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Theon Untamed: First Contact (Untamed World Book 1)

Page 14

by Hannah Davenport

  A calculating smile spreads across her face. She doesn’t want to kill anyone else, but today she will either die or escape. There’s no other choice.

  Kneeling down next to the petals, she gently scoops them up in her hand and carefully rubs them over her forearms, her stomach protesting as she gags. It takes a few minutes before the sickness fades, leaving her feeling weak as sweat beads her forehead.

  “Why didn’t I think of this before?”

  It wouldn’t have worked, and it makes you sick, she thinks. She also had no way of knowing when Hasan would come for her.

  The last thing Catalina wants is to parade around naked in front of the other males. Her gaze slides back and forth between her torn dress and Hasan’s clothes.

  “Well, shit!”

  She wants nothing to do with Hasan, and she certainly doesn’t want to smell like him…But what choice does she have? Hastily, she grabs his shirt and slips it over her head. At least it’s long and covers more than her dress did. She makes sure to roll the sleeves up enough to expose her forearms.

  Beating her fist on the door, she starts screaming. “Hey! Something’s wrong! I need help!” She pounds with more force and with both hands, trying to get someone to hear her.

  When the door cracks open, Catalina jumps to the side and presses her back against the wall. She tries to sport the scared, I don’t know what happened look, as they rush over to Hasan. When they find him dead, they both turn in unison, deadly eyes staring straight at her.

  “What did you do?” the one on the right accuses.

  “Nothing. I don’t know what happened.” She holds her palms out in defense.

  “We do not believe you,” the one on the left says as they take a menacing step forward.

  Catalina throw her arms in the air, her forearms guarding her face. “Please don’t hurt me.” Her voice sounds scared, like a frightened little girl.

  When they each grab an arm, she watches as the same horrible reaction happens to them. It doesn’t take long until they fall to the floor, twitching before all movement ceases.

  With a look of disdain, she sneers at the bodies while stepping around them. Easy for a human, hard for a Curazin female.

  With a confident stride, Catalina walks back to the female Commons, knowing that today she is leaving here. All the males stop and stare, but no one tries to stop her as she marches forward with her chin lifted high, her confidence and determination daring anyone to mess with her. She’s untouchable, and she knows it.

  When she enters the Commons, she searches out Tabia and finds her in Cara’s room.

  When she enters, they both jump to their feet at the sight of her. “Catalina, are you okay?” Tabia’s eyes hold so much worry.

  “I’m good. Get your things; we’re getting out of here.”

  “Really?” Tabia says with breathless excitement.

  “Really.” Tabia races from the room as Catalina’s eyes land on Cara. “Come with us?” Her eyes beg, but she already knows the answer.

  “I cannot.” Cara rubs her swollen belly. “I have to think of my young.”

  Cara steps forward for a hug, but Catalina jumps back and laces her hands behind her back. “Don’t touch me!”

  Cara’s face transforms from relief to devastation, but Catalina is quick to reassure her. “It’s not like that, Cara.” She glances around, making sure no one can hear. In as low a voice as she can muster, she whispers, “I have that deadly flower all over me.”

  Cara rears back and plasters herself against the wall, as far away from Catalina as she can get. “Hasan?” she mouths, looking frantically at the door.


  With surprise, her mouth forms an O before she closes the gap. “The protectors?”

  Catalina knows who she speaks of. The ones who allowed the tyrant to rape all the females. “Also dead.”

  Cara swallows hard and is about to speak when Tabia rushes back into the room. “I’m ready,” she announces with a look of urgency on her face.

  A wicked grin spreads across Catalina’s face. Freedom is only steps away, and nothing will stop her now. “Take care, my friend. I will miss you.”

  Cara smiles and gives her a tiny wave. “Bye, Catalina.”

  Cara then throws her arms around Tabia’s neck. “Please be careful.”

  She leans back, and for the first time since being with Hasan, true excitement shines on Tabia’s face. “I will.”

