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Made Men 8: All or Nothing (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

Page 2

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “I’ve never seen you here with your friends. Have you hung out here before?” he asked her, still holding her and she was still allowing it.

  “Only twice. Donata and Alessa like the clubs and dancing.”

  He slid his palm up and down her back and then over her ass to her hip, then back again.

  “How about you? You like to dance?”

  “Sometimes, but it gets a little crazy and people annoy me,” she said to him.

  He squinted his eyes at her. “What do you mean?”

  “Men. They think they can just touch you when they want to, or like you’re fair game because you’re at a club, a bar and having fun.”

  He eased his hand away from her, wondering if she was telling him he was being like that.

  She pressed closer and grabbed his arm.

  “I didn’t mean you, Logic. You asked about the clubs and dancing,” she said to him and then she looked flushed, like she was embarrassed, sort of admitting she was liking him touching her. Well, hell, he was liking it, too. He slid his hand back over her hip and then to her lower back and ass. He pulled her close, leaned down, and whispered next to her ear.

  “I’m glad you don’t mind me touching you.” He pressed his lips to her neck, inhaled her perfume and felt his cock grow thick and hard. Her intake of breath indicated she felt his reaction to her and he didn’t mind her knowing what she did to him. Perhaps it would lead her to accepting whatever they could share. Even just a night.

  When she pulled back and downed the rest of her martini and looked toward her friends, he realized what they both must have felt scared her. She was putting on the brakes.

  He pulled her back and leaned nonchalantly against the bar.

  “So, how is work going? Any new projects or anything?” he asked.

  She squinted at him.

  “You know where I work and what I do?”

  He was quick. Always had been.

  “Of course. The ladies and the guys talk. I heard it’s a small upcoming company with great products. A guy’s name, right?” he asked. She nodded.

  “MAX. It’s a great little company. I’ve been with them for the last couple of years and hoping that as they transition to international sales, which is what the owners are after, that I won’t be forced to look for another job.”

  He squinted at her. “Why would you have to look for another job if you help them to achieve that status?” he asked.

  “Well, I’ve worked for several other companies through college and afterward, and each time the companies begin to expand and succeed there’s a buyout. I’ve had three severance packages since graduating college and working in this profession. That’s insane.”

  “Good severance packages or not really because of the short periods of time?” he asked.

  “Actually, very good packages, which gave me time to search for jobs I felt fit me best. It’s worked out so far, but times are changing. It isn’t so easy to find a job in my field.”

  “What exactly is your title?” he asked, although he already knew and he was quite impressed.

  “Assistant sales manager and creative marketing assistant. Basically two separate jobs in one.”

  “Why is that? Seems like a job for more than one person.”

  “Oh, it is. But the company was small when we started and I think Maxwell and Haley, the owners, are so used to me doing both jobs and successfully that they never hired on more people. If they go internationally, and the product lines continue to expand, they won’t have a choice. I would go insane. I mean, I’m going crazy right now because the two people in charge of coming up with a design for these new products aren’t doing well at it. The bosses are annoyed and I’m overworked as is with other aspects of the business. It’s a stressful mess,” she said and he reached out and stroked her jaw. She stared up at him and he gave her a small smile.

  “I bet you’re really good at your job. That you’ll figure out a way to resolve the problems and come out on top,” he said. She licked her lower lip and fuck, he wanted to taste her. He started to lower down, gauging whether she would let him or not and then Donata interrupted right before his lips touched hers.

  “Hey, you just about ready to go to Club X?”

  He felt Alda press her hand to his hip and squeeze like she was annoyed at the interruption. Now that his head cleared a moment he processed what almost happened. If he kissed her, he would want more. More would mean conflict because men in their positions couldn’t date anyone. Like their bosses, they had enemies, people who would want to hurt anyone close to them. Remaining unaffected by anyone and anything gave them an imaginary power over their enemies. When a man showed weakness to one woman consistently then that weakness was a target. One men in their position, in his position, couldn’t afford.

  He stepped back.

  “Well, it was good seeing you, Alda. You ladies enjoy the club scene,” he said and she narrowed her eyes at him and then her cheeks looked red.

  “Come on, sexy woman, I heard there are a bunch of hot guys at Club X and even that one guy who has had his eyes on you. See you around, Logic,” Donata said and linked her arm through Alda’s, who looked embarrassed by Donata’s comment.

  So some guy was hitting on her and had his eyes on her? Who the fuck was he? He watched them leave and Alda glanced over her shoulder at him and he couldn’t help the jealous scowl on his face. As they disappeared through the crowd he called Brew.

  * * * *

  “Why did you say that in front of Logic?” Alda reprimanded Donata and Donata laughed. Alessa hailed a cab.

  “To make Logic jealous, of course. He doesn’t need to know that the guy who has been eyeing you is one of his team members, Brew. Those guys need to make a move already. You’ve been drooling over them for months and they keep their distance,” Donata said and the cab stopped and they got inside.

  “I think they’re not the dating kind. You know, the whole enforcers thing and stuff. They get called into action at all hours of the night and day for different things and they are all pissed off all the time and maybe need to be to show no fears or weakness,” Alessa said to them.

