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Something in Common (Dreamspinner Press Bundles)

Page 68

by Talia Carmichael

  “Sorry, they don’t have any manners.” Alex came toward Leslie and kissed him softly. “Come down when you’re ready. Oh… usually, after the session, someone cooks breakfast. It’s Aristotle’s turn, so he’ll be taking over your kitchen. He gets irate if anyone bugs him.” Alex smirked. “Like you do when you’re working on cars.” He turned and went back to the men. “Come on. Enough trying to intimidate Leslie.” Alex pushed at them.

  “But we were just getting started. I didn’t even get a chance….” Lawrence protested.

  “We can work it out during kickboxing,” Leslie said.

  The brothers smiled, the expressions on their faces intimidating. A weaker or more cautious man would have rethought his statement. Leslie wasn’t intimidated.

  “Unless you all don’t think you can take me.” He whistled.

  The brothers turned in unison and left, muttering.

  “He’s as crazy as Alex.” Lawrence shook his head.

  “They suit each other.” Dante glanced at Leslie. “Nice… abs.”

  “After we teach you some manners, I want a tour,” Aristotle said. “Alex, did you see the front door?”

  Alex winked, then followed the men. “Yes. I haven’t seen the whole place yet, but from what I have seen, there’s some good workmanship.”

  “Alex, the gym is—”

  “We’ll find it.” Alex interrupted him.

  Leslie shrugged, then went to the bathroom.

  “I wondered where you had gone off to.” He paused in the doorway, staring at his dog.

  Cuda woofed, then butted against his leg. Leslie petted him and patted his side. “Go keep Alex and the others company.”

  Cuda left. Leslie went to the sink. Fifteen minutes later, he entered the gym. He joined the others not currently competing and took a seat on the floor. Cuda lifted his head from against Aristotle’s thigh, looked at him, then lowered his head again. Leslie focused on the match in time to see Alex kick out at Dante. Dante blocked the blow, and they exchanged a flurry of jabs and kicks. Alex’s naked chest glistened as he circled Dante. They came together again, and from their movements Leslie saw they knew what they were doing.

  “Time!” Aristotle called.

  “You have ten minutes to knock a person off their feet, then we switch,” Robert explained beside him.

  Leslie nodded. Alex and Dante bumped gloves, then removed them and picked up their towels. They moved toward them.

  “Did you stretch?” Lawrence asked him.

  Leslie nodded.

  “Robert and Leslie next.” Aristotle gestured to the mat.

  Leslie stood, then glanced at Robert. He didn’t see Robert as a fighter and didn’t want to hurt him. Robert smiled, the same way his brothers had, then went to the center of the mat. Robert donned his gloves. Leslie shrugged out of his T-shirt, then accepted the gloves Lawrence handed him. He noted they were new.

  “Everyone has their own pair. We bought them for you. They’ll be a little stiff but will stretch out,” Aristotle said.

  Leslie glanced at him, surprised. He opened his mouth to speak. Alex shook his head. Leslie closed his mouth and went to the center mat. He put on his gloves and was ready.


  Robert moved with lightning speed, and before Leslie realized it, he was blocking more than delivering any blows. Leslie caught his rhythm and retaliated. They exchanged blows, circling each other, then kicked and boxed.


  Leslie touched his gloves to Robert’s, breathing hard. He pulled off his gloves and wiped the corner of his mouth. As he lifted his finger, he saw the blood there.

  “You should know better than to underestimate people.” Robert pushed against him.

  Leslie slung his arm over Robert’s shoulder. “I was foolish. I won’t be next time.”

  They left the mat and sat to watch the other match. As the time passed, they each fought again, rotating opponents. Once they completed their workout, the men took showers, then changed into clothing they had brought. They met in the living room while Aristotle cooked them breakfast.

  “Do you have any good DVDs?” Dante stood from his reclining position on the floor. He searched through Leslie’s collection, muttering at the lack of good movies.

  “I have lots of DVDs, and they’re all good.” Leslie watched Dante discard another, then turned around to the men sprawled on chairs. “What’s his definition of a good movie?”