  “Tabia,” Catalina says in a stern voice. Tabia turns, catching Catalina’s serious expression. “This is very important. You can’t touch me. At all. Understand?” She nods vigorously. “I mean it, Tabia. Even if I start to fall, you let me face-plant on the ground.”

  “Got it.”

  Catalina grabs her backpack, the one she has stored away in case she ever found a way to escape. Inside, she has a change of clothes, and thanks to her night with the design-o-pad, she even has a knife or two hidden away.

  Outside is chaos. News that Hasan and his protectors are dead has spread. No one notices the two of them as they head for the gate that bars the entrance. At least Catalina doesn’t think anyone notices them.

  “Stop,” the guard orders as he steps in front of them, blocking the way.

  Catalina pierces the guard with cunning eyes. One side of her mouth tips upward when she says, “Make me.”

  “Step away from the gate, Rieo. You are dismissed.”

  Catalina spins around and sees Jove slowly walking up behind them with a gamel in tow. “Don’t try and stop me,” she warns.

  Jove studies her before his eyes slide to Tabia. They linger on the vanishing bruises around her neck before sliding down to her wrists. Addressing Catalina once again, he says, “I thought you might need some help.”

  Her eyes narrow, and she cocks her head to the side. “Why would you help me now?” The fact that he did nothing to repay her kindness for saving his life still sticks in her craw.

  “Before, I was helpless to do so. All along, I had planned to help you escape, but you managed it on your own.”

  She scoffs and shakes her head. “When was that? After Hasan raped me?”

  “I never thought he would touch you,” he grimaces and averts his eyes. “It was a calculated mistake.”

  “Then how did you plan to help?”

  “When he offered you to someone, I had planned to step forward. Then I planned to take you back to the Southern Clan.”

  “Oh.” That actually made sense, and Hasan did say in the beginning that he wished she was Curazin. “Hasan’s dead.”

  “I heard.”

  “So are his two goons.”

  His lips tip upward, transforming his face to something more at ease. He tilts his head forward as he says, “I am in your debt.”

  She furrows her brow. That is the last thing she expected him to say. “I don’t understand.” Her eyes dart at the scene behind Jove, expecting an ambush. She feels antsy and needs to get away as quickly as possible.

  “Hasan and his enforcers are my older brothers.” She gasps and takes a quick step back, her hand flying to her chest. Did she just kill his entire family?

  He holds up his hand when she starts to speak. “Everyone has been living in fear, and there was no way to kill all three of them by myself.” His eyes slide to Tabia, who stares at the ground, before sliding back to Catalina once again. “When you risked yourself,” he grins, “when you killed the graset and hauled it back to where I was injured,” he shakes his head in disbelief, “it changed something inside me, something I had forgotten a long time ago. You risked everything for me and saved my life. I will never forget that.”

  “Thank you for saying that.” Catalina glances around at all the frantic people, still expecting an ambush. You can’t just kill the leader of a clan and expect nothing to happen. “What will happen now?”

  “I am now the leader of the Northern Clan, and things will be much different.” He turns toward Tabia. “If you will stay, I can personally pro
mise that you will be safe. All females will be safe.”

  With a skittish look, Tabia keeps her chin tucked but raises her eyes. “Safe from everyone? Even you?”

  Jove nods. “Even me.”

  Tabia searches Catalina’s face, looking for answers. “What do you think I should do?” Her eyes remind Catalina of a frightened child.

  Catalina softens her expression before slowly blowing out her breath. “That’s up to you, Tabia.” Her eyes touch on Jove. “But I do believe he’s telling the truth.”

  Tabia licks her dry lips and with a small voice, she admits, “I do not know what to do.”

  Jove takes Tabia’s hand, his thumb circling the marred skin on her wrist. She jerks slightly but doesn’t pull her hand away. “No one should endure my brother’s torture. I vow that this will never happen to you again.”

  At that moment, Catalina knows that Jove will make a good leader.

  A fair leader.

