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Letters to Penthouse III

Page 22

by Letters to Penthouse III- Hot, Bothered

  I was working late to finish up a project, when the familiar urgent need of my cock made itself known. As I entered the men's room, Raymond, the night custodian, was wiping down the sink. Now, Raymond is hot: Young, dark and handsome, there is a cockiness about him that's very attractive. He has a bodybuilder's physique and soft brown eyes. I said hello and his eyes immediately dropped to the outline of my thick tool that strained the fabric of my pants. It was obvious that he saw my hard-on. He looked back up at my eyes. I was nervous and excited. Talking all the time, he followed me to the urinal and we both took our cocks out at the same time. Looking down at my cock, he started to stroke his thick meat. “You sure get hot working late,” he said. “I sure do,” was my reply.

  He turned and locked the door, then walked over to the sink where there was a large wall mirror. I followed him and let my pants fall to my ankles, exposing my thick cock. He positioned me so that I could see everything in the mirror, then he stepped out of his jeans and, stroking his cock, knelt down to lick the underside of my shaft. His tongue was warm and soft, and my cock got even harder as he played with my balls, swollen with my hot come that begged to be released. He worked his sweet tongue around the entire shaft, then began to suck each ball gently.

  I ran my fingers through his soft black hair as his head bobbed up and down over my hot tool. With his other hand he started to stroke my cock, letting his tongue run down my thigh. His sucking and stroking were really turning me on. Standing up, he looked into my eyes and drew his face close to mine until I could smell his sweet breath. I reached over and touched his swollen meat, rubbing my hands between his legs, holding each ball in my hand while I gently squeezed his thick shaft until his breath came in short excited puffs.

  We knew we had little time, so we turned to face the full-length mirror. Looking over our two beautiful young bodies was such a turn-on. We each stroked the other's cock as we kissed. I jerked the hot skin of his cock and his body went stiff as he let out a groan and spurted his come all over the counter. My hot balls contracted and my sperm shot out again and again from the end of my cock. I just kept coming and coming as I shot my sperm all over the counter, mixing it with Raymond's.

  Noise from the stall brought me back to reality. Remembering my fantasy was enough encouragement to make me shoot my load into the urinal. Just as I was about to come, the stall door opened and Raymond walked out. He looked at the door quickly, then came over to grab my cock. He jerked me to a powerful orgasm as I shot my load of thick white come into the urinal.

  As I walked back to my desk with a smile on my face I realized that I might be working late a lot more often, particularly when Raymond was on duty.—G.P., Bangor, Maine


  A few years ago my wife and I were living on the campus of a major southern university. I was enrolled in the school and my wife, Dana, was working on campus. We lived in a housing complex for married students. We became friends with several couples who lived in the complex, and shared many good times together. Yes, I even managed to get some studying done.

  During this time we also became sexually intimate with another couple, Tom and Susan. At first we would just neck and pet with our respective mates in the other couple's presence, but slowly we grew bolder and started getting nude and making love in front of one another, sharing our most intimate activities and fantasies as well.

  After a couple of these lovemaking sessions, Tom remarked that he would love the freedom to touch anyone in the group, and wanted to know how we all felt about it. We agreed that this would be acceptable conduct, and then continued our foreplay as usual.

  I was sitting beside Dana on the floor, caressing her beautiful, firm breasts and sucking on her cherry nipples. She was fondling my heavy sack and pumping up my erection. Tom had pushed Susan to the soft carpet and was eating her wet pussy. She was beginning to moan with desire for more from her lover. Her cries became so intense, Dana and I started watching and listening more than doing. All of a sudden, while they were changing positions, to my great surprise Tom reached out and grabbed my shaft. He began to rub and squeeze my prick, and to caress the inside of Dana's thighs at the same time. I was instantly rock hard from this unexpected action and, with a reassuring glance from both girls, I touched Tom's hard member in return. This was the first time I had touched or even seen another man's hard cock.

