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Wolves at the Door (Shapes of Autumn, book 2)

Page 19

by Blade, Veronica

  My stomach constricted as I battled to keep the pleasant smile on my face. I had to get out of there.

  “You know, I don’t think I’ll stay after all. I’m tired and still have homework to do. I’ll let Maya know. Want a ride to your hotel?” I stood, the chair scraping on the cement.

  “Sure. It’ll save my uncle a trip.” She flashed me perfect, white teeth.

  I went inside to say good-bye and reminded Maya and Trevor that Zack couldn’t hang out with me. I told Zack telepathically that I’d see him later and exited the front just as Alura was throwing away her coffee cup.

  My moment of solitude couldn’t come quickly enough. I was exhausted from the intense stress and fear of being caught in any of my vast number of lies.

  “Where’s your hotel?” I asked.

  “We’re staying at the Cavalli in La Crescenta.”

  Now that I knew I’d be home soon, the stress of the day — especially my time with Renzo — hit me hard. I sat up straighter in my seat to perk up. “I’m exhausted.”

  She chuckled. “Yes, my uncle has that effect on people. I’m sorry about the interrogation. I’d tell you it’s all out of his system, but it probably isn’t. He doesn’t trust people easily. So prepare yourself for more.”

  “Well, thanks for the heads up.” I sighed, pulling out onto the street. “If you and Renzo aren’t scouts or watchers, what do you do for the king?”

  “We do… other things.”

  “You’re not going to tell me, are you?”

  “Maybe another time.”

  It was just as well. I shouldn’t be talking to Alura at all. My brain was fried and it would be too easy to slip up in this condition. I melted into the driver’s seat and concentrated on the road.

  “Make a right into the second driveway after the light,” Maya said after a few minutes.

  Biting my lip, I crossed the intersection and turned the steering wheel. “Alura? Can I ask you a question?”

  She swiveled toward me. “Sure.”

  There was no easy way to ask, so… “If Renzo knows of my crimes, then why doesn’t he kill me? Or report me to the king?”

  She paused as if mulling over her answer. “We’re not scouts.”

  “Then what are you?”

  Alura laughed softly. “That will have to wait for another time. But you can trust Renzo. He can’t help, though, if you don’t tell him the truth.”

  Were they setting me up? Whatever. No way would I call Renzo helpful since he hadn’t done anything other than follow me, threaten me, and force me to meet with him. All he’d accomplished so far was to scare the hell out of me.

  Alura was guilty by association — not that I’d trust a werewolf to begin with. Why would they want to help us anyway? What was in it for them?

  Stopping in front of the double swinging doors of the Cavalli hotel, I put the car in park. “I’d be more likely to trust Renzo if you told me what you did for the king.”

  She gave me a regretful smile. “Thanks for the ride, Autumn.”

  As she walked toward the hotel doors, I shook my head. She didn’t trust me enough to confide in me, but she wanted me to trust her? No way.

  From now on, I needed to stay away from both of them. I couldn’t know when Renzo might suddenly no longer be on vacation and Alura was sure to side with him. I had a feeling, though, that avoiding them wouldn’t be easy.


  Chapter Twenty-three

  By the time I got home from meeting with Renzo and Alura, I collapsed on the sofa. After the torturous day of pretending Zack and I were broken up, watching lamely while girls flirted with him, keeping track of all my lies, and enduring Renzo’s cross-examination, lethargy ruled me like a despot.

  For a moment, I considered blowing off Zack and sleeping in my own bed, simply because I didn’t have the energy to sprint the block to his house. But I wouldn’t be able to get near him all day tomorrow at school since we were supposedly no longer on speaking terms. I didn’t want to go that long without being with him.

  Gotta get up.

  While I set out school clothes for the next day and washed my hair in the shower, I thought of our trip. How would we escape without any werewolves following us? Charles wasn’t around — I hoped — but what if another scout had arrived and was lying low?

  Zack was great at figuring that stuff out. He was probably working on it now.

