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The Changeling (Book One of The Síofra Chronicles)

Page 21

by K. R. Wilburn

  "I met him before my first trip here," I explained. "There was no Otherworld magic on my soul yet. He is the one thing I have in my life right now that is uncomplicated and easy. I know exactly what I get with him, and even if my heart doesn't beat out of my chest with his kisses like it does with yours, I know where I stand. Are you willing to give me that?"

  "I can't right now," he said hoarsely. His eyes were shadowed, pained. He was holding himself back again, and I felt a stab of sorrow.

  "I didn't think so,” I said sadly.

  It was hard to walk away. My body tried to rebel, my shaky legs wanting to stay there with him, but I had my pride. How many more times did I have to be told he didn't want me?

  Always one more time, my heart whispered to me.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  "You look amazing," Dom said appreciatively, pressing a kiss to my cheek as I opened the door for him.

  He had wanted to take me out on a real date instead of hanging around his apartment, eating crappy food, and watching television, and I’d agreed. I needed to get out and keep my mind occupied. The icy stare of my nightmare creature had been taunting me since I had saved the other Síofra from him, and I desperately wanted a distraction.

  I glanced down at the outfit I had purloined from Becca's closet and smiled. We weren't exactly okay yet, but asking for help with my clothes had opened a door between us again, and I knew we would be fine. Decembers in Northern California were generally mild, so I’d topped the glittering tank top she had lent me with a cream-colored blazer, skinny jeans, and a pair of flats from my own closet. It was pretty dressy for me, and going through the effort signaled to both Becca and myself that I was ready to put forth some effort with Dom. Now that I knew the door to anything between me and Aleksander was locked tight, I was ready to move forward. At least I hoped so.

  "You don't look so bad yourself," I grinned at him. His soft blue sweater hugged his shoulders and his chest and matched the dark sapphire of his eyes. "Just give me a second to grab my purse." I snatched the bag off the hook by the door and stepped outside, closing the door behind us.

  He smiled at me and tenderly cupped my face between his hands, pressing a light, teasing kiss to my lips. I held my body perfectly still and willed myself to feel a spark in his kiss. I didn't, but it was pleasant, and that was good enough to start, I told myself.

  "What was that for?"

  "Ease the tension. Now we can skip past the awkwardness at the end of the night where we stand in front of your door and I wonder, ‘Should I kiss her? Does she want me to kiss her? Did she have the scampi at dinner?’"

  I laughed and twined my fingers around his. "I don't like scampi.”

  "Well that's good because we're going for sushi. They make an amazing dragon roll, but I wouldn't trust them with pasta."

  I laughed and followed him down to his car.

  The restaurant was amazing and near the far side of campus. I didn't know how I had missed it before. It wasn't just a sushi place though. It was a Japanese steakhouse where they cooked all the food in front of you. The chef entertained us, spinning his utensils on his fingers and startling me when he turned a stack of sliced onions into a flaming volcano. I almost jumped into Dom's lap.

  "Remind me to tip him well," he whispered, nuzzling my ear and making me laugh.

  "Remind me not to use so much hairspray next time," I laughed.

  Dom draped his arm over my shoulder and I tucked myself into his side, allowing myself to relax. It had been so long since I had felt completely at peace, so I granted myself permission to live in the moment alone, not giving in to guilt for pushing my friends away, not worrying about school, my family, or the monster stalking me in the dark. For the first time since Caroline died, I felt like I could breathe, and I was greedily gulping down the fresh air.

  "You look happy," Dom said, his fingers playing with a tendril of hair near my ear, twirling it around his fingers.

  "I am happy," I admitted with a sigh. "You have no idea how much I needed this."

  "Oh I think I've got an idea," he murmured.

  "You think you know me that well, do you?" I teased, my heart feeling light.

  "I know that I know you that well," he countered, a smile tugging at his lips. "You're an easy read, Cassie. When you're happy like you are now, you glow. When you're sad, your eyes darken until they look like emeralds glittering, and I would do anything to make you smile again. And when I kiss you, they're so bright they sparkle and you blush so prettily, like you are now."

