Kane (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 1)

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Kane (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 1) Page 59

by Selina Coffey

  “Annie May, I am so sorry, but you wouldn’t let me explain. Your grandmother hatched this plan too. I never had anything to do with Piper, Annie May, I swear to you. The woman has had an obsession with me for years now. Every so often she pops up, causes me some grief, and then disappears again. This time it’s worse than usual. I called her father to come and get her, and she’s gone now.”

  “But what about the baby?” Annie May asked, still clinging to her anger.

  “There is no baby, she was never pregnant! She got the picture off the Internet. Your Nan said there wasn’t even a hospital name on it, and usually there is one. Not even the mother’s name, nothing, just a scan.”

  “OH!” Annie May said, reality starting to dawn on her. Tears filled her eyes as she thought about how very stupid she’d been. She’d been so desperate to believe he could never love her that she’d painted Daniel out to be the villain, and he’d never been any such thing!

  “Oh my, Daniel, oh, I’m so sorry!” She threw herself into his arms then, sobs wracking her throat. “We’ve wasted so much time now! I’ve wasted so much time!”

  Pushing Annie May slightly away from him, Daniel stepped back, pulling a box out of his pocket. Annie May’s eyes grew wide, shock settling in. He was not! He was not!

  “Annie May, I bought this, hoping I could ask you to marry me, but I think we need more time than that, now. You need to trust me, and we both have to get over the damage Piper has caused. But, I want you to wear this ring, as a promise, as a reminder, that no matter what, I love you and I will never, ever, throw frogs at you again!” He laughed at the end, relief in his voice.

  “Oh, Daniel! Of course I’ll wear it. Yes, I believe it’s far too soon to be talking marriage but I will wear this ring. Every day of my life, I’ll wear it.” Looking down as he placed it on her finger, she giggled. She actually giggled.

  The ring was adorned with a silver frog, its spots done in diamonds and emeralds with two black onyxes as eyes. The ring made her smile because she knew the promise it meant, the memories it represented, and the special meaning it had.

  “I love you too, Daniel. I’m so sorry for being pig-headed and doubting you. I wish I’d had a little more faith in myself now.”

  “You’ll get there, my dear, with a little love and pushing from me; you’ll get there.”

  Chapter 5

  A few weeks later, Annie May had called her parents to have most of the things she couldn’t live without posted to her Nan’s, and she’d settled into a cottage on the property. She needed her own space to work in now that she was staying and had started to accept freelance work from local businesses. Daniel had repaired the damage to his own office and was back at work. Both still helped Ruby at the bar when she needed them and both spent a lot of time with the woman, enjoying her company. They’d even taken her out with them quite a few times, trying to convince her she needed to get out more, maybe even find a man of her own. She brushed them off, but Ruby would go out with them when asked, at least.

  Annie May was happy again and Daniel was ecstatic, both over the moon about their relationship. Piper had disappeared with her father and they hadn’t seen her again. The couple were taking things slow, rebuilding what they had and building onto it. They had started to discuss marriage again, but still thought it too soon.

  Daniel and Annie May had an awkward but funny discussion about marital relations that had them both giggling by the time they were done. Daniel had finally kissed Annie May, a sweet, gentle kiss that made her toes curl one night after the last customers had left the inn. They’d taken out the rubbish and Annie May had stopped to stare up at the moon. It was full and ever so bright that you couldn’t help but notice it in the sky.

  “It almost feels like I could reach up and touch it, Daniel.” She whispered.

  “It doesn’t compare to you darling. You outshine even the moon.” He responded.

  “Oh, Daniel, don’t make me laugh. That was a good one though!” She said, not meanly, but in a teasing way. He understood and laughed with her.

  “Yeah, alright, I admit, that one was pretty corny, even for me. But I did mean it! He said as he moved in front of her, his hand against her cheek. She looked at him, hoping that he was finally going to do it, that his lips really were slowly moving toward her own, and that she wasn’t just daydreaming.