  Since killing Hasan and talking to Jove, Catalina knows in her heart that Tabia will be safe, and she will be better off staying with the Northern Clan. Hopefully one day Tabia will find a mate, not someone she is paired with but someone she loves.

  Her mind drifts back to Theon, and she’s anxious to get back to the Southern Clan.

  The look in Tabia’s eyes lets her know that she will not be making this trip with her. Catalina smiles at her friend. “I will miss you.”

  “I will miss you too.” Tabia leans in, but Catalina quickly steps back. “I can’t give you a hug. I’m sorry.” She holds up her hands and forearms that are lightly stained with the colors.

  “Oh, right.”

  “You used the Jia plant?” Jove raises an eyebrow.

  “The one with orange and black petals.”

  He nods with wide eyes as he too takes a small step back.

  “Yeah. Turns out it only makes me sick, but it doesn’t kill me.”

  “That plant will be the first thing to go.” Jove shakes his head in bewilderment. “Why Hasan let it grow, I will never understand.”

  Jove hands the reins over to Catalina. “No one will follow you,” he reassures her.

  “Thank you.”

  Jove holds his hand out for Tabia, and after a reluctant moment, she places her small one in his. With a peaceful smile, Tabia waves, “Bye Catalina.”

  Catalina mounts the gamel, and with one last look, she stares at Tabia, knowing that she will be okay. She offers a smile and then turns the gamel away from the Northern Clan’s domes.

  As she rides away, her face stretches wide when she realizes what a difference she’s made. It feels good, at least for about fifteen minutes. And then she thinks about what she’s done. She’s killed three people.

  Catalina rides in silence as her mind touches on everything that’s happened. Knowing she would’ve killed anyone who stood between her and freedom scares the hell out of her. What will Theon think once he finds out that she killed the leader of the Northern Clan? Should she tell him? Her thoughts tumble endlessly as she quickly heads for the mountains that separate the two clans.



  As he, Odias, and the others ride toward the Northern Clan boundary, Theon worries about Catalina and what she’s had to endure at her captors’ hands.

  The trip takes a lifetime as he pushes Coleia as much as possible before needing to let her rest. The guilt nearly chokes him if he lets himself think about it for too long.

  The mountains are near; they will soon cross over into enemy territory.

  “Theon, look!”

  Odias points to one lone object in the distance. It appears to be moving, but it is so far away, he can’t tell. Fighting to control his racing heart, he pushes Coliea hard, making her move faster.

  When he gets a little closer, he can make out the gait of a gamel. With his eyes on the target, Theon pulls his long-jagged knife.

  As he nears, he recognizes the outline of the lithe figure that first attracted his attention, and she’s in the Southern Clan boundaries. “Catalina!” he yells as he pushes Coliea even harder.

  In one fluid motion, he jumps from Coliea’s back and races toward Catalina.

  Eyes wide, she puts up her hand and yells, “Stop! Don’t come any closer!”

  It feels like someone has just sliced his heart out with a jagged knife. “Catalina?” He lets the hurt seep into his voice.

  “Theon,” her eyes flash to the other males before landing on him once again, “for reasons I can’t explain right now, I need to wash off.”

  He scans her body, examining every inch of her. She wears a male’s shirt, one from the Northern Clan. A handprint bruise has formed on her cheek. His jaw clenches tight as rage consumes him. The fact she won’t let him comfort her makes it much worse.

  In a harsh voice, he says in anger, “Fine.” He doesn’t mean it to come out that way, but…

  “Theon, just let me wash off first, then we’ll talk.”

  He gives a curt nod, wondering what’s going on as he mounts Coleia once again. Why won’t she let him hug her?

  They ride in silence, and the air is intense, strained. The others steal glances at Catalina before staring straight ahead, but they must wonder the same as him, has she been violated? Theon holds the reins so tight, his knuckles turn a pale blue. He vows to himself, then and there, he will kill the one who did this to her.