  I’m here at your house, waiting for you out back, Zack said, just as I finished getting dressed. My heart skipped and I bounded down the stairs with renewed energy. When I opened the back door, he pulled out a plastic bag from under his shirt and shoved it at me. For our Yosemite trip. Hide it with the other stuff.

  Zack stayed by the back door so he wouldn’t leave a trail of his scent through my house, while I darted upstairs to stow the plastic bag in my room. Moments later, I returned to the back door. “Done.”

  “Good.” His gaze drifted to my midriff-baring tank top and my stomach flipped. “We need a plan to get out of town without the werewolves knowing.”

  “You still have the spare key to my car. After school you can sneak into the Mustang.” I wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head against his shoulder. “If they’re watching, they won’t follow me, because they’re interested in you, right?”

  “Good idea.” His arms closed around me.

  Didn’t matter how tired I was or how badly I wanted to remain ignorant of Zack’s date with Gina. I still needed to know what happened. “How did it go tonight?”

  He rubbed his chin on the top of my head. “Today was all about earning her trust. We worked on the project and I steered clear of hot topics.”

  Wise move, but that meant Zack would have to meet with her again. Unfortunately, now that they’d built trust, she might be a lot more friendly with him next time.

  † † †

  I slipped out of Zack’s room as tendrils of light peeked out from the horizon — just after he’d pressed me into the mattress and kissed me until my IQ began to drop. He hadn’t seemed inclined to stop.

  Since he no longer exhibited signs of control when we were alone, maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing I’d cut our make-out short and had taken off so early.

  Being good felt like a bad thing, though.

  Tomorrow we’d start our road trip together and my entire being tingled in anticipation. Since Renzo hadn’t made any openly aggressive moves — other than scare the hell out of me — it was too easy to think we’d get away with it.

  But we weren’t fooling anyone, as my conversations with Renzo had proved. He could turn on us at any moment. And what if Charles was indeed alive? If he was off somewhere healing, how long before his return?

  It didn’t matter how much I was looking forward to being alone with Zack in a hotel room, I couldn’t allow myself to forget how much more dangerous his life was now — especially with me in it.

  In my room, I grabbed my laptop I’d left on my bed the night before and checked my e-mail. A new one from my mom gave me a blow by blow of the beauty of Montana from the rocky mountains to the vast lakes. They’d gone horseback riding, hiking and visited scenic tourist places from Yellowstone to Glacier National Park. She asked how things were going and if I’d changed my mind yet about coming out there. I replied, asking her to send pictures and assuring her I wanted to stay.

  After spending the rest of the morning on the Internet, I rushed to school, hoping to get a few minutes with Gina before first period. Just because Zack had a plan didn’t mean I should abandon my own. What if his failed?

  I waited in front of the double doors of the school and pretended to rummage through my backpack in search of something, keeping half an eye out for my wayward ex-friend.

  “Autumn.” Cameron smiled uncertainly as he sidled up next to me.

  “Hi.” If he did like me, I didn’t want to lead him on, but the least I could do was make eye contact. I didn’t want to be rude. Just then, I caught a glimpse of Gina as she passed
me. I’d missed my chance. Damn! “How’s it going?” I asked, giving up on Gina for the moment.

  “Good. I hear Ashley’s having some friends over this Saturday. Are you going?”

  “No.” Oh, why hadn’t I prepared for this? “My… parents… I’m doing something parent-related. It’s an all weekend thing.”

  “Oh.” Cameron’s face fell. “I heard your parents were out of town.”

  “They’ve been back a couple times. And when they’re here, I want to spend time with them.”

  “But all weekend?” he asked.

  I rolled my eyes. “They’re my parents. They get on my nerves, because that’s what parents do. But I kinda like them, you know? And I haven’t seen much of them the last few weeks.”

  “Well, maybe next weekend,” he said, his eyes dull.

  I forced a little enthusiasm into my face. “If Ashley’s doing something next weekend, I’ll probably go.”

