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TAKING TERRY: MM Shifter MPREG Gay Romance (The Alpha To His Omega Book 1)

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by Bonnar King

  “I love you, too,” I said, as Tucker’s strong, masculine scent comforted me like a blanket.

  I felt so safe, and for the first time in my life, I also felt like I belonged somewhere. I belonged with Tucker.

  We kissed one another and cuddled before falling asleep together, and I knew that this time, he wouldn’t leave.

  Chapter 13: Terry

  The next day when I awoke, Tucker was still asleep. I didn’t want to disturb his sleep, so I hopped out of bed as silently as possible. I definitely felt different but in a good way. I felt so positive and didn’t have a care in the world. When I looked in the mirror to brush my teeth, I could tell that I had a glowing complexion, almost as if I’d exfoliated or had a facial.

  I didn’t know what feeling pregnant felt like, but I just knew that I was pregnant, but so soon? Although a normal pregnancy wouldn’t show so soon, and you usually should feel like crap initially, this was a completely different ball game.

  I stood in front of the large mirror, touching my abdomen, thinking about a baby cub growing inside of me. I had wanted to be a father for so long, and the fact that it was finally going to happen, and I’d be the one to give birth to it, was so overwhelming, that tears of joy began to roll down my face.

  Tucker has woken up, but I had not noticed. He stood behind me as I looked in the mirror.

  “Good morning, Terry. Are you okay?” Tucker asked, as he put his arms around my waist and kissed my neck.

  “I feel great, Tucker. I feel different,” I said, rubbing my abdomen.

  “Shifter babies are born at a different rate than regular human babies. What you’re feeling is completely normal. I don’t want you to be afraid of anything because I’m right here with you every step of the way,” Tucker said, as he hugged me from behind while looking at me in the mirror.

  I turned around and hugged him back.

  “If you’re here with me, I feel like I can handle anything life throws my way,” I said.

  “I’m not going anywhere, Terry. The man that I love is carrying my child inside of him. Our child. This is one of the greatest days of my life.”

  A few months had passed since I found out I was pregnant, and a lot had changed in my life. My baby bump was now showing, which Tucker and I were absolutely obsessed with touching and stroking the bump. We didn’t want to know if it was a boy or a girl, or even twins, or maybe even more. We just wanted to make sure that the child was healthy and in a loving environment, which was I moved out of the hustle and bustle of the big city, and I moved to the country with Tucker. I had grown to love the lifestyle, and the big open landscape here, which would be perfect for raising a child.

  I hadn’t cut off from my city life altogether, as I still had my job at the magazine, but had worked out a way to work remotely, and only needed to go into the office once a week for the team meetings. Ah, the wonders of the internet.

  Another major change was my diet. I actually had an appetite now, because I was eating for more than one, which Tucker found fascinating. He’d constantly buy me the tastiest food, and take me to the best restaurants, and make sure I cleaned off my entire plate. I’d often job that he was trying to fatten me up so he could eat me.

  I was loving my life, and I didn’t want anything to change.

  Chapter 14: Terry

  Tucker was working on his ranch, as he did every morning, while I typed my article on my laptop, sitting on the porch, with a glass of ice-cold homemade lemonade next to me. I had always hated lemonade, but since becoming pregnant, I couldn’t get enough of it. That wasn’t the only odd thing about my cravings. I’d been craving and eating things such as olives, grapefruit, and other bitter foods that I always hated.

  I was also incredibly horny. I mean, Tucker was super-hot and always got my blood flowing, but since I became pregnant, I was always jumping his bones, I didn’t know what had come over me, I was like a horny teenager again, only worse! Tucker would often joke that I was trying to fuck him to death. He wasn’t complaining though, he was still giving it to me good every day and night, but was careful, knowing that I was carrying a baby. So no ass-spanking and rough sex until after I gave birth.

  I had had almost finished typing my article when a Fed Ex van pulled up outside the house. The delivery man came to the door holding a small box. He looked momentarily at my baby bump in confusion, but was polite enough to avert his eyes, and go on as usual.

  “Good morning, can you sign for this package please?” He asked, handing me the package.

  I signed on his electronic device, and as he left, he turned around smiling. “Oh, by the way, congratulations on the pregnancy.”

  That caught me by surprise and caused me to blush.

  “Thank you,” I said, smiling ear to ear.

