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Something in Common (Dreamspinner Press Bundles)

Page 57

by Talia Carmichael

  “I—” Del stopped at the sound of the door opening.

  Harper smiled, hurrying around to the back of the vehicle. He pushed Del out of the way, taking out the paint and giving it to the first man who came near.

  “Thanks, Gerald. We need to empty Del’s office too. Alex, you detach his electronics.” He gave him a can, before he pointed at another man. “Link, do not go anywhere near any of the electronics.” He gave Link a can, and Link grinned sheepishly.

  “Harper, what’s going on?” Del asked.

  “Link is death on electronics. He kills them, and we don’t know why.” Harper handed over a can to Theron.

  “Not about that. Why are all these people in my house?” Del demanded.

  “They’re not people. They’re family,” Harper countered, glancing at Del. “I suggest you go let Alex and the others moving things out of your office know where you want them temporarily. Because if Gerald does it, he’ll think it’s funny to put it all in the bathroom or something.”

  “We’ll talk about this later,” Del warned, hurrying into the house. “Gerald, come down the stairs with my chair right now!” Del roared from inside.

  “I was just going to the bathroom!” Gerald yelled.

  “Why are all these people here?” Dar pressed against Harper.

  “They’re strangers. We don’t allow strangers in the house.” Rey held on to his other side.

  Harper cupped the backs of their heads. “They aren’t strangers. They’re family.” Harper pointed to the two men coming up to them. “That’s Javier and Emilio. They’re the younger brothers of Uncle Tomas. Javier has a boy your age, and another son two years older. And Emilio’s daughter is your age, and he has two sons who are only one year older than you. Maybe we can set up some time so you all can get together and play.” He gestured to another man. “Nicolas is the youngest of all the Rodriguez brothers, and he’s a doctor like you want to be, Rey.” Harper winked at Hector. “Hector is a lawyer.”

  “He looks like Uncle Tomas too,” Dar interrupted.

  “He’s their brother too. You’ll meet the rest of the brothers inside. As well as the other men who are our family. You can go inside. It’s safe,” Harper said.

  Though Dar and Rey stared at him, eventually they walked toward the men who had stopped a few steps away. They stopped before one of them and looked up.

  “Who are you?” Rey demanded.

  “I’m Simon, and I’m married to your Uncle Hector.”

  “That makes you our uncle too. Come see our room.” Dar took one of Simon’s hands, and Rey the other.

  Simon smiled at them as they led him inside.

  “I knew Simon would find a way to get out of real work.” Hector laughed.

  “He didn’t even have to say a word to the kids, and they got him out of painting.” Nicolas shook his head.

  “And that’s a good thing. No one let Simon have a paintbrush, even if he begs.” Harper handed out the rest of the paint.

  He hefted the final can and headed inside. Harper paused in the entryway and heard Del arguing with Gerald from down the hall. He headed that way, bypassing the men who had come to help.

  “What do you mean, poker is at my house today?” Del asked.

  Harper paused outside the door.

  “Why move it when we’re already all here? Be social, Del,” Gerald replied.

  Harper heard footsteps coming his way. Gerald came out the open door, then glanced at him and winked before looking back into the office.

  “We added you to the rotation of houses we play poker at. I gave the schedule to Clarita,” Gerald said cheerfully.

  Harper pivoted, heading down the hall rapidly.

  “Harper!” Del’s roar echoed down the hall.

  Snickering, Harper went upstairs to see what everyone else was doing. He’d find Del later.

  HARPER STRETCHED his aching muscles, rolling his head back and forth on his shoulders—the shower he had taken after painting hadn’t helped much. Painting sucked, and if he didn’t see another roller, it would be too soon. Between Del’s, Tomas’s, Bur’s, and Megan’s houses that were all within walking distance, everyone had been able to get cleaned up before poker. The game had been entertaining—Gerald had bellyached when Del had once again beaten everyone. Harper smiled as he heard Gerald’s voice in the distance, but from where he was, he could not make out what he was saying. Knowing Gerald, he was probably still complaining about losing his money. Moments later, Del strode into the room.

  “That’s the last of everyone.” Del flopped on the couch beside him.

