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The Valdemar Companion

Page 30

by John Helfers; Denise Little

  Igan Horstfel

  A Tradegulidsman, he was a conspirator in the slave raids which harassed the fisherfolk in the Lake Evendim district. (Arrows)


  Younger son of a Haighlei King. In his kingdom, Ikala is twentieth in the line of succession behind Crown Prince Nbubi. He elected to go to White Gryphon and join the Silvers, and became a good friend of Silverblade. (Gryphon)

  Ikan Dryvale

  Justin Twoblades’ shieldbrother, who worked with him as a guard for the Jewel Merchants Guild. During one off season they paid Tarma to give them sword lessons. He helped rescue Kethry from Wethes Goldmarchant. Afterward, Ikan helped Kethry obtain a highly favorable settlement from the Mornedealth council. (Oath)


  A town in Hardorn where Heralds Kris and Talia accumulated damning information about the ambitious Prince Ancar. (Arrows)

  Ilea (Healer)

  An exceptional Healer, wife to Herald Pol, mother of Elenor. A strong-minded and beautiful woman who has given much in the service of Valdemar. (BB)


  Torchbearer in Lady Myria’s village. She was tied to the stake to be burned for the murder of her husband. He was going to light her pyre, until Tarma and Kethry arrived to save her. (Oath)

  Imperial Seal

  The official seal of the Eastern Empire. Tremane illegally held an exact duplicate of the original, a copy made while he was assigned to the Imperial Secretariat under Emperor Charliss. The seal must be applied with magic, leaving a holographic impression of the Wolf Crown as its authentication. Tremane used it to forge orders allowing him to empty an Imperial depot. (Storm)

  Indra (Lady)

  She was Herald Jeri’s Mother, and a notorious nag. Indra was particularly eager for her daughter to be named Heir pro tempore, should it become necessary to dlsqualify Princess Eispeth from the succession. Lady Indra hoped to control Jeri’s vote in Council, which was a prospect to make everyone else at Court shudder. (Arrows)


  Tremane had a supply of the special Ink used only for official Imperial documents. The fluid contained tiny flecks of silver and gold that confirmed that it was the ink of an Imperial scribe. (Storm)

  Inn of the Green Man

  The seventh tavern Vanyel looked into in his guise as “Valdir the Minstrel” on his mission to Highjorune. Owned by threatening and slatternly Bel, it was not an attractive venue, but it seemed like a good place for “Valdir” to begin gathering information (LHM)


  Prince Ancar’s spies. (Arrows)


  A newly graduated Herald undertakes twelve to eighteen months additional training in the field, in the company of a senior Herald. The intern rides a sector with that partner, learning by doing Herald duties on the circuit. (Arrows)

  Irenia Jadrevalyn (Queen)

  Mother of handsome and spoiled Prince Karathanelan of Rethwellan. (Sword)


  Master Cloth Merchant to whom Samael Chitward is apprenticed. (BB)

  Iron Throne

  Made from the personal weapons (axes, swords, lance points, etc.) of all the monarchs deposed or conquered by the Eastern Emperors, the Throne is six feet tall and four feet wide, and so heavy it has not been moved in centuries. (Storm)


  Shin’a’in battlesteed, sixteen hands tall, a herd-sister to Hellsbane. When Tarma acquired mares on the Dhorisha Plains, she decided Ironheart would be a good replacement mount for Kethry’s mule, Rodi, that was left with the Liha’irden herds. Like all battlesteeds, IronHeart was trained to fight with or without a rider. That was fine with Kethry, who tended to tumble off her mount if the going got bumpy. On foot, the sorceress could work magic without distraction while Ironheart guarded her back. (Oath)


  A wood nearly as tough and indestructible as steel, it is a popular construction material in Valdemar. In Haven, outside of the granite Palace and nobles’ houses, structures are mostly ironoak. (Arrows)


  One of Firesong’s kyree academic teachers—Tarrn reminded him of Irrl. (Storm)

  Isa (Madame)

  Keeper of the House of Scarlet Joy at Brether’s Crossing. She willingly harbored Kethry and Tarma there because the bandits the sorceress and swordswoman were hunting had abused her girls. Madame Esa wanted the brutes repaid and removed permanently from her town. (Oath)


