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Complex Days

Page 4

by Shūsuke Amagi

  Gorneo was half naked. His set of clothes weren't incomplete, but he was half naked. The Military Arts uniform he was wearing had been shredded nearby, and had gotten scattered. His belt had also been shredded down the middle so they were on the verge of slipping and falling off. One side of his shoes had fallen of somewhere. Approximately half of his fastener had fallen off, so part of his underwear they didn't want to see shown through.

  If you think about the fact that this was the 5th platoon's captain, it would be pitiable.

  That Gorneo was down below. Although on that thick, tightened chest, were red scratches finely cut into him. The girl who instigated this was standing right there.

  In that setting, Eri was present. By what nature of chance did she manage to arrive at this place, they didn't understand, but she was here.

  Really, what in the world just......?

  Just a short while ago, Felli's group was just at that place, the Yuusuiju forest. Before, they didn't go very deep, however near the heart of the forest was an open field. If someone thought about the benefits of the warm earth, this would be great for one's health to have an afternoon nap here. ......If it weren't for the zone of high humidity in the surrounding area.

  However, an area where people normally keep away from would probably be most suitable.



  What kind of fight......

  Eri could be called nothing but a normal person. Clad from her head to her torso in Karen Kei, the stark naked body of the beautiful woman flickering like fire, she and Eri began a shouting contest in strange voices. Meanwhile, they continued to glare at each other.

  With the strained atmosphere amongst other things, even though that unknown naked beauty would crush her if she were able to move for even an instant, that thought didn't seem to exist even in a corner of Eri's mind.

  "Shaa! Shaa Aaaaaah!"

  If she had a mane, it would probably be standing on end. For this reason, this beauty looked like a beast. Perhaps, Eri had heard this so called beast's voice that morning and thought it was probably part of her personality.

  However, then, who is this?

  "I can't excuse this!!"

  Eri was attacked by the beauty standing before her.

  What level of courage.

  What level of recklessness.

  Even though the origin may have been jealousy, for an ordinary person to stand and face a military artist......

  Felli was secretly, deeply moved.

  She came to the conclusion that she probably had to be this reckless. If that wasn't the case, that, she probably wouldn't have run to that helpless, stolid, insensitive, thickheaded man.

  Even if it was the craze, it was no good.

  Even if it was misrepresented in a different form, it was no good.

  Breaking through the wall consisting of that man's unmistakable thickheadedness would be like fighting pollutant beasts barehanded. Wouldn't that recklessness and for sure that foolhardiness be necessary?



  After receiving the strange beauty's strike, Eri fell to the ground.

  "......Well, that's why, didn't I say a miracle might not happen?"

  That was, however, in a corner of that man's heart, a fragment of the feelings Felli wished for which probably wouldn't have appeared if she didn't say anything.

  Along with that, flushing that out was the largest problem, still, after figuring that out, all that was left was probably to have courage, but not being reckless or foolhardy.

  What kind of inconsistency is that?

  Layfon appeared in that place, capturing that strange beauty with a net, and soon after rescued Gorneo.

  After mentioning it, Felli had grasped an important lesson,

  "Really, I will not try a second time."

  It was that kind of place, don't you agree?

  Sweet Day

  Sweet Before II

  There was a package in front of Naruki. Next to it, Meishen had an even more splendid package in her hands.

  Sandwiches. The popularity of this food probably made it the optimum choice in this state of affairs.

  Above all else, it was simple. Even if only that, there was still a clear difference between that of a novice and an expert. Rather, there was probably a clear reason for this simple thing.

  "Mu mu mu......" After tasting the difference in quality, Naruki groaned.

  "I think you did just fine." Meishen's follow up had a feeling of futility.

  Honestly, she wanted to try again. It was careless. After realizing that, she reasoned that she had to abandon practicing in the face of her daily studies and part-time work. That negligence drove that self of hers into a corner.

  Tomorrow was drawing near.

  "Wh, what should......No, there's intensive training. There's only intensive training."

  "But tomorrow, Nakki, in the morning......"

  "Ugh, that's right. No, If I pull an all-nighter......"

  "That's bad for your body."

  She understood Meishen's point. Because she was a military artist, if she used internal Kei, she could pull off one or two nights. However that would cause a decline in her concentration and after thinking about how it would interfere with her job with the city police, as she thought she couldn't pull it off.

  "Uu, but......"

  "You can't fail in your search, can you?

  "That's true."

  "If you worked really hard to make it, they'd notice you."

  "Nevertheless, there's a limit. Ah, I don't want to say this, but I'd be compared to you, Mei." After saying that, of course she would be disgusted with herself. "Let's start over. Whichever I choose, at this rate, it doesn't look like I'll fall asleep."

  "......I'll give you a hand."

  After she heard that, Naruki responded to her close friend with thanks.

  A Day For You 02

  Against the surface of the air filter, the sandstorm continued to swirl.

