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On His Six : A Summit Seduction SEAL Novel (The Summit Seduction SEAL Duet Book 2)

Page 15

by Rachel Robinson

  Ramona and I took a gun safety class with Lincoln, so I know to pull the hammer back to check the chamber. There’s a bullet. It’s loaded and the safety is off. The gun, if working the way it’s intended, will fire the second I pull the trigger. I find it odd that I’m taking comfort in the mechanics right now instead of the emotional side of putting a bullet into my twin sister. I set my finger on the trigger and remember the warning: only put your finger on the trigger if you intend to fire the gun. I’m going to fire the gun.

  The metal door blows open, and on impulse, I raise the gun toward the noise. It’s a… SEAL Team? I recognize the tridents emblazoned on their uniforms and the gear that is all too familiar for comfort. I’ve feared what their helmets and bulletproof vests mean. The reason I run is because of this uniform. What it stands for. They clear the room and the gun disappears from my hand. I’m not sure who took it, but the men seem to know I never planned to use it on them. It’s because of them that I’m alive. What I fear the most ended up being my savior. They drag Rena away in cuffs. A man in full uniform lowers his gun and approaches me carefully. My sobs only add to the tremors shaking my body. He puts an arm around my shoulders, pulls me close, and guides me out of the room, and out to the lawn where there are people in uniform everywhere. More SEALs and the SWAT team, and I only recognize them because they’re not in uniform, my friends. Tasha, Ramona, and Aspen are huddled in a group over by a dark SUV parked on the lawn.

  “My, my, my, friends,” I say. “Can I have my friends?” I can’t even string together the right words. A medic comes over and the SEAL tells him to check out my wrists.

  They’re ignoring me, but I’m not sure if my question even made sense. I’m in shock. “Lincoln,” I say, and that I know they understand because the SEAL looks me square in the face.

  He nods, and throws a hand in the air. My gaze trails where he’s looking, and there he is, jogging out of the helicopter toward us in what looks to be a slow-mo action movie.

  “Fuck! Is she okay?” Lincoln asks the SEAL before looking at me. The medic is bandaging me, but I can’t stop staring at the side of his face. He resembles an avenging angel. I don’t hear what his response is, but I can tell you the second his worried eyes meet mine; heartbreak returns full force. My lip pouts as I try to control the emotions. “I’m so sorry, Lincoln. I’m so sorry!”

  I fall into his arms, into his fully uniformed arms, and give in. I lay down my weapons. Defenseless. From now until forever, if he’ll have me back. “Give us a minute.”

  “They need to interview her, but she should calm down first. You’re the best bet for that.”

  “Yes, I am, she’s my fucking fiancée,” Lincoln hisses. My chest warms to hear him use the word and it’s the only reassurance I need.

  “Exactly,” the SEAL replies. “Which is why you couldn’t be on this mission.” He clears his throat. “You have ten minutes before they’ll be surrounding her like vultures. We cleared the hotel, got the mules, and… Rena. They’re recovering a massive amount of product right now.”

  Lincoln says something, but all I hear from the safety of his arms is a low rumble of words. He leads me to a tree on the border of the lawn and we sit down.

  “Don’t say anything,” he says, holding up a hand. “Let me apologize for this. For Rena. For getting you mixed up in this. For taking too long getting here.”

  I wave my arm to the helicopter and police vehicles. “I did this. This is my fault, Lincoln. I made a deal with Rufio. They’d take me as human capital and you and Turner would be free from all of this drama.”

  He narrows his eyes. “You really didn’t think I knew about that, Maeve? Really? I’d hoped you would tell me on your own, but of course I knew. All those conversations are recorded in jail. It was given as evidence almost immediately.”

  I look away, embarrassed. “I wanted to tell you, but I wanted to keep you safe. I felt responsible because she’s my sister.” I nearly choke on the word. “I should have told you.”

  He sighs long and hard. “You should have, but I understand why you didn’t. I’m at fault too. I’ve been chasing the cartel for weeks. We’ve been after Rena for more than one reason. Every time she flew here to stalk you and us, she was transporting drugs. A lot of drugs. That’s why I was able to get in on the investigation. They needed our help in taking them down. Hunting them down.”

