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Something in Common (Dreamspinner Press Bundles)

Page 73

by Talia Carmichael

  “Is that all you have to say?” Alex gripped the back of Leslie’s neck.

  “You already know I love you.” Leslie rolled his eyes.

  “Mr. Love To Talk can’t even tell me the words straight,” Alex teased.

  Leslie mirrored the hold Alex had on him. “I love you, Alex.” He pulled Alex forward, resting his forehead against his.

  Alex rested his body against Leslie’s, breathing him in. “We should fuck like bunnies for saying the words to each other, but I’m worn out.”

  “We’ll go to sleep tonight, and tomorrow we can work on making each other walk funny.” Leslie moved him back onto the bed, then joined him.

  He pulled the covers over them, cuddling against Alex. Leslie shifted, then glanced at him.

  “What’s Kali’s full name?”

  Alex told him, then thought to ask, “Why?”

  “Just want to get the complete information on her.” Leslie shrugged, resting his head against Alex’s chest.

  Leslie thought of everything Alex had revealed. It explained his behavior and resistance to talk about what they were to each other. Alex telling him he loved him was what he’d wanted to hear, yet he wanted it all. He and Alex would combine their lives. Now he just had to convince Alex.

  Leslie didn’t realize it when he went to sleep, but he woke when a wet mouth covered his erection. Opening his eyes, he stared down the line of his body, watching Alex sucking his cock. Alex’s pale-gray gaze was darkening, and the slight flush he got when they made love was tingeing his skin. Alex’s fingers pushed against his ass. Leslie spread his thighs, rocking against the digits filling him. Alex’s touch was firm as he worked in and out.

  “Alex,” Leslie moaned.

  Alex sat up on his haunches, sliding on a condom and coating it with lube.

  “We should get tested to get rid of the rubbers.” Leslie rocked against the bed.

  Alex glanced at him, then a small smile curled his lips, and he inclined his head. He lined up, and the blunt head of his shaft filled Leslie, who met his forward momentum. He gripped Alex’s ass and pulled impatiently. Alex moved slowly and deliberately. Leslie dug his nails in, wrapping his legs around him. He braced his shoulders for leverage and moved. Alex grabbed his left leg and pulled it over his forearm, then the right. He held him, moving at his slow glide.

  “Come on, Alex. Move… damn… you,” Leslie growled.

  Alex lowered his lids and didn’t change pace. Each thrust set off pleasure, and he wanted more. Leslie jerked his shaft roughly as Alex moved. Suddenly, Alex increased his motions, pounding into him.

  “Yes!” Leslie yelled, tugging his cock faster.

  “Leslie.” Alex’s tone was urgent.

  Then he stiffened, shuddering as he came. Leslie grunted as his seed splashed on his hand and belly. He relaxed on the bed. Alex lay along his frame. Leslie turned his head and their lips met.

  “I love you, Leslie,” Alex whispered against his lips.

  “Love you too,” Leslie returned.

  Alex nuzzled alongside his face, pressing soft kisses on the underside of his jaw.

  “You really should meet my parents before Thanksgiving.”

  Alex stiffened, then relaxed. “You’re pushing.”

  “I’m not pushing.” Leslie paused, then added, “I’m through with subtle. I’m going to bulldoze you into us becoming full partners. I want you to live with me and make a life together.”

  “Subtle is something you know nothing about.” Alex rolled off him.

  Leslie grabbed his arm. “I’m not Donald, Alex. I won’t wait a year for you to realize we’re good together. I’ve already waited two years.”

  “We only started dating in June.”

  “But we met when you first moved to Mapson.” Leslie smirked. “You should just give in. I’m going to have my way.”

  Alex removed his hold on his arm and reclined on the mattress. Leslie laid his head on Alex’s chest again.

  “I’m not going to let you rush me.”

  “Not at all.” Leslie already knew Alex would be moving in before Thanksgiving.

  All he had to do was get him in front of his parents.

  THREE DAYS later, Leslie guided Alex past the front door of his parents’ house. Alex stopped in the entryway.

