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Changing Faces (New Game Minus Book 1)

Page 26

by Sarah Lin

"Can I help? I'm decent at defending people, but I don't think I'm cut out for adventuring on my own."

  "I don't know if that wou-"

  "And I remembered everything you said about Daek the Knife targeting us! I've been being cautious, but I'm worried. He hasn't been acting at all lately, so he might be working on something big. Wouldn't it make more sense for us to work together? I'd be happy to help you on whatever you're working on."

  She grinned at him like an idiot, but her logic was actually sound. To be honest, Bloodwraith wanted to get rid of her for emotional reasons, because it made things more complicated. Rationally, she would be a valuable asset in combat and he needed more allies. Though he wished he could discuss it with Meara, she was still nowhere to be seen.

  Eventually he decided to defer the issue. "How about we meet at the Adventurers Guild? I still need to figure out some things for today."

  "Okay! I'll see you there!"

  With that, Danniah ran off down the stairs, almost skipping with each step. Bloodwraith stared after her for a long time. He really was losing his touch. Before, he would have become infuriated with her and told her to shut up, if he hadn't actively struck her. Instead he'd let her bowl him over with her enthusiasm. Though Bloodwraith thought that his old self was limited in some ways, he thought this was too far in the other direction. Perhaps he could find a middle ground eventually.

  "Well, she's a handful." Behind him, Meara crawled out from underneath the bed. "Were you trying to make her even more infatuated with you? Because if so, you did a damn good job."

  "Not at all." Bloodwraith finally let out the groan that he'd been holding back. "I'm not good at this sort of thing."

  "Oh, I think you are." Meara pulled on her over-shirt and then her cloak. When she turned back to him, her eyes were serious. "Why are you holding back? It's not for my sake, is it?"

  He stared at her, wondering if she intended a rebuke in that statement or not. Eventually he decided to just answer honestly. "I haven't thought about anything like this in a very long time. Life was a lot easier without it."

  "But now you got placed into that body. Honestly, I think you should just sleep with her. Would do both of you a lot of good, I think."

  "You... don't mind?"

  "Bloodwraith." Meara stepped closer to him, staring at him with the dead gaze he hadn't seen in a long time. Yet in that gaze, he saw more strength than before, and acceptance. "I've been through a great deal and I need time to process it. But we're on the same side, whatever happens."

  "Then... thank you. Danniah really is a skilled adventurer, and she balances my offensive skills well." Bloodwraith wasn't sure he could quite believe how things were progressing, so he looked to Meara again. "You think I should pursue this, then?"

  "There's going to be a lot of awkward squirming and blushing if you don't. That can't be good for combat, I'd imagine."

  "How would I even start? I'm really not good at this sort of thing."

  "Do something to make your interest unambiguous. Give her a gift, maybe."

  Bloodwraith smiled as he thought back to his inventory. "That's right, one of the adventurers in the cave had some very good equipment about Danniah's size. I was thinking-"

  "Bloodwraith! Do not gift a woman armor you pulled off a corpse!"

  "But she's an adventurer, she'd appreciate a practical gift..."

  Meara's lips twitched as she tried to contain her amusement. "Something else, Bloodwraith. It can be practical, but not something you just found in a cave. Something that has more intention and meaning behind it."

  "Alright, fine. No need to belabor the point. I've mastered complex necromancy, this really isn't that complicated."

  "I'm sure. I was going to recommend giving her a thousand cureleaves." Her voice was completely deadpan, but she couldn't quite hide the amused glint in her eyes. Bloodwraith found himself smiling, but his mood quieted as the silence stretched.

  Eventually Bloodwraith stared back at her. He searched her face for any hints of malice or regret, but found nothing. "Thank you for not making this difficult, Meara."

  "Of course. There's no one else in this world who can understand what we've been through, or what we're facing. Whatever else happens, we need to stick together."

  After all the lighthearted banter, Meara's words hit him heavily. There was nothing he could say for a long time. She gave him an odd expression and tilted her head to the side, eyes fixed on him intensely.

