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Knocked Up on Valentine's Day: A Single Dad Billionaire Romance

Page 127

by Amy Brent

  “Is that my arrow showing me the way?” I knew he was going to want more, but I had never had any problems steering men to oral sex.

  “I want to suck your cock. How about we do sixty-nine.” I stroked his cock and licked my lips.

  “You got it, Gemma. Then I’m going to fuck that little pussy of yours.”

  “I don’t do that, but if you want me to make you come, I promise not to disappoint.” His face fell, and he shrugged.

  “Okay, baby. We can do whatever you want, but I won’t promise I’m not going to come all down your throat.” I offered a smile.

  “I’d prefer it on my tits.” I had always preferred it on my tits, and only because it reminded me of Whitt.

  “Whatever.” He took my hand, and I led him to the bedroom where he stretched out atop my covers. I lay down opposite of him, and he pulled me over the top of his body, my knees settling down around his head. Then he pulled me down and lapped at my tender slit. The ache in my core was so great that I knew I was going to come soon.

  As he gripped my ass cheeks and rolled my hips hard against his face, licking me as deep as possible, I took his cock into my hand and stroked it, milking a tiny pearl of pre-come and gathering it with my tongue where it exploded with a taste of sweet and salt and all too soon it diluted. I’d have to get more. I sucked and worked my head on him taking him deep into my throat, and he lapped and slipped his fingers between my folds.

  “No penetration, please.” I heard him huff, and then he stuck his tongue in deep and flicked it against my little barrier.

  He paused. “Are you a virgin or something?”

  “Yes, or something.” I put my mouth back to work, and in a few minutes, he pulled away from my sopping wet slit, and we rolled over and sat up.

  “Are you like, saving yourself for someone?”

  “Yes,” I said with a shrug.

  “Suck it.” He sat back and held his cock up. It had always been the same. When they found out they couldn’t have the cherry; they’d get in a shitty mood. Lucky for this fool I had a little bit of fantasy left in me.

  “Come on these, got it?” Now that our agreement had been made, I took his cock back into my mouth, and he held my head and fucked my face really good, holding me down when he wanted, and I had even gagged a little. In the end, I felt his cock twitch, and I knew that his orgasm was on the way and he has no intention of stopping. I jerked back, and with a huff, he shot his load all over my tits, but not before I caught a taste, which lingered on my breath even though I’d swallowed it down.

  “Nice try.”

  “Yeah, well, I thought I should get something out of it since you’re not willing to put out.”

  I grabbed his tender balls and gave them a squeeze. “Seems lighter to me, so I’d say you’d got something.” I got to my feet and went to the bathroom to clean up while I watched him dress in in the mirror behind me. He wasn’t even concerned if I had gotten off or not, which I’d gotten plenty. I hadn’t wasted a thought on Samuel, and everything I had done had been to catch a glimpse of Whitt in my mind.

  “See you around, Gemma.” He left with a look of disappointment on his face. It was hard to feel sorry for him when it would take me another thirty minutes and two double A batteries to finish his job, but after locking the front door, I lay on the bed and closed my eyes thinking again of Whitt as I worked my clit. It had been tempting to work my vibrator inside me, but I had made a promise to myself a long time ago to protect my virginity and leave myself intact for him.

  After I had come, I decided that I should call and check on Lila. With any luck, she’d tell me how her day went and talked about her father. Besides, I knew she had a lot on her mind with the new boyfriend drama. I was glad she was dating an older man too and wondered if it would bother her if I was with her father. It’s not like I could ask.

  I took out my phone, rolled over in bed, and dialed her number. “Gemma!” Her voice came through the phone. “I’m so glad you called, I’m driving, and I’m getting so sleepy.”

  “It’s not even eight.” I was thankful that Sam hadn’t taken up more of my night.

  “I know, but I’ve been sleepy all day. I’m so tired all the time and this driving back and forth to see Daniel is killing me.”

  “It’s worth it though, right?”

  “It is when I get there.” She let out an evil giggle, and I giggled too knowing she’d told me all about their sex and how amazing it was. I imagined it would be half as good as me and her father’s, but it wasn’t like that had happened. Yet. I was still determined. “What’s going on with you, college grad?” She still had a year to go and only because she’d quit for a year before going back.

  “Nothing, I’ve been so lazy. Samuel just left, you remember him, right? From that party at Monica’s?”

  “The big stud on campus, yes. Did you give him a bite of your cherry?” She’d called my oral escapades that for years.

  “Yes, but he wanted the pie. I gave him a blow job, and he left.”

  “Ugh, let me guess. You didn’t finish?” She had heard all about my woes through the years and knew everything about me except for my wild fixation on her father.

  “You guessed it. But I don’t want to talk about it. Subject change; how’s your father?”

  “Ew, we’re going from oral sex to my father,” she said making a gagging noise. I couldn’t tell her that it wasn’t that far-fetched. “He’s fine; still on my case and today, he was in an extra-special good mood. His secretary f*cked up and quit on him. Took a huge bonus he gave her and eloped to Vegas.” She let out a long breath. “I liked her too.” I knew that was her way of saying the woman hadn’t slept with her father. She hated anyone who did, and I knew that one day, she might even hate me. It broke my heart to think that but hoped that our friendship was strong enough and she’d understand how much I loved him.

