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No Limits

Page 21

by Nora Phoenix

  It took Aaron a minute to reply, but Josh refused to watch him in the mirror. “You’re not wrong,” his brother finally said. Wow, Aaron is admitting I was right. Call the fucking press.

  “What job did you get fired from?” Connor asked.

  “I worked in DC as a staffer to Senator Fremont from Georgia. He’s an old-fashioned, fire-and-brimstone Republican from the South who’s in his fifth term. He fired me when I came out as gay, said I was an abomination. Of course, he found a different legal reason, but we both knew better. And since I was fired without a recommendation, I couldn’t get a job with anyone else in DC. It’s a small town in that sense.”

  Connor entered their driveway, and Josh couldn’t help but hopefully check for Indy’s car. Nope, still nothing. God, he missed him.

  “I’m sure you should be able to get a job somewhere else,” Josh said. “I mean, even if it’s waiting tables, it’ll pay the bills.”

  “I know, but I have a master’s in political science, and aside from the fact that Fremont was a judgmental asshole, I loved that job. I’d hoped to find something similar.”

  “There’s enough governing going on here in Albany,” Connor said. “And in general it’s a hell of a lot more liberal than the Deep South. You should be able to find something here.”

  “I hope so. It’s hard to figure out where to start.”

  Holy crap, what the fuck was wrong with Aaron? Did he think employers would line up for him? The passiveness he radiated irritated the shit out of Josh. “I’d say you start with accepting the first job you can get so you make some money and go from there.”

  “Do you work?” Aaron asked.

  Josh's head shot up. Was Aaron seriously taking a dig at him being home because of his PTSD?

  “Aaron, do not go down that road,” Connor said, his voice cold as ice. He parked the car in the garage, turned off the engine and met Aaron’s eyes dead on in the mirror. “Your brother has served his country with honor and paid a high price for it. Don’t you dare belittle that, or you’ll discover how fast I can kick you out. I will protect Josh from you, you understand me?”

  “I wasn’t… I didn’t…” Aaron sighed. “Never mind.”

  He carefully got out of the car. As soon as Aaron had closed his door, Connor turned to Josh. “Don’t let him get to you, baby. He’s not your problem.”

  Josh reveled in the warm feeling in his belly Connor’s words inspired. Fuck, how he loved it when the man went all authoritative as shit.

  “Yes, Connor,” he whispered, just to let him know what he was doing to him. He was rewarded with a stare from Connor that made his cock hard instantly. It seemed his submissiveness turned Connor on as much as Connor’s dominance affected him.

  Fuck, he couldn’t wait for that session Connor had promised him. They’d have to get rid of Aaron first. Josh was not planning on letting Aaron know about that part of his relationship with Connor. It was bad enough he’d heard them fuck. Not that he gave a shit what Aaron thought, but it felt too personal, too raw to share.

  He wasn’t even sure how much he wanted Noah to know. His best friend had to suspect something after their conversation in the hospital and Connor’s admission he’d worked Josh over good. After all, Noah knew how much Josh loved the rough sex and how he got off on Noah ordering him around in bed. But they’d never even gotten close to what he and Connor had shared, and he wasn’t sure Noah would understand, let alone approve.

  “You okay, baby?”

  Connor’s soft question yanked him from his thoughts. “Yeah. Looking forward to my reward.”

  Connor’s eyes clouded over, and he visibly swallowed. “Me too, baby. Me too.”

  Indy had no intention whatsoever of informing Josh about the appeal. Instead, he had Noah call Josh's lawyer. Noah had assured the lawyer he’d inform Josh and had asked him because of Josh's PTSD to contact Noah first if there was any news. Because Noah was still listed as Josh's health care proxy and had power of attorney in case Josh wasn’t able to make decisions, the lawyer had agreed after some persuading. That was the first step in Indy’s plan.

  Next, he needed to talk to Connor without Josh finding out. It was a risk he was taking, meeting the cop alone while still not one hundred percent sure of his intentions, but he had little choice. Josh's safety and well-being came first. So the next day, he’d called Connor, had asked him to meet later that day at the studio, without Josh. Connor had agreed, even if he’d been clearly reluctant to keep it from Josh.

