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Kane (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 1)

Page 101

by Selina Coffey

  Remi continued, “I was happy with my role in life. To guard and protect was the highest honor, not easily given. I was good at what I did and easily rose to be a leader. Others looked up to me and respected me and it gave me a sense of wellbeing, like it was exactly what I was supposed to be doing. We battled with the darkest of the dark’s monsters and always came out on top. It seemed that nothing they came up with could defeat my guard or my men.”

  He took a deep breath and tried to gather his next words. “We had been called out to a mission dealing with Ornias, a very evil fallen angel. Angels can fall for several reasons. His were at the extreme, making mine look pale in comparison. Ornias was guilty of many things, like killing Aquarius born men, sucking the blood from humans and touching boys. He was a terror and had to be dealt with.”

  “He sounds horrible,” Ana said.

  “He was. We had been told that he had just slaughtered many men and he still had some young boys in his possession. When we arrived, there were bodies everywhere. Blood splashed everywhere like it had rained red. My men had split up and were searching the grounds for the boys when we heard the scream. It was a single scream and it was bloodcurdling. I was the first to arrive to find the boy. He had been tied up and you could tell that Ornias had already had his way. The boy was crying uncontrollably and it was heartbreaking. He must have only been 10 or 11 years old. The boy was mumbling something in between sobs but I couldn’t understand him. I cut his ties and pulled him into my arms, telling him that everything was going to be alright.”

  “While I was trying to console him, the boy became anxious and started to fight against me. Looking back, I think that he thought I was going to hurt him like Ornias had. He shoved away from me and had somehow managed to grab the dagger from my hand. I tried to talk to him, tried to calm him but nothing was working. I slowly tried walking towards him but before I could move he had taken the dagger and stabbed himself in the stomach, instantly killing himself.”

  After a moment of silence Remi went on. “It was horrible. There I was, a seasoned warrior, who had seen it all and I couldn’t even bear the idea of such an innocent taking his own life out of sheer terror. It was my job to protect the innocent and I had clearly failed that day. My men hadn’t found any other boys, and there were no signs of Ornias anywhere. He had fled and left nothing but devastation behind. I returned to the light council to report what had happened. Only, they already knew and were not happy.”

  “Failing is a high crime and not taken lightly. I was charged with failing to perform my main duty as a transcendent guardian; protecting the innocent. If I had killed Ornias, the punishment wouldn’t have been so fierce. Since he was still roaming free, still causing pain, I was sentenced with a heavy hand. Sent to Earth, never to return to heaven. Striped of all my merits, I was alone. Sam tried to fight for me, but it was useless. So I gave up everything I had and came to live on Earth. I loathed anything and everything that had to do with the light. I spent many decades in drunken comas, not caring about anything, including myself.”

  “I refused to feel anything, except for emptiness. I couldn’t bring myself to acknowledge how far I had fallen not just in my station, but in life itself. I was a horrible person for a long time. Not a person you would want to know, let alone spend time with. I was wallowing in self pity and didn’t care. To this day, I’m still a version of that man. I’m noncommittal and tend to live in the moment, not caring about the future. That morning in the coffee shop, that is how I live my life.”

  “How sad,” Ana said.

  “Please, don’t pity me.”

  Ana turned up to look at him. “I don’t. You have indeed come through hell and back, there is no question of that. It sounds as if you were too severely punished for a crime that you couldn’t control the outcome of. But the way that you have chosen to live your life, that is sad. You are a great man, Remi. You shouldn’t have to live your life like that. I know that it hurts to feel, but what value does a life have if it is not lived and felt?”

  “What do you expect from me?” he asked.

  “Change. You have wasted too much time stuck in the past, trying to avoid everything and that is no life. I want you to live. I want you to feel. I want you to be free to be yourself, not the version you think you are, but the real Remi. The one who cared for people and himself. Show me him and I will show you a man who has it all. Show me, Remi, show me.”

  Ana had tears running down her face and Remi moved to swipe one with his thumb. “I don’t know how,” he said quietly.

  “Then let me help you,” Ana said as she captured his mouth with hers.

  This kiss was different from the first. This one was full of promise and passion. Remi didn’t hesitate and pulled Ana into his strong arms. There was a need to get closer, to not know where he ended and she began. Remi needed to feel her skin on skin. He raised her arms and quickly removed her shirt. While she was removing her bra, he took off his shirt and then took her in his arms, bringing her as close as possible without breaking their kiss.

  He ran his hands through her hair and down the back of her neck, moving lower until he reached her jeans. He used his hands to rock her over his hardness, enjoying the friction too much to stop. His tongue delved deeper into her mouth and he could feel her hard nipples rubbing against his chest. It felt euphoric. She felt euphoric. Remi had been with countless women, but something about this felt like it was the first time. This was new and he couldn't get enough of her.

  Ana was coming undone with every movement. Their contact felt amazing, but she wanted more, needed more. She wanted him and nothing but him. She broke their kiss and got up to remove her pants and underwear. She stood there naked, waiting for Remi to remove his pants too. He slowly unbuttoned his jeans and lowered the zipper. He lifted his hips and shoved his jeans down over his knees. There were no boxers and he took Ana’s breath away. This man was so beautiful, both inside and out and she couldn’t wait to show him that. Silently, she knelt between his legs and before he could say anything, she was holding him in her hand and taking him into her mouth.