  I couldn’t help but think about that opening and knew it was time to put my plan into action. If there was a secretary job in Whitt Porter’s office, I was going to get it. He’d told me no once, but never again.

  Chapter 5


  “I don’t know how you do it, man,” Dax said, as another woman at the gym strolled up and handed me her number. It was the second time that morning and all I could think was I must be on fire for them all to take notice.

  “It’s the smell of money. I was rolling around in the vault before I came.”

  He chuckled and finished his rep. “I’m serious, and it’s not fair. I’m younger than you, just as handsome, and they act like I don’t even exist.”

  “If you’d call them back, then they wouldn’t be so bitter, and they wouldn’t warn their friends about you.” He’d already dated most of the single women at the gym and probably a couple of the married ones.

  “I’m not that bad.”

  “We could always use my private gym, and then there won’t be any women.”

  “Unless Lila and her friends come over.” Dax gave me a wicked smile, and I wanted to punch his teeth in.

  “I’ve told you before; my daughter is off-limits. You’re too old for her. It’s bad enough I’ve got another man playing daddy, and she’s eating it up.”

  “Oh man, that’s got to suck.”

  “That’s a good way to sum things up. I’m going to need you scouting some locations. Ashley wants to see the ones we’ve already purchased, and so I’ll handle those.

  “Right.” He gave me a teasing smile.

  “Watch it; you’re still in hot water over the Lila remark.” He was the only SOB who would get away with that kind of mouth, and it was because we’d been best friends for years. He was my closest confidant, and I’d told him everything, including about my sexual trysts.

  “Sorry man.”

  “It’s okay, we’ve been arguing lately, and she hit a nerve the other day at breakfast. Told me she’s considered marrying this one.” He shook his head and gave me a sympathetic look as we went to clean up.

>   After, we headed to the office where the temp seemed eager to see me.

  She got up as I walked in the door and hurried over with her fingers wringing together nervously. “Mr. Porter, you have a Gemma Cassidy in your office. I’m sorry to let her in without an appointment, but she says she’s like family and that you’d want to see her.” She gave me a hopeful look.

  I held up a hand and nodded. “Yes, it’s fine, Gemma is my daughter’s best friend.”

  She let out a sigh, and her shoulders dropped as she relaxed and headed back to the desk. “She mentioned the secretary job. Maybe you’ve found my replacement.” She gave me a smile and returned to her work. Dammit, Lila.

  She had to have told her about the job and even though she’d promised me the other day she wouldn’t there was no other explanation for Gemma’s visit.

  I took a deep breath as I opened the door and found her sitting at my desk instead of in one of the chairs in front of it. She looked like she belonged there with her head held high and a determined look on her pretty face. I’d seen that look before. This time I didn’t know if I could refuse her anything.

  I walked in dropping my briefcase by the door. “Gemma, how are you, dear?” I wasn’t going to let her know that she’d ruffled my feathers.

  She got to her feet, and we closed the distance between us. “I’m fine, Mr. Porter. I was in the area and thought I’d stop by.”

  “It’s been a while, have you forgotten where we live?” I took in her bright blue eyes and noticed the set of her brows, lifted high and spread apart as if she were sizing me up.

  “I’ve been busy graduating. I’m sorry you missed it.” She poked out her bottom lip as she stood and suddenly she was that little girl again, standing in front of me with a gleam in her eye. “Lila told me you had to go out of town.”

  It had bothered me to miss her graduation, and despite everything, in many ways, she’d been like a daughter to me too. She’d spent more nights at my house than not in those last years of high school and at least two beyond. Even after things had been awkward, she’d still been around for Lila, keeping our secret.

  “Yes, I’m sorry. What can I help you with today?” I let my eyes trail down her body, taking in the swell of her breasts which threatened to spill out of her top because she’d not buttoned her shirt all the way, and the tight pencil skirt that showed off all of her curves. She looked like she belonged on the cover of a magazine or between the pages.

  She cleared her throat and met my eyes directly. “I heard about the position and wondered if I could ask you for the job. Money is a bit tight, and with my grandmother abroad, she’s not sending money as often as she used to.” I hated to think of her struggling and wished she’d just asked for some money instead.

  I took a moment to pause and choose my next words carefully. I didn’t want to hurt her feelings or seem like I was coming up with an excuse because of what had happened between us years ago. “I just don’t think it’s appropriate for you to work for me, being that your Lila’s friend. If it didn’t work out, then it would only cause problems.” I was already thinking of how easy it would be to bend her over my desk and push that fucking skirt up over her ass.

  She put her hand on her chest. “I thought that would be the reason you’d help me. I mean, we’ve known each other a long time, Mr. Porter.”

  “That’s why I’d like you to let me write you a check, Gemma. Consider it a graduation gift.” She glanced up, and her eyes were hard, her lip curled back.

