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Page 26

by Jai Williams

  “So what, we just kill all the men that Dwayne sends in? What about after that? Won’t he just shoot us or something?” replied Dean with concern.

  “Ah, umm, let’s see,” said Ronnie. Ronnie looked up at where Dwayne was sitting. “HEY DWAYNE, WHAT HAPPENS IF WE REFUSE AND WE KILL ALL YOUR MEN THAT YOU SEND IN TO KILL US?” he yelled, curiously.

  Dwayne picked up his mic. “Well, if you kill all the men I send in, then I would be fuckin’ impressed, but no one has ever done that so if you think you can, then good luck you crazy fucks…send in men,” he said.

  The doors that Ronnie and Dean came from opened up and one man from each side came into the arena. They both had weapons in their hands. The one that was coming from Ronnie’s side had a sword just like Ronnie and the man who was coming from Dean’s side had quite a large sledgehammer. These men weren’t wearing gladiator outfits so for Ronnie and Dean it was easier to kill them. Ronnie and Dean had their backs to each other.

  “Let’s kill these fuckers.” said Ronnie with some confidence.

  In the cells, Roger went up to the front of the cell. “Psst guys, w-what’s the plan? How are we going to get out of here?” he asked, directing it to Captain Harris and Jay.

  “We’re going to persuade Dwayne to only let us fight the others and not each other,” replied Jay.

  “Well, that would have been a great idea back before they took Dean and Ronnie because they’re probably trying to kill each other now or refusing and Dwayne’s men are probably killing them…and also the main question is how? How do we persuade Dwayne?” asked Roger.

  “Dean and Ronnie are smart and brave men. I believe they will find a way out of it, I’m sure…and I guess we show Dwayne how great we are at fighting so he would probably change his mind and want us all alive,” replied Jay.

  Back in the arena the two men that were sent into the arena to kill Ronnie and Dean came charging at them. “Okay, when they are real close, we duck and dive to the side,” whispered Ronnie.

  “Got it. Hopefully, it works,” replied Dean. The men got close.

  “NOW!” yelled Ronnie, so they dived to the side. Ronnie went to the left and Dean went to the right. The two men charging at them ran into each other and the one holding the sword stabbed it straight through the other man’s chest accidentally.

  “Oh no-no, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to,” said the guy who stabbed the other guy as his eyes filled up with fury. The guy turned to Dean and stood in front of him. Dean was still on the ground and the guy raised his sword above his head aiming the sharp end at Dean and he was about to force it down into Dean’s chest when Ronnie quickly got up and ran at the guy and stabbed him with a sword straight through the guys back all the way through his chest. Dean got up out of the way and the man dropped his sword to the ground and blood dripped on the ground. Ronnie pulled the sword out and the guy fell to the ground face-first and the ground around him filled up with blood. The crowd cheered and some booed.

  Dwayne picked up his mic. “Well ok, then, that was close but no cigar. You guys have some skills but not enough to match the next two men. Come on out, boys,” he said with a bit of anger. Two men came out into the arena and they both had swords and they were wearing gladiator armour. “Yeah ok, well, I guess you should pick up that sword before one of them breaks that bat you got,” whispered Ronnie, so Dean threw the bat away and picked up the sword that was beside the dead guy. Ronnie faced the guy on his side of the arena and Dean faced the other. “Okay, I don’t think these guys will fall for the same trick. So, stick together and we’ll survive together,” whispered Ronnie.

  “Well, there’s no way I’m dying today, so let’s give these fuckers a show,” replied Dean with confidence that they could survive all this.

  In the cells Roger was feeling a bit unsure about the plan that Jay told him. “What happens if Dwayne says no?” he asked.

  “Trust me, there will be a way,” said Captain Harris. Stan stood up and walked over to Captain Harris and Jay.

  “Like the way with Bruce, huh? Is that the way?” he said angrily.

  “Stan, I know it’s sad and horrible that Bruce died but that doesn’t mean we should give up hope or else we’re no better than the ones who kill for fun,” said Jay.

  “No, I’m not giving up hope; all I’m saying is what the Captain–wait, I mean Grant – is saying, which is we got to kill each other but the only one I will kill out of all of you is Grant because none of you apart from Grant deserves to die,” replied Stan.