  Remi couldn’t stand it. It was like never before, like nothing else and he wanted to die from the intense pleasure. Seeing her take him in her mouth was mind blowing. It wasn’t too long though before he stopped her and brought her up to his lap. “If you keep it up, this will end before I want it to,” he said.

  Ana gladly sat on his lap and leaned in for another scorching kiss. The kiss seemed to be endless, with Remi rubbing his hands all over her torso and chest. He stopped and played with each of her nipples before sliding his fingers into her wetness. Ana couldn’t stop the moan that escaped her mouth, not that she was trying. He felt so good inside of her.

  “More,” she pleaded.

  Remi took the hint and was at her entrance, sliding the tip between her wet folds. “Ready?” he asked.

  Ana nodded desperately and then Remi was inside of her, filling her with his length. Remi rained kisses down her neckline as he began to move to a steady rhythm. Ana felt like she was going to die from the intense pleasure. He was everywhere and she loved it. The feel of their bodies together, moving as one, was beautiful. It was more than she could take, Remi increased his thrusts and she came undone in his arms. It wasn’t a moment later and he was right behind her, pulling her even closer to him.

  Remi walked them to the bed and they fell asleep in one another's arms.

  Ana was having a most unusual dream. It was like everything was in a haze and the harder she tried to focus, the worse the picture got. The only clear thing that she could make out was Sam. In the picture, she was holding Sam’s head in her lap, crying over him. She woke up in a cold sweat and couldn’t get the dream out of her head.

  “Ana, what’s wrong?” Remi asked as he sat up.

  “I just had the weirdest dream,” she said. “I’m not sure what was happening but I was sitting on the ground holding Sam’s head in my lap and crying like crazy.”

A dream you say?” Remi asked.

  “Yeah. Everything was kind of hazy, but that one image was clear.”

  “Have you had dreams like this before?”

  Ana shook her head. “No, nothing like this. It’s weird.”

  “Ana, I don’t think it was a simple dream. I think that you had a vision.”

  “A vision? Like a seer?”

  “Sort of. From the way that you described the image it seems like everything else was blurry so that you can concentrate on the image projected. Clairvoyant is the term the light use.”

  “I guess that makes sense,” Ana said. “Do you think that is my gift then?”

  “That would be my guess. The gift of prophecy is very prized and you should feel honored to have it. Both the light and dark will be vying for your loyalty.”

  “Great,” Ana sighed, sounding defeated.

  “Everything will be okay,” Remi assured. They snuggled back down and went back to sleep.

  In the morning, Remi awoke Ana and said that he was going to get some coffee and bagels. Deciding it was time to clean up, Ana hopped in the shower and let the hot water soak into her skin. She was just getting out, when Remi returned with two hot coffees and a bag of pastries. He went to set them down in the kitchen and then came over to Ana and gave her a good morning kiss.

  They were getting ready to sit down, when the front door was knocked down. Ana screamed and ducked down behind the breakfast bar. Remi said one of those spells and a weapon magically appeared in his hands. The dark demon stood in the doorway, in fighter’s stance, waiting for Remi to make a move.

  “My name is Rone, and I am here to collect the girl,” the demon spewed. “Stand down or die!” he yelled.

  “You will never have her, demon! Go back to hell, where you belong!” Remi taunted.

  Rone hissed and moved closer to Remi. The two battled for what seemed like a lifetime, but was really a few minutes. Ana watched them from behind the bar; her heart squeezed every time the demon landed a hit on Remi. The two struggled and Rone managed to pin Remi on the floor. He then lifted the sword looking thing that Ana had seen in the alley way. Before she knew what she was doing, she was standing up and yelling at the demon.

  “Ah there you are, little one,” Rone said smiling wickedly. He then said something and a portal opened right there next to them. He rolled with Remi and pulled him into the portal, both of them disappearing before Ana’s eyes. Without a second thought, Ana jumped through the portal too.

  Chapter 6

  Ana landed with a loud thud that jarred her head. She was having trouble focusing her vision, not quite sure where she was, or what she was seeing. She closed her eyes and found herself instantly caught up in what must be another “dream”.

  Everything was grainy like before, nothing really making sense until plain as day, there was an image of Sam and Remi. Sam looked to be fighting some sort of creature, while Remi seemed like he was yelling something to Sam. All of a sudden, Sam fell to the ground and then the vision was over no sooner than it had begun.

  Ana rubbed her eyes and this time was able to focus when she opened them. She sat up, taking in her surroundings. Everything was dark, except for the torches that lined the walls of what seemed to be a tunnel underground.

  She was just standing up when she heard the sound of footsteps. Not wanting to see who it was, she tried to find a place to hide, which was nearly impossible since the tunnel was straight and empty. She had just started to run when the sound of snarling dogs filled the tunnel with their howls. She didn’t stand a chance when it came to outrunning the beasts, so when they caught up to her and forced her to stop, she wasn’t the least bit surprised.

