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Something in Common (Dreamspinner Press Bundles)

Page 71

by Talia Carmichael

  “But if you don’t like crowds, how can you teach at the center? If today was any indication of how busy it will be, there will be a lot of people here.”

  “I’m teaching in a more private setting. Not here.” Aristotle didn’t say anything further.

  Leslie nodded, understanding he was referring to Treble Duo. “I’m doing that too, as well as a course here. The crew from my garage and I will be taking turns teaching the class.”

  “It’s a good thing they’re doing,” Aristotle stated quietly.

  They all gave their agreement. Alex left to coordinate more things that needed to be done as the server brought them more beers.

  Leslie accepted his and took a long sip. Then he put his bottle on the table. “I’ll be coming to your house soon for a visit, Aristotle.”

  “Is this your way of showing us how one comes to another’s house for a visit?” Aristotle was amused.

  “He’s instructing you incorrectly. You’re supposed to ask if you can come by,” Lawrence teased.

  “I disagree with you. In cases when you know that a person won’t extend the offer, you should tell them, as Leslie has so wonderfully demonstrated.” Dante tipped his beer toward him in a “well done” gesture.

  “I know Mama taught you all manners, but it’s obviously lost on you.” Robert looked pointedly at each of his brothers. “And she sure doesn’t condone your breaking into people’s homes and stealing pictures.”

  “Now, Robert. We would never do such a thing.”

  Leslie was impressed at Aristotle’s ability to pull off an innocent expression so well. He would have believed it if he hadn’t known him.

  “That expression right there is what I need to add to my repertoire.” Dante gestured to Aristotle.

  “You’ve been trying to achieve it for years and still can’t get it.” Robert glared at his brothers. “Don’t try to change the subject. Miguel’s going to want to talk with you when he ar—”

  “Interrogate.” Lawrence coughed into his fist.

  Robert continued as if he hadn’t spoken. “—arrives. Each of you will apologize and promise not to do it again. This time, you will actually mean it.”

  “Not happening, Robert,” his brothers said simultaneously.

  Robert sighed, shaking his head. “Pains in the ass, all of you. Even you, Leslie.”

  “What did I do?” Leslie frowned.

  “Shh… don’t look Robin in the eyes when he’s on a tear.” Alex returned, sitting again. “What did you do?”

  “I didn’t do anything.”

  “You’re dating Alex, so I’m sure you did something,” Robert stated.

  “Oh. You should have said that, then.” Leslie smiled slowly. “We do that often.”

  Robert’s brow furrowed. “Do what?”

  “Use your imagination, Robin.” Alex wiggled his eyebrows.

  Robert’s mouth opened, then closed as he blushed. They laughed, and he chuckled. Alex placed his hand on Leslie’s knee as they chatted with the men, waiting for the party to get started.

  LATER, LESLIE pulled off his tie as he entered his bedroom. Alex passed him, placing his bag next to the chair close to the bed, then pulling off his own tie. Pausing, Leslie watched Alex as he sat in the chair, running his hand through his hair, then unbuttoning his shirt. Alex lifted his head, looking at him questioningly.

  “I like seeing you in my bedroom.” Leslie shrugged, lowering his head and working on his buttons.

  A hand covered his and lifted his chin. “Flustered is a good look on you.”

  “I’m not—”

  Alex kissed him, moving him back, pulling on his clothing. Leslie complied, working on his buttons, wanting the touch of skin. When he finally felt it, he moaned. Alex withdrew, then pushed him. Leslie fell back on the bed and bounced, grinning.

  “You will be.” Alex leaned over, reaching for his belt.

  Leslie lay back and let Alex do whatever he wanted.

  Chapter Seven

  LESLIE OPENED his truck door, got out, and closed the door, barely resisting the urge to slam it. The last few weeks had been aggravating. He glanced at the house and instead went to the left garage, which was where he worked on his special projects. As he entered the area, he drew in a deep breath, the scent going a long way to calm him. Leslie went to the counter and sat before the carburetor and started working on it. At the barking sound at the breezeway door, he stood and let Cuda in. He absently patted the Borzoi and returned to sit on his stool. Soon, he was lost in fiddling with the carburetor. His cell rang with a familiar ringtone.