  “You’re wearing that smug smile. What did you do?”

  Leslie fixed his face into an innocent expression. “Not a thing. Stop stalling.”

  “I’m not.” Alex paused, then replied, “I am, but it’s your fault.”

  “How is this my fault?”

  “It just is.” Alex strode forward toward the living room.

  Leslie came behind him, then put his hand on the small of his back, guiding him straight to his parents. His mother turned, glancing between them, while his dad stood behind her with his hands on her shoulders.

  “Mama, this is Alex”—Leslie looked at the man by his side—“my unique partner.”

  “You’re so not funny,” Alex muttered.

  Leslie laughed, along with his parents.

  “What makes him unique, Leslie?” his mother asked, a smile on her face.

  “Because I put up with his idiosyncrasies and still haven’t decked him yet,” Alex responded, glaring at Leslie.

  His mother and father laughed.

  “Leslie does tend to make people feel that way.” His dad kissed his wife’s cheek, then moved toward Alex. “Leslie mentioned you do marketing. I’ve always wanted to see the inner workings of what that entails.”

  Alex walked beside Leslie’s father as they discussed marketing.

  “Oh, goody. He’s going to Alex’s office to be a marketer.”

  Leslie glanced at his mom. “Coming in, I saw he’s been messing with your gardens.”

  “Damn man thinks he knows what he’s doing. You have to treat them with a gentle touch.”

  Leslie laughed. He’d gotten the zeal he felt for cars from his mother. She felt the same about her gardens.

  “You love him.”

  Leslie didn’t reply to the statement. Instead he smiled.

  “If you love him, why hasn’t Alex moved in with you yet? You need to ask him,” his mother stated.

  “I did, and he’s hesitating.”

  “What? I’ll have a little talk with him.” His mother headed off toward Alex.

  Leslie chuckled, already making plans.

  Later, when they left his parents, Leslie whistled along with the radio. Alex pressed a button, cutting it off.

  “Setting your mother on me was not nice.”

  “There is no nice when you want to get something.” Leslie glanced at him briefly before focusing back on the road. “You already know we’re going to move in together.”

  “Why am I the one who has to move?”

  “I didn’t say you had to move.” Leslie made a right turn. “It doesn’t matter where we live as long as it’s under the same roof.”

  Alex was quiet, then spoke. “You’d move into my house and leave your own?”


  For the rest of the drive, Alex didn’t say anything further. Leslie followed him inside his house, closed the door behind him, then turned. He stopped just in time from running into Alex’s back.

  “It’ll take me until the New Year to get everything packed and ready to move to your house.” Alex faced him.

  “We’ll have you moved in by Thanksgiving.” Leslie hugged him.

  “Maybe Christmas. I have a lot of stuff to move.”

  “Thanksgiving.” Leslie glanced around then back at him. “Definitely by then. Why’d you decide to be the one to move?”

  “There isn’t enough space for your car collection and project garage.” Alex smiled wryly. “Besides, I love your house. I still don’t see how we can get me moved by Thanksgiving.”

  “All we need is the right tool for the job.” Leslie released him, striding toward the living room.

  “Where are you going?”

get the tools we need.” Leslie picked up the phone sitting on the couch.

  He tugged Alex beside him before pressing a button on the phone.

  When it was picked up, he spoke. “Mackenzie, start calling everyone. We want to be moved by Thanksgiving.”

  He listened to his brother yelling to his parents that Alex was moving in with him, then hung up.

  “You already knew I was going to move in with you.” Alex leaned against his shoulder.

  “Nope. I knew one of us would move, but not which of us it would be.” Leslie smiled, pleased at how things had turned out.

  “No matter what you think, there is no way I’ll be ready by Thanksgiving.”

  Leslie didn’t dispute his words.

  ALEX GLANCED around at the chaos surrounding him.

  “Don’t worry I—”

  “Don’t say it.” He held up his hand in warning. “There is still the unpacking to do.”

  “But you’re moved in.” Leslie pointed out.