  She reached her own hand up to his face, wanting to pull him closer. His lips brushed softly against hers, an exploration of feeling. She moved her lips against his, wanting more pressure. He pressed more firmly, moving away, but then came back to do it again. Her toes really were curling by the time he came back, her heart swelling with joy.

  “Your lips are so soft, Annie May.” He said as he moved away.

  “Thank you, Daniel, but that’s all you’re getting.” She said.

  “What do you mean?” He asked, confused.

  “Well, I’ve never, uh, you know…” She whispered.

  “Never, what?” He asked.

  “You know!” She responded back.

  “Never kissed someone,” he asked as she shook her head, cheeks flaming in the dark. “Oh, that. Oh! You’ve never been intimate with anyone before? Oh, well, um. Yes. Alright, well that explains why you won’t go home with me then. So you’re um…”

  “Yes, I am. I’m sorry. I guess it’s naïve but I wanted to wait. I thought it would be more special that way, more meaningful. I guess you’re disappointed?”

  “No, not at all, Annie May! Not at all. I think it’s wonderful and humbling, if anything. And you want me to be your first?” He asked.

  “No, I thought I’d wait for the right one to come along. You know, this prince I’ve been hearing about my whole life; tall, wonderful, good looking! Heard of anyone like that?”

  “Yes, but I think you’ll find he’s married himself now, madam. How very rude of him!”

  “I know! He could have waited. Then he could have had ginger babies! And oh, tall ginger babies too!” They both laughed then, caught up in their own little joke.

  “So, that means you’re waiting then? Even with me?” Daniel asked, walking back to the inn to lock up.

  “Definitely with you. You tempt me, but I want to wait; it’s important to me.” She said, turning serious.

  “Well, I suppose I am the frog prince. But if I turn into somebody else on our wedding night, it will be your fault. I didn’t when I kissed you just then, but you never know what might happen in the meantime. I might wake up as royalty tomorrow.”

  She laughed, walking beside him. “A royal pain, maybe!” She laughed again. “Oh, don’t pout darling, I didn’t mean it!” She kissed him on the cheek again and patted his shoulder.

  “I’ll give you a royal pain, on our wedding night, my dear!” He laughed, pretending to be Dracula coming to attack her.

  “Oh, you are rude!” She giggled as she ran away but he caught up, kissing her one more time as he held her close

  “It’s fine with me, Annie May. I’ll respect your wishes, and hopefully; you’ll soon agree to marry me. Until then, I’m fine with how we are, and I respect you for your decision. Now, I need to go home and take a cold shower. It looks like I have many in my future. He smiled as he left, walking her to her cottage before leaving to go home.

  All was well for another couple of weeks, and then Piper returned, with a vengeance.

  Annie May was asleep when a noise woke her up, the sound of glass shattering loudly in the quiet still of the night. She jumped out of bed, down onto the floor, trying to hide and find something to use as a weapon at the same time. She could hear the person, clomping through the house as she felt her phone in her hand.

  Afraid it would make too much noise, she stuck it under a pillow to turn the volume down before dialling Daniel.

  “Somebody’s in the house, come quick!” She whispered when he answered.

  “I know you’re in here, you giant, worrisome horsefly! Come out, come out and play with me!” Piper sung. Oh no
t Piper, again, please!

  “Piper, what are you doing here?” Not sure about the gun laws in England, Annie May wasn’t sure whether she should be afraid or not, but she was done hiding from this woman! Daniel would be here soon, she reminded herself, walking to the door to turn her light on.

  Piper stood in her sitting room; a long dress draped over what was obviously a pillow strapped against her belly. Her hair was dirty, and she was swaying on her feet. Her face revealed a woman that was either completely out of touch with reality or one that was very high on drugs. She kept fiddling with something behind her back and swinging her arms back and forth. Okay, she’s not armed but she is a psycho. Take it easy Annie May, she told herself.

  “Would you like a cup of tea, Piper? I’m going to make myself some chamomile tea but I can make you a regular one, if you’d like.” She hoped the question would disarm the troubled woman.

  Blinking, Piper looked confused, “What?”

