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A Pixie for Master Sinjin [Club Esoteria 16] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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by Cooper McKenzie

  Club Esoteria 16

  A Pixie for Master Sinjin

  Mary Claire Brook is a little girl in need of a Daddy Dom. As an ADHD radio announcer and ASL translator, she needs someone to take care of her instead of her taking care of everyone else.

  Best-selling thriller author Sinjin Gallagher is a deaf/mute Daddy Dom in need of a baby girl to take his mind off his troubles. His home burnt down while he was out of town taking care of business and he is forced to stay with his stepbrother, Club Esoteria’s Master Gunnar Nilson.

  Club Esoteria seems the perfect place for this couple to meet and discover how much they have in common. But life, careers, and Sinjin’s hatred of modern technology comes between them.

  Will they play nice together? Has Club Esoteria’s growing reputation for matching up the right couples remained intact? Will Sinjin ever join the twenty-first century and buy a cellphone?

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary

  Length: 24,801 words


  Club Esoteria 16

  Cooper McKenzie


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2015 by Cooper McKenzie

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63259-108-1

  First E-book Publication: March 2015

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2015 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  This is Cooper McKenzie’s livelihood. It’s fair and simple. Please respect Cooper McKenzie’s right to earn a living from her work.

  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  For Warren who helped give birth to the idea, for Mary Genuardi who suggested a deaf Dom on the Siren Authors and Reader’s Lounge with special thanks to Trish, Robin, Kelley, Mardi, Bridget, Susan, Stacy, and everyone else who helped build the platform on which this book was built.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  About the Author


  Club Esoteria 16


  Copyright © 2015

  Chapter 1

  Sinjin Gallagher stared at the space where his house had stood in shock. All that was left of where his log cabin had been when he had three weeks ago were the fireplace and chimney, and the stone foundation upon which his cabin had been built two generations ago. The stones, as well as everything within a dozen yards of the foundation, were covered in black and gray ash. Everything was gone. His clothes, his treasures, his beloved books.

  At least he had taken his computer and collection of stick drives that contained his years of creativity and work with him when he had gone to New York for meetings with his agent and publisher three weeks earlier. But after being out in the world away from his solitary life in the Cascade Mountains outside Twisp, Washington, he was exhausted. Only there was no bed for him to fall into.

  Turning around, he climbed back into his Hummer, a gift to himself after his third book earned a million-dollar advance. He headed down the driveway, stopping at the lodge of the Twisp Ski Lodge, a business he owned on paper but had nothing to do with the running of. Madison and Roger Malone ran it as they had since before he had bought it from them. They were great managers and caretakers of the business, keeping the lodge and outlying cabins booked solid year around.

  He parked by the kitchen door, knowing at this time of day Madison would be cooking something. Frozen shock held him tight in its grip as he climbed the steps and entered the building.

  As expected, Madison was in the kitchen, baking cookies by the smell of it. Her back was to him, so he walked around, keeping well out of arm’s length in case she had a knife and his appearance startled her. That had happened before, and the Marine Corps veteran’s quick reactions had ended up slicing his shirt.

  As soon as she caught sight of him out of the corner of her eye, she put down the spoon and wiped her hands on the denim chef’s apron she wore over her jeans and sweater.

  “Welcome home, Sinjin,” she said at the same time her hands made the fluid American Sign Language movements. His attention split, he read both her hands and her lips. He also saw she was nervous.

  “What the hell happened to my house?” he signed in return, his motions jerky due to the shock of what he had found up the mountain.

  “It was a freak lightning strike on Tuesday. The house was fully engulfed by the time the fire department got up here. Once they arrived, they were more concerned with keeping it from spreading to the rest of the mountain than trying to save the house. I’m so sorry,” Madison said. Tears filled her eyes, and one escaped and rolled down her flour-dusted cheek.

  Sinjin took deep breaths, hoping to contain and control the mix of emotions that raged in his gut. It
took a moment before he could sign, “Was anyone hurt?”

  “No. Roger contacted with the insurance company, and they came out this morning. He says that come spring we’ll be able to rebuild it, if you want,” Madison said.