  We made love to our respective mates that night without any further explorations, but the incident was on my mind for days. I had truly been fascinated by the sight and touch of his hard shaft.

  Several days later Tom was at our apartment without Susan. She had to work that night. After the usual conversation and refreshments, I started to kiss and fondle Dana in the hopes of instigating some action that Tom would become involved in. As things grew hotter and I began undressing my wife, we looked at each other, then at Tom, and invited him to come with us to the bedroom.

  Tom sat on the bed with us and gently caressed Dana while I kissed her and continued to peel off her clothes. I laid her gently on the bed, and Tom and I both shed our clothes while she watched. I lay down beside her on the bed while Tom sat on the opposite side. I began to squeeze her warm, ripe breasts and pinch her hard, cherrylike nipples, kissing her deeply all the while. Tom rubbed her stomach and played between her hot thighs with his hands. She opened her legs to allow him further exploration. I ran my hand down to her bush and found her dripping wet.

  I started rubbing my cock between her breasts while Tom ate her flowing pussy. I had never seen her so hot. Being ravished by two men at once was obviously a great turn-on for her.

  Then Tom and I exchanged places. I sank my hot prick into her wet hole and started a slow, deep pumping action. Tom began caressing her soft mounds and placed one of her hands on his throbbing meat. She came several times while I was inside her, but I held back and kept myself from shooting off. This was not an easy task, trying to bring her to climax while watching her jerk off another man's prick at the same time. Finally, after Dana came several times, I looked into her beautiful, blissful face. I loved this woman so much, I wanted to give her as much pleasure as possible. I stepped aside and let Tom take my place.

  Tom's expression was one of pure joy at the chance to share Dana's beautiful body. He mounted her quickly, and I watched his rigid prick disappear in her cunt. I think, judging by the expression on her face, that she had another orgasm right then. Tom was nearly motionless as he lay on top of her warm body. It was obvious he was also trying to keep control of his juice, as I had. I moved behind them for a better view of their union and watched spellbound as their bodies slowly bounced off one another, his shaft easing out of her slippery well as her lips brushed its length. When all that remained inside was the purple tip, she would fight to get him slowly back inside her.

  I have no real sense of how long this went on, though to me it seemed forever. Tom stopped himself several times to maintain his control, and finally he exchanged places with me once again. When I reentered Dana, she was so drenched with her own juices I sank to the hilt with no resistance whatsoever. I shot my load inside her instantly.

  She was on the verge of passing out, so I arranged her comfortably back on the bed and we left her to sleep. Tom and I were still as horny as hell, and the only woman available had passed out from an overdose of our loving. What were we going to do for release?

  Well, I thought, what better time to try something new than now. After all, I had been thinking about Tom's cock for days.

  We went into the living room, both of us still totally naked. I checked the curtains and the locks, and asked Tom to sit down in a chair. I sat on the floor between his legs and looked at his beautiful cock. I reached out for his member. The first gentle touch of my hand made Tom suck in his breath. I held the tip right up to my face as I slowly slid the soft skin back and forth. I drew his pre-come from the slit and spread it evenly over the large, purple head.

  Tom slid forward in the chair to give me better access t
o his crotch. I cupped and lifted his heavy balls with one hand while I slowly stroked his beautiful cock with the other. When I glanced at his face and saw a look of true urgency, I placed his cockhead in my mouth. I really enjoyed the salty taste and the fullness in my mouth. The heat of his member really turned me on. I slid my tongue around the head and sucked on the slit to get his fluid. I started inching my way down the full length of his hot, hard shaft. When it hit the back of my throat, I let it slide farther in. I was actually astonished at how easy it was to swallow cock. I eased him out, then started a steady piston action up and down his slippery shaft.