  “Captain never wanted to kill Bruce. You see he has to live with that guilt, but Bruce didn’t sacrifice himself for nothing. Bruce sacrificed himself so that the Captain could live and help us survive because without a leader that would lead us and give us hope, what would we do, just give up and die or kill until we become like Dwayne’s men? So, think of Bruce’s death as him saying I want you guys to live, I want you guys to keep fighting and to never give up. So, can you not blame the Captain for Bruce’s death but try to see it as Bruce saw it?” said Jay in a calm manner.

  “I can see it like that, but I will never forgive Grant,” replied Stan.

  “I understand if you can’t forgive me. That’s all right, but I at least need you to trust me. Can you do that?” asked Captain Harris.

  “I can give you a bit of trust. I trust that this plan of convincing these idiots works. So there, Grant, but I’m not calling you Captain again until I see that promise you made with Bruce comes true,” replied Stan as he lowered his anger.

  “I understand,” replied Captain Harris.

  In the arena Ronnie and Dean were sticking close together far away from the men trying to kill them. They had no plan this time but they were both thinking as quickly as they could. It wasn’t easy to see their skin because these men were wearing gladiator outfits. “Look at the guy to the left, look at his right arm. There’s a large stitch across it. It looks like it recently happened so that’s probably a weakness for him,” whispered Ronnie.

  “Okay, so we both go for him and try to open that stitch up with our swords and that will probably distract him for a second. Then one of us will shove our sword through his neck,” said Dean.

  “Well, there’s no armour there so it’s prefect…what about the other guy? He will be trying to kill us,” replied Ronnie.

  “We’ll try to do this quick and easy, ok?” said Dean with confidence. Ronnie and Dean ran at the guy to the left and Ronnie went to one side of the guy and Dean went to the other side. Ronnie did a low cut to the guy’s calf, causing the guy to lean a bit to his side, and Dean quickly slit across the guy’s arm with the stitch on it and some of the stitching came apart, which filled the guy’s arm with blood. Ronnie with all of his strength forced his sword into the back of the guy’s neck. Gushes of blood came from the guy’s neck and mouth. The other guy swung his sword at Ronnie’s arm and Dean quickly warned Ronnie in time.

  “Watch out,” he said. Ronnie let go of the sword and dodged the sword coming at his arm. The guy with the sword in his neck fell to the ground, covering it with blood. The other guy kept swinging his sword at Ronnie but Ronnie dodged them all. “RONNIE, GET THE HAMMER,” yelled Dean, so Ronnie ran to the dead guy who had the sledgehammer next to him and picked it up quickly and threw it at the guy’s legs, causing the guy to trip and fall to the ground. Ronnie ran around the guy and picked up the hammer and held it with two hands high above his head and since this guy had no helmet on to protect him, Ronnie slammed the hammer at the guy’s face, breaking his nose with the first blow. Ronnie took another swing and broke the guy’s jaw this time, which splattered blood from the guy to Ronnie’s face. The next swing caved in one of his eyes. Ronnie kept swinging and swinging until the guy’s face looked like a smashed watermelon. Dean ran up and saw the mess; there was blood and brains scattered on the ground and there was an eyeball smashed on the ground. Ronnie was covered in blood. He dropped the hammer and turned to Dean. “I umm…I killed him,” he said as he wiped
some of the blood off his face.

  “Yeah, you ah killed him. But you had to,” replied Dean with a bit of a horrified look.

  They heard the sound of Dwayne’s voice and it wasn’t what they were expecting because Dwayne sounded like he was thrilled. “Woo-woo-woo. Now that was fuckin’ insane. Motherfucker smashed his head in like it was nothing. Shit,” he said. Ronnie and Dean looked up at Dwayne.

  “Oh fuck, man, look at your face – it looks like you went down on a woman on her time of the month. So you guys, umm…that was ridiculously awesome and I’m not going to kill you because you guys killed some of my men. No, in fact, that was the most brutal, insane shit I’ve seen in that arena, so you guys get to live. After you guys get cleaned up I’d like to talk to you about something. So, sorry everyone, I know you had babysitters looking after your kids, ha-ha. But it’s time to leave. There’s no more fights today,” said Dwayne. The crowd booed.

  “But tomorrow you might see these two motherfuckers fight again, but not with each other. They seem like a duo,” said Dwayne. All the people sitting down got up and left the stadium.

