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Something in Common (Dreamspinner Press Bundles)

Page 11

by Talia Carmichael

  “Ummmm…. Yess…. Pppplllle—” Robert begged.

  Slamming his eyes closed, Robert gripped Miguel’s sweat-soaked shoulders. His nails dug into Miguel’s skin as his orgasm overtook him. Pleasure swelled, knocking him over the edge with the ferocity of a five-alarm blaze. The air rushed out of his lungs. The sweet, sharp pain of it held him in its greedy clutches. Arching his hips forward sharply, he felt all of Miguel. The knot inside of him burst under the pressure of his orgasm. His cock pulsed, releasing his cum.


  Opening his eyes at the urgency in Miguel’s voice, Robert watched as Miguel stiffened. He arched under the force of his orgasm. Shudders racked him, setting off more pleasure. Robert watched his eyes, and rose up, then sank down, making them both groan. Rotating his hips, Robert heard Miguel roar in pleasure. Dropping his head, he sealed his lips on Miguel’s and ate the guttural sounds he made. Miguel pumped his cock into Robert’s canal. Holding him tight, he rolled his hips again. Miguel’s cock continued to pulse, filling Robert up and up. Finally, Robert collapsed on Miguel’s chest, breathing rapidly. Miguel’s pounding heart echoed under his ear. He listened to it as sleep overcame him.

  ROBERT RUSHED into Bacchus Sloan. He walked over to the hostess, glancing around for Alex. He didn’t see him. When he mentioned Alex’s name to her, she gave a negative response. Alex hadn’t come in. She led Robert to the large booth in the back by the window that he had started thinking of as “theirs.”

  For the last few months, he and Alex had been meeting for lunch on Sundays. Miguel usually worked on those days. When Miguel was off, he would join them. Sometimes, Miguel’s brothers came, too, or some of the poker crew. Those who couldn’t fit in the booth that held eight just pulled up chairs. Robert sat and studied the menu while waiting for Alex to arrive.

  “Sorry I’m late,” Alex said, sliding into the booth across from him.

  “I just got here myself,” Robert replied.

  They looked at the menu, and Alex motioned to Rodrick, their waiter, that they were ready. They placed their orders. As Alex handed over the menu, Robert noticed he looked around the room. Robert smiled. It was the same each time they came. Although Alex wouldn’t admit it, he was searching for the waiter that had served them the first time they had come here, the same day Robert had met Miguel at the red light.

  Robert hadn’t mentioned Alex’s fascination with looking for the waiter. He was waiting to see how long it would take Alex to ask about the man. They hadn’t seen the waiter at all since that day. Robert propped his hand under his chin, waiting. Alex finally looked at him.

  “What?” Alex demanded.

  “Nothing.” Robert smiled.

  Alex smacked him playfully. Robert dodged. Alex mimicked his pose.

  “Where’s Miguel? I thought he was coming.”

  “He was called in to work.” Alex grimaced.

  Robert had been looking forward to spending a lazy day with Miguel. Have lunch with Alex, then go home to cuddle on the couch, and maybe get into some more strenuous activity.

  “I don’t even want to know why you have that mushy grin on your face,” Alex teased.

  Robert flushed and straightened. Alex laughed. He stuck his tongue out at him.

  “Shut up.”

  “Robin, you have it bad. Correct that, you and Miguel have it bad. You’re like horny teenagers. Can’t keep your hands off each other. You’re so in love. It’s sweet.” Alex reached over and covered Robert’s hand with his. “Happiness looks good on you, Robin. Real good.”

  “Thanks, Alex-bo, I am happy. Miguel is—” He couldn’t even finish it.

  “Totally gone. Gone, gone, gone,” Alex sang.

  “Hush, you.” Robert growled playfully.

  Alex chuckled.

  “Did you finish the solarium? How’s the rest of the house coming?”

  Alex’s eyes lit up, and he was off talking about renovating his house. Alex had fallen in love with the solariums that he had seen in Miguel’s, his brothers’, and some of their poker crew’s houses. One of the things all the men’s solariums had in common was that they were built close to the master bedroom. The inner area of each of the solariums was decorated to suit the person, but the large, open space, and the glazed roof offset by large windows, brought in a feeling of space and light.