  “Hey, Alex. How is your trip going?” Leslie clenched his fist, glad his voice was steady.

  Alex had again gone to Rhode Island. This time he called, but was still vague on what his trip was about.

  “Where are you? Your car is in front of the house, and I’ve been ringing the bell.”

  Surprised he was back, Leslie stopped working on the part. “Oh… I’m in the garage.”

  “Which one?”

  “The project one.”

  “Okay.” Alex hung up.

  Leslie replaced his cell and went back to work. He heard the door open but didn’t look up. He smelled Alex’s cologne as he leaned beside him and relaxed even further.

  “Where’s my dinner?” Alex’s tone was teasing.

  “You didn’t mention you were returning today.”

  “What’s up?”

  Leslie slammed his hand on the table. “Burns. He and Terry are getting on my nerves.”

  “Stop abusing the poor carburetor.” Alex removed the screwdriver from Leslie’s hand. “Just keep repeating to yourself that it’s only eight more days to September fifteenth, and then you’ll be finished with his restoration and he’ll be out of you all’s hair.”

  “Until the next time he brings in another project. He’s one of my best customers. Every time, it gets worse between him and Terry.”

  “Then assign his project to someone else.” Alex put down the screwdriver and pulled him up off the stool.

  “I would, but Burns gets offended when I do. Terry gets angry and moody.” Leslie followed him as he went out the door to the breezeway. “Where are we going?”

  “To the house to box, so you can work off some of your frustration.”

  “When I get frustrated, I usually go to the garage,” Leslie protested.

  “You can do that when I’m not here, but when I am, we’ll do this my way.” Alex didn’t stop until they were in the home gym.

  Leslie shrugged, removing his shirt and shoes. Alex removed his jacket, shirt, and footwear. They stretched, then put on their gloves and went to the center mat.

  “If the two men don’t get along, then I don’t understand why they won’t accept someone else doing Burns’s projects so they won’t have to be in each other’s presence.” Alex did a few hops and jabs.

  “It’s a family thing.”

  “They’re related?” Alex stopped moving.

  “Yes. Cousins. They enjoy bickering, but it drives me nuts.” Leslie shifted his stance, ready to start.

  “If they didn’t do it while working, it wouldn’t bug you so much. You do playfully try to one-up your siblings all the time.” Alex came at him.

  Leslie blocked him, then feinted and lashed out. Alex moved out of the way and, in a graceful move, kicked him in the side. Leslie countered, then stepped back.

  “Don’t try to use reason on me. I want to be in a pissy mood.” Leslie jabbed, then kicked out.

  Alex grunted as he connected, then delivered a kick of his own, pushing him away. They circled each other.

  “Getting you out of your mood is my job, and I take great pleasure in doing it well.”

  Leslie snorted. “Now I’m a job. I thought I was your boyfriend.”

  “You are, and as your boyfriend, I don’t want you to have a bad attitude when I just got home from my trip.”

  You’re the one who left on yet another mysterious trip to Rhode Island
. Leslie opened his mouth to ask why he had gone. Alex’s next words stopped what he was about to say.

  “You really suck at relationships, Leslie. Instead of us kickboxing, you should be welcoming me back. I was dreaming on the plane about fucking you.” Alex sighed. “But your attitude doused that fantasy. Since I’m such a good man, I’m foregoing my need to see to yours. That’s what people in relationships do.”

  Leslie lowered his fists, staring at him, shocked. Alex winked and rushed him. Leslie stumbled back, then grunted as they hit the floor. Alex lay over him, chuckling as he straddled Leslie.

  “You distracted me.” Leslie punched his thigh softly.

  “Of course. We’ve worked out your mood. Now it’s time to get to my part of the agenda.”

  Leslie was in full agreement, pulling him down to kiss him. They exchanged a carnal clash of tongues, rubbing against each other. Alex rose, taking off his gloves while he hurried to the large cabinet Leslie had filled with supplies for the gym. He returned brandishing lube and a condom.

  “When did you put that in there?”

  “The last time we were in the gym and had to settle for hand jobs since we didn’t have anything.” Alex dropped the lube and the condom beside him, then unbuckled his belt.

