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Wolves at the Door (Shapes of Autumn, book 2)

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by Blade, Veronica


  Wolves at the Door

  By Veronica Blade


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  Copyright © 2013 by Veronica Blade. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means whatsoever without the prior written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  Crush Publishing, Inc

  Sunland, CA 91040

  Crush Publishing, Inc name and logo are trademarks of Crush Publishing, Inc and are used only with its permission.

  The places, characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by author.

  ISBN 978-0-9853434-8-4


  For Megan & Shelby

  Don’t ever leave me. Just don’t.


  Wolves at the Door (Shapes of Autumn, book two)


  Their forbidden love could cost them their lives...

  Autumn’s just learned she’s a shape-shifter — something her parents should’ve told her long ago. Unless they adopted her and didn’t know she wasn’t human. Either way, learning the truth has the same outcome: her parents lied. Zack is the only one she can count on, but he’s a werewolf and the king’s decree forbids contact between the species, let alone love. Zack’s planning to leave after graduation, but letting him go isn’t an option. He’s becoming more a part of her every day, a part she would fight for, give up everything for — even kill for. If she’s not killed first.

  If Zack’s experience with his own kind has taught him anything, it’s that werewolves can’t be trusted. He’d rather die free than live in a pack under the rule of the werewolf king. So, instead of preparing for college like any other senior, he’s planning to go on the run after graduation. Escaping won’t be easy with the werewolves guarding him. But until that day comes, Zack knows he’s endangering Autumn every moment he’s around her. If it’s this difficult staying away from her now, how hard will it be to leave her behind in just a few weeks?

  Immediately following the end of this story, please scroll to the next page for peeks of other books by Veronica Blade.


  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Trees whizzed by me. I listened for Zack following behind, but couldn’t hear him over the thump-thump of my paws striking the soft dirt. In my cheetah form, I smoked his wolf ass.

  Okay, show off, Zack said telepathically. You win.

  I eased to a mellow lope and chuckled, which sounded like a cat hissing and coughing.

  Hair ball? Zack asked from wherever he was. He might be slower as a wolf, but there was nothing wrong with his superhuman hearing.

  The crisp air of the forest tickled my nose as I passed a giant birch tree. When I picked up a different scent, my knees locked into place. My eyes snapped into alert mode as I visually searched the dark woods, inhaling again. A new scent. Another freakin’ werewolf in town? Just great.

  Zack, stay where you are. Someone’s here.


  Not sure, but it’s definitely wolf, I answered. We should get the hell out of here.

  If you’ve sniffed him out, then he’s definitely already on to you. Run, Autumn!

  My heart galloped. Run which way? How could I avoid the wolf if I didn’t even know where he was? A twig snapped, crackling into the night air, and my gaze shot toward where we’d parked my car. Charcoal eyes glinted from just behind a low hanging branch.

  The wolf growled and his lip curled up to expose long, white fangs. He stepped forward away from the tree and I got a good look at his dark brown, furry body. This guy was huge, every bit as big as Zack in his wolf form — double the size of an ordinary wolf.

  Oh, crap. My chest tightened. Could he tell I was a shape-shifter? Of course he’d know. The wolf couldn’t listen in on my silent conversation with Zack unless he was physically touching one of us, but he’d know that cheetahs weren’t found in the forests of Southern California.

  My heart slammed against my ribs as I inched backward and hissed. To warn Zack, I followed up with a feline growl that rivaled nails on a chalkboard. Then I spun, my claws ripping into the ground to give me purchase for flight.

  If this wolf was ancient, he’d be stronger and obscenely fast. But maybe, just maybe, he couldn’t catch the fastest animal on land. Except… knowing my overprotective boyfriend, he wouldn’t let me deal with this werewolf alone.

  Zack, stay away from us. He can’t know you’re with me.

  You’re crazy if you think I’m going to stand by and—

  I got this!

  I’m not leaving you, he growled into my head.

  Please, Zack. You’re going to get yourself killed. As I neared the narrow, winding road and heard a car in the distance, I realized I couldn’t sense the werewolf behind me.

  Me get killed? What about you? he asked.

  I made a sharp turn, dirt spraying around me. I think I lost him. He’s not nearly as fast as me, but you don’t have that advantage. If he comes after you—

  I don’t sense him anywhere, Zack said. No way he isn’t following you though. I’m not going anywhere without you.

  He’s nowhere near me. Zack, just go! Damn, why was he being so stubborn? I’m way ahead of him. By the time he gets to this spot, I’ll already have gone in so many circles, he’ll never figure out which way I went. I’ll be fine. I promise. Go to my house and I’ll be there soon.

  † † †

  I’d run through my neighborhood enough times to know who lived where, who had dogs and how big the yards were. I almost didn’t even need the keen night vision that came along with being a shape-shifter, but the superhuman strength and speed sure were helpful when jumping the neighbors’ fences.

  At the edge of the forest, I morphed back into my human form, checked behind me one last time, then made my way toward my house. Three blocks from home, I spotted my silver convertible Mustang parked alongside the curb, which meant Zack had listened and made it safely to my house.