  Alex couldn’t fault him. He was indeed moved in and by the time Leslie had stated. Alex viewed all the boxes packed against the living room wall. There were piles of boxes in every room.

  “Do we really have to go to Thanksgiving at your parents’ tomorrow?”

  “Yes.” Leslie hugged him from behind. “We can take our time unpacking. This is your home now.”

  Alex liked the sound of that. “I just want to get the living room boxes at least unpacked tonight.”

  Leslie groaned. “Alex—”

  “No whining. It’ll bug me until I get all the boxes cleared out.” Alex stepped out of his arms and went to the boxes.

  He opened a box and handed some books to Leslie. They worked in companionable silence working through getting the boxes emptied.

  “I’ll be right back, Alex,” Leslie said.

  Alex glanced toward him, nodded, then went back to putting the pictures on the mantle. He got through a few boxes when he thought about going to look for Leslie.

  “Alex, come here a minute,” Leslie called.

  Alex put down a DVD and headed toward where his voice had come from. In the office, Alex noticed Leslie was sitting behind the desk.

  “Here he is. It was nice meeting you.” Leslie stood and gestured him closer.

  Alex came around the desk and glanced at the screen.

  “Kali.” He gasped at the familiar face with that daring smile.

  “Alex,” Kali said.

  “I’ll give you all some time alone.” Leslie touched his shoulder and left the room.

  Alex sat on the desk chair, staring. “Where the hell have you been?”

  “God, Alex, I’ve missed you.” Kali’s delighted laughter filtered through the computer speakers.

  “You have? You just disappeared. I looked for you, then thought you might have cut off ties with me deliberately to get away from the….” He trailed off.

  “Memories.” Kali sighed. “I did take my new job to get away, but not from you, Alex. Never from you.” She put her hand on the screen.

  Alex mirrored her, then lowered his hand. “Where are you? What is this new job? How is Kyle?”

  “I’m in Singapore and I’m an interpreter for this wonderful company. Kyle is doing great. He’s in school. Give me your e-mail, and I’ll have him e-mail you.”

  Alex provided her with the information. “Give me yours.” He wrote down what she told him.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were moving?”

  “I knew you would try to talk me out of it.” Kali put her hands under her chin. “We both needed a change, Alex. You in Mapson and me here. I didn’t mean to not get in touch. I was giving you time to get settled and on with your life in Mapson before I got in touch. I’ve been so busy I didn’t even realize it has been so long since I’ve spoken with you. I’m so—”

  “You don’t ever need to apologize. I know how it is to get so busy you lose track of time.” Alex leaned back in the office chair. “Now tell me about what’s been going on with you.”

  “That can wait. Tell me about the sexy hunk you’re shacking up with.”

  Alex laughed and filled her in on Leslie. They caught up and promised to keep in touch. It was three hours before they finished their conversation. Alex signed off the computer and rose. He went in search of Leslie. In the living room, Leslie was lying on the couch watching a movie. Alex noticed the boxes were all put away and cartons removed.

  “Thanks for unpacking.” He sat at the end of the couch by Leslie’s feet. “How’d you find Kali?”

  “The right tool for the job.” Leslie sat up and shifted closer until he could lean against him. “You remember earlier this month when Del went on his hunt to track down Jerrod?”

  Alex nodded.

  “I asked him to see if he could find Kali. He did and went to see her and Kyle personally. They sent some pictures and other things for you, but she told him to hold them until you talked first. I have them when you want to see them.”

  “Thank you for helping find her.” Alex hugged him.

  “I didn’t do anything.” He shrugged.

  “You asked Del. I’m grateful you did.”

  “Gratitude should be shared.” Leslie’s gaze was wicked. “You have to be naked to do it properly.”

  “You really are a unique man, Leslie.” Alex laughed. “You pushed your way into my life and then made a place for yourself. I knew you’d be trouble.”

  “Always and only for you.” Leslie kissed him.

  Alex held the man who had changed his world, imagining many years spent with him by his side.