  The rest of the men were shaking their heads frantically. They all groaned loudly when he asked the question. Dante turned around and pointed his finger at him. “Hah. If you have to ask, then you don’t know a good movie.”

  “There’s a reason we had to ban Dante from movie night.” Alex pushed his foot against Leslie’s.

  “I didn’t know,” Leslie whispered.

  “Now we’re in for it.” Robert put his hands over his eyes.

  “A good movie is one you remember scenes from.” Dante paced toward him, then away. “There’s a lot of shit passing as movies being put out, and they suck.”

  “Yet you go to the movies on a weekly basis to see the latest crap,” Lawrence interjected.

  “Exactly. I’m seeing if they actually will put out a great movie.” Dante went on to list all the things that made up a great movie.

  Awed, Leslie listened as he expounded on each point. If he didn’t already know Dante was a lawyer, he would have known then. Once Dante finished, he put his hands behind his back and looked at Leslie.

  “Now that’s what makes a great movie.”

  Leslie glanced at the other men and saw them nodding. He rounded on Dante. “You’re so full of shit. You didn’t say anything, but talked in circles.”

  “That’s why I’m a really good lawyer.” Dante laughed. “Basically a good movie is one that you enjoy, no matter what anyone else says.”

  “Why didn’t you say what you just did, instead of the fifteen minut—”

  “Twenty-two minutes this time. I clocked it.” Lawrence tapped his watch. “He’s gotten better. Sometimes he can go on for an hour.”

  Leslie gave up trying to understand and instead asked, “So what movie will we watch?”

  Dante turned and flipped through a few, then pulled out one.

  “Armageddon is a good choice.”

  “Most importantly, it’s a good movie because you enjoyed it,” Dante said.

  “I’m going to let Aristotle know we’re watching movies.” Robert rose and left the room.

  Lawrence joined Dante in looking through the DVDs, and they bickered about the merits of the movies in Leslie’s collection.

  Leslie turned to face Alex. “Why’d they give me gloves?”

  “Their way of inviting you to take part in our kickboxing sessions.”

  “Do you all always meet on Saturday mornings?”

  “Yep. Six o’clock, then breakfast. We usually meet at my or Dante’s place, then we catch a few movies or DVR shows we all like, then usually by two o’clock they head home. Lunch we just order in. What kind of food do you have around here?”

  “I have some menus in the kitchen.”

  “Go away, Robert!” Aristotle’s roar was heard from the kitchen.

  Robert ran back into the room. “I bring fruit.” He put the bowl on the center table. “Get something, Leslie. Aristotle just put the bread to rise, so it’ll be a little while before he gets to the rest of the food.”

  Aristotle came into the room and flicked a dish towel at Robert. Robert moved out of the way, munching on an apple. They all settled around, taking pieces of fruit, and started the movie.

  “NEXT TIME, I’ll show you all my car collection,” Leslie told the men as they were leaving.

  They raised their hands in acknowledgement. They hadn’t had time for the garage because the tour of the house had taken a long time. The questions Alex and Aristotle asked lengthened the tour. He didn’t have many of the answers, and gave them the number of the man who had worked on the inside ren
ovations of the house. After closing the door, Leslie and Alex returned to the living room. Leslie sat, covering a yawn.

  “I’m tired. I don’t know about you, but I’m not going to poker later.” Alex sat, turning and pressing his back against the arm of the chair and then putting his legs on Leslie’s lap and resting his head back against the cushion.

  “I’m not going either. I need some sleep.” Leslie placed his hand on Alex’s calf. “And I want to spend some time, just you and me.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  “We’ll take a nap, but first….” Leslie moved Alex’s feet off his lap and crawled over him.

  He straddled Alex and put his hand on the cushion next to his head, then kissed him. Alex made a sound in his throat and opened wide for the kiss. They tasted each other lazily. Alex slid his hand inside the waistband of Leslie’s sweats, moving them off. Leslie rose up and shucked them, removed his T-shirt, then helped Alex get rid of his own clothing before resuming where he had left off. Leslie rocked his body, moving their erections together.

  “Hmmm… Leslie.” Alex gripped his hips, guiding him harder against him.