  Indy had checked out from the motel in Jersey and had found a similar one near Albany airport. He’d managed to sell his car the day before and was now using a rental. The money from his car, combined with the prepaid credit cards from Noah would tide him over for a little while.

  Indy stood close to the entrance to the studio and watched Connor walk up. The cop gave him a cursory glance, then proceeded to go inside. Indy smiled. He couldn’t have asked for better proof his disguise worked.

  “Connor,” he called out.

  The cop whipped his head around. His eyes widened when he recognized Indy. “Fuck, you’re good,” he said with obvious admiration.

  “Thank you. I’ll make this quick because you must hate leaving Josh alone right now.”

  “I sent a message to the DA. He should have something for you today, tomorrow at the latest,” Connor assured him.

  “Okay, but that’s not what I need to talk to you about.” He took a deep breath, hoped Connor would keep his cool. “The three guys who raped Josh have been released, pending an appeal. General Flint got a heads up and let Noah know. Josh doesn’t know. Yet.”

  Other than a tightening of Connor’s jaw, the man didn’t react, something Indy could appreciate. Where Noah’s temper ran hot and instantly, Connor’s ran cold and long. Indy wasn’t sure which he preferred, but in this case, his money was on Connor. There had to be little the cop wouldn’t do to protect Josh.

  “Noah spoke to his lawyer, got him to agree to not contact Josh directly because of his PTSD. It’s probably not entirely legal, but neither is what I’m about to propose to solve this issue. You gonna have a problem with that?”

  “Does it involve killing these three motherfuckers?”

  “Sadly, no. But it might break a few bones, and more importantly, it will result in a more satisfactory punishment and get them to drop the appeal.”

  Connor nodded. “Spill.”

  In quick sentences, Indy explained what he had come up with. When he was done, Connor shook his head and whistled softly. “You have three times the brain the Fitzpatricks ever gave you credit for.”

  Indy shrugged. “Duncan never gave a shit about what I thought. All he wanted was to fuck me and brag about fucking me. I was nothing more than a hole for him to use.”

  Connor’s hand landed on Indy’s shoulder, squeezed gently. “You’re so much more than that, so don’t ever believe otherwise. Noah loves you for who you are and rightly so. Look at what you’re willing to do for Josh. He’s damn lucky to have a friend like you.”

  “You know he let me fuck him, right?” Indy figured he might as well clear the air on that one. If Connor was going to become a fixture in Josh's life, Indy wanted to make sure they had things out in the open.

  Connor swallowed. “Yeah, he told me. Can’t say I like it, but then again I like the idea of Noah fucking him even less.”

  At least Indy could offer some peace of mind there. “He won’t. Not anymore.”

  Surprised flashed over Connor’s face. “Did you…?”

  “No, that was all him.”

  “How were you okay with that? The thought of having to watch Noah and Josh… I don’t think I could. As a matter of fact, I’m sure I couldn’t. I’d rip Noah’s heart out. How could you stand it?”

  “When I met Noah and Josh, they were a unit. I don’t think they fully realized it, but they were a couple. A dysfunctional couple, but they were most definitely together. They needed each other, and they were nowhere nea
r ready to let go. If I had forced it, I would’ve lost them both. And it didn’t bother me, watching them together. It still doesn’t. I calculate it woulda been way worse to not see it. This way, I could see it for what it was, and not let my imagination run off. And in all honesty, it was becoming less and less frequent. Plus, Josh needed something Noah couldn’t give him…and I suspect you can.”

  Connor cleared his throat, and Indy bit back a smile. The cop was clearly not used to openly discussing his sex life. “Josh told me you had suggested he might have submissive tendencies.”

  Indy lifted his eyebrows. “Does he?”


  “And I take it you like to be dominant, then?”

  Connor looked everywhere except at Indy. “Yah.”

  “Well, that’s good then, that you both can find fulfillment.”

  “Can I ask you a question about that?”

  It had to be a hell of an important question for the cop to overcome his reluctance to discuss such private matters. “Sure.”

  “I’m looking for a way to become more…proficient. I want to fully satisfy Josh's needs, and I need to learn how to dominate him better. There’s a ton of stuff online, but I’m not taking any risks as some of it seems dangerous. He’s too important to me. Any suggestions?”