  Alex had discussed the logistics of getting one put in with all of those who he knew had them. Robert had been dragged with him as he checked them out and made arrangements to get his own put in. Fondly, he listened. Alex had made lots of headway in fixing the house. Robert had roped Miguel into going with him a few times to help out. Heck, all the poker crew had gone over and helped in some way. It was hilarious watching Alex figure out who knew what they were doing and who was hopeless with anything more than painting or minimal tool use.

  The camaraderie was also good to see. Yet, he wished Alex would talk to him and tell him what was wrong. Although Alex seemed like the Alex he’d always known, Robert knew something was different. Miguel told him to leave it and let Alex talk when he was ready, but it was bugging Robert to wait. He focused back on what Alex was saying.

  “I found this beaut of a car that I’m also going to restore.”

  “Alex, you’re hopeless around cars,” Robert pointed out.

  “Fuck you, Robin. I know some things.”

  “Changing a tire doesn’t count.”

  Alex flipped him off. Robert laughed.

  “I took a class back home a few years ago and bought a few books. It can’t be that hard.”

  Robert shook his head, biting his lip. Alex crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Go on. Say it.”

  “Come on. A class and books? You need a professional, someone who can show you what to do. Like how you hired Malik and Tomas to handle your landscaping since you can’t do it. Hire someone who is willing to teach you, Alex, before you make a mess of it,” Robert implored.

  Alex got a stubborn look on his face. “No. I can do it myself.”

  “Al— ” Robert stopped as the waiter came with their food.

  The waiter placed their food on the table and turned to leave.

  “Hey, Rod. A few months ago, we were served by another waiter in this area. When does he work?” Alex asked hesitantly.

  “This is my usual station. A few months ago? Do you remember how he looked?” Rodrick turned back as he spoke.

  Robert stifled his grin behind a napkin as Alex described the waiter down to his combat boots.

  “Oh, Les. He was just covering for me that day. He doesn’t actually work here. I asked him to come in and do his cuz a favor. Hell, he couldn’t work here. He and Mac would drive each other crazy. I can tell him you asked about him, or give him your number,” Rod offered, a grin on his face.

  Robert’s eyes widened. From their conversations, he knew Rod was related to Mackenzie, the owner of Bacchus Sloan. Once he knew, he could see the resemblance between the two men. Yet, from what he remembered of Leslie, he would never have figured they were all related. Robert almost bounced out of his chair to hug Rod.

  “Oh, no. I, um… just wanted to put in a good word for him. He was a great waiter,” Alex replied.

  He looked down at his food and picked up his fork. Robert opened his mouth, then closed it. He looked at Rod and rolled his eyes. Rod smiled and shrugged, then walked away.


  “Don’t give me any more shit about the car, Robin. I’ll figure it out,” Alex snapped.

  Robert opened his mouth to correct him. Alex looked up, and his expression made him change his mind.

  “Seriously Alex-bo. I just don’t want you to get hurt messing with it.”

  “Messing with what?” a sexy voice asked.

  Chapter Seven

  “MIGUEL.” ROBERT turned to face his lover.

  He licked his lips as he took in Miguel’s chest, which was covered in a white T-shirt that left all those yummy muscles visible.

“Stop looking at me like that before I drag you home.” Miguel chuckled, leaned down, and kissed him thoroughly.

  Robert melted into his kiss. Miguel pulled away and ran a finger down his cheek.

  “So totally gone. Gone, gone, gone,” Alex sang.

  “Hush up, you,” Robert growled.

  Alex laughed. He moved over to make space for Miguel. Miguel sat, putting his arm over Robert’s shoulder.

  “I thought you had to work today,” Alex said.

  “Nah. Just had to go in to rewrite a report they couldn’t find. They need it for court tomorrow.” Miguel motioned to Rod.

  Rod came over, and Miguel ordered. After Rod left, Miguel looked between Robert and Alex.

  “So, what is Alex doing that will get him hurt? If it’s illegal, don’t tell me,” Miguel teased.

  They laughed.

  “Nothing like that. Alex bought a car and he’s restoring it himself.”

  “Really? I didn’t know you knew about cars. What kind is it?” Miguel raised an eyebrow.