  Master Artificer whose specialty was mechanics and clockwork. He helped a student with the boiler project at the Palace. (Storm)


  Shin’a’ln term meaning “have you (ever) seen (such)?” (Oath)


  Court Lady in a constant fashion war with the Duchess Abel, to the discomfort and or amusement of those around them. (BB)

  Ismay (Lady)

  Lord Breon’s wife, a competent and strong-minded woman, and quite capable of organizing their manor’s defense against invaders. (Owl)

  Isrel (Underwife)

  Underwife of Sen, dominated by Firstwife Keidar of Talia’s household. The woman looked meekly to the Firstwife for approval in everything she did and said. (Arrows)


  Vanyel’s tutor at Forst Reach. He had assigned the boy a book on tactics which included the wisdom of Herald Seldasen on fighting, which went counter to what Lord Withen and Armsmaster Jervis taught. Citing the book got Vanyel in deeper trouble then he already was. (LHM)


  Feiwether townsman who was inclined to defy Tarma and go ahead and light the pyre set to burn the accused Lady Myria. The local priest, however, finally persuaded Istan to give way. (Oath)

  Isten (Herald)

  Herald with a round face and dark, curly hair. (BB)


  Kerowyn’s Shin’a’in second cousin, a horse-trainer. He came to Bolthaven with Sa’dassan and Tale’sedrin’s shaman-in-training, Kra’heera. Young and enthusiastic, Istren has his father’s dusky golden skin and black hair and mother’s green eyes. (Sword)


  Mage serving in Urtho’s forces with the Sixth Crimson. When the division was trapped in an ambush (which their commander, Shaiknam, had been warned about) Ividian made it possible for some troops to escape. Covering their retreat cost him his life, a loss that outraged Vikteren (Gryphon)


  Night-blooming flowers that grow in Companion’s Field. (Arrows)

  Jackals of Darkness

  A Shin’a’in reference: “Making such speed as if one were pursued by the Jackals of Darkness.” (Oath)


  Throne city of the Eastern Empire, and the locatIon of Crag Castle. (Storm)


  An aged beggar, an old hand at his trade. He took Kanshin in and trained him as an apprentice. The partnership lasted until Jacony suggested maiming the boy so he would look pathetic and thereby gain more alms. (Gryphon)


  Archivist of Rethwellan, a middle-aged scholar with sandy, graying hair, gray eyes and a physical impairment that makes movement painful. According to Captain Idra, he was the only completely honest man at Court. His father used to amuse Idra and her older brother with tall tales, paying attention to them when no one else had time for two children. On the rare occasions when Idra mentioned her past, she spoke fondly of him and Jadrek. Remembering those comments, Tarma and Kethry sought out the Archivist as a likely ally when they went in disguise to Rethwellan’s capital looking for the missing Idra. Jadrek was instrumental in finding Prince Stefen and putting him on the throne. During this adventure Kethry and Jadrek fell in love. They married and had a large brood of children. (Oath)

  Jadrek the Younger

  Kethry’s son by Jadrek, and the shaman of the Tale’sedrin Clan. After the disastrous raid on Rathgar’s Keep, Kethry appealed to her son to send her someone who not only could act as bodyguard to the survivors but train replacement troops. Jadrck the Younger obliged with Lyla Stor
mcloud. (Sword)


  The family name of the ruling dynasty of Rethwellan. King Stefansen was succeeded by his son Megrarthon, who was followed by his eldest son, Faramentha. (Oath, Sword)


  Eldest daughter of Kethry and Jadrek, an excellent horseman and an aspiring swordswoman. (Oath)

  Jadus (Herald-Bard)

  The Herald-Bard was an elderly man, long retired, who became one of Talia’s greatest friends and teachers. Jadus lost a leg in the battle with the Tedrel Mercenaries while in King Sendar’s service. He blamed himself for not saving the King’s life, even though Jadus was terribly wounded in the same ambush. The Herald was really never in any position to rescue the King, despite his sense of guilt. Jadus’s Gift was Thoughtsensing, and he responded at once when he detected the loneLy Talia lurking out in the hall near his rooms, listening to him playing his harp. Not only did he befriend and encourage the still-uncertain young Queen’s Own and leave her his precious harp in his will, he aided her in uncovering plots against Valdemar. In return, Talia’s presence brought him out of the aimlessness of his retirement and gave renewed meaning to his last years of life. (Arrows)