  "Do you feel the same way?"

  "I..." The pause extended for a long time, yet Bloodwraith found that he knew what he wanted to say. He returned her gaze. "I don't have much practice being a good person, Meara, and I don't think I really want to be. But I do want to be an ally worthy of those words. I... will work on it."

  To his relief, Meara smiled. There was a hint of wryness in her expression, but a surprising amount of relief as well. "I'd have been disappointed if you'd lied to me. I don't expect you to turn into 'Bloodwraith, Friend to Orphans' or anything like that. Honestly, I think that things will work out if we just move forward together."

  "I can agree to that." Bloodwraith extended his arm in her direction. "Shall we get today started?"

  Chapter 20

  On their way to Haral's shop, they discussed whether or not to show him the gauntlets. Ultimately it came down to the fact that they had only very vague reasons to think that there might be negative consequences, but logically he might know more about it, and Meara thought it could help her. As they entered, he handed the gauntlets back to her again.

  "I swear, you come in here more than anyone I know." Haral stopped working and approached. "Here are your gloves."

  He handed them over and Bloodwraith quickly pulled them on. Not only were they soft, he could feel the enchantment increasing his strength immediately. But when he didn't leave, Haral sighed.

  "What is it this time? The resale room again?"

  "Yes, but I'd like you to take a look at this." Meara showed him one of the gauntlets and Haral stopped completely for a moment. He took it from her hand and Bloodwraith tensed, but the smith only seemed eager to look into it.

  "This is a solid piece of work. I'd say that it's the work of local dwarves, but they've basically left. Historical piece found in some crypt, then?"

  "We were hoping that it might still be useful. Can you tell us more about it?"

  "Well, it's in good shape, but that's pretty common for armor with a heavy magical component. I'm no expert there, but it seems high quality. I only get a few orders of this quality per year." Haral handed the gauntlet back to Meara, but kept looking at it. "Something about the style is familiar, though, I just can't quite put my finger on it."

  "Good, I was hoping you might say that." Meara glanced over to Bloodwraith, indicating that he could head to the room, then turned her attention back to Haral. "Anything you can tell me about this material or style would help..."

  Trusting Meara to track down other leads by whatever abstract methods she could, Bloodwraith settled for the simpler task of checking for good equipment. A small part of him hoped to stumble upon another piece of the Armor of the Tyrant in the room, but obviously that would be improbable.

  No, it seemed like the selection hadn't changed too much since the last time he had been there. That made sense, given the market, but it was inconvenient. Just as he started to grow frustrated, he happened to notice a ring partially tucked under another item.

  [Ring of Charisma

  Armor: 0

  Charisma +1

  Durability: 12/25

  Rarity: Very Uncommon]

  Bloodwraith stared at it for a long time, trying to weigh unknown variables. On one hand, the ring would be completely useless to him in combat. Perhaps it might be useful for a merchant, and he considered buying it for Meara, but he doubted any of her skills really used "Charisma" as the boxes measured it.

  The only reason he had to buy it would be to acquire another +1 item for the quest. With the gloves pic
ked up that day, he had 4/10 pieces, and reaching the half way point was appealing. He'd checked the shop many times and knew that such items weren't exactly common, so part of him wanted to buy it immediately before someone else could. Yet it cost over an entire gold piece, and could he really afford to waste most of his money on a piece of equipment he wouldn't actually use?

  While he was still going back and forth on that decision, Bloodwraith noticed something else out of the corner of his eyes. An item he had entirely disregarded the first time because it wasn't useful to him, yet it was actually rated "Very Uncommon" as well.

  Moving closer, he looked over the shield more carefully.

  [Guardian's Shield

  Armor: 21

  Magic Resistance: 2

  Max Stamina +10

  Vitality +1

  Durability: 29/100

  Rarity: Very Uncommon]

  It actually was a +1 item, but he had no use for shields personally. He picked it up to test, but it felt entirely wrong in his hand, confirming his suspicions there. Yes, it was definitely of no use. To him.