  He leaned down to kiss me and I turned my face, letting his lips brush my cheeks.

  "Dom," I whispered, flushing. "There are too many people here. They'll stare."

  He glanced around the room, his eyes heated, and he grinned. "You're right," he said, standing up and pulling out his wallet. Tossing several bills on the table, he grabbed my hand and tugged me to my feet. "So let's get out of here then."

  I laughed as I followed him out of the restaurant and to his car.

  "It's a beautiful night," I grinned, pleased with the clear skies. It rarely ever snowed in Chico, but the night was pleasant with glittering stars and twinkling Christmas lights decorating the campus. "Why don't we take a walk?"

  "Are you sure?" he asked, putting his arms around my waist and squeezing me affectionately. "Because you seem cold. We could always head back to my place and watch some movies. Or go back to my place and not watch movies."

  I laughed and pushed him back. "It's not really cold and we always watch movies. Come on. I love Christmas. Let’s go look at the lights."

  He took my hand and pressed a kiss to my palm before twining fingers around mine. "If the lady wants Christmas lights, Christmas lights my lady shall have."

  We quietly strolled across the street to the campus walkway, basking in the moment. It was so peaceful for a Friday night. I knew there was some kind of bonfire going on in the quad, but I was happy sticking to the edges of campus with Dom. I could imagine Aleksander fuming, telling me I was being reckless, to stick to the light and be mindful of the danger.

  I felt a pang when I thought of him, so I shut it down quickly. I had promised Dom his shot and I was going to give it to him. I felt safe with him, knowing instinctively that he would protect me from any hidden nightmare creatures intent on devouring my soul.

  "Pick a star," he murmured, pulling me to a stop near a large field far from the lit walkways. The dark gave us a beautiful view of the bright stars dancing in the inky night sky.

  I smiled at him and shot him a quizzical look.

  "Trust me," he grinned, moving behind me, pulling me back against his chest. I could feel his heart beating through the thin sweater. This moment was perfect—he was perfect. So what was wrong with me, and why didn't I react to him the same way I did to Aleksander? Why couldn't I just once want the guy who wanted me back?

  "That one," I said, pointing to a large star glittering like a diamond.

  "That will be our star," he said softly in my ear, his breath tickling the sensitive skin, and I felt a pleasant shiver dance along my nerves. "No matter where you are, when you feel alone, I want you to look at that star and know that I'm standing under it with you. No matter where you are or what is going on, I will never let you feel alone again."

  I didn't deserve him. I felt a tear slide down my cheek and my chest burned. I was standing under a beautiful night sky with a man who cared about me, pining for the one who had refused my heart when it was freely offered to him.

  Dom would be hurt if he knew I was thinking of someone else, and I didn't want to hurt him. I was tired of running and I was tired of being alone. Part of me longed to have a grand romance, an all-consuming passion like Caroline and Erik had shared, but part of me was beginning to think it wasn't in the cards for me. My feelings would probably never burn for Dom as bright as the star I had chosen for us, but that star had burnt out long ago. We were staring at its ghost in the darkness.

  "Do you believe me?" he
asked quietly.

  I didn't hesitate. "I do," I said. "You've been my rock, Dom. I don't know what I would have done without you the last couple of weeks." I turned to face him, offering up a smile.

  "You'll never have to," he promised. "As long as you want me, Cassie, you have me."

  The wind kicked up, and an icy chill slid up my spine. I shivered, and Dom noticed immediately. My heart raced as I scanned the darkness, searching for anything out of place. I had a sudden terrifying vision of my nightmare creature running Dom to the ground, and I started to tremble uncontrollably.

  "Are you okay?" He frowned, running his hands briskly over my arms, trying to warm me.

  "Just cold," I replied, my teeth chattering. "The wind came out of nowhere. Maybe we should head back?"

  "I can keep you warm," he smiled suggestively, waggling his eyebrows at me.

  "I'm sure you can." I forced a laugh, tugging on his arm and dragging him back toward the lit walkways. "But so would getting someplace warmer instead of standing around in the dark."

  We made it to the walkway and the trembling increased. Dread crept up my spine, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

  "You're shaking," Dom argued, stopping and moving his arms around me, holding me close until the trembling subsided.