  “A—” Alex started.

  Robert interrupted. “He doesn’t know anything about them. But he’s being too stubborn to hire someone to teach him or help with it.”

  “Robin, you’re pissing me off.” Alex glared.

  “I don’t care. You’re stubborn.”


  “Don’t-know-anything-about-cars-and-will-get-hurt asshole.” Robert put his hands on the table and stood.

  “Behave, you two,” Miguel said.

  He pulled Robert back down. Alex crossed his arms over his chest and continued to glare. Robert mimicked it and returned the look. Their lips started to twitch, and then Alex wiggled his eyebrows and crossed his eyes. They started to laugh. Robert put out his hand face up on the table. Alex covered it with his and squeezed.

  “You two are strange. Really weird.” Miguel sounded bemused.

  Robert laughed and kissed him on the cheek. Miguel didn’t get how they could be bickering one minute, then laughing the next. Robert couldn’t explain it. It was just how he and Alex were. Miguel shook his head.

  “Now that you’ve got that out of your system, what kind of car is it?”

  “A 70 Hemi Clone.” Alex sounded smug.

  Miguel goggled. Robert looked between them, confused.


  “Querido, that’s a classic.” Miguel looked at Robert, then back at Alex. “Alex, you can’t mess with a 70 Hemi Clone on your own. Think of the car. Hell, think of the shame if you messed up a beauty like that,” Miguel implored.

  “I won’t.” Alex got that stubborn look again.

  “It’s no use trying to convince him. He’ll do it first, then realize he needs help.” Robert shrugged.

  “I won’t need help. Robin knows me so well.” Alex smiled sheepishly.

  Miguel looked pained. He took out a little notebook and wrote something down. He handed it to Alex.

  “Hannigan’s? What’s this?” Alex asked.

  “It’s a world-renowned garage where they know how to restore classic cars. Luckily, it’s in this area, not too far from here. It’s owned by a friend who went to school with Malik. Just mention we sent you. A—”

  “I don’t need this,” Alex snapped, giving the paper back.

  “Keep the number, Alex, just in case you need it.” Miguel’s voice brooked no argument.

  He refused to take the number back. Alex glared at him, but pocketed the number.

  “I won’t need it.”

  “You are so going to need it. Then, when you meet Maestro after messing with a 70 Hemi Clone that you do not know enough about to fix, and you didn’t even have the sense to get a professional to help you before touching it, he might lecture you about it. Personally, I would rather he tear me a new one. His lectures are brutal. Good luck.” Miguel looked sympathetic.

  “Please. Since I won’t be calling your friend, it won’t matter. What the hell kind of name is Maestro anyway?” Alex laughed, then started to eat.

  “Maestro is the nickname he earned. He’s that good with cars. It’s eerie how he is with them. He knows everything there is to know. Call him, Alex,” Miguel said again.

  “No. I don’t need help. Drop it.” Alex’s expression was mutinous.

  Miguel and Robert exchanged a glance. They shook their heads, then grinned. Alex would be calling this Maestro. Then he and Miguel would gloat about it. Robert rubbed his hands together. He couldn’t wait for it. He picked up his fork and fed Miguel some of his food. Miguel and he shared until Rod brought Miguel’s own order. As they ate, they laughed, talked, and teased. After they were done, Miguel and Alex had a fight over who was paying the check. Alex wanted to, and Miguel wasn’t having it. Rolling his eyes at their outrageous antics to decide who would pay, Robert waved Rod over and gave him his credit card.

  “Hey,” Alex and Miguel said together.

  “It’s taken care of. You all can decide who pays next time. Hell, work out a system. One pays next time, then the other next, and so on,” Robert suggested.

  Miguel and Alex grinned. Miguel pulled out his notebook. Stupefied, Robert watched as they worked out a schedule for themselves with him included. They were even taking into account that Miguel could only come on one Sunday a month, since he usually worked. Robert shook his head. They were nuts, the two of them. His two nuts. He smiled. Miguel’s black hair and Alex’s auburn locks were close together as they worked out what would happen if one of the poker crew came. They all always wanted to pick up the tab. Usually it led to good-natured fighting over who would pay.