  He glanced at the price: 1 gold piece, 25 silver pieces. An absurdly expensive gift, surely he wouldn't waste his money on such a thing...

  Different sides of him warred for a time before he decided that it was an investment. If he was going to work with Danniah in the long term, then her equipment was an asset for him, same as his own equipment. Besides, her current shield was in terrible shape. Maybe he was being irrational, but it did fit Meara's advice...

  In the end, he brought the shield out of the room. Meara glanced at it, curious for just a moment before her eyes lit up in understanding. She looked like she wanted to smirk, but he glared at her and she closed her mouth, though she couldn't entirely hide the twitching of her lips.

  "How long would it take to repair this?" Bloodwraith asked. Haral glanced over the shield, checking the damage, then shrugged.

  "The enchantments are still solid, so it's a question of what you want. I could do a quick and dirty fix by later today. You want it fixed up nice, it'll take two or three."

  "Let's... go with the latter."

  Before he could think better of his kindness, Bloodwraith focused on negotiating the price. In the end he was left with a mere 26 silvers and no piece of equipment at all, but hopefully it would be worth it in the end.

  As they left the shop, he glanced to Meara, who was mercifully silent on the subject. "Did you learn anything from him?"

  "Just rumors and a few similar pieces. But even that helped me think about this clearer - I don't think I can just sit down and see the shape of everything, I need more to work with. Haral is going to ask around a bit, so I could get more leads from him. If I get close, I'm sure I can narrow it down with quest instinct."

  "Any chance that could bring any suspicion back to us?"

  "I don't see how it could. It's Haral's job to focus on armor, so a few questions won't be out of the ordinary." Meara walked closer to him and lowered her voice. "How likely to do you think it is that Daek will attack you again? He hasn't made a second attempt."

  Bloodwraith shook his head. "I'm not sure. When his initial attempt failed, he might have decided that he needed something more elaborate. But I can't believe he just forgot about what happened."

  "There's also the fact that he only targeted you."

  "Right. We're still lacking information."

  They kept speaking about the matter obliquely on their way to the Adventurers Guild. Part of Bloodwraith wanted to just resolve things by confronting Daek directly, but he knew that would be foolish. There was little chance that the confrontation would end peacefully, and almost no chance that he could survive an encounter with a Level 19 fighter.

  Of course, even if Daek had been Level 0, he was still the ruler of Cresthaven's underworld. It was easy to forget amid all the boxes and points, but that was a kind of power that mattered just as much as personal strength. If he wanted a chance against Daek, he'd need to think more flexibly as well...

  Though Bloodwraith had a number of ideas, he didn't come up with any real plan before they reached the Guild. Inside, he found Danniah eagerly waiting beside the wall of requests. She looked so happy to see him, he was relieved that Meara hadn't made an issue of it - if he'd gone with the backup plan of just not meeting with Danniah, she would probably have been crushed.

  He'd expected Meara to disappear again, but to her surprise, she stepped forward. "Danniah! How are you?"

  "I'm doing great!" Danniah jumped forward to hug her. "You already know Raigar?"

  "Oh, yes, we're good friends. I was going to help him choose a quest today."

  Though Danniah seemed a little confused by that, she didn't press on it. Instead she chatted with Meara as they looked over the available requests. She also kept shooting glances back at Bloodwraith and blushing, which was honestly getting irritating. Getting past that stage was one of the best arguments for just having sex, as far as he was concerned.

  It seemed to take longer than before, but eventually Meara chose a paper and turned back to him. Though she had been laughing and smiling while talking to Danniah, she looked completely serious now. "I am almost entirely sure that this one will have another piece of equipment. But I'm not sure about the danger. It doesn't seem high, but... it might take a while. Go prepared."

  "Thanks, we'll keep that in mind."

  [Quest Accepted!

  Excavate the site of an ancient elven pool.