  Tom was soon gasping for breath. “Slow down,” he moaned. When my wife says that, she usually means for me to hurry up and get her off, so I didn't slow the pace at all. In fact, I sucked harder. After some more of my sucking, Tom cried, “I'm going to come any second!” I pulled my mouth from his cock and yelled, “Go ahead!” Then I quickly dived back for more. I was so turned on, I couldn't wait to taste his sperm.

  I didn't have to wait long. He moaned, threw his head back, and the jism spurted out of his swollen prick in hot, sharp jets. The first one went straight down my gullet and the next one filled my mouth. I struggled to keep the flood contained, but to no avail. By the fourth squirt my mouth was overflowing. I swallowed about half of his jism, and kept the rest in my mouth to swirl around his cockhead with my tongue. As the throbbing in Tom's cock began to ease, he quickly became too sensitive. I wanted to make sure I got every drop of that wonderful spunk, but Tom could take no more of my sucking and said that he was totally used up for the time being.

  I had now, with Tom's help, totally satisfied Dana and single-handedly done the same for Tom. I felt terrific, even though I hadn't come myself. I learned an important lesson that night— satisfying two people I really loved was just as good as satisfying myself. I also learned that I could totally love two different people at the same time, and that their gender made no difference. These were some of the best lessons I had in college.—Name and address withheld


  My wife and kids were out of town, and I was feeling exceptionally horny for something out of the ordinary. I pulled up to the parking lot of the Grotto and shut off the car. I was a little nervous, not being used to the gay scene, and felt unsure of what I would find within. As I walked toward the door I loosened my tie and unbuttoned my vest. Once inside I walked straight to the bar. My mouth was dry and my heart was racing. I hardly glanced at the hunks surrounding me. After a few sips of beer I started to relax, then lit a cigarette and proceeded to scan the room.

  Sitting on the stool next to me was Eddie. He was about my height, six feet two, dark and handsome. His open shirt revealed an exceptionally hairy chest, and dark hair covered his arms as well. We struck up a conversation, and when he stood up I got a good look at his balls showing through his tight jeans.

  He ordered us both another beer. We sat and talked for quite a while. He slowly maneuvered himself so that his knee lodged between my thighs, slowly rubbing and kneading my groin. I loved the feeling of exhibitionism in the crowded bar and couldn't believe how hot I could get in a public place.

  I wanted to get out of there and get down to business, and it seemed he wanted the same thing. We finished the beer, paid the bill, and walked out into the parking lot. By now my cock was straining through my wool slacks, and a huge spot of pre-come shined through. I patted his ass as I got into my car. As I followed Eddie back to his house I could hardly stand the fifteen-minute drive to sexual bliss.

  We pulled up to an art deco entry to a private tropical garden. It was a beautiful entrance to his small bungalow. Inside we drank some cool water and then I stretched out on the couch. He soon joined me and we began fondling each other, slowly at first, then more frantically. I pulled off his shirt and reveled in the sight of his chest and erect nipples. I lost myself in his matted hair while he disrobed me.

  We went into the bedroom and got naked. His phallus stood like a rigid peak of marble crowned with a single glistening drop of dew. I began encircling the top ridge with my tongue, slowly working toward the crater at the top of the purple volcano that would soon activate. I smelled the base of his cock and nudged his balls with my nose. I then licked each one with my tongue while he groped for my groin. I shoved him back against the headboard so that he was half sitting up, with his knees bent close to his chest.

  As I spread his knees his hairy thighs framed two balls the size of ripe summer plums. His cock was fully ten inches long and so thick that I could barely get my fist around it. It twitched with anticipation and another droplet of come slid down the ridge. He held his knees apart while I burrowed between his thighs.

  His hairy, well-formed chest began to heave, and I knew he was on the brink. I began massaging the fleshy underside of his shaft with my thumb and suddenly sucked his entire member into my throat. It took only a few heaves before he was moaning and writhing with pleasure. I slid him out of my mouth and sat back to catch my breath.