  Harper moved closer, resting his head on his shoulder. “Admit it. You had fun today.”

  “If painting is your definition of fun, then you need to get out more.”

  “Not that. With everyone here helping out, then poker after.” Harper met his eyes.

  “Clarita, Simon, Alex, Theron, Gerald, and Bur put out quite a spread of food. You plotted this well.” Del placed his hand on Harper’s knee.

  “Clarita almost had a fit when they invaded her kitchen.” Harper laughed.

  He remembered her blocking the kitchen doorway, saying she could cook food enough to feed everyone. The men could have gone around her, since the doorway for the kitchen was large enough for it, but they had managed to spare her feelings. Theron had apologized for them all descending on her, and Gerald had tempted her with being able to boss them around. But it was Simon who clinched it when he asked her to show him her prized chili recipe that Gerald had told him so much about. Clarita’s comment that they were all full of shit had made them all laugh, and the group went off to cook.

  “I think we started a new thing for Saturday poker at your house. Clarita and Gerald were whispering in the kitchen.”

  Del groaned. “They’re going to be in my house.”

  “Get used to it.”

  “Thanks for getting them to help.” Del stroked along Harper’s inner thigh.

  “All I did was call Gerald. He did the rest.”

  “It was your call that made it happen. The boys are so excited. The colors look so good on their walls. They can’t wait for tomorrow when the furniture comes. They were so tuckered out when I put them to bed a few hours ago.” Del yawned widely.

  “I am too. Let’s go to bed.” Harper stood.

  “Okay. ’Night. See you tomorrow.” Del’s voice was drowsy.

  “I’ll get my bag from my car tomorrow. Come to bed, Del.” Harper held out his hand.

  “What bag? Huh….” He blinked, and then his gaze sharpened. “You mean bed together?”

  “I packed an overnight bag. Yes, together.” He wiggled his fingers.

  Del stood, gripping his fingers. “I don’t feel sleepy anymore.”

  “Me either.”

  Del held his hand, and they went upstairs to Del’s room. He closed and locked the door, then kissed Harper. Harper opened his lips, sucking Del’s tongue. He moaned when he touched Del’s bare stomach. Pulling back, he pushed his T-shirt up and over his head. Del yanked his off, too, while Harper slid his hand under the waistband of Del’s boxers. He rubbed his thumb and forefinger along the hot flesh of Del’s cock. Del rocked against his hand. Harper growled, pushing Del’s sweats and boxers off, releasing his shaft. Del cupped Harper’s erection through his briefs, rubbing his fingers over the spongy head through the cloth. Del divested him of his clothing, moving back, pulling him with him.

  Harper stepped out of the discarded pants at his feet. He arched into Del’s touch on his aching shaft. Harper curled his fingers over Del’s member, tugging. Del hissed, moving in and out of his tight grip. Harper placed his hand on the back of Del’s neck, bringing his head close to his, kissing him. Del met his hungry kiss, still moving them backward. Suddenly, he fell back, taking Harper with him. Harper opened his thighs, straddling him, moving in quick, jerky motions against him. He moaned as their erections slid alongside each other. Moving faster, Harper shook with the need coursing through him. Del
cradled his ass, stilling his motions.

  “Please… I need—”

  “I know, baby, but I want to be inside of you.” Del rolled, placing Harper below him.

  Harper’s legs hung off the bed, and he rolled his hips, wanting Del. Del kissed him, licking inside of his mouth, slowly withdrawing. He moved off him, and in moments Harper heard the sound of a drawer opening and closing. Del’s face came into view over his again, while Del touched Harper’s inner thigh, widening his legs. He felt a cool, slick finger touch his butt, and then Del opened him and rubbed against his crease. Harper pushed out when Del slid his finger inside his hole.

  “Del,” he whimpered.

  He gripped his cock and jacked it as Del prepared him. Each touch of his fingers sliding deep made Harper’s heart pound faster and his hand moved on his erection.

  “Mine,” Del growled, taking Harper’s hand off his cock.

  “Come on.” Harper grabbed his shoulders, curling up against him.