  Cameron brightened up. “Cool. I’ll see you at lunch.”

  “See you then,” I returned.

  You just made two dates with Cameron. Zack’s tone was more of a statement than a question.

  I scanned the vicinity and found him talking with Gina by the double doors. Actually, she was doing the talking, but he clearly wasn’t paying attention if he was eavesdropping on me.

  I did no such thing.

  You just agreed to meet him at Ashley’s next weekend. Then you agreed to see him at lunch today.

  My nostrils flared. Zack, I didn’t say yes.

  But you didn’t say no either.

  I’m trying not to hurt his feelings.

  It’s worse if you lead him on. I’m just sayin’…

  Noted. I turned to go inside.


  I hadn’t noticed Maya standing next to Trevor about a yard from Zack.

  “Hey.” I felt better already.

  “I was wondering…” She waved to Trevor, motioned me inside the building and lowered her voice to a whisper. “If by some miracle you and Gina talk today, would you mind if I made a scene? You know, have a rant about how you can’t be friends with someone like her. If I rage against your friendship with her, that will make her want to be friends with you all the more. What do you think?”

  I grinned. “Looking forward to it.”

  † † †

  Weeding my way through students in the corridor on my way to the cafeteria, I kept an eye out for Gina. She found me while I picked out a drink.

  “Hey.” She didn’t smile, her lips in a pout as she held her tray of food.

  “Hi. What’s up?” I was far more generous with my mouth, doing my best to curl it up at the corners. Setting a soda on my tray, I stayed still, uncertain where I’d be settling now that Gina and I were speaking.

  “I was thinking about what you said, you know, about neither of us having boyfriends now. It was dumb to let a guy come between us. Such a silly thing to fight over.”

  Because sleeping with someone else’s boyfriend was inconsequential. And she’d do it again in a heartbeat with Zack. One day, I’d tell her how I really felt, but not now. “Exactly.”

  “We’re sitting over there if you’d like to join us.” Gina pointed across the room to a table occupied by Natalie and Greg — two of the most unpleasant people in school. No way.

  But I didn’t want to say anything bad about Natalie. Yet. “Um… things have been intense lately. First breaking up with Zack and now we’re not even friends. I just want to enjoy my lunch and Greg’s too obnoxious.”

  “Of course.” She nodded sympathetically. “A guy like Zack, well, he’s gorgeous. It must be hard for you.”

  You wish. “Not at all. I don’t need a boyfriend who scams on other girls.”

  “We can sit there for a minute.” She pointed to a table close to the trash cans. It was an unsavory spot, but at least we’d be alone, allowing me a chance to work her over.

  I walked toward the table, the smell of rotting food assaulting my nostrils. “You and Zack are working on your science project together, right?” She nodded and I went on. “Just a heads-up, I don’t think he’s looking for a relationship.”

  “Maybe I’m not either.”

  “You might change your mind.” I shrugged, unable to believe how little hesitation Gina showed over dating a friend’s ex-boyfriend. You just didn’t do that. “The longer you hold out, the longer you get to keep him.”

  Geez, Autumn, you’re making me sound like a dog who’s only out for one thing, Zack pushed into my mind.

  Are you really worried about your rep as far as Gina’s concerned? Please. Now stop eavesdropping and go away. You’re distracting me, I told him, then I refocused on Gina who looked like she was mulling over her options.

  “It doesn’t matter,” Gina said. “We have a science project together. Once it’s over, so are we. I’m not sure if I’m interested in him anyway.”

  Liar, liar, pants on fire. I rolled my eyes. “Whatever.” Yeah, I wanted to gain her trust which would involve a little bit of sucking up, but some things I couldn’t let pass me by.

  She ignored my comment and picked up her sandwich. “So you guys hate each other now, huh?”

  “I don’t feel anything at all, one way or the other.”

  She swallowed her food and eyed me under her lashes. “So you wouldn’t care if I dated him.”