  “Look at you analyzing the enforcers in the circle. Is that why you think Lenox, Cobra, Roman, and Ziek haven’t made a move on you?” Donata asked Alessa.

  “I don’t know, maybe it’s the same reason why Turbo and his buddies haven’t made a move on you, Donata, or it could be your pretend party girl ways stopping them,” Alessa said and Donata’s mouth gaped open.

  Alessa laughed.

  “I know you have the hots for them, Donata, so stop teasing Alda and me. Instead of getting frustrated we should be planning some sort of strategic attack.”

  “Well, I was doing that for Alda.”

  “You didn’t need to, Donata, I think Logic was going to kiss me.”

  “Right there by the bar and after one drink? Do I have to teach you everything, girl? You need to make them want it, and crave it, beg for it, and get them in the palm of your hands,” Donata stated.

  “No, I wanted him to kiss me. The attraction is there and each time we talk it gets stronger.”

  “Talk?” Donata stated and exhaled.

  “Yes, talk. If I can’t talk to them, have a simple conversation and feel like they’re paying attention, then surely I’m not going to be intimate with them.”

  “You are out of your mind. Maybe the sex, the lust is what will draw them in and keep them wanting more,” Donata said.

  “There you go, all talk again. You don’t want to get used just like Alessa and I don’t want to. Plus, our good friends are all involved with men associated with the men we’re attracted to. If things don’t work out, it will surely put some distance between our girlfriends and us. I don’t want that to happen.”

  “Well, Alda, if you let Logic kiss you, what do you think would have happened?” Alessa asked her.

  “I don’t know, but I have a feeling life just wouldn’t be the same anymore, and truthfully,
I just don’t know if that’s what I want right now or at all,” Alda said to them.

  She also thought about her cousins C.J. and Randy. They hung out with these two guys, Brendan and Fogerty, who were trouble. When Alda spoke to C.J. and Randy about getting away from Brendan and Fogerty, they both got pissed and asked her to hook them up with one of her friends’ boyfriends to work for organized crime. Seriously? She wasn’t even dating a guy connected but she was getting hit up for introductions for job interviews? It annoyed her, just like C.J. and Randy’s attitudes and the way they looked for trouble. Uncle Carter and Aunt Lilly didn’t need the constant aggravation.

  The cab stopped and they arrived at Club X. Alda wasn’t quite in the mood now, but her friends were and she wouldn’t be the one to end the night so soon.

  * * * *

  “So what do you want me to do about it?” Brew asked Logic over the phone.

  “See who the fucking guy is and get rid of him.”

  “What?” Brew asked, shocked at Logic for even calling him and asking him to do this.

  “I thought we discussed her and being off limits,” Brew said to him.

  “Something happened tonight,” Logic stated.

  Brew exhaled.

  “What the fuck happened?” Brew asked then took a sip from his drink and looked around the club. Train stood beside him and Royce was talking with Giada and Dominick by the bar.

  “I’ll tell you about it later. I’m stuck here for the night,” Logic said to him.

  “I’m not going to get involved with this. You want to screw around and risk pissing off Giada and the bosses then so be it. I got a lot of shit going on here. Three assholes already attempted to push their way into the private area, I’ve got one sick bartender about to pass out, and several small groups of guys getting rowdy. I can’t be worrying about your lust interest,” Brew said to Logic.

  “Say that to me later on and after you see her tonight and talk to her.”

  “I’m not talking to her,” Brew replied and now grabbed Train’s attention.

  “Sure you won’t. Denying it is getting harder and harder. I need to go. Just watch out for her,” Logic said and ended the call.

  Brew exhaled and placed the phone back on his hip under his dress jacket.

  “What was that all about?” Train asked him.

  “Alda,” Brew said and narrowed his eyes. Just the thought of her got him uncomfortable, and put him on edge. He needed to deny the attraction to her. It wouldn’t be smart to get involved with their bosses’ woman’s friend. Besides, their schedules and lifestyles left no room for commitment with a chick. He for one didn’t need the aggravation or the extra burden of having one woman. He liked his life. He liked not having some woman clinging to him and asking for dates and shit. He liked easy lays, one-night stands when he needed to find release, and knocking people around. He, Train, Logic, and Royce were enforcers, business partners for the Coglonie family. Though things were changing and they were taking bigger responsibilities of the businesses, it didn’t mean they were settling down.

  They sure didn’t need some high maintenance bombshell of a woman like Alda messing with their fucking heads. It was bad enough that the sight of her alone gave him a hard on.

  “Why is Logic talking about Alda?” Train asked him.

  “I don’t know what the fuck he was rambling on about. Seeing her at Oliva, something happened and now he wants me to make sure some guy doesn’t hit on her or something.”

  “Some guy is messing with her?” Train asked and sat up from the bar stool.

  “Whoa, hold on, killer, I didn’t say that, and neither did Logic. He just said something happened and it sounds like he wants her in his bed.”

  “What the fuck? He can’t do that to her. She’s sweet, not some whore. Plus she’s Giada’s friend. Giada will have his ass.”