  To my family by blood and by choice, through many hard times both in my case and in yours we have embraced the meaning of generosity. In this book I have given a small insight into what is possible when you look beyond yourself to others. I am blessed to know and have you in my life.

  Chapter One

  THERON LONGORIA finished up his end of the week report and filed it away in his folder. He leaned back in his chair and smiled as a sense of accomplishment filled him. Absently he glanced around his spacious office that was already fully set up. He was still getting used to it.

  “You look like I feel—glad for the week to be over and longing for a beer,” a deep voice said from the doorway.

  “Yeah. A beer is calling my name. I can’t wait to enjoy it.” Theron looked at Bailey Johnson as he came into his office and sat in one of the two chairs in front of his desk.

  Bailey sprawled his lanky frame on the chair, running his hand over his beard before putting his hands on his stomach with his fingers intertwined. Theron looked and saw the same sense of satisfaction that was on his own face.

  “It’s been a hell of an opening week.” Bailey studied him, then said in a serious tone, “Thank you again for getting me hired—”

  Theron cut him off. “I didn’t do anything but mention your name to the Jenkins brothers. Your qualifications did the rest.”

  Bailey had already expressed his gratitude for being hired as the second in charge of Treble Duo, the safe haven center with living facilities that had been set up by Bur, Del, and Bernie Jenkins for children or teenagers in need of help. The brothers’ own experiences had made them very aware of the need for such a place, and so they had built one. When Theron was hired to head Treble Duo and was asked for suggestions for a possible second, he gave Bailey’s name without hesitation. He’d known Bailey since they both worked at Child Protective Services, first as caseworkers, and then, eventually, when Theron had headed his own unit with Bailey as his second. Over the many years they’d worked together, they had developed a friendship that went beyond the office. Even after Theron left his position and Bailey took over his place, they had kept their close friendship.

  “Yes, they did. But if it wasn’t for you thinking of me and giving my name, I… we wouldn’t have had this chance,” Bailey insisted. Then he bit his lip. “You’ve been there for us, and… just…thank you.”

  Theron knew the �
�we” referred to Bailey’s family—his wife Cassidy and their children Ken, Sarah, and Johnny. Bailey and his family had been struggling since he’d lost his job over a year and a half ago due to budget cuts. They had been trying to survive on Cassidy’s salary from Mapson Hospital, but it had been touch and go. Their house had been foreclosed on, and they’d had to move into a small two-bedroom apartment that was in no way adequate for their five-person family. Theron knew his friend too well and would never have offered money, since Bailey had too much pride for that. Instead, Theron took the kids for many weekends to give Bailey and Cassidy time to themselves, as well as to give them all space. And when he could, he had bought things the kids needed. He and Bailey had had many fights about Theron’s charity, but had come to an understanding that they were gifts from their godfather. He was godfather to all Bailey’s children. It had been difficult, but Bailey and Cassidy loved each other and wanted the best for their kids, and they had made it through. Now, with this job, they would be able to get back on their feet.

  “Stop thanking me already,” Theron warned.

  “Fine. Cassidy wants you to come over to the house for dinner.” Bailey grinned. “That, and so she can show off what she’s done with the place.”

  Theron could imagine what she had done. Cassidy had a way of decorating that made you feel at home. With their jobs, Theron and Bailey each received a house that was part of the property the center was built on. All utilities and maintenance—even damages to the structure of house—were covered as part of the property. If there was anything they wanted to have done beyond that, or additions they wanted to make, those would be the responsibility of the house’s residents. Each of the ten houses, structure-wise, was built the same. But they weren’t typical ranch-style houses, which was the closest Theron could come to a description of the two-story houses whose exterior was a mixture of brick, stucco, or stone that created a sense of warmth and beauty. In addition, there were wrap-around porches that offered a wonderful view no matter where you were—front, back, or sides. Rodbro Landscaping handled the maintenance of the exterior plantings. Inside, the houses were just as beautiful, with spacious rooms and, in addition, a solarium created and maintained by the landscaping company.


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