  “A cuppa? Would you like a cuppa?”

  “No, I wouldn’t. I just want you to pack your bags and leave so I can have Daniel back!” She said as she pulled a knife out from behind her back.

  “Oh my!” Annie May exclaimed, dropping the phone she’d forgotten was in her hand. She put her arms in the air, hoping to placate the woman with the knife.

  “Piper, just put the knife down!”

  “No, you came here with your strange accent and your weird hair and you ruined everything! I knew gingers were supposed to be soulless but I didn’t think you’d take everything away from me! Daniel doesn’t realise it yet but we’re meant to be together! That’s why my brother told him all of that about you when we were kids. He and Daniel used to play together, and then you came along and took him from Brian! I loved him even then, and Brian knew that too, so he told Daniel all of that about you, so he’d come back to us! Brian’s gone now; he’s moved to Australia, but I’m still here and still waiting for Daniel. He has to realise it soon too; my baby is coming and it needs a father!” Piper cradled her pillow clad stomach, humming a lullaby as she swayed again.

  “But Daniel loves me Piper, me, not you. I can’t believe you two did that to us as children! What a cruel thing to do! And so childish, Piper! Daniel doesn’t love you at all, he loves me!” The words were just falling out of her mouth now, fear, shock, and desperation combining as Piper walked closer.

  “You stay away from me! You stay away or I will hurt you, Piper! I don’t want to hurt anyone! You’re sick, and you need help. Don’t make me hurt you!” Annie May stuttered out.

  “But you took Daniel from me! You have to pay!”

  “Oh, God, where is Daniel?” Annie May thought to herself. She was backing up, trying to get away from the insane woman, when she tripped over a chair, and fell to the floor hitting her head on the table. The last thing she saw before the lights went out was Piper bending down, the knife coming at her face.

  Annie May regained consciousness, trying to figure out why she couldn’t move. She opened her eyes, seeing only blackness around her. Swallowing a scream, she realised she could feel vibration, as though she were in a car and moving. Oh no, she was in a car and moving; she could hear the car accelerating, and then slowing down. It finally came to a stop, and she assumed it was Piper coming around to the back.

  The boot opened, moonlight revealing Piper with the knife still in her hand.

  “Get out.” That was all the woman said.

  It took Annie May a few minutes but she managed to sit up, and then roll herself out of the car boot. She couldn’t see where they were, it was too dark now, and the moon was hidden behind some clouds. Piper pushed her with a foot to her back, sending her sprawling into some gravel. That’s when she realised something had happened to her hair. She turned over, expecting to have to get her hair out of her eyes but nothing happened. Where was her hair?

  Annie May’s eyes widened as she looked up at Piper, who was waving something around in her hand.

  “Recognise this? It’s yours, you should.” Piper snickered as she spoke, throwing the loose strands at Annie May.

  “He won’t want you without this. I’m guessing this is what made him want you, anyway, some demon trick with your hair! Well, that’s all gone now. He’ll be here soon. We’ll see then which of us he wants. I called him while I was driving over here.”

  “Where are we?” Annie May managed to croak out. She wasn’t worried about her hair at the moment; she was worried about her life and more importantly, Daniel’s. How was she going to get them out of this?

  Piper started to speak as Daniel’s car pulled up, blinding her for a moment.

  Annie May looked around, noticing they weren’t far from the stream and the tree that had been so much a part of her childhood memories. Looking at Piper, she pleaded with her eyes.

  “Please let me go, Piper. I’ll leave, just don’t hurt Daniel.” Tears were forming in her eyes as she spoke, she had little hope Piper would actually let her go.


  “Piper, what are you doing? Oh my God, Annie May, are you alright? What have you done to her Piper?”

  “Nothing darling, nothing that would hurt a human anyway. Annie May’s a demon, so I cut off her hair, the source of her power. You love me now, right?”

  Daniel stood looking at Piper in horror, his eyes shifting to Annie May tied up on the ground.