  On the opposite end of the sand and grit, the moon with its round and solemn countenance was suspended high in the sky.

  With almost all of the shops' posters were taken down and the ground sparsely lit only by decorative lights, the area seemed to sink into darkness.

  Within that, bathed in the moonlight, a voice appeared to resonate from the sky. Starting strong, but gradually weakening. With the ebbing of the howling, the sky over Zuellni stopped. There was nothing that could answer. The shadows in the place, motionless, the natural echoing of a sound could be heard.

  Only buildings whose rooftops were cast in the shadow of the Department of the Outer Edge were nearby. In the vicinity, there were no housing facilities. What was there was the manufacturing district, in which warehouses stored produce. Crops which received a surface security checks here at some point would then be passed to the market above.

  The remnants of the natural howling that could be heard, suddenly began to move.

  From what looked to be underneath, the next moment, the shadow disappeared from that spot.

  "A thief in the produce warehouse?"

  After being called first thing in the morning, at those words Layfon tilted his head. Though of course, he knew what a thief was.

  "More importantly, a burglary attempt......?"

  In response, Formed had a troubled smile on his face. The place was Zuellni's only established City Police Station. While sipping tea served in the break-room of the building, Layfon looked at Naruki who stood next to Formed.

  "It isn't as if there wasn't a thief, but......"

  With something along the lines of hesitation in his words, Formed's speech wasn't clear. That face had the fatigue of having a sleepless night.

  Zuellni was an academy city. Almost all of the people residing there were students. It wasn't as if there were any adults there, however they did not have much of an effect on the city's livelihood. While furthering their studies, upperclassmen also taught the underclassmen. Se
niors conducted training and research. That was Zuellni's way.

  Concurrently, there were also other cities. Foregoing changes in economics, a disparity of wealth would occur. There were also those who failed in business. Though they were not officially recognized, gambling houses also existed. If they were cheated, there would be those who would rush to the City Police.

  Though only temporary, in the confusion caused by the loss of assets, it wasn't as if there was no one chasing after the thief.

  But of course, as Zuellni was an academy city, the city's reason for existence was for the students. The city's economy was ultimately designed around the period after graduation. So that students don't lose their senses in another city, simulations of their futures were established as a major premise.

  Therefore, relief measures were enacted.

  The loss of assets, those receiving the adjudication of bankruptcy receive financial support from the student council. Of course this aid had to be repaid, and if they weren't, the certifications resulting from graduation would not be granted. While there were those who were held back due to unpaid, they were few.

  At any rate, those enrolled in Zuellni never faced starvation due to financial problems.

  Hence......for the time being, it comes to reason that cases of theft where students are the culprits are rare.

  Particularly, theft of comestibles was seldom heard of.

  "Why break into the produce warehouse......"

  Layfon went right to the problem.

  Though Layfon hadn't even been at Zuellni for a year, he still had a sufficient understanding of it. Before enrolling, he investigated the scholarship system and came to understand them both.

  "If it's about the robbery details, they're easy to understand."

  While Formed had muttered that piece of information, he drank from his own tea.

  Up until now, Layfon's classmate, Naruki, continued to stand motionlessly nearby.

  "So, what was stolen?"

  "......Nothing was stolen in this case. To be more accurate, it was an attempt."


  As a military artist, it was as if Layfon became a necessary companion, and that was probably why he was called. There were military artists in the city police. Maybe it was due to Zuellni's academic traditions, in the Military Arts Department, those who were known as elites were also platoon members. Normally these individuals did not show interest in the typical activities of the city police.

  However, there were times in Zuellni where research data would be targeted by people from other cities, and within those groups skilled military artists would be present. For those instances, there were people in platoons who temporarily assist the city police.

  Be as it may, it was short-term job unique to the Military Arts department.

  Layfon, at his classmate Naruki's behest, found himself in that situation.

  "What is it?"

  For that reason he was called; however, it was just a burglary attempt.

  Furthermore, for produce. Even if something was stolen, it wasn't as if they could make off with it on a roaming bus.

  "Well, hold on."

  Formed stopped the bewildered Layfon.

  "The problem lies with the contents of the assailed warehouse."


  "You know, don't you? Tomorrow is Van Allen's Day."

  "No, you might say that I do know, however........."

  It was apparently a day where one receives sweets from those of the opposite sex whom are reciprocating goodwill. Though it was originally the custom of another city, companies in the Business Department involved in confectioneries had learned of it and had campaigned since last year.

  With just a gathering of those at an age most interested in love, Zuellni's students received Van Allen's Day with fervor and an advertising struggle had grown considerably since last year.

  "So, what about it?"

  "With the Business Departments' influence, the Manufacturing District had obtained several new species of produce and grew them for this day. The warehouse that was broken into contained one of those."


  Even in saying that the ingredients for making sweets were targeted, the exact point was still unclear.

  "Every raw ingredient contained in the warehouse was examined beforehand. Due to the wide variety, it took quite a while, but thankfully a knowledgeable person was there. The target was probably the Heartseer Fruit."