  Ana was surprised by what the hounds looked like. She had pictured them as normal dogs, but these creatures were anything but. Their coats were dark red and matted, almost like they had been signed by fire. Parts of their fur were missing, allowing the bones and muscles to be seen. Their ears were pointed and their tales had winged tips. Their razor sharp teeth reflected the light from the torches. And their claws almost looked as if they were oozing blood. Two of the beasts stood in front of Ana and she was frozen in fear.

  Ana had completely forgotten about the footsteps that she had heard, until she felt the cold hand grab her elbow, forcing her to turn around. There standing in front of her was Rone, who was carrying a passed out Remi and a man that looked to be the grim reaper himself. Clouded in a dark black robe, his body was nothing but a skeleton and his hand was freezing cold as it held tight.

  “There you are, little one. We were wondering where you had landed,” Rone greeted.

  Ana didn’t say anything as Rone continued to smile at her. She tried to shake free of the bony hand, but the grip only tightened.

  “This will be easier if you simply do as you are told,” the reaper warned. He let go of Ana, and when she didn’t move to run, Rone started to walk again.

  “This way. Hurry now,” he said.

  “Where are we?” Ana asked.

  Rone laughed. “Haven’t you guessed yet?” When Ana didn’t say anything he went on. “This beautiful place is called Purgatory. Since your boyfriend over here is still an angel, I can’t take him to hell, so this will have to do.”

  They made their way towards what looked like a stony outcropping that overlooked the vast space below. When they got close enough to the ledge for Ana could see over, they all stopped. The hounds sat down, one on each side of the reaper. Ana looked over the edge and was horrified.

  Thousands upon thousands of people were down there, all yelling and screaming. Some were fully clothed, others completely nude. Some were trying to climb their way out while others walked in circles. There was so much dismay that Ana didn’t know where to start.

  “Pitiful, if you ask me,” Rone said, coming up to stand next to her.

  “Why are they like that? I thought this wasn’t hell,” Ana asked.

  “This isn’t true hell, but it’s more like a waiting room. When people die there are three options. Hell, heaven and purgatory. Heaven is for those souls who are already purified before death. Hell is for souls with mortal sins. And this fine place is purgatory. This is where souls that need to be purified can go before being cleared into heaven.”

  Rone went on. “Tell me, little one. Have you received your gift yet?”

  “I’m not sure what you’re talking about,” Ana said.

  “Come now. We both know you are smarter than that.”

  “I’m normal and without any special gifts,” Ana defended.

  “Believe what you want,” Rone said. “But when the time comes for you to choose a side, remember what you are seeing right now.” He spread his hand to encompass the mass of people. “This is how the light treat those who don’t measure up. People are sent here so that they can be cleansed and then sent to heaven. But why must these people be made to suffer before they can be saved? With the dark, everyone is accepted into hell, no questions asked. But to enter into heaven, the light’s sanctuary, one must be pure or suffer great pain to pass.”

  “If these people are here, I’m sure there is a reason for it.” Ana said.

  “Suffering. That is why they are here. Sent to spend unknown amounts of time here. Many give up the fight and are grateful to join the ranks in hell. It is only a select few who ever really make it to heaven,” Rone explained.

  “Why am I here? What do you want with me?” Ana asked.

  “That is simple. We, the dark, want your alliance. It has been foretold that your gift will be most useful and we want to help you become what you were meant to be.”

  “And what exactly does it mean to have an alliance with the d-a-r-k-?”

  “It would mean that your loyalty would be to us. You would still live your life as normal, but would be required to give your help when the time arises. And when we know what your gift is, you will be required to share it with us. There would be no secrets, only complete transparency.”

  “And if
I choose the light? Then what?” Ana asked.

  “I’m not sure exactly what they would ask of you,” Rone answered. “But know this, if you choose the light you, will be hunted down and killed. We protect what is ours, Ana.”

  “So, you’re saying it’s either join with the dark, or die?”

  “If that is how you choose to look at it then yes.”

  Ana was quiet for a minute. It seemed like everything had already been said.

  Rone motioned with his hand to follow him. “Here, come this way.”

  Ana followed Rone and the hounds and reaper followed behind Ana. They made their way through the darkly lit cavern until finally after many turns, they ended at what looked like a jail cell.

  “Is that what I think it is?” Ana asked.

  “It is indeed,” Rone answered. “You will be kept here for observation. We want to know when your gift arrives and until then this will be your home.”

  “Now wait a minute!” Ana said, but it was too late as the reaper had moved to lock her in the dreary cell. The only good thing was that Remi was locked into the cell next to her.

  Rone and the reaper left, but the hounds stayed. They lay down and couldn’t seem less interested Ana. Ana sat in the corner of her cell, hugging her knees to her chest. She couldn’t seem to think straight. When it came to choosing, the obvious choice seemed clear, but would it be the right choice?

  She heard moans coming from Remi’s cell. She couldn’t see into the cell, but she could still hear him. “Remi? She called. “Remi, are you awake? Please Remi!”

  “Ana?” Remi groaned. “Where are you?”


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