  Leslie moved with him as the tension slowly built. Their breaths mingled as they stared into each other’s eyes. Leslie watched the need in Alex’s gaze as the passion between them rose. The tight grip on his hips and slide of their cocks along each other’s created a delicious friction. With a loud groan, Alex shook as he came. Leslie shuddered, coming with him. He met Alex as he lifted his head, kissing him. Leslie slid down and put the side of his head against Alex’s chest. Alex moved his fingers in soft circles along his back, lulling him into relaxing.

  “HANNIGAN’S,” LESLIE answered the phone, his attention more on the spreadsheet he was working on.


  He smiled, then got hard at the sound of Alex’s voice. “You’re late for lunch.” Leslie glanced at the clock. They’d been meeting for lunch as long as their schedules permitted.

  “I’m not going to make it. I’m heading out to Rhode Island.”

  Leslie frowned. In the month they’d been having sex, Leslie had become used to sleeping beside Alex. He remembered that before meeting Alex face-to-face, whenever he inquired where he was, the answer was always Rhode Island. Since Alex had given up his clients there over seven months ago, there was speculation in their circle of friends on why he kept going back. Leslie wanted to ask but decided not to.

  “When will you be back?”

  “I don’t know for sure. My car service is here. I’ll call you.” Alex hung up before Leslie could say anything further.

  Leslie stared at the phone, then slowly replaced it.

  “Leslie.” Terry’s voice came from the walkie-talkie Leslie had on his side.

  Leslie pressed the button. “Yes.”

  “I need you in the garage. Mr. Burns is here.” Terry’s usually cheerful tone was cool.

  “I’ll be right there.” Leslie rose, hurrying, hoping to head off any blowups between Burns and Terry.

  Even as he did, his thoughts were on why Alex was going out of town.

  “What’s in Rhode Island?” Leslie whispered as he entered the garage.

  A WEEK later, he was still wondering what Alex was doing out of town. He hadn’t called, and Leslie’s calls to him had gone unanswered. A pounding sound drew his attention. Leslie listened and didn’t hear any cries, so he left them alone. He leaned against the car next to where the noise was coming from.

  “What’s all that racket?”

  At the sound of Alex’s question, Leslie straightened, watching as Alex came toward him. He looked handsome in his brown suit, pale-orange shirt, and diamond-patterned brown-and-orange tie. Alex hugged him, then kissed him deeply. Leslie stepped closer, feeling Alex’s erection in his slacks pressing against his. Alex gentled the kiss, then withdrew.

  “I….” He stopped.

  “What?” Leslie squeezed Alex’s waist.

  “Missed you, damn it,” Alex said.

  “You could have called.”

  “I left my cell in the car that took me to the airport. I just got it when I got back.”

  “So the hotels didn’t have phones?” Leslie stepped back.

  Alex caught his arm. “Don’t be a smartass.” He ran the fingers of his other hand through Leslie’s hair, then tightened his grip on Leslie’s arm, bringing him back against his body. “The truth is, I thought about calling you a few times, but didn’t. I… don’t want you to become important to me.”

  “It’s already too late for that, Alex.” Leslie raised an eyebrow.

  “Damn it. Yes, it is, but you don’t have to be so smug about it.” Alex scowled.

  “Moody”—Leslie rethought what he wanted to say—“idiot.”

  “I was a bastard. You don’t have to tone it down. I was a fucking prick,” Alex admitted.

  Leslie winced. “Umm… Alex—”

  A little voice interrupted him. “Uncle Alex, you said a bad word.”

  “He said a whole lot,” another added.

  Alex glanced up, shocked, then back at Leslie. “Where did they come from?”

  “They are learning to take apart a car.” Leslie grinned.

  Rey and Dar, the Jenkins twins, were hanging out of the driver’s and passenger’s side windows, respectively.

  “Don’t teach them that,” Alex said.

  “It’s better than teaching them to curse,” Leslie countered.

  “I’m sure Del and Harper wouldn’t want them to lear—”

  “They suggested it. Go back to work, boys.” Leslie waved them back to work. They went back inside the car. He moved Alex a little way away so they couldn’t hear. “The boys have been plotting to take apart the Escalade, so Del and Harper asked me to show them on something they could break. They hoped it would get it out of their system.”