  His cock stood straight up toward his hairy navel, swollen, purple, ready to release. He looked me straight in the eye as if to plead, “Finish me,” but this was an erotic moment that I didn't want to end.

  By now my cock was also purple with anticipation, dripping its glistening nectar down my shaft. I straddled his legs and gripped his cock, pressing it closely to mine. There we were, connected by our love probes, both electric with anticipation. Holding firmly, I began to thrust up and down. He soon followed my lead. The headboard was slamming against the wall as our groans grew louder, our musky scent permeating the atmosphere. Our cocks slid together, wet with our pre-come. He lifted his ass and started gasping in orgasm. The eruption came from the depths of my balls and I came with him, simultaneously spewing white lava all over our chests and balls.

  We both leaned back, cocks covered with come, and relaxed. He stretched out and I quickly took the opportunity to mount him, French-kissing him and rubbing our lubricated genitals together until we both began stiffening. He then flipped me over and went down on me. I hungrily sucked the cock that stiffly dangled before me. I grabbed his hairy ass and he grabbed mine as we began to face-fuck each other. We formed an unending doughnut of sexual tension, my head locked between his thighs while his cock slid up and down my throat. His grip on my ass got firmer and his cock began to engorge. Simultaneously we rocked in pleasure, groans muffled by the tube steaks we were both eating.

  Reluctantly we separated, cocks red and shrinking, come oozing from their heads. I fell asleep rubbing his hairy stomach and legs. The next morning I awoke, showered, and kissed him goodbye. I haven't sought any more men since then, but I have the memories of an unforgettable night!—P.D., Tucson, Arizona


  I live in Florida aboard a thirty-foot sailboat. Although at times it seems a little cramped, the low cost of dock rental and the ability to escape to remote beach areas on the weekends more than offset the small living quarters. I am in my thirties yet still have a good many boyish features, and I keep my pubic hair shaven to call attention to my boyish cock.

  I love to sail off to remote areas and sunbathe in the nude. Sometimes I stay on the boat and sometimes I pick a deserted island beach area or a clearing in the mangroves. Just a short time lying naked in the sun gets me horny to the point that I have to whack off to a glorious orgasm.

  On one such occasion I had an experience on a beautiful, remote beach that I have to tell you about. I had sailed for about three hours and found a nice, sunny, private anchorage for the boat. I stripped down to my birthday suit and felt the warmth of the sun tantalizing my skin. I especially love the sensation of the hot rays of the sun striking my tender bare behind. After about half an hour I was hot and sweaty, so I jumped into the water. The water was warm and still felt good, as my cock and balls floated freely as I swam.

  Thinking I was totally alone, I swam far from the boat and eventually to the beach, still naked as a jaybird.
When I reached the beach I just lay there. I spread my legs wide open, loving the sensation of the small waves lapping at my behind and hairless balls. After a few minutes I felt my dick grow into a firm, long rod.

  I continued to lay there in the warmth and then started to rub my cock against the soft sand. (It wasn't exactly sand, it was more of a silt.) Anyway, it felt great, and I eventually buried the shaft deep into the soft silt. It was as good as any pussy I'd ever felt.

  Still thinking I was alone, I pumped harder and harder, arching my back to get maximum penetration. It was at this point, to my horror, I noticed another person in the bushes watching me. I knew I was caught in the act. I stopped and just lay there, pretending to be sunbathing. I hid my head like an ostrich, hoping that the intruder would go away (just the same as my tremendous boner).

  But then a lump came into my throat when two feet came and stopped inches from my head. I looked up and it was another man, a little younger than me. He was in good shape physically and had a nice tan and lovely blond hair. He was wearing a skimpy racing-style bathing suit and I noticed a huge bulge in front of it.

  Then he said, “Hey, that looks like fun. Mind if I join in?” I didn't know what to say, so I just smiled. Apparently he took that as an invitation, because in a flash he had stripped and was lying beside me. It took no time for him to get a large hard-on, which I could see peeping out from under his firm belly.


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