  Robert signed the receipt when Rod came back and put his hand under his chin. He was so lucky. Good friends and a lover who he couldn’t get enough of. Miguel glanced at him, his rich espresso eyes warm.

  “You ready, querido?” Miguel asked, pocketing the notebook.

  Robert nodded. He slid out of the booth and waited for Alex to join them. Miguel put his hand in the pocket of Robert’s jeans, and they walked across the room. Robert waved to Rod and Mackenzie as they left. They pushed open the door and stepped outside into the sunshine.

  “See you next week, Alex,” Robert said.

  “Same time, same booth,” Alex replied, and went to his car.

  Robert turned to Miguel. “I walked over. I had planned to ask Alex for a ride back. Did you drive?”

  Miguel shook his head. “I walked, too. I wanted to ride back with you. Let’s walk.”

  Robert nodded. Miguel kept his hand in Robert’s back pocket, and Robert put his in Miguel’s as they strolled home.

  FROWNING, ROBERT read the paper he was grading over again. He placed it aside and picked up another. Hearing the door, he glanced at the clock, surprised. Miguel was home early.

  “I’m in the downstairs office,” he called.

  He went back to reading. He glanced up, frowning. Miguel hadn’t come to the office as he usually would, even if it was just to give him a kiss and let him keep working while he went off to do something else. Robert put down the paper and stood, going to the door.

  “Miguel?” he called.

  When there was no response, he walked around the main floor, searching for Miguel. By the time he looked out the door leading to the back deck, Robert was concerned. This wasn’t like Miguel at all. He turned and made his way back to the stairs leading to the second floor. Robert went to their bedroom. The door was open, and he heard the shower running. He strode to the open, spacious bathroom and went inside, past the Jacuzzi and sunken bath to the sinks. He leaned against the dual sinks, close to the shower.

  “Hey, honey. Rough day?” he asked.

  Some days were tough, and usually Miguel took a shower when he got home. But never before Robert got his kiss. There was still no response from Miguel. Really concerned, Robert stripped out of his clothes and went over to the shower. He opened the glass doors and stepped inside. The shower was huge and could fit at least four or more people.

  “God, I love this bath
room. Hell, the whole house. If I didn’t know that you have family in construction and architecture, and I saw this house, I would think you were on the take,” Robert teased, hoping to get a laugh.

  Miguel didn’t reply. His head was bent under one of the six showerheads cross sectioning the area. His shoulders were tense. Robert walked closer to him. He put his hand on Miguel’s back.

  “Miguel,” he said, an uneasy feeling in his stomach.

  Miguel turned suddenly and grabbed him, pulling Robert against him tightly. He put his head against the side of Robert’s face, hiding his own. Robert gasped and held onto him. Miguel said nothing, just held him, rocking. Robert tightened his hold.

  “Miguel, what is—” Robert sputtered to a stop as Miguel looked at him.

  The anguish and tears in his gaze made Robert gulp. He raised a hand to Miguel’s face.

  “What’s happened?” Robert asked, almost afraid to know.

  “Provenza was shot. He’s dead.” Miguel’s voice was raw.

  Robert was shocked, and then sorrow hit him. He had gotten close to the man and his partner, Harper. Provenza had a big heart and was always willing to help out. It was too much to think he was gone. Shot dead.

  “What about Harper?”

  “Ramirez and I went with the grief counselor to tell him. Ramirez is with him.”

  Robert looked at Miguel, who was silently crying. Thoughts of losing Miguel to his job filled him.

  I’m glad it’s not Miguel. As soon as he thought it, Robert felt awful. He cupped Miguel’s face and held him. After some time, the tears slowed. Robert kissed Miguel gently. Miguel moaned into his mouth, then deepened the kiss. He backed Robert up against the wall. Robert sank his hands into Miguel’s hair.

  “Mine,” Miguel whispered.

  “Yours,” Robert echoed.

  He felt Miguel fumbling, then slick fingers searching under his cock. He raised his leg against the low ledge around the bottom of the shower. Miguel’s finger slid inside his hole. He moaned into Miguel’s mouth. Miguel stretched him quickly, then lifted him slightly and thrust hard into him. Robert wrenched his mouth away from Miguel’s.


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