for tonight. One that had his cock twitching in eagerness. “Speaking of playing, we are due downstairs.”

  She tilted
her head. “We are?”

  “Mm-hmm.” He straightened in the seat until he cupped her face and brought her mouth close to his. “Tonight, Phoenix will learn that you are mine and I am yours. But the choice will always be yours.” He arched an eyebrow. “What do you say, Zoey? Yes or no to my game tonight?”

  “Yes,” she said, brushing her lips against his. “Always yes, Rhys.”

  Chapter 17

  Sensual music played through the speakers as Zoey entered the private room at Phoenix. She was wearing black lingerie paired with a black metal butterfly masquerade mask and stilettos, only this time, the members weren’t hidden; they were all there, standing in typical Phoenix attire of lingerie for the women and black slacks for the men, waiting…watching. Candles lit a path forward to a circular table. On that table was a glass of wine. Beyond that was a view Zoey had a hard time believing was real. Rhys sat on a chair, naked, his arms bound behind him, a black gag covering his mouth, and a Venetian mask on his face. And something she’d told him once filled her mind: “I like watching her control him like that.” More importantly, she recalled his reply: “Would you like to own me like that, Zoey. To control me? To do whatever you want to me?” As she slowly approached the table in the center of the room, it occurred to her that Rhys was giving her exactly what she’d asked for.

  When she stopped in front of the single wineglass, the world slowed. To all those in the room, except for Rhys’ inner circle of friends, the significance of the wine would be unknown. No one knew what Zoey did. That Rhys had asked for one thing going forward: her trust. She looked at the wineglass, waiting for her heart to race, for the desire to run to rush over her. It never came. She took hold of the glass and looked into Rhys’ fierce stare as she took a long sip before lowering the drink back to the table. His emotion-packed eyes pulled her forward, but with every step she took, she felt more free, like she was shedding the parts of herself that Jake and Scott had hurt. Now she was stepping into the future. With Rhys.

  The sensual energy in the room washed over her, taking her to a place where she left all her inhibitions, all her insecurities at the door. She felt every muscle in her body working to get to Rhys. Every single beat of her heart. She focused on the breath sliding through her lungs. The magic that this crowd created, the freedom she felt. When she stopped in front of him, she stared into his smoky gray eyes that promised her the world. And she wanted to give him the world back.

  Now in front of him, she understood the meaning of the silk gag in his mouth. That tonight she had full control, but she realized she didn’t want that. “I always want to hear your voice,” she said, untying the silk from behind his head and letting it fall to the ground.

  “You drank the wine,” he said, no question in his voice, only pride.

  “I drank what you gave to me.”

  Something rich and real passed in the air between them. Something Zoey now knew was love. True love. Impossible love. Love that came from two broken souls that found all the pieces they needed to heal. She didn’t question her love for Rhys, and she didn’t want to draw this out. The show might be for others, but ultimately, she knew this show belonged to them. Always to them.

  She slid onto his lap, reaching for the condom on the tray next to them. A condom was Phoenix protocol. She slid it into place onto his hard cock and didn’t bother teasing him. She rose up on her toes and took Rhys deep inside her, their moans echoing around them.

  She dropped her head back, sensing all the eyes on her. And this time, she felt powerful, not the shy woman who’d once walked through Phoenix’s doors looking for justice. As she rose up and slowly lowered down onto him, his rough growl washed over her. Within that sound, she truly understood what Phoenix offered. Why so many people protected this place. In a world full of judgment and negativity, this space had none of it. There was only the beauty of sensual beings who enjoyed flesh and lust and everything in between.

  Rhys’ continued groans caused goosebumps to appear across her skin as she tested how to ride him. Up and down, circling over her hips, shifting back and forth. She’d seen videos, but this was all for her own exploration. And soon, the slowness of their embrace became not enough. She saw the flex of Rhys’ muscles, the quiver of his body as he fought against the binds holding him. She lifted her hands to Rhys’ neck, noting the bulging veins beneath her touch. Holding his gaze, captivated by the love staring back at her, she began to bounce. The fullness of Rhys became exactly what she needed. What she craved. And she moved faster now, harder.

  Under his powerful stare, she found everything she’d ever wanted and all the things she didn’t know she needed. He was her protector, her savior, and she knew for certain, she was his home. The one he’d almost had, but was stolen away. The one he deserved as a child. The one she would make safe and warm for him.