  “Oh, I want. We are definitely rebuilding, but why wait until spring?”

  Madison sent him a gentle smile. If anyone knew him, she did. She understood what his cabin, what his privacy, meant to him. “It’s November. The snow is going to start flying any day now, and they can’t build in the snow. Plus Roger thought you might want to add on an extra room or two and maybe a porch.”

  Sinjin frowned as he considered the suggestion. “A porch would be nice, but what do I need extra rooms for?”

  He was a single man, deaf and mute since birth. He lived alone. His parents had written him out of their lives as soon as they sent him to boarding school when he was in high school. Then they had divorced and gone their separate ways. His father had remarried and given him a stepbrother, Gunnar Nilson, who was the only person who had ever visited him here. Since he only had one bed, he had given that to Gunnar and slept on the couch. He had not seen Gunnar in four years since he had settled in North Carolina with his submissive, Jillian.

  None of the ladies he occasionally picked up at one of the ski lodges in town came home with him. Madison and Roger were the only ones who set foot in the place, and that was only to clean it every other week or deal with any handyman-related issues he had had over the years.

  “Where am I going to live until spring?” Sinjin asked, feeling shocked and overwhelmed on top of his emotional and physical exhaustion.

  “That’s going to be a problem. We are booked solid from now until Easter. Maybe you could go back to New York and get a room at one of those fancy hotels that can cater to your every need. Or if you don’t want to be that far away, you could go to Spokane or Seattle.”

  Sinjin sent her a look that sent her into what he understood was laughter before he said, “I don’t think so.”

  “Until you decide, you can stay in our guestroom,” Madison said, “at least until the Halloween party next week.”

  “Thanks, Madison, but I think it will just be for tonight. Can you call Gunnar for me? Tell him what happened, and ask if he’s up for a visitor in a week or so. When I wear out my welcome there, maybe I’ll spend the rest of the winter driving around and seeing the country.”

  “You’ll need a translator to go with you,” she said.

  He shook his head. “Call Gunnar.”

  An hour later, with Madison acting as translator, Sinjin had agreed to meet his stepbrother at the Boise, Idaho, airport in two days so they could drive across the country together. It had also been decided that Sinjin would stay with Gunnar and Jillian. He would have his own suite of rooms and could write and live in New Bern, North Carolina, until his cabin was rebuilt, which would probably take the better part of a spring and summer.

  Though he was not sure he agreed with the plan, Sinjin agreed because he did not want Madison worrying about him and he could see she was working herself up into a tizzy. He gave in and agreed, knowing that if things did not work out at Gunnar’s house, he could always take off and travel. He had more than enough money from a string of best-selling mystery novels to travel on until his house had been rebuilt and refurnished.

  * * * *

  “This is me wishing you a joy-filled afternoon, a sassy evening, and an amazing weekend. I’ll be talking to you again on Monday.” Mary Claire Brook said her traditional sign-off line before punching the button that would play three songs back-to-back while Tony, the afternoon DJ, settled into the chair she had just vacated. Though her parents owned the station, and she had worked here since she could sort CDs, she had earned her weekday, noon-to-four on-air show by hard work and being a snarky, upbeat twenty-five-year-old smartass. She had begun her on-air career three years earlier as a fill-in for anyone who called in sick or went on vacation. After a few months pulling odd times and shifts, someone had started a campaign to give her a regular time slot all her own. She had started with late nights, moved to early evenings, and each time her show became the most listened to of the station’s schedule. Finally, a few months earlier, she was moved to the coveted midday slot.

  “Hey, Tony,” she said as the early evening DJ walked in, his computer in one hand and a two-liter bottle of his favorite soda in the other. “Rough night?”

  “Rough night, rough morning, rough everything,” he said with a chuckle. “Why can’t babies be as easily trained as dogs?”

  “Because then they wouldn’t be babies, they’d be dogs,” Mary Claire replied, picking up her carryall and slipping her computer tablet into it. “See you Monday.”

  Tony waved as she walked out. She waited until she was the hallway with the door to the studio closed before pulling out her phone. It had buzzed several times in the last five minutes, something it rarely did.