  Two of Dwayne’s men walked up to Ronnie and Dean. “Okay you two, it’s time to get cleaned up so you can then see what the boss wants,” said one of the men. Ronnie and Dean were pushed through the entrance that Dean came from. They had no idea what Dwayne wanted or why he kept them alive but they were going to find out shortly…

  Chapter Twenty-Five: Party, Sex and Blood

  Ronnie and Dean entered a locker room and they were pushed to the shower area. “All right, get yourselves cleaned. I’ll give you three minutes. We’ll be standing over near the lockers; just don’t try to jerk each other off. Ok? Ha-ha,” said one of Dwayne’s men. The men walked away and Ronnie and Dean looked at each other.

  “I say we don’t have a shower. Instead I’ll do the trick I did last time I was in a locker room,” whispered Ronnie.

  “What’s that?” asked Dean.

  “We turn all the showers on so that hot water is just coming out and wait till it steams up the room, then we kill them,” whispered Ronnie.

  “That’s a great idea; we should definitely do that,” whispered Dean.

  One of Dwayne’s men came back to Ronnie and Dean. “If you’re planning to escape, let me tell you this: it ain’t happening. Now I’m going to stay here to make sure you have a shower and don’t worry, I’m not going to laugh at your small dicks,” said the guy with frustration. Ronnie and Dean turned away from the guy and each other and stripped down so they were fully naked. They turned the showers on and washed all the blood and dirt that was on them, so that pretty much cancelled out their plan to escape. Three minutes later the man demanded Ronnie and Dean turn the showers off. “Okay, turn them off and get dressed. Here, dry yourselves off,” said the guy standing a few feet away from Ronnie and Dean. He handed Ronnie and Dean a towel each. Ronnie and Dean dried themselves and put their bloody clothes back on.

  The other guy who was in the locker room came around and pushed Ronnie and the guy already standing near them pushed Dean. They both pushed them out of the room and they headed towards Dwayne’s room, where Dwayne was waiting for them. They headed down a hallway and up some stairs and then down another hallway. One of the men, told Ronnie and Dean to stop and they stood in front of two big doors. One of the men knocked on the door and they waited for a second. One of Dwayne’s men from inside the room opened the door. “What do you want? Oh wait, it’s these guys. Bring them in,” said the guy.

  Ronnie and Dean were pushed into the room. It was a large room. There was a large, probably king size, bed to the left of the room. Straight down the back was a spa and to their right were steps leading up to a throne, which was where Dwayne was sitting. The doors shut behind them and Ronnie and Dean stood at the bottom of the stairs looking up at Dwayne. Ronnie was trying to keep calm because there was no way he forgot about what this man did to his parents and there was no way he was going to forgive him. Ronnie still dreamed of killing Dwayne in a brutal way, more brutal than the guy he just killed. There was one half-naked woman sitting on each side of the armrest on the throne; Dwayne had his hands stroking up and down these women’s legs.

  “Welcome to my room, my…yeah, just my room. I was trying to think of a fancy word for this room but I couldn’t, so it’s just my room. This is where I sleep, fuck, relax in the spa, fuck in the spa and do a whole lot of crazy wicked shit. So, first of all, can I get you guys something to drink, like a beer, some whiskey, vodka or boring water?” said Dwayne with a happy attitude.

  Ronnie and Dean just stared back at Dwayne without saying a word. “Okay then, not thirsty. Moving on, the reason why I didn’t want you guys to die is because…” said Dwayne, “…that was fuckin’ awesome out there. I mean, especially the ending where you smashed that cunt’s head in like a piñata. So, bravo, guys,” said Dwayne enthusiastically.

  “I-I don’t understand – you’re not angry that we killed your men?” said Dean, feeling confused.

  “What? No. Come on, my men die all the time and their spots get filled instantly. Like those four men you killed – boom, just like that, there’re probably four new people who now work for me. So, no, I’m not angry, I’m-I’m – what am? I uh…oh yeah. I’m pleased. I’m pleased because what I saw in that arena just then was probably the best thing I’ve seen in a while, apart from seeing a new naked lady in front of me. The shit you did – well, it got me thinking, maybe I should keep these guys and use them for when new assholes come in so you can teach them a lesson. And maybe one day you can get out of that arena and work for me. Then you’ll have to do what I tell you to do. So, what do you say? Do you want to become the duo destruction? Wait, duo destruction–no, that sucks; let me think, umm…double destroyers? No. Two blades? No. Umm…we’ll think of a nickname for you two later. Anyway, so what do you say? Do you want to not die?” asked Dwayne with a smile.