  Hiding behind a bush, I slumped in relief and scanned the streets for signs of life. My next door neighbor, Ms. Morales, sat on her front porch. A few houses beyond her, a couple strolled along holding hands as they walked a small, white dog. The street certainly appeared safe enough.

  Are you sure you weren’t followed? I asked.

  Positive, Zack answered. He was too busy chasing you. You sure you’re in the clear?

  Definitely. But just in case I wasn’t, I wanted to avoid the front door where anyone could see me go in and know where I lived. Unlock the back for me, would you?

  I’m on it.

  I slipped through a neighbor’s gate and jumped her fence to the next yard over, my body flying through the air as if pushed from a giant spring. Several backyards later, I reached my rear door. It opened and Zack folded me into his arms, squeezing me tight. He buried his face in my thick, dark hair and breathed me in.

  “I’m glad you’re okay. If anything had happened to you—”

  “Likewise.” I squeezed my eyes shut and inhaled the musky wolf scent I’d grown to lov
e. Had it been only three weeks since I’d met him? Being with Zack was so easy now, it was as if I’d known him all my life.

  He gradually loosened his hold on me. “How far did you run?”

  “Couple miles. I zigzagged through the forest, changed into a dog and cat here and there, even a squirrel, and then doubled back. Left lots of scents all over the place, but it stops a few blocks from here where I morphed to human again. He couldn’t possibly track me.” I cupped Zack’s face and met his eyes. “How did it go with you?”

  “I made all kinds of fake trails before morphing back.” He brushed a finger along my cheek. “I only just got here.”

  “We’ll have to allow extra time for our runs if this is how it’s going to go.” I relaxed again, resting my head on his shoulder.

  Zack reached into his pocket and checked the time on his cell. “Speaking of time, Trevor and Maya will be here any second.”

  “We should cancel in case the werewolf finds us. We don’t want to put them in danger. We’ll see them at school tomorrow.”

  “That’s assuming he’s looking for us. If he is, being in your house doesn’t make us any safer.” Zack stroked my hair. “In your human form, no one can tell you’re a shifter, so he’ll never connect you with the cheetah he saw in the woods.”

  “What about you?” We had no business going out again.

  “They won’t connect me either,” Zack said. “He was ahead of us where I hadn’t left my scent. He couldn’t know I was there. We’re not going to get nailed for mixing species.”

  “Not tonight anyway.” More accurately, mixing species would be having sex — which we weren’t doing. We limited our contact to kissing. At night, we hung out at my house and slept for real. My parents were still out of town and since I’d recently turned eighteen, apparently they felt comfortable leaving me on my own. It gave Zack and me lots of time alone together, but I was still baffled by their one-eighty and lack of hovering. “Our luck’s going to run out eventually.”

  “We knew that going in.” He leaned away to study me. “Don’t you want to go out?”

  “What I want is to hang out with you and my friends, be normal.” I groaned. Zack had officially been my boyfriend for less than three hours and our relationship was already proving impossible.

  His brows rose. “Just a few hours ago, you lectured me on living life. I believe your exact words were ‘You have to do what’s right, even if you’re afraid of the consequences. Otherwise, life isn’t worth living.’”

  I sighed, knowing he was right. “It’s just unfair. Normal seniors get to date on Friday night without worrying about being captured… or worse.”

  Zack pressed a finger under my chin, forcing me to meet his gaze, and lowered his voice. “Let’s enjoy the time we have together. Before I have to leave.”

  My heart ached at the thought. “All the more reason to stay home.”

  “Yeah, but being alone together opens the door to other things we can’t risk doing.”

  Right. Sex. Legend had it that mixing species in that way would physically weaken us both — something Zack couldn’t afford since he’d be running for his life soon. I didn’t quite buy the theory though. I figured the werewolf king had made it all up to keep the weaker species — shape-shifters — at a disadvantage. By keeping us weak, he retained his power.

  But just in case it wasn’t a myth, we needed to be careful or we wouldn’t be able to outrun things like dark brown, gray-eyed wolves.

  Shape-shifters couldn’t socialize with werewolves at all, except as slaves. Violating that particular law brought the death penalty. I didn’t care though. Without Zack, I would probably waste away.

  A horn honked outside, interrupting my thoughts, and an instant later, my cell chimed in my pocket. Maya and Trevor were waiting outside. Let’s just hope the gray-eyed wolf wasn’t.

  † † †

  My best friend Maya swiveled in the front passenger seat to face me in the back of Zack’s Jeep. She flipped her long, blond tresses over her shoulder and grinned. “I’m reading this awesome new vampire book. I’ll give it to you when I’m done.”

  “Sure.” I flashed her a smile, though it was halfhearted. Now that I knew otherworldly creatures really existed, reading supposedly fictitious — and grossly inaccurate — stories about them had lost its appeal. Besides, I’d rather spend any extra time with Zack’s lips on me. I snuggled closer against him and felt his arm tighten around my waist.