  Del pushed him back, holding his ass, pulling him forward. Harper grunted as the blunt, sheathed head of Del’s erection pushed into him. As Del filled him, Harper watched the fierce expression on his face. His jaw was clenched, making the harsh lines of his face even more prominent. Harper gripped Del’s lower arms that were braced on the bed by his head. Del pumped in quick, short thrusts, setting off sensations and making goosebumps break out on Harper’s skin.

  “Harper.” Del’s deepened voice was harsh.

  “Del… right there. Fuck.” Harper countered his motions, attempting to lift his legs.

  He released his hold on Del’s arms, then pounded his fists on the bed when he couldn’t get leverage. Del lowered his body against him, and then slid his hands under Harper’s ass. He pulled out, then lifted Harper, moving them back farther on the bed. Harper clenched his sphincter, already missing being filled by Del. Del pushed back in, starting to thrust hard and fast. Harper lifted his legs, holding Del as he moved inside of him. With each movement, Del’s gaze got darker, his jaw working as he gritted his teeth. His breathing was harsh. Heat coiled in the base of Harper’s belly, and his sac tightened. Then he shuddered, spilling his seed. The hot wetness coated his stomach.

  “Del,” Harper grunted, countering Del’s forward momentum.

  DEL SHIVERED at Harper’s demanding voice calling his name as he thrust into Harper’s wet, tight passage. Harper’s hazel gaze was smoky and slightly unfocused. His tight grip dug into Del’s shoulder while he wrapped his legs around Del. The clench made Del wilder as he filled him. He rocked, pushing deeper. At the hitch of Harper’s breath and the feel of the raised knot inside, Del moved faster. Harper moved his head back and forth on the pillow, sliding his hands along Del’s side and down to his ass.

  “Del.” Harper dug his fingers into his ass, pulling Del against him.

  Del lowered his head, kissing Harper, tasting his name on his lips. Harper nipped his tongue, then suckled it. He clenched on Del’s cock, creating a tight friction. Tension balled in his stomach, and Del thrust. Del moaned as he came, shaking, then collapsing against Harper. He rubbed his head against Harper’s sweat-soaked hair. Turning his head, Del whimpered as Harper’s lips met his. The kiss they shared was lazy and soft.

  Del stroked his thumb along Harper’s cheek, then pulled out. Harper’s wince was slight, but Del saw it. Del slid off the bed, heading for the bathroom. He removed the condom, then retrieved a cloth, wet it, and returned to Harper. Harper had moved and was lying on his side facing the bathroom. Del knelt beside the bed, pushing Harper to his back and wiping his crease gently.

  “I was too rough.”

  “You weren’t. Just been”—he paused, then finished, his voice soft—“a while.”

  Del put the cloth on the nightstand, then lay on top of Harper. He kissed him gently.

  “I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t be thinking of him after what happened, but….” Harper trailed off.

  Del raised his head, looking into his teary eyes. “It’s okay. I’ve got you. Cry if you need to.”

  “It’s not because I regret what we did. I’ve never been with anyone but Karl. And now you. God, this is so stupid. We just had sex, and now I’m messing it up.” Harper blinked fast, as if trying not to cry.

  “Let it out, Harper,” Del whispered against the side of his face.

  Harper drew a harsh breath, and then his tears spilled down his cheeks. Del nuzzled the side of his face, making soothing noises. Harper’s body shook with his harsh sobs. Del held him as he cried, and eventually Harper fell asleep. Wiping Harper’s cheeks gently, Del didn’t even mind that he’d cried. For the type of man he’d observed Harper to be, it made sense. Harper loved deeply, and when he gave his heart, it was wholehearted, without reservation. Del was counting on the way Harper cared for their future.

  Del woke as he usually did, coherent and knowing where he was. He didn’t even know when he had fallen asleep. He glanced down at the man he held, smiling at Harper’s tousled head on his chest. Cautiously, Del pushed the sheet off them, then slid from under Harper’s arm and leg, moving his head gently off his chest. Once he was free, he sat up on the side of the bed before standing. He snagged his robe from the armchair and shrugged into the garment. He paused to get Harper’s keys from his pants pocket, then, sliding them into his robe pocket, he went to the bedroom door. Del glanced back at Harper, sprawled face down on the bed with the sheet pooled below his ass, then left the bedroom.