  “We have one condition,” said Ronnie with a serious look.

  “What is it?” asked Dwayne. “Me, Dean, Captain Harris and all the soldiers down in the cells right now cannot be forced to kill each other, only the other people we don’t know,” replied Ronnie.

  Ronnie was hoping for Dwayne to accept the offer. “Well, umm…you see, the reason I’m in charge here, is because the things I’ve done and the things I continue to do are so devilish that some of my men are even scared of me. So, if I show mercy now, then what type of message does that give to my men? So, what I can do is, I won’t make your men kill each other but I do want to have one more fight out of them. So, just one more death and then that’s it, ok. That’s the deal and if you can’t accept that, then no deal. So, what will it be?” replied Dwayne.

  Ronnie looked at Dean and Dean nodded at Ronnie, so Ronnie turned back to Dwayne. “Looks like we have a deal then,” said Ronnie without hesitation.

  “Great, glad we got that out of the way. Now whoever’s going to fight will have until the morning because there’s no more fights today and the reason for that, is because I want to give you guys a tour of the place and tell you some stories about the place since I’ve been here,” said Dwayne. “Get up, bitches,” said Dwayne to the women on his throne, so the women on the armrests of Dwayne’s throne got up and left the room.

  Dwayne got up and walked down the stairs and stood in front of Ronnie and Dean. “Now guys, have you ever been in an NFL stadium before?” he asked.

  “No,” replied Ronnie and Dean.

  “Well, that’s going to change. And once I can trust you, I’ll show you around the city – well, the parts you haven’t already seen,” replied Dwayne. Dwayne walked up to the door and one of his men opened the door, Dwayne looked back at Ronnie and Dean. “You guys coming or just going to stand there with your dicks in each other’s hands,” he said. Dwayne’s men behind Ronnie and Dean pushed them towards Dwayne.

  Ronnie and Dean followed Dwayne down the hallway, with two of Dwayne’s men behind them. They went downstairs a
nd when they got down to the bottom of the stairs they headed into a cafeteria area where there were men and women eating.

  “Oh, so he does feed people,” said Dean with a soft voice.

  Dwayne turned around to Dean. “Sorry, what did you say?” he asked.

  “Nothing. I was looking at the food and thinking how nice it would be to eat right now,” replied Dean, smiling to cover up his lie.

  “Oh yeah, you must be hungry. Well, don’t worry, we do feed our prisoners but your rank determines how much food and water you get...” replied Dwayne.

  “What do you mean by rank?” asked Dean curiously.

  “I rank the prisoners, the fighters – whatever you want to call them. The more fights they win the higher I rank them and put them up in the cell area. Not every cell is the same as the one you guys were in. Every time you rank up, you go to a better cell and get fed more. So, the first few cells near the stairs are for the champions. They get a warm bed to sleep in and get three meals a day, followed by some leisure time that could be anything from sex to partying. So, just keep winning and you’ll be a free man – well, free from the cells I mean, not from me because you’ll then be working for me. So, yeah, that’s the fighting system: you rank up and you get more. So, the more you win fights, the quicker you rank up,” said Dwayne.

  They walked up to the food counter and Dwayne grabbed two sandwiches and handed one each to Ronnie and Dean. “Here, have this. If you are allergic to anything on it, then I don’t care unless it’ll kill you, then speak up but then otherwise shut up and eat it,” he said.

  Ronnie and Dean munched away into the sandwiches, not caring at all if there was something in it that they were allergic to, and they didn’t even hesitate and think there could be poison in it. “Wow, you guys are just crazy, digging into those sandwiches. What happens if they were poisoned?” said Dwayne with a surprised look. Dean and Ronnie stopped chewing and looked at Dwayne with a kind of panicked look on their faces. “But they’re not, obviously. It’s kind of a test I do with people to see if they can trust me and if you guys can trust me, then I guess I can trust you. Okay let’s keep moving,” said Dwayne.


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