  Lost in all her emotions and the truth of what they gave to each other, she dropped her mouth to his. Through every rock of her hips, she let go of all her insecurities, her hesitations, her worries. To the one man who deserved her without restraint, she gave the eroticism she knew he hungered. “Come for me, Rhys,” she said roughly in his ear.

  She lifted up, leaning back to ride him hard, fast, massaging her breasts with her hands. His gaze flicked to her chest, his pupils enlarged and darkened with lust as his muscles flexed once more against the bindings holding him. His teeth bit down on his bottom lip, his masculine grunts a sound Zoey would chase forever.

  Leaning forward, she gave his neck a hard nip and demanded in his ear, “Don’t make me wait.”

  Not a second after, his body tensed, trembled, and then he roared, every muscle in his spectacular body stretching over taut skin. And she went over the edge with him.

  Sometime later, voices and moans drifted into Zoey’s ears as Rhys chuckled against her neck. “Look behind you.”

  Breathless, Zoey found the strength to glance back and couldn’t stop her surprised gasp. Behind them, an orgy had erupted. Some couples were already having sex. One woman was giving a man a blow job while another man had his head buried between her thighs. She knew Hunt, Kieran, Archer, and Lottie were in there somewhere, but she couldn’t make anyone out. All she saw was skin, passion, and pleasure.

  Rhys chuckled again, drawing her gaze back to him. “It seems every rule gets broken when you’re around.”

  She laughed softly, her legs feeling like jelly, but she didn’t want to move, not yet. “Well, the rule really is that no one can touch the participants in the show. Besides, you can’t really blame them. Look at you. Anyone watching you would be driven wild.”

  “Me?” He retorted with a dry laugh. “Zoey, that was all you. The beauty of you. The sensuality of you. The innocence. It’s captivating, not only to me.”

  “No, Rhys, that was all you. The strength of you. The eroticism of you. The power. It’s captivating, not only to me.”

  He tossed his head back and chuckled freely. “Then, shall we say it’s us that drive people wild?”

  “Yes,” she agreed with every mended part of her heart. “It’ll always be us. Forever, Rhys.”

  “Forever, Zoey.”


  “That’s the last of it,” Rhys said, dropping the final box onto his kitchen floor a few days later. “Feels like home yet?” he asked, pulling Zoey in close.

  “You’re here, so yes.” Happiness spread across her like a warm bath as she leaned up and pulled his face down for a kiss. Everything was perfect. Sure, moving out of the loft came with a little sadness, but at least, she was only a subway ride away, instead of states away. Besides, the truth was they were all so happy Zoey came back it didn’t matter where she lived. And Zoey was absolutely certain about marrying Rhys and sharing her life with him. She was even happy to be living in Manhattan, something she never thought she’d be able to feel here.

  “You two are so stinkin’ cute,” said Hazel, opening up one of the boxes to help Zoey settle in. Hunt was helping her. “Your entire love story i
s just so wild and perfect and just all the wonderful things.”

  “Thanks, Hazel,” Zoey said, releasing Rhys to give her a tight squeeze. “But you’re still going to come over for cuddles, right?”

  “Yes, to cuddles.” Hazel gave a knowing look and pointed at the pool outside. “But I also see poolside margaritas in our future.”

  “Oh, I’m so here for that,” Elise said from the kitchen, where she began unwrapping Zoey’s favorite mug.


  The front door slamming open cut Zoey off. Archer stormed in, ready to kill someone. The vein in the middle of his forehead looked like it pulsed. “Where is she?” he growled.

  Rhys’ brows shot up. “Where is who?”

  “I suspect he’s looking for me,” Elise said, raising her hand.

  Archer took a few steps farther into the condominium and slammed the door shut behind him. His knuckles were white, his body trembling slightly. His eyes narrowed into slits at Elise. “You…”

  Elise grinned, batting her lashes at him. “Hello, Archer.”

  Thick silence filtered into the room. No one dared break it. Not with Archer looking a second away from smashing something or punching a wall. His nostrils flared. “You think you’re funny?”

  “Most days, I’m utterly hilarious,” Elise said, leaning her hip against the countertop, still grinning. All teeth.

  Zoey glanced between them, barely able to breathe against the tension in the room. “Do you know what happened?” she asked Rhys.

  He shrugged, eyes set firmly on Archer.

  “What happened?” Archer snapped, his eyes bulging out. “What happened is that woman,” he pointed at Elise like he held a dagger in his hand, “signed me up for every woman’s magazine subscription on the fucking planet. I have spent the last three hours trying to get out of the yearly subscriptions.”

  Silence descended until Hunt roared with laughter, and everyone followed suit.


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