  "Heartseer Fruit?"

  Formed nodded in response.

  "A confectionery known as Rinka placed the production order, and so the arrangement was for the fruit to be delivered this morning. Rinka wanted to use it as their featured product."

  "So then why?"

  "Originally, Van Allen's Day's roots came from Forest City Erupa's customs. Eating food prepared from the Heartseer fruit is only permitted for married couples and quite possibly engaged couples. In short, presenting food made from the Heartseer Fruit in regards to the opposite sex has the same meaning as proposing. It seems that the Heartseer Fruit had died out in that city, and so when a person wanted to make something for that special someone, they defaulted to sweets......or so I've heard."


  " it. Why would it be that in Erupa, they would only allow married couples and quite possibly those soon to be married to eat food prepared from the Heartseer Fruit, do you get it?

  "No, hearing that all of a sudden......"

  "There appears to be a stimulant in the fruit. It's usage depends on the circumstance, but for that sort of thing, it's said to be really convenient."

  He tried to conceal it in his voice, but he was grinning broadly. Next to him, Naruki's face had turned red.

  While not quite getting what Formed had said, Layfon was also not crude. He let out a troubled sort of laughter.

  "Of course, it needs to be prepared a certain way. It seems only alcohol and steeped honey are needed to remove the astringency out of the sweet fruit."

  After Layfon became troubled at his reply, Formed returned to his former self.

  "However, that's the effect it has on a normal person. On a Military Artist, it has a different use."

  Formed grew tense.

  "Arousing the fighting spirit, it causes an abnormal acceleration of Kei flow. Other than that, it induces oversensitivity of the nerves, sharpens the senses, etc...... Compared to that time with DG, it's by far a much more monstrous Kei accelerating drug."

  "It can't be......"

  Just recently, they were completely caught up in the case involving illegal Kei accelerating drug, DG. These kinds of things, one after another......Layfon looked at Formed with astonishment.

  "Rinka's background up until now wasn't at all suspicious. Besides, it appears that to an extent that effect of the Heartseer Fruit was unknown. I don't know what the people interested in this product are thinking, but we can't leave such a dangerous item be. We prohibited its shipment, but the problem will soon be over its disposal. Layfon, until then, guard it."

  So it seemed.

  "So, I won't be here tomorrow."

  After Formed's briefing ended, Layfon and Naruki rushed back to the first year building. Somehow, they managed to make it to the first class of the day, and now it was noon. While eating Meishen's hand-made lunch, Mifi had stopped listening. She spoke while Mifi had the straw for her milk still in her mouth.

  "There are plans to transport something from the warehouse to the disposal facility tomorrow afternoon. The plan that is starting tonight, I will be stationed in the vicinity as a guard, so tomorrow I won't be able to come to school."

  Naruki had replied.

  "It's the long awaited Van Allen's Day too. Such a waste."

  Mifi removed the straw from the empty milk carton and inserted it into a new one.

  "You say it's a waste......I don't have anything so it has nothing to do with me."

  After Layfon had said that, Mifi and Naruki simultaneously let
out a sigh.

  "......? What?"

  "No. Ah, is that so?

  Looking as though something came to mind, Mifi started laughing with a "Nyahaha" and looked at Naruki.

  "It's not that way for you, Nakki? A chance to be alone together with the section chief? Perhaps?"

  "I won't be doing anything of the sort."

  Exhaling, Naruki averted her gaze.

  "Is that so?"

  Hearing this for the first time, Layfon looked to Meishen. With the impression of "What do you think?" she tilted her head.

  "Nakki likes men who are devoted to work, you know. Someone like the chief who goes back and forth between the research lab of the Cultivation Department and the City Police, is a just to her liking. Furthermore, capability is also important."

  "As I was saying, you're wrong."

  Though Naruki could be called obstinate, that face became faintly red. Layfon imagined them standing side by side: the short, but stout figure of Formed with the tall and slender physique of Naruki. They were polar opposites, or so he thought.

  "The chief is just my esteemed superior. There's nothing more than that."

  Glaring at Naruki, Mifi stuck her tongue out at her.

  "Well, I must admit, all of this talk of Van Allen's Day's custom of gifting sweets originally has nothing to do with us, right? If not sweets, there's also the route of making someone else lunch, you know~?"

  "Th, that's true!" Meishen said suddenly in a bright voice, nodding in ascent, to which Layfon was astonished. "I, I'm sorry......"

  Turning towards an already shrinking Meishen, Naruki and Mifi both sighed.

  At the end of training at the Military Training Facility, Layfon went to explain the circumstances to Nina. Concerning his job with the City Police, along with that personality, he wasn't sure if anything was going to happen.

  "I see......"

  It was their after training private session. Nina nodded, wiping away her sweat with a towel with the straw of her sports drink still in her mouth.

  "If it's like that, that means you won't be coming to clean the mechanisms tonight?


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