  Just then, it began to vibrate again. She glanced at the caller before swiping her finger across the screen. The number was not one she recognized. “This is Mary Claire.”

  “Hey, girl, it’s Rusty in the ER. Sorry about calling like this, but we need you. Mrs. Seevers came in about twenty minutes ago, and you’re the only one she’ll talk to.”

  The man sounded tense.

  “No problem. I’ll be there in ten.”

  Mary Claire headed to her car, shifting her mindset to that of a sign language translator. She worked for both the hospital and the police department as an independent contractor. Her hours were dependent upon how many from the hearing-impaired community needed her services in any given month.

  “Thanks, babe,” Rusty said before hanging up.

  “Sure thing,” she replied though he had already cut the connection.

  Thanksgiving was less than a week away. Once she got Mrs. Seevers settled, she would go home, change into something seasonally appropriate, and head to Club Esoteria for her other part-part-time job as club DJ. Maybe tonight there would be someone interested in choosing her for a play session. She did not know if it was the time of year, or the nearly full moon, but she was feeling more than a little bratty and in need of a Master all her very own.

  Pulling out her cell phone at the first stop light, she scrolled through her contact list to the club’s number. She hoped one of the submissives who lived on site answered, and not one of the uber-Dominant owners. Though they were great bosses, Master Taurus and Mistress Jenna scared the crap out of her.

  “Club Esoteria, this is Gentry. How may I help you?”

  “Hi, Gentry. It’s Mary Claire.”

  “Hey there,” Mistress Jenna’s second slave boy said. “What can I do for you this fine afternoon?”

  “I was wondering if there’s a theme for tonight’s fun and games?”

  “Let me check,” he said before the phone clicked and silence filled her ear. “Mistress Jenna says she expects submissives to come as sexy Pilgrims or Indians. Most inventive costume wins a special prize.”

  “Pilgrim or Indian, huh? Okay, I’ll see what I can do,” Mary Claire said as her brain began to flip through the contents the closet. Did she have anything that would scream Pilgrim or Indian, sexy or otherwise?

  “See you tonight,” Gentry said.

  “I may be a little late, so can you cover for me on the music? I’ve got to run by the hospital for a few minutes,” Mary Claire replied.

  “Sure thing,” Gentry replied after another momentary consultation with his Mistress.

  “Thanks,” Mary Claire said before clicking her phone off just in time to turn into the hospital’s parking lot.

  Sliding her phone into the front pocket of her jeans, she pulled her microwallet out of her purse, and slid that into her other front pocket. After tucking her purse under the driver’s seat, she reached behind the passenger’s seat and grabbed the portable office. Then she climbed out, locked the car, and pocketed the keys.

  With a deep breath, she walked toward the em
ergency room entrance, her mind still trying to figure out a costume suitable for Club Esoteria’s Thanksgiving theme from the meager contents of her closet.

  Chapter 2

  Sinjin and Gunnar’s cross-country trip had gone surprisingly smooth and within a week he was settled into the guest suite and writing. As always, within a few days of beginning, the fantasy world on the page pulled him deeper and deeper into the story, and farther and farther from reality. He preferred the world on the page though the few times he had admitted it, people had looked at him like he was a freak. And maybe he was. Losing himself in a story allowed him to purge the voices in his head while taking him out of the world that treated him as less than whole because he was unable to hear or speak.

  On their drive, Gunnar had asked him if he had ever indulged in BDSM game playing, Sinjin admitted that while he was a recluse and hermit, he liked being in charge in bed. He was Dominant but preferred to play with the ladies who liked to cuddle and snuggle and fulfill his every desire. He had even visited a number of BDSM clubs in the past. His sensory challenges got in the way with women he had played with, which meant they had to stay in the main room, or he had to have someone observe every scene, which inhibited the women and kept things from getting too kinky.

  “Ah, a Daddy Dom,” Gunnar said with a knowing smile. “You might want to come to the club with us one night and see if any of the sweet young things there make your cock stand up and take notice.”

  “We’ll see,” Sinjin said, not willing to commit one way or the other.


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