  I glanced up at his face and felt warmth and peace wash over me as he gazed at me, and I couldn't remember why I had been so scared.

  "I'm fine now," I murmured as he leaned down and nipped at my lips gently.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and rose to meet him, returning his kiss with an ardor I hadn't felt a moment ago. I had been so wrong about him. Of course I could love Dom. He was easy to love, with his gentle laughter and his easy charm.

  He pulled back and looked down at me, his eyes dancing as the gold ring flared, stretching and twisting, and a shock of recognition overtook me. Ice slid down my spine and I felt panic rising in my throat as I pushed away from him. Startled, he let his arms drop as he frowned at me.

  "Cassie?" he frowned. "What's wrong?"

  "Your eyes.” My heart beat frantically and my breath hitched in my throat. "What’s wrong with your eyes, Dom?"

  "What do you mean?" he asked, narrowing his eyes and watching me carefully.

  "There’s something strange about the color. It’s like they changed color entirely for a minute. And what’s wrong with your pupils, Dom? That’s not natural." My voice shook with fear, and the corners of his mouth tilted up slightly.

  "The eyes are the windows to the soul, Cassie. They tell you who you really are, but you already knew that, didn't you?" he said calmly, his voice like honeyed velvet as he moved closer to me, and in that moment, I knew.

  "You're the Erlking. " Time slowed down as he chuckled.

  "I'm the Erlking," he confirmed, smiling wide. "And you're a Síofra. I can smell it on you. You smell positively mouthwatering."

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  "Why?" I demanded, my adrenaline rushing as I backed away from him. "Why play games with me? Why not just take my soul and spare us both the head games?"

  A sly smile stretched across his face as he dropped his glamour completely. His oddly shaped tawny eyes gleamed. "Your soul would have tried to resist. If you wanted me, felt a connection to me, it would have slipped right out of that pretty little body of yours and I wouldn't have to waste any of it."

  I glared at him and stopped moving. "So what happened to Caroline, Dom? Because I know damn well she didn't want you." Caroline was too in love with Erik to ever fall for Dom's douchetastic charm like I had. She would have seen through him in an instant. Not like me.

  He shrugged nonchalantly. "She wasn't interested. When Fae fall, they fall for eternity, and she was already long gone. So I did what anyone would do in my position. I ripped the soul from her chest and took what I could."

  I saw red, rage blossoming in my chest and spilling out of my body in a terrible scream as I charged him, slamming my body into his and sending us both tumbling into the pavement. He laughed as I straddled his chest and swung wildly at his face, feeling a sick sort of glee when I heard the fleshy crack as my fist connected with his nose.

  "You bastard!" I screamed. "You killed her!"

  I plunged my fist into his face again and again as he sputtered, blood streaming from his nose as he laughed at me, fueling my rage. I drew back my fist to hit him again, but he caught my wrists in his hands. In an instant, he lifted his hips and rolled so that I was trapped underneath him, his hands pinning my wrists to the ground. He grinned at me, blood staining his teeth red and dripping from his lips, splattering against my cheek. I twisted my head to the side and bucked wildly, trying to force him off of me, my heart speeding up as fear colored the rage.

  He forced my hands above my head and grasped them firmly in one hand as the other grasped my face. He ran his tongue over my cheek, lapping up the spilled blood, and I cringed away from him, disgust rolling through me before I felt his hot breath as he whispered in my ear.

  "I did, little changeling. I killed her, and I enjoyed it. But don't be jealous. I'm going to enjoy tasting you so much more. I never lied about wanting you for myself," he said, his voice low and rumbling. "I had every intention of taking you to bed and showing you a good time before I took your soul, maybe even keeping you around for a while. Mortals are so boring, and it gets exhausting wasting my magic on glamours to hide from them. But it’s not too late, Cassie. Stay with me a while. Keep me company. Amuse me..." His hand slid down my face and neck, resting on the curve of my breast as he pinched viciously. I cried out angrily.