  “We’ve been over this. We’ll find out exactly what happened later on. Let’s just keep our heads out of our asses, please,” Brew said and then flexed his arms. He sure didn’t need any drama in his life. Women brought on drama. That’s what Royce always said about them, and he was the oldest. Their crew knew one another since high school. Their bond was super strong, and even when they parted ways for a few years it didn’t make their bond less strong. They did crazy shit. Hell, Brew served time for a few months on an assault charge. One he would do over and over again. He shook his head and looked toward the doorway. Why the fuck was he thinking about his past and how fucked up his life could have been if it weren’t for his friends?

  The moment she came into view he felt his throat tighten up and then Train whistled. “No wonder Logic was feeling horny. The woman looks like a fucking model,” Train said.

  Brew took in the sight of Alda. Long black dress that hugged her figure so tight they could tell she had super hard abs and one round, sexy ass that was more than a handful. The V of the dress slid tight against those breasts and up over her shoulders, revealing more skin, and as she turned, smiling, her thick brown hair bounced around her shoulders and he saw the high slit up the side of her dress. Nothing but tan thigh and a sexy pair of black high heels. Before they were even halfway into the club the guys were drooling and offering her drinks. She ignored them, as Donata and Alessa, who were just as attractive and sexy, headed straight toward the bar and Dominick, Giada and Royce. He watched Royce’s eyes take in the sight of Alda and that jealous feeling Brew had as the men offered her drinks didn’t hit him when Royce looked at Alda, instead it aroused him. They were all denying these feelings, this attraction to sweet, sexy Alda. Licking his lips, he looked at Train.

  “We’re out of our fucking minds. You know that, right? We can’t. We just fucking can’t,” Train said.

  He heard how conflicted Train sounded. The whole do the right thing and respect their bosses’ girlfriend’s friend was starting to feel like some stupid excuse. If the woman wanted to fuck around with them and explore this attraction they all felt, why stop it? They were adults. Hell, he and the others had a good ten years plus on Alda. Maybe that was the thing that bothered them. Would they taint her youth, her inexperience and sweetness? Make her into some slut, or bad girl who did four guys? They couldn’t offer her a commitment like their bosses had with Giada. They just weren’t those types of men. They were fighters, warriors, fucking killers. They did bad shit. They beat people up, threatened people, put pressure on them when needed. They had reputations. A woman, other than one to seek satisfaction of their needs, was not going to fit into their lives.

  He stared at her, and after Giada and Dominick greeted her and Donata and Alessa did, too, Royce changed positions, kissed her cheek hello and ran his palm along her hip and over her ass.

  “Let’s go say hello,” Train said and Brew shot a look at him as Train rubbed his hands together then headed that way.

  * * * *

  Royce slid his palm along Alda’s waist and stared down into her eyes, but the low dip in her dress and her abundant breasts forced his eyes to linger there as he bent lower to kiss her cheek. She smelled incredible and looked like some sort of supermodel. Her hair bounced, hitting his neck and as he eased back she looked intimidated. Boy, did that do a number to his cock.

  “Good to see you, Alda,” he said and she gave a soft smile then turned away from him. It was kind of rude, and he wondered why she did that. She wasn’t snobby or stuck-up, she was likable and nice, which he wasn’t at all. Complete opposites.

  Before he could process her reaction to him Train approached, along with Brew. They greeted the women and Royce took the opportunity to watch Alda as Train kissed her cheek hello and then Brew did the same thing. Both men remained next to her as Dominick ordered a round of drinks.

  “I’m good, Dom, I should head back over to keep eyes on things,” Royce said to him.

  “Enjoy yourself a little, Royce. The bouncers are there for a reason and they got it covered,” Dominick said to him.

  He looked at Alda, who took the drink Dom
inick ordered for her and the ladies and handed them out from the bartender and then he noticed the men checking out Alda’s ass as she stood there. Two guys slid by her, slightly bumping her. She turned and the guys smiled. “Hey,” one said and she looked away. Royce saw the disappointment in their eyes. The woman was a magnet for horny men, yet she blew them off with ease and experience as if bored. Royce wondered if she was easy but just played hard to get. Then his gut clenched and he thought the idea felt all wrong.

  Royce was not happy about the way he was feeling. He was a man who liked to keep to himself. He did his job protecting the bosses and doing whatever was necessary to help them and the surrounding connected families. He didn’t like conflict but handled it head on. He didn’t date and hadn’t been with a woman in a few weeks. The last time he was with one she knew better than to bother him again. That woman sure wasn’t Alda.

  He noticed Train kept a hand at her lower back and even caressed her, whispered things to her and she smirked and then squinted at him like he was teasing her. It appeared playful but his thoughts were purely lustful. When Alda didn’t move but instead kept talking and adding comments to the conversation it made Royce think about touching her, too. Immediately he felt like a scumbag. She wasn’t the type of woman he and the guys sought relief with. Plus, she seemed scared of them, even uninterested like maybe they weren’t good enough because of their line of work. She didn’t know that they were wealthy men. Had been business partners with their bosses and others, and were actually more than just head security. They chose to be by the Coglonie men’s sides because the Coglonies trusted them to protect them and Giada a hundred percent.


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