  Leslie sat up and pulled off his gloves, then unbuttoned his jeans, lowered the zip, and pushed off his pants. Alex knelt, pushing him back, and cupped his balls before sucking his cock into his mouth.

  “Alex.” Leslie arched into his mouth, gripping his hair. “Yes.”

  Alex rolled his tongue against Leslie’s firm member while he continued to rub along his sac with his hand. Leslie shivered, lost in the sensation of Alex’s hot mouth on his flesh. Alex moved up and down on his erection, raking his teeth along the underside of Leslie’s cock on the downward motion. Leslie held Alex’s head, thrusting up. Alex opened, taking him, swallowing, making his cock vibrate in pleasure. Withdrawing off him, Alex kissed the tip, then swirled his tongue before bringing only the head into his mouth and moving it around within the confines of his lips.

  “Your taste… love your taste.” Alex hummed, then suckled him in again.

  Leslie smoothed his fingers along Alex’s cheek, feeling the hollowed skin as he worked his shaft. Alex turned his gaze to meet Leslie’s, those gray eyes smoky. Leslie licked his lips, then traced along Alex’s lips stretched around his cock. Alex released him and nipped at his finger, then sucked it into his mouth, working the finger as he had his cock. Leslie lowered his lids, breathing in and out quickly. Alex smiled, rolled his finger along the inner cavern of his mouth, then released him. He kissed the tip of his finger, then retrieved the condom and slid it over Leslie’s shaft and coated him with lube. Alex straddled him, putting his hands behind his ass, then pushed back, rubbing his crease against Leslie’s shaft. Leslie held his hips, guiding him and rocking up into his hole. Alex’s breath hitched as Leslie penetrated him, then whooshed out as he sank deep within him. With a rotation of his hips, Alex started to move, countering Leslie’s motions. Leslie planted his legs on the floor and pushed up.

  As always, the fierce expression on Leslie’s face and his clenched teeth gave Alex a thrill. Alex moved over him, squeezing on the cock buried inside his body. He reached between their bodies and gripped his cock, pulling in time with Leslie’s thrusts. Leslie’s fingers gripped his hips, digging in his nails, making him grunt. Moving his hand quicker, Alex squeezed, running his finger over the wet tip of his cock.

  Leslie stiffened, then moaned, “Alex.”

  Alex increased his motions, tightening and relaxing around Leslie’s erection, lengthening his release. He groaned as his cock pulsed, releasing his seed over his fist. Alex slumped against Leslie, breathing harshly as his heart raced. Leslie inhaled, then exhaled while he made circular motions along Alex’s hip.

  “I love being in a relationship,” Leslie said.

  “You talk too much.” Alex didn’t want to discuss it now.

  He lifted off Leslie, then moved back lower to get the condom. Tying it off, he stood, holding out a hand to Leslie. Leslie gripped it and he pulled him up. They strolled toward the door, shoulders brushing against each other.

  “What are you going to feed me?” Alex inquired.

  “Nothing. It’s your turn to make us dinner.”

  Alex scowled, realizing that he was correct. They shared the duties.

  “But I just got back.”

  “And how is that my fault? You’re the one who went to Rhode Island.”

  Alex heard the edge to his tone but ignored it. “I’m ordering in, then. What are you in the mood for?”

  “Steaks from Rydor’s. Don’t fo—”

  “Sweet potato fries. I know how you eat your food from there. Although I don’t understand why you eat those nasty sweet potato fries.” Alex wrinkled his nose.

  “They’re good. Better than having mushrooms on your steak.” Leslie pursed his lips.

  “They’re good.” He mimicked Leslie.

  “I’m going to get a shower.”

  “I’ll order, then join you.” Alex picked up the phone in the kitchen and dialed the familiar number.

  He placed their orders, then headed upstairs to the bedroom. The shower was already running. Cuda barked as he entered. Alex moved toward the bed and petted the Borzoi where he was perched at the foot. Cuda butted his hand, then whined.

  “I know, I know. I didn’t say anything when I got home, but your daddy was in a mood.”

  Cuda gave him a look that he would swear was agreement.

  “Ah… so he’s had an attitude, huh?”