  I had to get out of this. Killing me would be bad enough, but I would be damned if I would let him touch me again. He pulled his hand back up to my face, jerking my chin and forcing me to look at him. His pupils were so dilated that his eyes looked black, full of empty nothingness. The eyes from my nightmare bored into mine and I gasped in recognition. Dom took advantage and brutally crushed his lips to mine, thrusting his tongue in my mouth and making me gag. I bit down on his tongue and tasted blood as he yelled and lurched back.

  He grinned at me, and I glared at him in return, my face defiant. I wasn’t going to give him anything. I held his gaze unflinchingly, even when I saw his fist come crashing down on my face. Pain burst through my resolve, dazing me and leaving me seeing stars. I gasped and tried to breathe through the pain as he released me and stood suddenly. I rolled to my side, dizzy and struggling to gather the pieces of myself enough to make a run for it when he grasped my upper arm and hauled me to my feet next to him.

  "Oh I'm going to enjoy this, Cassie. I'm going to strip you bare and take everything from you until you beg me to kill you just to make it stop," he said cruelly, dragging me to my feet and wrapping his arm around my waist. I squirmed and tried to move away, and he dug his fingers into my side. I gasped at the pain while he smiled wide at me. "You Fae always thought you were so much better than us, but who’s running the show now? I’m going to enjoy breaking you."

  "Go to hell," I spat. "I'm not going anywhere with you." I struggled and felt his fingers digging in again, twisting the flesh painfully. I tried to remember what Elliott had taught me about self-defense, focusing on his voice in my head. I drove my elbow into his gut as hard as I could and he doubled over in pain next to me.

  Not wasting a moment, I sprinted across campus. I needed to get to the quad. I had to get to the safety of the crowds and scream my fool head off until someone paid attention to what was going on. Dom couldn't drag me off in front of the crowds.

  I could see the lights in the distance, and I pushed harder, putting on a burst of speed. I was going to get away! I was going to get away and then I was going to make sure Dom was locked away for the rest of his unnaturally long life.

  I ran around the arts building and felt a weight slam into my back, sending me tumbling into the pavement. Pain racked my body, and I rolled on my back, coughing and gasping for air.

  "You stupid bitch," Dom
chortled as he stood over me. "Why can't you ever do things the easy way? Why do you have to make things so hard on yourself? It would have been easy. You wouldn't have felt anything. It could have been as painless as falling asleep, but no. No, you have to have it the hard way!"

  Fire shot through my chest as he delivered a vicious kick to my midsection. I screamed and tried to curl into a ball, desperate to protect myself as he continued to rain blows down on me.

  Pain tore through my scalp as he reached down, grabbing me by the hair and dragging me to my feet. I cried out loud and he clasped his hand over my mouth, muffling the sound.

  "Don't make this harder than it has to be, Cassie," he pleaded, his breath ragged and his eyes still strangely dilated with excitement. "I'll have your soul one way or another, but it'll be better for both of us if you give it up to me willingly. Give yourself to me. You’re mine either way."

  Tears flowed over my bruised and tender cheeks and I nodded, desperate to make the pain stop. Drifting off to sleep sounded so good at that moment, and I was ashamed at what I would be willing to give to make the pain stop.

  Grabbing my arm roughly, he dragged me around the side of the building, heading for the far side of campus and his apartment. His hands were digging into the tender flesh of my arm and I felt exhaustion and defeat wash over me,

  I'm so sorry Aleksander, I sobbed quietly as I thought of his beautiful green eyes. I would never see him again. Never get to tell him I was sorry for the horrible way I had treated him. That he was right the whole time.

  A new pain, more terrible than the physical wounds, bloomed in my chest, and I cried harder. He would be so ashamed of me for giving up. The thought burned in my chest, breathing life back into me. I couldn't bear the thought of Aleksander's face when Queen Titania told him my soul was lost. He would blame himself, and he didn't deserve a moment of guilt because I was too thickheaded to listen.

  I couldn't allow that. I couldn't let Aleksander hurt any more than he already did. He didn't need to carry around guilt for me on top of everything else. I just needed to find a way out of this. Aleksander had told me what to do. He told me that the Erlking was devious, evil to the core, and I needed to find a way to wash it away.


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