  Blacksmith of Errold’s Grove. He did nearly all of the village’s metal work except for fine objects such as needles and pins. He was a huge man, balding and paunchy. (Owl)


  One of the dyheli stags who volunteered to go on the northwestern expedition searching for news of Darian’s parents. (Owl)

  Jaman (Commander)

  He served Grand Duke Tremane in Hardorn. Jaman was in charge of Sector Four, where his units were lighting against the local underground militia. He wrote exceptionally clear and detailed reports. (Storm)


  Palace gardener, and one of Talia’s information sources among the servant staff. (Arrows)


  One of Quenten’s assistant mages, and a Farseer. (Sword)

  Janas (Father)

  Hardornen priest. He was one of the few clerics left capable of testing a would-be monarch for earth-binding sense after Ancar’s destruction of Hardorn. The ceremony consisted of touching Tremane’s temple and uttering a single, penetrating, bell-like tone. This temporarily froze movement and drove out emotion. If a candidate had the power, he would involuntarily produce a harmonizing tone, and the candidate’s earth-sense would become active. (Storm)


  Kethry’s disguise as a brown-haired, generously endowed wench. (Oath)

  Jarim shena Pretara’sedrin

  After Querna was murdered, Jarim temporarily acted as the Shin’a’in envoy to Valdemar. Quick-tempered and inexperienced, he wanted to launch an immediate attack on the Empire’s base in Hardorn. In addition, he was very suspicious of Karal, accusing the grieving and overburdened young Karsite of being a traitor. (Storm)


  One of Bazie’s fences for stolen textiles. He bought finer items for resale to the prostitutes of Haven. Jarmln gave Skif a place to stay after his home burned down. (TT)


  The Companion who Chose Prince Darenthallis during the crucial battle with Hardorn. (Sword)


  Kestra’chern serving Urtho’s forces. She was a thin, ethereal blonde, fragile in appearance, but very strong. (Gryphons)


  Also known by the aliases Tain Kelken, Hodak, and Derial. He was a sell-sword who burned down Skif’s home after killing Bazie. Hired by Guildmaster Vatean, he was most likely killed by him as well. (TT)


  A loud, bossy bird. In Velgarth, they are scarlet-colored. They also mimic other birds’ calls. (Arrows, LHM, Winds)

  Jaysen Hondre (Herald)

  Seneschal’s Herald, he accompanied Savil through the Gate to the Leshara Holding on Sovvan-night and witnessed the terrible scene Tylendel had caused. Later he aided Savil and Vanyel through the magical backlash following Tylendel’s suicide. Originally disliking Vanyel, Jaysen eventually came to see the error of his ways and became his friend. Jaysen’s Companion was Felar, and may also have helped him past his initial bias against the younger Herald. It was Jaysen who urged Vanyal to find a way to change the Web-Spell so that it no longer required constant vigilance by the Guardians, to make the Heralds themselves Valdmar’s true power source. Jaysen was the Northern Guardian of the Mage Web until his death, when he bequeathed the position to Vanyel. (LHM)

  Jedin (King’s Own Herald)

  The King’s Own Herald, a ‘granlte cliff of a man” with an extrcmely strong personality. (BB)

  Jehan (Duke)

  He hired a young, inept assassin to try to kill Melles. Jehan was second cousin to Charliss and was hoping to eliminate candidates for the throne. He assumed that he would be the only logical choice if he had Melles killed. Instead he wound up on the receiving end of Melles’ wrath. (Storm)


  An affectionate Shin’a’in term meaning younger sister. Tarma’s chief sword-teacher, a spirit warrior, called her that. (Oath)


  A Shin’a’in word meaning “forever younger Clanschildren,” which they use for their riding beasts. Tarma’s teacher used the word to impress upon her the importance of the welfare of Kessira and Kethry’s mule; the animals’ well-being was just as vital as the women’s own, especially in an inhospitable place. (Oath)