  Indy sighed inwardly. How the fuck did I become the go-to person for kinky sex? The irony wasn’t lost on him. “Find a local Dom who does couples’ sessions. There are Doms that specifically teach partners the Dom/sub relationship. Find one you connect with, that you trust and go together.”

  Connor’s eyes lit up. “That’s a thing? I thought those Doms-for-hire were, like, a sex-club thing, or for subs who needed a Dom. Thank you, I’ll look into it.”

  “You’re welcome. Now, back to our plan. You’ll need a solid alibi and not from Josh. You’ll be the first one they suspect. Noah too, but they’ll clear him because of his surgery.”

  Connor smiled, amused. “You do realize you’re talking to a cop?”

  “Sure, but you wanna know how often cops get caught for doing stupid shit, like accepting briberies? You’d think they know better, and they don’t. I’ll let you know when I leave, but it will be in a day or two. I want to get this done before Noah comes home.”

  “Other than the alibi, do you need anything from me?”

  “Money.” Indy breathed out, hated this part. “I’m low on cash, and I need to travel without arousing suspicion, using several rental cars and motels. Plus, I need to hire a PI to dig up some shit on these motherfuckers.”

  “Cash or a prepaid credit card?”

  “Both, preferably. Thank you. I hate asking, but I can’t pull it off otherwise.”

  Connor shook his head. “No, don’t thank me. I owe you for this. The money doesn’t mean shit to me, and I’d pay anything to keep Josh safe.”

  “I don’t like IOU’s. Consider it an act of love between friends. We’re good. But Connor, the money is not the only reason I informed you.” He searched for words.

  “Noah can’t know, obviously, so you needed to inform me in case something goes wrong. I get it.”

  Indy breathed out in relief. “Noah would try to stop me, and I understand where he’s coming from. But I have to do this for Josh. I can’t stand the thought of him having to go through this again.”

  Much to his surprise, the cop closed the distance between them and bent over to hug him gently. “Thank you for that. But do know that if I ever find a way to repay you, I will. And please, Indy, be careful.”


  Aaron had to go. Connor was sick and tired of Josh being on edge all the time, which was only exacerbated by Aaron’s lazy-ass attitude toward everything. It wasn’t that he was a bother, but he sure didn’t do fuck. Plus, Noah was coming home tomorrow, which meant Indy probably wanted to come back as well. He’d texted Connor to say he’d left to carry out his revenge plan, but he promised he’d return as soon as he was done.

  More importantly: Connor wanted his sex life back. He and Josh hadn’t had sex since their bet, aside from a fast mutual blow job. Connor wanted to fuck Josh properly, and there was no doubt Josh needed to be worked over well. He was so tense Connor kept having to yank him back out of a starting episode. He’d already found a solution for today, but it was time to get their privacy back.

  He’d waited three more days to see if Aaron got the hint himself, or for Josh to say anything, but when neither moved into action, Connor decided he was done. They were having breakfast, as always prepared by Josh. He’d fixed Connor oatmeal with nutty toppings as he called it, which meant a deliciously crunchy layer of various nuts and seeds he’d baked in the oven, with some maple syrup on top. Connor loved how Josh insisted on making a hearty meal for “his man”, as he dubbed Connor. The deep satisfaction that expression gave Connor had no equal.

  “Aaron, what’s your plan for today?” Connor asked.

  Aaron jerked up from the newspaper he’d been reading. “Erm, hadn’t really thought about it.”

  Connor held back a sigh. What else is new? “I can’t help but notice that seems to be a recurring event.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’ve been here six days, and I’ve seen no indication of you getting a job, or even moving any closer to obtaining one. You haven’t contacted Professor Kent about that room either.”

  Aaron had the decency to look a bit embarrassed. “Yeah, I know. Noah is coming home tomorrow, right? Well, I figured I could maybe use your apartment, Connor, since you’re staying here, or if you guys wanted to go to your place, I could stay here with Noah.”