  Reward: 50 silvers]

  Bloodwraith frowned at the box, looked through to the paper, and discovered that it was accurate. Apparently a local historian wanted a location in a moderately dangerous region excavated, but wasn't willing to pay much for it, given the work involved. Requests like this were among the least respected and wanted in the Guild, which was why the paper was so old and yellowed.

  "Is this request even still valid?"

  Meara shrugged. "It may not be, but... let's just say I feel like you should put in the effort."

  "Then we'll give it a shot. Are you ready to go, Danniah?"

  "Of course I am!" She hefted her battered shield and moved closer to him, grinning. "This is going to be so much fun!"

  Taking a deep breath, Bloodwraith desperately hoped this wasn't a mistake.

  ~ ~ ~

  It took them until the next day to actually depart for the alleged excavation site. Most annoyingly, the Guild declared that they couldn't go alone, instead requiring adventurers with expertise on elven sites to join them. Three were available and agreed to meet them at the site itself, but that meant that the meager reward was being split even further.

  10 silvers for what might be several days of dangerous work was hardly what adventurers were used to, so it was no surprise that no one had taken this quest in so long. Bloodwraith actually spent more than 10 silvers on various preparations, and considering the cost of potions and equipment repair, it might not even pay for itself. If not for Meara's recommendation, he never would have accepted the quest.

  But regardless, he ended up marching out of Cresthaven toward the unprofitable site, Danniah happily skipping along beside him.

  "What do you think they want with the pool? Could it be magical?"

  Bloodwraith shrugged. "The request didn't say. It might have just historical significance."

  "That's true, a lot of elves care about that sort of thing. But I feel like there are a bunch of lost ruins around here, so you'd think they wouldn't care unless there was something important about it."

  "The reward suggests they don't care much."

  "Haha, that's true!" Danniah kept talking happily, and to his surprise it wasn't frustrating or awkward. She didn't spend time staring at him, she mostly just seemed happy to be adventuring together with someone again. Reading between the lines, he thought that she had been lonely without a party of adventurers.

  If she wasn't the most scintillating conversationalist, she was at least reasonable. After lifetimes finding most
people intolerable, Bloodwraith could accept that. He did find himself wondering if it was possible to increase her statistics, though. Presumably ordinary people didn't receive unassigned points as he did, so perhaps certain attributes were fixed.

  Curious, he examined Danniah more carefully while she kept talking.

  [Name: Danniah

  Race: Half-Human/Half-Dwarf

  Class: Warrior

  Health: 201/201

  Mana: 0/0

  Stamina: 157/157

  Level: 8

  EXP: ???

  Affection: 91/100 (Passion)


  Might: 20

  Vitality: 31

  Quickness: 14

  Intellect: 9

  Charisma: 14

  Willpower: 18

  Wisdom: 8

  Luck: 10

  Piety: 12

  Skills: Defend (8), Shield Bash (4), ???

  Proficiencies: Heavy Armor, Heavy Shield, Mace, ???

  Inventory: ???]

  Not all information was available, which didn't entirely surprise him. The box only listed skills that he knew she possessed, but she presumably had others. And he had no idea what all she was carrying in her pack, so it made sense that it would be unlisted. But it struck him as odd that the box would give her a level, but no information about EXP.

  Because he wasn't able to evaluate her progress, or because she didn't collect "points" at all? The reason Raigar had been able to grow powerful so quickly was that he grew both normally and via the deaths of his enemies, finishing quests, and other arbitrary requirements. But was EXP just an approximation of development that the box gods cheated, or something else entirely?

  Bloodwraith chose to entirely ignore the "Affection" section and its absurd label.

  Regardless, it seemed as though Danniah had been getting stronger, and he presumed the changes were due to normal growth. Her Health and Vitality continued to be greater than his, despite his swift growth. Curiously, her "Intellect" had risen by 1 - if the number represented raw intelligence, how could such a thing be? He wasn't going to complain, in any case.


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