  Now it makes sense why Rena’s boss let her do whatever she wanted. She was doing him favors. Big ones. “Wow,” I admit, circling my wrist. “That’s where you were at when you couldn’t tell me?”

  He nods. “At least I knew she wasn’t fucking with you and Turner if I was hunting her and her men. This is the biggest drug bust in U.S. history. Rena managed to successfully evade authorities for so long because she was so unpredictable. Because she was also obsessing over… us.”

  “We’re to blame. Great,” I deadpan.

  Lincoln picks up my left hand and slides my ring back on. “The man that brought you out found it next to you and handed it to me. I assume the answer is yes now that we have no secrets between us?”

  “You still want… me?” My voice trembles. “After I abandoned you after the helicopter crash?” My gaze lands on the chopper in the field and I close my eyes. Saviors, not foes, I remind myself. “I will spend my whole life making it up to you and Turner.”

  Lincoln looks away sheepishly. “That was a little me, too. They told me if you and I had a little distance between us, the cartel wouldn’t suspect a hit this big.” His cheeks flare red. “I’ll never not want you. Sure, I was upset, but I was upset for a lot of reasons, but I would never truly turn away from you, Maeve.”

  “I don’t know what I did to deserve your love, but I’m not going to be afraid of it any longer,” I whisper.

  He wipes at my face, but he’s wearing rough, brown gloves, so he apologizes. “Ah, out of habit. Here,” he says, taking off a glove and then using his actual thumb instead. “How does it feel? Catching the world’s most notorious drug smuggler?”

  “How does it feel for you,” I counter. “Turner’s mom.” It comes out like chalk because the woman I just spent time with resembles a lot of things, and a mother is not one of them.

  He shakes his head proudly. “You’re Turner’s mom.”

  I smile, and even though I don’t feel like I deserve that honor, I fully intend on embracing the role. “Okay,” I say.

  Lincoln’s returning smile is something for the record books. “This probably isn’t allowed while I’m working, but I can’t resist.” Leaning over, slowly, ever so slowly, he presses his lips against mine. They’re warm, they’re trembling, they’re home.

  The kiss makes me more emotional than I was moments before, and tears sneak out. “I love you.” Then snot happens, and he holds my face, pulling away, hitting me with the same smile.

  “God, I love you, Maeve Ahern. More than words.”

  “I love you too,” I say, sucking the snot back up, and feeling like a bedraggled mess. “How did you find me?”

  He looks caught, pressing his lips together. His gaze flicks to my neck. “Well, I assumed you’d take off the ring, but I knew you wouldn’t take this off.” He rolls the lighthouse between his fingers. All three of us found you,” he says. “I had a tiny tracker that gave general GPS coordinates installed before I gave it to you. We’ve been following Rena for weeks, and the damn neighbor could have ruined everything by tipping you off.”

  That makes me smile. “Riley. I mean, she is pretty obsessed with you, do you expect anything less? You’re the resident man candy in the hood. Should I feel exploited, because I don’t. I’m so glad it happened this way.”

  He levels me with a look. “No, thank you.”

  “Fine, fine.” I wipe my nose with my sleeve. “What will happen next?”

  His gear makes a lot of noise as he shifts position. “You’re going to be in interviews for the rest of the day I’m sure. I’ll meet you at the house tonight. I know that thing i
s big enough to hold one more. My boss won’t say anything about me spending the night with you after what happened today. Right now, I need to get back to our makeshift base to file the reports. I’ll be as quick as I can. I want to be with you.”

  “In the helicopter? You have to ride in the helicopter?”

  He nods, smile fading from his face. With the hand that’s still ungloved, he strokes the side of my face. “Don’t worry about me.”

  “I won’t,” I say, and for the first time, I mean it. “Today changed everything. I’m not scared anymore. I could have lost you forever and the thought was unbearable even if I thought I was doing it for you.”