  I thought to myself, whatever could this package be? It had my name on it, so I knew it wasn’t meant for Tucker. I ripped open the box, which had a thick hardback book inside it, with a note.

  The note read:

  “Dear Terry,

  Thank you for the kick in the ass and the tough love you gave me. It was exactly what I needed in order to get off my ass and finish my book in record time. I am grateful for everything you did for me for all those years, and I’ll make it up to you one day.

  Yours sincerely,


  P. s. Congratulations on the baby.

  I was blown away by the gesture. Steve had finally done what I always knew he could. He had finished his book, which I couldn’t wait to read.

  Tucker would often get phone calls at the house, or stopped when we were out, by members of his old Wolfpack, who would ask him to come back to them. Tucker had toyed with the idea of going back for a while, because he missed his family of wolf shifters, and being an Alpha, he probably needed his omegas. I understood that, although it did sting a bit that I wasn’t able to fulfill him completely, and he had a missing part in his life, which I could not satisfy.

  It had come to the point where the visits and calls were getting to be too much for Tucker, so he decided to go the bar that his old wolf pack would usually spend most of their time. He insisted that I go with him, because he said this would be a friendly visit, and there was no danger of things getting out of hand.

  I was nervous to go with him, but I wanted to be a supportive partner. He held my hand as we walked into the bar. Suddenly, everyone stopped talking, and they looked at us. Surprisingly, there were no dirty looks, but all smiles, as we walked towards the end of the bar where Joe was sitting.

  As soon as Joe saw the two of us, he got up to his feet and walked over, with a warm smile. He hugged Tucker and then he even hugged me, which I didn’t expect.

  “I’m so happy you’re here. We’ve been expecting you,” said Joe.

  Tucker interrupted him. “Joe, it’s not what you think. I’m not here to take back leadership or join back up again. Please don’t take this as disrespect but as a sign of respect. I am absolutely flattered with all the requests from you and the other members, but that life is behind me now, and I’m starting a new life Terry, and our unborn child. I hope you can understand.”

  “Oh. I’m sorry to hear that. If there’s anything you don’t like or something we can do to change your mind, please let us know,” said Joe.

  Tucker put his hand on Joe’s shoulder. “Joe, this is my decision, but you know, the wolf pack will always be a part of me. I know I can’t run this place if I have my own family now. It wouldn’t be fair to you guys, because I wouldn’t be able to focus my time on things over here, which is why I know the wolf pack is in very capable hands with you, Joe. You are the Alpha of this pack. I believe in you.”

  “Thank you, Tucker. This means so much to me. You know you’re always welcome here. Both of you,” said Joe, as he looked at me with his eyes welling up with emotion.

  We stayed at the bar for a while, eat some nice food, and chatted with Tucker’s friends. Everyone was so warm and supportive of our relationship, and it was j
ust an all-around nice atmosphere. No toxic bitchiness.

  On the drive home, I still couldn’t get over the sacrifice that Tucker had made for us, and I felt the need to say something. This pack was part of his life, and I didn’t want to be the reason he couldn’t be with them. In his wolf form, he’d often howl at the moon alone, and I felt so bad for him.

  “Tucker, I don’t want you to not go back to the pack because of me. You deserve to be happy, too. And it breaks my heart to see you howling at the moon alone. I know that you’re an Alpha, a born leader, so you need to be with your omegas,” I said.

  Tucker took my hand in his. “I don’t need any other omega when I have you, Terry. You’re all that I need. You and our child make me happier than I could have ever imagined.”

  “Are you sure?” I asked.

  “Yes, Terry. One-hundred percent sure. And as for the lone howling, I won’t be alone for long. Not once our children are born,” Tucker smiled.

  Suddenly I felt a strong sensation in my stomach.

  “Oh my god, Tucker. The baby just kicked,” I yelled.

  Tucker pulled over on the side of the road, and placed his hand on my stomach, to feel for himself.

  The baby kicked once again. Paused, and then a few more times. It was definitely an active and healthy baby, which was a huge relief to me.

  “Wow, this is so amazing. Absolutely amazing,” said Tucker, as he placed his ear next to the baby in the womb.

  Tucker looked at me with loving eyes and took my hands in his.

  “Terry, I know we may have some challenges and obstacles to face in the future, but I need you to know that you don’t have to face them alone. I am right here with you. I am here for you and our child. Forever.”

  In that moment, I knew that we’d be just fine. And whatever problems we may face, we’d be facing them together.

  Together, as a family.



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