  The girl lacked decency and consideration of others. But if I objected, she’d think I liked him. If I acted too anxious to please, she’d suspect something. I raised a brow. “Since when do you care how I feel about you hooking up with my boyfriend or ex-boyfriend?”

  “From what I hear, you’re no longer the Virgin Princess.” Gina was smooth, but not smooth enough to fool me. She was changing the subject — and fishing while she was at it.

  “Just be careful,” I warned.

  “How could you be friends with her again?” Maya asked so loud that a hush fell over the cafeteria. “She slept with your boyfriend, Autumn, while you were still with him! There’s not much lower for her to go, yet you’re still speaking to her. Have you gone insane?”

  I hadn’t expected her to make that much of a scene. But it might work in my favor if Gina sees me defend her honor. “Maya,” I hissed. “I think Gina has learned from her mistake. Forgive and forget.”

  “That is exactly what I thought when she slept with my boyfriend last year!” Maya said even louder.

  “Maya!” I didn’t have to pretend to be shocked — I truly was. We’d arranged for her to come over but she hadn’t said anything about involving the entire student body.

  “It’s not my fault he preferred me over you.” Gina skillfully combined a smirk with an eye roll. “Really, you’re to blame for being so boring.”

  “Whore.” Maya glared at her. “You work so hard to get these guys and you can’t keep them.”

  “Why would I want to?” Gina shook her head, picked up her tray and rose. “It stinks at this table. I’m going to sit with Natalie.”

  Thankfully, Gina didn’t try to lure me along. I’d had as much of her as I could take anyway.

  Maya grinned, sitting down with her back to Gina’s retreating figure. “That was so awesome.”

  I suppressed a laugh while I struggled to keep a straight face. “It was beautiful,” I whispered. “I wasn’t expecting that.”

  “Gina’s right though. It stinks at this table. You should come with me. If you sit far enough away from Zack, you can still pretend to be enemies.”

  “It’s fine. Go eat with your boyfriend. I can find someone else to sit with,” I said.

  “See you after school then.” She gave me a wink and left.

  Making my way to John and Janine’s table, I heard someone call my name. My eyes whipped around to see Cameron waving me over to his table crowded with jocks and cheerleaders. I headed their way, tray in hand.

  “Hey, what’s up?” I asked.

  “Sit down.” Cameron waved a hand at a tiny space across
from him.

  A couple of the girls scooted over, making room for me — which gave me a perfect view of Zack several tables away.

  “I’m in love with Maya now,” Cameron said. “Too bad she’s got a boyfriend.”

  Don’t forget you have a boyfriend, Zack slipped into my head.

  “She’s our new idol,” the girl next to me said. “Anyone who’d nail Gina on her bull like that is worship-worthy.”

  Cameron and his friends exchanged horror stories about Gina while I finished my lunch.

  If you’re not careful, I’ll think you’re jealous, I told Zack.

  “He seems like an okay guy,” Cameron said, jerking his head toward Zack.

  “I guess so.” I lifted one shoulder, my eyes compulsively darting to Zack who was busy chatting it up with Gina. Wasn’t she the social butterfly flitting from table to table? “I never minded except he doesn’t bother discouraging other girls. Just like Daniel.”

  Cameron looked over at Zack again. “I’d discourage them for someone like you.” He watched me as if gauging my reaction.

  Uh-oh. Cameron was no longer being subtle. This could get awkward.

  I glanced at our table mates who weren’t paying any attention to us. No one to rescue me. “Um…” I gulped the last sip of my drink as the bell rang.

  “Better get to class.” He smiled and grabbed his tray.

  “Yeah, see you later,” I said, returning his smile.

  As I walked to fifth period, Zack kept his pace a couple yards ahead of me.

  Did you make another date with him? Firm up your plans for the weekend maybe? he asked. Of course he’d sense I was close behind him.

  I ignored Zack’s stupid comment, which seemed even stupider considering I had plans with him this entire weekend. Shadowing him into our next class, I took my seat by him.


  No. But you have a date tonight with Gina. I pretended to flip through papers looking for my completed homework.


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