  Jelthan (Lord)

  New Speaker for the Central District, he was nominated by Lady Lester to replace Lord Orthallen. Kester pointed out that Lord Jelthan was young but had good ideas, and he had been Lord of his Holdings for fourteen years already because his father had died unexpectedly. She felt experience and common sense would balance Jelthan’s relative youthfulness. (Arrows)


  The aide Tremane assigned to Darkwind and Elspeth during their stay in Hardorn. (Storm)


  Son of Talia and Dirk. (Winds)


  Another of Kethry’s sons, a mage of Adept potential who chose not to lead the life of a Shin’a’in clansman. Instead, he took over the White Winds school his mother had founded and eventually moved it from Petras to Great Harsey in order to be nearer the capital. Clever and lucky, he enjoyed playing politics. When King Megrarthon died, it was Jendar who mentally relayed the message to Kethry so that she could break the news to Prince Darenthalils. During the same long-distance exchange, Jendar mentioned Valdemar’s Heralds and the eerie effect the land had on mages and magic, information that helped Kerowyn later. (Oath)


  Hywel’s younger brother. He was striken with Summer Fever, which Keisha managed to cure. (Owl)


  A young Errold’s Grove resident, part of Shandi’s teenage girlfriend circle. (Owl)

  Jenna (Companion)

  Companion to Herald Loris, she was confused almost to the point of catatonia on the night when Loris was deluded into believing young Tashir and his new Companion were a murderer and a demon respectively. Yfandes picked up Jenna’s horrified panic even as far away as Forst Reach and urged Vanyel into going to the rescue. Only after Loris realized what he was doing to Jenna by his brutal behavior did he abandon his attempt to destroy the “demon” Companion Leshya with a whip. (LHM)

  Jerard Stonesmith

  A trade guildsman and abettor of the Lake Evendim pirates and their slaver allies. (Arrows)

  Jeri (Herald)

  When Weaponsmaster Alberich decided to retire, (Herald) Jeri was his successor in teaching the fighting classes. Nobly born, she could have had the rank of Countess, if she had not been Chosen. Because of her background, she grew up with the benefit of private tutors, including those specializing in weapons and fighting. Her preferred weapon was the rapier. Herald Jeri was a potential nominee for Royal Heir during the period when there was uncertainty about Elspeth being Chosen. No one would have objected to Jeri’s holding that rank; but her mother, Lady Indra, was a notorious meddler an
d inevitably would have battled daily with Jeri regarding her votes in the Council. That alone was a heavy mark against her being selected for the position. (Arrows, Winds)

  Jerlag Gate

  Near where the Second Wing of Urtho’s forces were overrun by Ma’ar’s troops. The last of the Wing’s wounded were brought to safety via the Jerlag Gate (Gryphon)


  Silver gryphon of the goshawk type. (Gryphon)


  A helpful Gate Guard at Mornedealth. (Oath)


  A drug which dulls the Gift-senses and permits Healing of injured Heralds. Healer Andrel used it on Vanyel to ease the overwhelming impact of the young man’s blasted channels. (LHM)


  Gryphon son of Hydona and Treyvan. (Storm, Winds)

  Jervis (Armsmaster)

  Armsmaster of Forst Reach. A blond, crag-faced former mercenary, totally indebted to Lord Withen Ashkevron for his position. He was commanded to break Withen’s eldest of fey manners and “make him a man.” Jervis became the brutal oppressor of the teenage Vanyel, who was unfit for the hack-and-bash flghting style the armsmaster taught. Though Jervis broke Vanyel’s arm in a practice bout, years later he was able to satisfactorlly explain his actions, and win Vanyel’s trust. He also won the trust of Tashir Remoerdis when Vanyel brought him to the family home for safekeeping when the boy was in danger. Jervis befriended the frightened child and helped solve the mystery surrounding the slaughter of his family. As reward, he was made the Lord Marshal of the March of Lineas-Baires where Tashir was now Baron. Jervis would later marry Melenna, who was made Castelaine at that same time. (LHM)


  Curly-headed blonde giggler, one of Vanyel’s admirers at Court. (LHM)


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