  The dog woofed, then butted his hand.

  “So demanding. Fine. Yeah, I missed you.” He rubbed the dog affectionately, bending and putting his nose against his.

  “We both missed you.”

  Alex glanced up at Leslie standing framed in the bathroom doorway. He leaned against the doorjamb, his naked form damp. Alex patted Cuda and went to his owner.

  “I’m glad to be back.”

  Leslie made a humming sound, then said, “Avril is going to kill you for teaching him that nose rubbing thing.”

  “I know, but he loves it. She’ll just have to deal with it.” Alex laughed, then rubbed his nose against Leslie’s.

  “Let’s get wet, then eat, and bed.” Leslie kissed him and led him to the shower.

  Alex was all for that. He’d made his trip to Rhode Island a short one, wanting to get back to Leslie.

  ALEX SIPPED his tea, staring out the window at the backyard. He wasn’t really paying attention to the view.

  “You’ve been quiet lately,” Leslie said behind him.

  Alex jerked, startled because he hadn’t heard him come in. Leslie leaned against the wall beside him. Alex turned and faced him.

  “What’s wrong?” Leslie studied him.

  Alex couldn’t share what he was feeling. The week since he’d been back from his last trip to Rhode Island, which had opened a lot of memories and guilt, he’d been out of sorts. He didn’t want to think about it, much less discuss it.

  “I’m okay. Just work.”

  Leslie didn’t look like he believed him, but didn’t push. He straightened and turned away. Alex stepped forward, stopping him. He kissed the side of his neck, sighing.

  “I….” He trailed off.

  “I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s going on.”

  “I don’t need your help.” Then Alex amended what he’d said. “I have to figure this out myself.”

  Leslie nodded, then kissed him before pulling away. “Here.”

  Alex accepted the key he held out. “What’s this?”

  “For the house so you don’t have to wait for me to get home.” Leslie shrugged.

  Alex lifted the key, staring at it, then Leslie. “Les—”

  “I’m pushing and you’ll deal with it. Just take the fucking key.”

  “If you would let me speak, Mr. Grumpy Puss,” Alex said dryly. “I was going to say t
hanks, and that I had a key for you at home that I’ve been meaning to give to you.”

  “Okay, then.” Leslie turned away, pouring his coffee into a dark-blue to-go mug with Hannigan’s logo.

  He then automatically made Alex’s tea in another tumbler. Alex accepted it and kissed him before going to the table, placing the cup down, then shrugging into his jacket.

  “I’ll pick you up here at five so we can go to the centers.”

  “Okay. Let’s go, Cuda!” Leslie called.

  “Is today when Avril is coming for him for the show?” Alex straightened his tie, retrieved his cup, and turned.

  He stopped before he stepped on Cuda. The dog sat before him, holding his leash in his mouth. He’d seen him do that when they went out, but didn’t have a clue why he was waiting before him. Then a suspicion formed, and he lifted his head, looking at Leslie. The grin on Leslie’s face only made him more uneasy.

  “No.” He looked at the dog, then to its owner. “I’m not getting involved in this hiding business you do with Avril.”

  “Cuda wants to go to work with you to hide.”

  “No, Cuda,” Alex repeated.

  The dog cocked its head to the side. Alex groaned, closing his eyes.

  “Shit. Fine. But you’ll have to stay in the office when I have meetings.” Alex opened his eyes, then scowled at Leslie. “I know you had something to do with this.”

  “You’re going to need his bag.” Leslie pointed to the bag next to Alex’s briefcase.

  “You did plan this.”

  “We talked it over, but Cuda decided. I just prepared a bag with some things for him, in case.” Leslie walked out of the room, his laughter trailing behind him.

  Alex studied the dog. “You and your master are suited for each other. Let’s go, then.”

  Alex grabbed his briefcase and Cuda’s bag and went toward the front door.

  Twenty minutes later, they walked into the offices of Creative Edge. The receptionist’s eyes widened, and then she smiled as she spoke with someone on the phone. Alex walked to his office with the dog silently following behind him. Inside, he put down his briefcase.

  Dustin came in. “Hilly said you ha… whoa, you did bring in a dog. A Borzoi. Is it a she or he?”


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