  Lincoln smiles warmly and looks devastatingly handsome. “You’re really doing it for me right now,” I admit.

  He laughs. “Who would have thought it would take an actual rescue mission to get you fully on board. If I knew earlier, I would have staged something. I’m sure Isaac would have agreed.”

  “That’s not it. I have a delayed appreciation for your career and what it means.” We stand, and I’m surprised I’m no longer shaking. “I’m sorry again, Lincoln. Especially for Turner.”

  “Turner doesn’t know anything, Maeve. I told him you were traveling and were unable to call to check in. He’s written you a letter each day he hasn’t seen you. I always intended on dragging you back kicking and screaming. Didn’t see the value in upsetting him.” He winks. “I’m glad I don’t have to drag you back.”

  How perfect can the man be? He’s able to guess my needs before I need them. I cover my face with both hands. He hugs me. “Don’t be upset. Everything is going to settle down now.”

  “I’m upset because you just keep saving me. From everyone. From myself.”

  He kisses the top of my head. “You saved me first.”

  Chapter 14


  Jogging up the steps of the girl’s rental house, I knock a few times when I find the door locked. Aspen lets me in, but she seems shocked to see me. Or she’s just really drunk. “Oh, a man,” she says, stepping back to let me in. Definitely drunk.

  “Where’s Maeve?” It’s late and work took longer to finish up than I thought it would. “Is she asleep?”

  Aspen shakes her head. “She’s in the hot tub, I think. No wine for her tonight. After she got so blitzed last night, we had to cut her off.” I give her a look, and she explains further. “You guys were broken up, I think? She took it out on the wine.”

  I nod. “Which way to the hot tub?”

  “Before I tell you, are you going to defile it? I’m okay if you do, but we’ll have to drain it.”

  “Uh,” I say, hiking a thumb over my shoulder. “I’ll find it myself.”

  “Down the hall and to the left,” Aspen calls at my back. I hold up a hand in thanks. I adjust the duffle bag on my shoulder when my phone rings. It’s home calling, so I answer it straight away.

  “Daddy?” Turner whispers.

  “Hey, little man. Shouldn’t you be in bed? What time is it?”

  He sighs. “I’m sneaking a call. Grandma and Grandpa are watching tv.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “I miss you.”

  “I’ll be home soon,” I say. “What else is it?”

  “I just really miss Maevey. Will she be home soon, too? Her phone isn’t working.”

  I hold my breath as emotion clogs my throat. I turn left and find the huge indoor pool, the scent of chlorine strong and pungent. “You know what, hold on a second. Okay?”

  Turner agrees, his voice low and sad. I see Maeve sitting next to the hot tub in the corner, her head in her hands. I call out her name, and her whole body brightens when she sees me. It will never get old. I jog over to her and she leaps in my arms, and I clutch my phone so it doesn’t drop.

  Maeve kisses my neck, my ear, my cheek, my lips. “I didn’t think you were coming.”

  “In what world would I not come? Hey, I have Turner on the phone. He called me because he misses you. Would you like to say hi?”

  Her eyes go round as saucers as she seeks out the phone in my hand. “Turner,” she says, and I can tell she’s trying not to break down. “Oh, gosh, I miss you so much. Yes, I’m with Daddy.”

  “No, don’t be sad you’re not with us. It wasn’t planned. We’re both working and happened to run into each other. We would never leave you home if we were going anywhere fun.” I point to the pool and wink at Maeve. A pool is always fun for a kid. “Not fun at all,” she repeats, pressing her lips together in a firm line. “I’m going to bring you home something awesome.” She pauses. “Yep, I’m sure Daddy is going to bring you home something, too.” Another pause, then she laughs. “Two presents!”

  “I’m sorry I haven’t been able to talk to you,” Maeve says, wincing. “I’ll be home with Daddy and then I won’t leave for a long time. How’s Chonk?” I fold my arms behind my head and let myself relax for the first time all day. The past weeks have been exhausting, and I’m so weary from life coming at me with fists from all angles. This moment is the first moment I can take a deep breath and know without a shadow of a doubt that everything is as it should be.