  Moments later, he entered the kitchen, surprised that the lights were on. He saw Clarita at the stove. She turned, placing a plate on a tray she already had prepared. Del hadn’t even asked her to make it. She lifted it, turned, and strode over, handing it to him. He noted there were two domed covers on the tray. Del studied the woman who had been with him longer than even Megan.

  “Thank you for being here for me. For taking care of the boys and giving them a mother figure.” Del kissed her cheek.

  “You’ve been listening to that man of yours.” Clarita’s tone was grouchy, but she looked pleased. “None of this mushy nonsense. I love the boys.” She paused. “And you. Now go feed him and come down for your guests.”

  “I’m not having guests. They all left yesterday, thank God.” Del thought about something and said, “We’re going to hire a nanny for the boys.”

  “What? I can do my job.” Clarita raised her chin.

  Del put down the tray and led her to the table. Seating her, he then sat facing her. “I know you can. You’ve taken care of me very well. We’ve been together since you left working for Jerrod to come with me when I decided to make a go of it on my own.”

  “Of course I did. Jerrod had Agnes. And you’ve always been my responsibility,” Clarita stated firmly.

  “I know. From the time I became part of Jerrod’s household, you’ve been looking out for me. Even when I was a smart-assed teenager.” Del chuckled.

  “I thought Agnes was going to have a fit when I cursed you out when you talked back to me. I was new, working as her assistant housekeeper, and didn’t know better.” Clarita shook her head, making her gray-haired braid shift on her shoulder.

  “At the time, I needed it. You always sense when I need something.” Del gripped her hand. “And I want you to be around for a long time, so we’re getting a nanny. One who can take care of the boys as well as educate them.”

  Clarita looked ready to argue, and then she sighed, saying, “Fine.” She paused. “I know of someone who would work. You sort of know him too.”


  “Clay. My nephew. He finished school with a master’s in education a few months ago. He graduated with honors.” Clarita looked proud.

  Del recalled the boy from his teenage years. He was a year older than Del.

  “How has he been since Agnes died?” Del asked.

  Agnes had passed away not long after he had found his own place and started his own business. At the time, he had offered Clarita the opportunity to return to work for Jerro

  “Stubborn as ever. He let Jerrod pay for his education, but that was it. Worked five jobs to meet his other expenses. Since he graduated, he hasn’t had any luck getting a permanent teaching position. Not many people are comfortable with a gay man being a teacher to their children. I’m worried about him.” Clarita bit her lip.

  “Why didn’t you tell me, or Megan? We could have at least gotten him some contacts.”

  “I didn’t want to intrude or bother anyone,” Clarita said.

  “If you need something, tell me. It’s never a bother,” he stated firmly. “We’ll make sure to get through to his stubborn head that his being the nanny for the boys isn’t charity. I’ll expect him to challenge them.” Del leaned back. “That is, if he even wants to be a nanny.”

  “I’m sure he does. Clay loves kids. I’ll tell him to send you his résumé and info so you can have him checked out,” Clarita said.

  “Just tell him he has the job. I can send one of my planes to get him. Where is he located?”

  “He stayed in New York. But don’t you need to check him out first?” She looked baffled.

  “I trust your word. Now, tell him to pack his things and get here immediately. Megan flew out to New York last night and should be leaving to come back to Mapson later today.” Del squeezed her hand and stood.

  “I don’t know if he has a lot of stuff to pack, or if he can leave so soon.” Clarita rose.

  “Call Megan and tell her to send some people to help him pack. And to get him here. I know you’ll convince him.” Del returned to the tray and lifted it. “Why are you up so early?” Del glanced at the wall clock. “The boys won’t be up for at least another two hours.”

  “For your guests. And the boys will be up sooner than you think.” Clarita returned to the stove.

  “I don—”

  The door opened behind him. Del turned, eyes widening as he spotted almost everyone who had painted yesterday filing in. He nodded as he was introduced to Javier’s and Emilo’s wives and children. Then more people.

  “Hey, Del. Harper’s SUV is still out front.” Gerald watched him.


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