  “I think it’s a bad idea.” Alex winced at a clanking noise.

  “Me too, but our reasons are probably different. I didn’t get over it by taking apart my first car. It only made me want to do it more. I’m showing the twins how, so in case they do get bold enough to mess with Del’s or Harper’s cars, they might not do too much damage that I’ll have to fix. Del is blaming me for them wanting to do as I did. I’m so proud.” Leslie laughed.

  Alex joined him, then sobered. “It’s too soon for you to mean so much to me.”

  Leslie rolled his eyes and kissed him. Alex pressed against him.

  “Yuck. They’re kissing like Del and Uncle Harper,” Rey said.

  “Maybe they’re testing ice cream flavors,” Dar replied.

  Leslie withdrew, then faced the boys. “What is this about ice cream?”

  The boys took turns telling him about Del’s explanation about ice cream and kissing. They were so serious that Leslie didn’t laugh. Alex coughed behind him and Leslie met his gaze, seeing he was having problems keeping in his mirth.

  “Maybe Del will take us for real ice cream. Let’s go ask him,” Leslie said.

  “Del’s here?”

  “Out back with Theron.” Leslie took Dar’s and Rey’s hands, leading them outside. He stopped when he noticed Del and Theron seemed to be in a deep discussion.

  “Del was sad, but now he’s better.” Rey tugged on his hand.

  “Theron is helping him by talking it out,” Dar piped in.

  Del looked up, spotted them, and smiled. He waved at the boys, and they ran over to him. Leslie and Alex followed behind more slowly.

  “They haven’t been around the group much. Something happened.” Alex placed his arm around Leslie’s waist.

  “Yes, but we won’t know unless he tells us. Harper made it clear not to pry,” Leslie said.

  “I know.” Alex stopped him. “Oh, I forgot. I’m going surfing for the first time. You want to come with me?”

  “You were planning on going surfing for the first time by yourself? Are you crazy? Y—”

  “No, no. I’m going with the Bishop brothers. They
’re clients and I use their car service.” Alex shook his head. “We have a friendly wager on whether I will enjoy it or not. If I win, we’ll go dirt biking, and if they do, we’re going fishing for a weekend trip.” Alex frowned. “No matter the outcome, you’re coming with me.”

  “Then I guess I better come surfing too. Which I love, by the way. And I believe you will too. So get ready to do some fishing.” Leslie grimaced. “I don’t mind the fishing part, but I hope they don’t want to do as Mackenzie does and camp out.”

  “They mentioned there is a cabin. I don’t know.”

  “When are we going?”


  “Okay.” They walked to the office and sat.

  They talked as they waited for lunch. Mackenzie and Harper arrived at the same time, and they all ate. Listening as Alex joked with Harper, Leslie thought of what Alex had admitted. It was a step in the right direction, but Leslie knew Alex opening up any more would not be that easy. The one thing he’d come to realize was that Alex was stubborn. He’d just have to be more obstinate.

  LESLIE ENTERED the kitchen from the garage, calling out, “Alex.”

  “I’m in the living room,” Alex replied.

  Leslie walked through the kitchen to the room he was in. Alex looked up from where he reclined on the couch, reading a book.

  “How was work?”

  “It’s done.” Leslie flopped down to sit by his feet. An unexpected emergency project had come up, taking up his time for the last two-and-a-half weeks.

  “Good, you came in a week earlier than deadline.” Alex shifted closer, rubbing his shoulders.

  “Yes, and we had a celebratory drink at the garage.” Leslie moved his head to the side so Alex could reach it. “We can go surfing this weekend?”

  Because of the project, they’d had to postpone going out to surf.

  “I’ll let them know.” Alex continued to rub his shoulders.

  Leslie nodded and yawned as Alex’s soothing touch rubbing all the tension away made him sleepy. He jerked, blinking to keep awake. “I have something to show you.” Standing, he pulled Alex up with him and retraced his steps to the garage. Leslie stopped before the boards leaning against the wall. “This is for you.”


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