  “With all due respect, I don’t want your money.” She turned and walked to the window, and the light shone through her hair, catching every strand and making it look ablaze. I had insulted her.

  “I don’t mind helping, Gemma, please don’t be offended.” I stepped up behind her, and she turned, standing so close I could kiss her.

  “I’m qualified, Mr. Porter, and you know I’m loyal.” She met my eyes with a hard stare, and I took it as a challenge.

  She was so beautiful and seemed so vulnerable, that I couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. I’d always wanted to take care of her and deep inside I knew I’d always felt guilty for not giving her what she wanted that night.

  I was certain she wasn’t standing before me in the same pure form and that some gangly young man had no doubt been given her virginity. She lifted her chin defiantly and met my eyes. “I want this job. Please, Mr. Porter. I’m behind on rent, and I don’t know what to do. I want to earn my living.” She gave me the same pleading look as she had all those years ago. I couldn’t refuse her again, not this simple request. I had to respect that she wanted to earn her own living and wished Lila had this much determination.

  I placed my arms on hers and pulled her close. “Okay, Gemma. It’s yours, but first, you tell me the truth, how did you find out about the job? Did Lila tell you?”

  “No, sir. It was posted online.” I let out a sigh and realized it had been posted. I’d ordered that be done myself in hopes to find a permanent replacement. “I won’t tell her if you don’t want. I know you keep secrets.”

  “It’s okay. I’ll tell her.” I figured she’d be pleased and then maybe I could score some points with her.

  “Thank you, Mr. Porter!” She fell into my arms, and I stood stroking her arms and rubbing soft circles on her back.

  “It will be okay, Gemma.” I stepped away and got her a tissue off the desk, and she wiped her tears, and I smoothed down her hair. She was so much prettier than I’d ever imagined she’d turn out to be, and though my daughter was a beautiful young woman, Gemma was a knockout. She had filled out in all of the right places and had a certain sex appeal in the way she carried herself. I had a feeling she’d turned out promiscuous considering how she carried herself and I scolded myself at the thought of having her.

  It was just as wrong now as it had been then, and I was going to have to fight my cravings daily. I knew deep down that I’d not been able to refuse her because I wanted her and was as determined to have her as she had been back then to have me.

  For a moment, I wondered if that had changed, but then I reminded myself that things had to stay strictly professional. I couldn’t have her. Ever.

  “So where do you want me?” Her voice pulled me out of my thoughts, and I narrowed my eyes.

  “What did you say?” Where did I want her? On the desk, over the chair, on the floor, the couch? I could even take her to my private bathroom and put her over the sink, and then I could see the smile on my face as I stroked that sweet ass.

  “I said, when do you want me here.” She looked up at me with those big blue eyes and my cheeks reddened.

  “Of course. Let’s see. How about you come on Monday morning. That will give you tomorrow and the weekend to rest up, and I’ll see first thing. I’ll make sure the temp, Margaret, is around to train you and if you have any questions, you can always pop in on me and ask.” I had a feeling she’d be popping in a lot, and part of me hoped she would.

  “Thank you.” She stepped closer again, and the feel of her close made me breathe in her scent. She still smelled the same. Like fresh rain and crisp, juicy apples. I wanted to take a bite. “You’ve always taken such good care of me, Mr. Porter.”

  “It’s my pleasure. You’re a good friend to Lila. And I meant what I said; I’d like to give you a starting bonus, something to get you lined out on rent and give you a little peace of mind. You’ll work for it. I’ll make sure to keep you on your toes.” I wasn’t going to take no for an answer. This was Gemma, and I’d known her for too long not to feel responsible for her well-being.

  Her grandmother had always been so eccentric that she’d taken off on the girl and I knew that she’d fit right in with Lila and me. I wondered what would have happened to her if she and Lila hadn’t met and shuddered to think of how she might have ended up. My protective nature kicked in, and I went to my desk to get my checkbook.

  “How’s five thousand?” Her eyes widened.

  “Thank you, Mr. Porter. I wo
n’t let you down, I promise.” She came around the desk and took the check. Leaning in close, she hugged me and kissed my cheek.

  As she left, and I looked down to my lap at the raging bulge tenting my pants, I wondered what I’d gotten myself into.

  Chapter 6


  My morning couldn’t get any crazier as I left for my new commute down to Whitt’s office. Traffic was a mess, there was a run in my favorite stockings, and my coffee which I’d gone five minutes out of my way to get, tasted like it had been funneled through a gym shoe. I had deliberately dressed in my most revealing blouse and another tight skirt after noticing how he’d gawked at me last time.

  I loved his eyes on me and hoped that taunting him would lead to more.

  Once I arrived, I went into his office where his temp was waiting. She had a big smile for me as I walked into the room, but it quickly faded when she got a look at my top.

  “Oh, I’m not sure Mr. Porter will approve of that blouse.” Margaret glanced at my breasts as if they were completely bared to the world instead of tucked into my exposed lace bra which was peeking out of the top.


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