  “We can talk about that when I get home,” she says softly. “I love you, Turner.”

  She hangs up the phone, and I turn to face her. “He didn’t want to talk to me?”

  Maeve shakes her head. “No, but I also need to find a store and get that boy something awesome as a coming home gift.” Chuckling, I take my phone from her and lay it on my bag.

  “We’ll go to the store in the morning. They’re going to let me fly home with you instead of going in the C130 with them.”

  She raises her eyebrows. “You’d rather fly with me than with your friends?”

  I look at her like she’s crazy. “Fly with a bunch of smelly, salty men, or sit next to you? Is that a real question?”

  I strip off my clothes and she eyes me warily. “This house is filled with women.”

  “Don’t see how that’s my problem, ma’am. You’re the only woman I want.”

  She nods and gets into the hot tub, hissing when one foot is submerged. Her bikini is modest, looking more like a gym outfit, but there’s no hiding her perfect curves. I pull her back against my front and press a kiss onto her bare shoulder. “Jesus, I’ve been so worried. That’s the wrong word. This whole scenario terrified me, Maeve. I want to marry you, and I want to marry you yesterday. Can we please get to the good stuff now?”

  She spins in my arms and pulls me so I’m standing on the ledge in the hot tub with her. I left my boxer briefs on and I pull her into the steam, cradling her in my arms. “This is good stuff,” she says. “Every second together is the good stuff.”

  I exhale, letting my muscles relax. “You saw Autumn Glass,” I say, testing the name. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, better than I thought I’d be. She was nothing like I expected but also exactly how I thought she’d be. I got closure and a bit more understanding. I do need to dig a little deeper into my paternal side. For her sake.” She launches into the story and tells me about living on the streets as a baby with Autumn. I can tell by the way she gives details she feels bad for Autumn and her plight. I hold her as she speaks and her voice lulls me into nirvana—a place I never want to leave.

  “And that’s where we are now.” Maeve takes an exaggerated breath. “Rena said you spoke to her.”

  I kiss her ear because it’s in my line of vision. “I did. I got ahold of her when I thought I might be able to talk her out of her plan. When I realized she was out of her mind, I gave it all over to the cops and together we coordinated the sting. It nearly killed me not being able to be the one to save you.”

  “I almost shot her. I heard your voice when I was checking the gun.”

  “Wait, are you saying you were actually paying attention in gun class?”

  She swats me playfully and water splashes my cheek. “I always listen to you. I’m just glad I didn’t have to, you know, well shoot. She was dr
ugged up. Did coke right in front of me. Took my engagement ring and put it on.” Her body visibly shudders. This is honestly the best thing for her right now. “Even now, I know she wishes she could have stayed with you. She wanted my life. What was she like… before?”

  This would be weird, talking about an ex in detail, but this is her sister, and she wants to find something redeeming about the woman. Maeve leans her head on my shoulder, and she listens as I only hit the highlights. Rena’s quirks. How she was a child and a teenager. I let her fall in love with her alongside me. “It wasn’t until I left that she changed. Before then, it was good. They say war changes people, and for us, it did. It just changed her instead of me.”

  She turns in my arms, and doe eyes meet mine. There’s a film of perspiration on her flushed skin. “War didn’t change you at all?”

  “Only the parts and pieces I control. Sure, war gives me perspective, and a better understanding of how fragile life truly is, but the scary stuff? The cruel, jagged memories that change the good things about a person’s heart, those don’t get a chance to settle.”

  “How? Why doesn’t it stay with you?”

  “I have Turner. And now you. Love fixes a lot of things.” At my words, Maeve stands, her skin red with water and messy, half wet hair hanging around her face.

  “My whole life I’ve tried everything to fix myself. It never occurred to me that I was capable of fixing someone else.”

  The water rushes as I move to pull her to stand between my legs. “You’re my piece of heaven, and nothing will ever change that.” Laying her hands on my shoulders, she leans in and kisses me passionately, body swaying into my chest. The surround speakers crackle, and music begins playing. Maeve’s head whips up to the opposite side of the deck.


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