  Trevor’s gaze left the road for a moment to grimace at Maya. “Vampires?”

  Her lip twitched. “Don’t make me choose between you and them. I’m not sure you’d win.”

  “I could take a blood-sucker. Bring it on.” His right hand left the steering wheel and laced through hers. “Read about vamps all you want, babe. I’ll stick to aliens.”

  “Deal.” Maya leaned over and her lips bussed his cheek, then she refocused on me. “You’ll love this book, Autumn. My eyes were drooping last night at three in the morning and I still couldn’t put it down. It’s that good.”

  “I’m in the middle of a book right now about werewolves and shape-shifters.” True statement. It’s one of the books Zack’s father had left for him before he died — the real deal, not fiction.

  “Werewolves are hairy.” Maya wrinkled her nose.

  “Not when they’re in human form.” Thinking of Zack’s thick, dark coat made me warm all over, but I knew Maya wouldn’t appreciate that.

  “Yeah, but they morph during the full moon or whatever and then it’s hair-city. I’ll bet they have fleas.” Maya faced forward again. “I’ll stick to vamps.”

  Barely suppressing a laugh, I glanced up at Zack.

  Zack turned toward the window, rolling his eyes. I don’t get the attraction to vampires, he said telepathically. I can do everything they can do and more.

  But they’re such forbidden and tortured souls. I suppressed a giggle. Very hot.

  Because being miserable is so sexy. He snorted. Besides, their diet is so… limited.

  I held back a chuckle as Trevor rolled the Jeep to a stop in the parking lot of Bill’s Bean and Brew. I cast a glance over my shoulder to the small, covered cement patio. It was nearly empty, like any normal Monday night. Good. The less people around, the less chance Zack and I had of being discovered.

  Trevor vacated the driver’s side and flipped his seat forward. Zack lithely climbed out, before turning and motioning for me to follow. As I ducked to clear the doorway, his hands circled my waist. I grabbed onto his shoulders for support and, an instant later, touched ground. His gaze met mine, as his mouth curved up at the corners.

  I looked into his green eyes and the cars and everything else around me disappeared. As if they had a mind of their own, my arms slid up and wrapped around his neck, my fingers winding through his dark, silky hair.

  He pressed against me and my back collided with the cold metal of the Jeep. When his mouth found mine, fire exploded in my veins.

  “Hey, you guys can do that later,” Trevor called out, pulling me out of my trance. “C’mon!”

  Zack released me and glared at his cousin as if he’d disturbed us. Well, duh, he had.

  The back of my neck tingled and my eyes darted around the parking lot. Empty. Had to be paranoia — not like that werewolf would spot me as a shape-shifter. Even when Zack had been within sniffing distance of me weeks ago, it had taken him a while to be certain. If his theory was right, when I reached my full shape-shifter potential, my scent would become heavier and my supernatural energy denser. And when that time came, I’d have to run from the werewolves or become their slave.

  Zack would be running soon, too. Normally, the werewolf scouts claimed their recruits right after graduation and took them to the werewolf king, but his supervisor, Charles, had promised to let Zack stay a little longer to spend time with his mom since she was so ill. I had no idea how long Charles considered “a little while.” For all I knew, he’d meant a few days and we had only the six
weeks until graduation.

  For now, I hoped to enjoy time with Zack and my friends — while I still could.

  “We should go in.” Zack sighed as he skimmed a thumb along my cheek, jerking his head toward Trevor and Maya who’d already disappeared inside.

  I let Zack lead me through the parking lot. We passed through the patio of Bill’s Bean and Brew’s and the sprinkling of wrought iron tables and matching chairs. The scent of coffee hit me.

  He opened the door for me and, as we crossed the threshold, I glanced over my shoulder. My gaze locked onto a man sitting alone in the far corner, sipping from a steaming mug and looking down as he scribbled on a napkin. My supernatural radar blipped and a tingle shimmied up my spine. Damn werewolves. At least this one wasn’t snarling at me like the one earlier this evening.

  To avoid drawing his attention, I hurried inside after Zack. He took a place at the end of the line and spun to face me. His eyes darted toward the werewolf then back to me, lips pressed together as if to hint for me to keep my own zipped.

  When we made it to the counter, Zack let go of my hand to dig out his wallet. “What would you like?” he asked.

  I studied the menu behind the counter. “Um, hot mocha, I guess.” Unease swirled in my stomach at the thought of sticking around and exposing myself to the strange new werewolf. I didn’t think I’d be discovered, but why press my luck?

  Thankfully, a wall separated us from the werewolf and he wouldn’t be able to pick up on the energy created by silent communication. At least I could still talk to Zack that way. I hope we’re getting our coffee to go.

  Zack squeezed my hand and offered Trevor a bill. “Would you order that for Autumn and an Americana for me?”

  My shoulders bunched up as Zack steered me to one of the inside tables and he sat on a stool. I stood beside him, unable to relax with a potentially dangerous werewolf just a few feet away outside.


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