  Walking up to Piper, anger and fear warring on his face, he hit her, hard, knocking her out straightaway. He ran over to Annie May then, untying her quickly so he could use the rope to tie up Piper until the police came. They weren’t far behind him; he knew because he’d called them before coming here.

  “I’m sorry you had to see me hit her, Annie May. Normally I would never hit a woman, but it was all I could think of to do to get her away from you.” Daniel said as he rushed back to Annie May, taking her in his arms.

  She cried then, as she finally felt safe, and leaned into him, letting him take all of her weight.

  “She started all of this nonsense years ago, Daniel. It was her and her brother who started the thing with me being ginger when we were kids. Have you been dealing with her for that long?” She gulped out.

  “Yes, but no more. I’m pressing charges this time and I will insist her father deal with it. I have friends in higher places now. I thought he was taking care of her but apparently not. He’s going to have to this time. I won’t have you in harm’s way, ever again!”

  “This is not your fault darling; Piper is just plain crazy and her family should have been seeing to that. It’s not your fault at all!”

  Piper started moaning on the ground then, moaning for Daniel.

  “Daniel? Where are you, Daniel?” Piper sat up, hands tied behind her back, the knife well out of her reach, no sudden death-moves for her, Annie May saw.

  “I’m here Piper, what do you want? Haven’t you caused enough harm?”

  “You hit me, Daniel! You hit me! What about our baby?”

  “You mean the pillow under your dress? You need help, Piper, serious help.”

  “But you love me; the spell is broken now!” Piper cried.

  “There was never a spell, Piper, just decades of lies, deceit, and stalking. You’ve deluded yourself for years, Piper, this has to stop!”

  “But Daniel…” The woman said, tears falling from her eyes.

  “No, Piper, this is it! You’ve hurt Annie May. We’re going to be married, and you have to stop hurting the woman who is going to be my wife. You have to respect that and leave us alone, now! I love her, not you!” Daniel raised his voice to be heard over the sirens now pulling in behind his car.

  The police took Piper away to a mental facility, then. Paramedics looked Annie May over, declared her fit, and Daniel took her home to Ruby.

  “You’re fine now, my duck, Nanna has you! Here, sip this.” Annie May spluttered as the whiskey hit her throat.

  “Nanna, what is this? Rocket fuel?” She choked out.

  “No, it’s w
hiskey; it’ll calm your nerves.” Annie May hated the taste of it but swallowed the rest of it down, knowing she needed something. Holding a mirror up to her head she cried, seeing how patchy her hair was now. Piper had obviously used the knife to chop her hair off as close to the scalp as she could.

  “It’ll grow back, my love. And you’re beautiful, no matter what.” Daniel told her as he took her hand.

  “Look on the bright side my duck; it’s less hair to get tangled up in on your wedding night!” Annie May’s Nan cackled.

  “Oh, Nan, you are a bad one.” Annie May said to her, loving her even more for the teasing.

  “Well, some men like short hair on women anyway. So about this wedding?” Ruby asked.

  “As soon as possible, Nanna, as soon as possible. We may have to have a party or something if Mum and Dad can’t make it but I’m not waiting anymore. If this has taught me nothing else, it’s taught me that I have to seize what I’m given. There’s never a right time, there’s only the time you have, and I’m not wasting any more of it; it’s far too precious, right Daniel?”

  “Right, my love, time is far too precious, just like you!” He replied, kissing the top of her head.

  “Oh, I’m going to have to find my knitting needles. I expect I’ll be having some great-grandchildren before too long that’ll need some special Nanna Ruby clothes! Where did I put those things?” Nanna muttered to herself as she wandered off.

  “I don’t know how it works here, but is the morning too soon, Daniel?” Annie May asked.

  “I’ve never been married before but we’ll go down tomorrow morning, first thing, and find out, if that’s what you want Annie May. I only want you with me, every night for the rest of our lives, so I can sleep soundly. I’m sleeping on your couch tonight, just to make sure you’re safe for the rest of the night.”

  “Thank you darling. You really have turned out to be my prince, and not a frog, after all. I love you so much.” Annie may whispered against his cheek.


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