  Out of the corner of his eye, Connor caught Josh freezing to his spot. Before he could say anything, Connor put his foot down. “No. You’re not moving into my apartment, and you’re not staying here any longer. We gave you time to get your act together, but you seem to think that’s an ongoing invitation. It’s not. Deadline is tomorrow. When Noah comes home, you’re gone.” Having said his piece, Connor took another bite of the delicious oatmeal concoction Josh had made for him. Damn, the man could cook.

  Aaron’s spoon clonked out of his hand, splashing milk over the breakfast bar. “But where am I supposed to go? You can’t just put me out on the street. And it’ll be two days before Christmas then.”

  “I don’t give a fuck, and sure we can. You’ve had plenty of time to find something. It’s not our fault you didn’t use it. Call Kent and ask if you can stay with him. Book a motel. Or sleep in your car. I don’t care, as long as you’re gone in two days.”

  Aaron paled visibly, and Connor almost felt sorry for him. He wasn’t a bad kid, but holy fuck, he was spoiled as all get-out. He needed one hell of an attitude adjustment.

  “I’ll figure something out,” Aaron mumbled. He quickly finished his cereal and went upstairs, leaving his bowl on the counter.

  If there had been any doubt in Connor’s mind about Josh's opinion on what he’d told Aaron, it was gone when he was rewarded with a fierce kiss.

  “Thank you,” Josh whispered in his ear, hugging him tightly. “God, I need you, Connor. I need you bad.”

  Connor kissed him hard. “I know, baby. I have a surprise for you today. I need you dressed in comfortable clothes and ready to go after lunch, okay? Don’t eat too much. I promise, it’s a good surprise, and you’re gonna love it.”

  Josh's eyes lit up, then sobered. “What about Aaron?”

  “I’ll tell him to entertain himself outside of the house this afternoon. Maybe he can go job hunting. I can’t seem to care, but I’ll make sure he’s gone.”

  He felt good enough about what he had planned with Josh that he interpreted Aaron’s muffled remark when he informed him of their plans as enthusiastic consent. It even helped to suppress his worry about what Indy was about to do. Indy was wicked smart, and his plan was solid, but it still had risks. If one of the men reacted differently, if they got violent… Indy knew how to defend himself, but what would happen if he accidentally gave away his

  Still, Connor didn’t see another way. The sheer nerve of these guys to request an appeal communicated loud and clear what caliber men they were. The lowest. Connor had no doubt they would sink to unfathomable depths to get off—and in the process not only blame Josh but destroy him. He couldn’t let that happen. And as much as he believed in justice and the system, he also knew this was one of those cases where being innocent didn’t mean you had the law on your side. No, what Indy was doing had Connor’s wholehearted blessing. He could only hope he would be okay.

  At one o’clock, Aaron left with an expression that tempted Connor to slap it off, but he let it be. He wanted to save his energy. “Come on, baby, let’s go.”

  Josh hadn’t asked once where they were going. Despite his aversion to surprises, he apparently trusted Connor enough to surrender completely. Not that Connor wasn’t planning on springing this on him, but he’d thought it best to wait till they were in the car.

  “You curious where we’re going?” he asked once they were on their way. It was a 20-minute drive, he’d seen on Google Maps.

  Josh nodded. “But the fact it’s just us is reward enough. Fuck, Aaron was getting on my nerves. Thank you so much for stepping in.”

  Connor smiled at Josh's trust. “I’ll tell you anyways since I don’t want to completely blindside you. I’ve booked us an appointment this afternoon with Master Mark, as he calls himself. He’s a Dom who gives private lessons to couples to teach them the Dom/sub relationship.”

  Josh's head whipped around. His mouth slightly agape, he was clearly trying to digest what Connor had told him. “He’s gonna dominate you, too?”

  The mix of worry and indignation in Josh's voice made Connor want to pull over and kiss the man senseless. How telling it was that Josh's first concern was for Connor.

  “No, baby. He’s going to teach me to be a Dom and you how to be a sub since we’re both newbies at this. I filled out this entire list of preferences, and he emailed me a contract that states explicitly what he can and cannot do. He won’t sexually engage us for instance, only help us pleasure each other. You didn’t think I’d be content watching another man touch you, or let you touch him, did you? You’re mine, Joshua.”


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