  Every few seconds, his eyes slide sideways so he can steal a glance. Her eyes are focused straight ahead. She doesn’t speak, doesn’t smile, she doesn’t even look happy to see him. She doesn’t want him to touch her. Does she consider herself unworthy of him now that a male from the Northern Clan has touched her? There are so many questions that Theon wants answers to, but not now, and not in front of the others.

  The sun starts its descent, and the campsite is just up ahead. There, he will speak with her in private, find out what happened. He swallows hard as he thinks about admitting that he hadn’t looked for her. Will she forgive him?

  “We will camp for the night.” Theon guides Coliea toward the campsite, and the others follow his lead.

  Odias is the first one off his gamel. “I will make a small fire.”

  Kaid jumps off his gamel and secures him to a tree. “We shall hunt for food.” Everyone except Odias and Theon heads out, and Theon know they are trying to give him privacy.

  He watches as Catalina quietly dismounts and secures her ride to a tree. Never once does she ask for his help.

  He slowly approaches, his face pensive. “Catalina…”

  She spins around, takes two steps backward, and holds up her hands for him to stop. “I need to get washed off. Is there a stream or lake nearby?”

  Theon swallows hard and then points to the left. “That way. It is not far.”

  “Thank you.” His eyes follow her retreating back as she turns and hurries away.

  Walking back to where Odias is working on making the fire, Theon plops down on a nearby rock. With his elbows resting on his knees, he drops his head. The silence is deafening as different scenarios race through his mind. Pictures of her trying to fend someone off, her calling out his name for help…nothing in his imagination is off limits. Theon is so consumed with his thoughts, he almost doesn’t hear Odias speak.

  “Why are you sitting here moping? Go talk to her.”

  Theon raises his sad eyes to look at Odias.

  “But what if she cannot get past this? You saw the way she is dressed, so you must know what happened. How can she forgive me for not coming after her until now?”

  Odias blows on the smoking embers, and when the small flame kindles, he adds some twigs. When he finishes the task, he takes a seat on a different rock at the side of the fire pit.

  “Most anything can be forgiven over time, my friend. She is human, so it may take her longer than other females.”

  Theon scoffs, “I think most females are alike no matter where they hail from.”

  “Maybe. Time will tell. B
ut right now, you should go talk to her.”


  Catalina can tell that she’s hurt Theon with her words, but there is nothing she can do about that. She can’t just blurt out that she has killed three males, one of whom ruled the Northern Clan, and if Theon touches her, he could fall dead in minutes. Would he fear her if he knew she could handle a plant so deadly to the Curazin people? She can literally kill anyone with only a touch. No, she can’t tell him; she can’t risk the rejection.

  The other thing that grates on her nerves is the one question: Where the hell has he been? Has he even looked for her? She needs answers before she says or reveals too much. She knows she loves him, but she will not be a doormat. Been there, done that.

  Up ahead, she spots the small stream. It isn’t big enough to swim in, but she can wash her hands and arms.

  She drops her backpack and falls to her knees, scooping water with one hand and washing her arms. She scrubs each one vigorously just to make sure that no residue of the plant remains. When she finishes, she shucks off the offending shirt and throws it on the ground. She has her own clothes in the backpack.

  Dressed in a pair of black trousers and a red, form-fitting, sleeveless V-neck shirt, she twists her hair up in a bun, securing it to the top of her head. She feels better, more like herself.


  Startled, she spins around and sees Theon standing behind her. He’s hesitant. He’s as handsome as she remembers, more so even. He’s bigger, his muscles straining against his shirt. She has missed him. Her face softens, and she smiles, but it doesn’t reach her eyes. “Hi, Theon. Sorry about earlier, but I needed to wash off.”

  “That’s all right.” He takes a cautious step forward.

  “I thought you would come for me.” When she was focused on helping her friends, Catalina could push the hurt away, but not now.

  “When I arrived home from patrol, Tarra told me you had moved back to the female Commons. Of course, I did not believe her. The other females confirmed what she said, and still not believing, I went to Kaid, and he also said he had not seen you.”


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